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Plasma injection doctors in Hurghada

Enjoy magic results of Plasma injections for the face, and plasma injections for the hair, with the best plasma injection doctors in Hurghada.

Plasma injection (PRP) is a huge leap in the field of medicine, as it has proven its effectiveness and impressive results in many cosmetic treatments, such as plasma injections for the face or plasma injections for the hair, as it improves skin quality and increases hair density, but you must choose the best plasma injection doctors in Hurghada. Nadara Clinic provides the best doctors for facial plasma injections in Hurghada to eliminate wrinkles and signs of aging, as well as stimulate collagen and elastin for cell regeneration. Which increases skin elasticity and freshness,

In addition to the presence of the best hair plasma injection doctors in Hurghada. Plasma stimulates hair follicles, increases hair density, and treats hair loss. Nadara Clinic is distinguished by the presence of the best plastic surgeon in Hurghada who holds the highest certificates in cosmetic injections as well as with practical experience. In this article, we will tell you all the information about plasma injection doctors for the face in Hurghada, as well as plasma injection doctors for hair in Hurghada.

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What is platelet-rich plasma injection?

Contents show

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injection is a non-surgical cosmetic procedure that targets nourishing the skin as well as the hair cortex, which works to improve the appearance of the skin, hide wrinkles, and increase hair density. The plasma injection technique in Hurghada depends on taking a sample of the patient's blood, then the platelet-rich plasma is separated from the rest of the blood using a centrifuge machine. The rich plasma is then injected With platelets (PRP) for the patient using very thin needles, whether it is a plasma injection for the face or a plasma injection for the hair.

Plasma also contains platelets, as well as minerals, vitamins and proteins. But you may need more than one plasma injection session, and this is determined by the plasma injection doctor in Hurghada. Therefore, this procedure must be performed by the best plasma injection doctors in Hurghada at the Nadara Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetic Center.

Advantages of plasma filler or bio filler

  • An effective and safe procedure.
  • There are no surgical risks of anesthesia, bleeding or pain.
  • It doesn't take time.
  • It does not cause an allergic reaction because it is from the patient's own body.
  • A very short recovery period compared to plastic surgery, as you can return to normal daily activities.
  • Long lasting results.

The best plasma injection doctors in Hurghada

Plasma injection doctors in Hurghada use plasma in many cosmetic treatments, as it has many benefits for the skin and hair, stimulates collagen, and improves skin quality and hair density. Therefore, it has many uses and benefits, but choose a doctor from the best doctors who provide plasma injection services in Hurghada, the Red Sea, whether for hair, plasma injections for the lips, plasma injections under the eyes, and so on. The doctor determines the goal of plasma injections in Hurghada at Nadara Clinic in order to determine the number of sessions and the number of plasma injections needed.

First: Facial plasma injection doctors in Hurghada

Plasma injection doctors in Hurghada
Plasma injection doctors in Hurghada

The face (PRP) is considered the place most exposed to several external factors that affect its quality, and with the passage of age, collagen production decreases, blood flow and nourishment of skin cells decreases. Therefore, plasma injection to the face in Hurghada is the best treatment, and it is also characterized by being a cosmetic injection drawn from the blood of the same patient. It is a non-surgical cosmetic procedure that aims to nourish the skin, increase its blood flow, and stimulate the production of collagen and elastin. One injection gets rid of wrinkles and a pale face, renews cells, gives the skin elasticity, fills cavities, and makes the skin more youthful, vibrant and fresh.

Benefits of plasma injections for the face in Hurghada

  • Nourishing the skin with minerals, vitamins and proteins.
  • Increase skin elasticity.
  • Increase skin smoothness.
  • Stimulating collagen and elastin production.
  • Eliminate wrinkles and expression lines.
  • Filling skin cavities and intercellular cavities.
  • Regeneration of damaged cells or damaged tissues.
  • Unification of skin color.
  • Dark circles treatment.
  • Skin Tightening.
  • Facial scars removal And the effects of acne.
  • Getting rid of pigmentation.

The ideal candidate for facial plasma injections in Hurghada

As we mentioned, plasma injection is considered a safe procedure and everyone can perform it, but only after consulting the best facial plasma injection doctors in Hurghada. The most important candidates are:

  • Those who show signs of aging, such as sagging skin, wrinkles, and fine lines.
  • Who has scars or acne effects.
  • The presence of many skin defects.
  • The presence of pigmentation and uneven skin tone.
  • It is not recommended for those who suffer from chronic diseases or take certain medications, as well as pregnant and breastfeeding women. They must consult a plasma injection doctor in Hurghada first.

How to choose the best facial plasma injection doctors in Hurghada

Plasma injection is considered a non-surgical cosmetic procedure, so it requires a plastic surgeon with experience and certificates in cosmetic injections. He must also have practical experience and good reputation. This is not limited to the doctor who injects plasma into the face only, but a suitable place must be chosen to perform the injection. You can have it performed in a hospital, clinic, or equipped medical center. Therefore, the injections can be performed with the best facial plasma injections in Hurghada at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology. It is considered the best clinic for facial plasma injections. No more wrinkles and a pale face with facial plasma injections at Nadara Clinic.

Search for Nadara website or the clinic’s page on social media and see patient reviews on the services and plasma injection doctors. You can also learn from the comments the extent of patients’ satisfaction with the therapeutic and cosmetic services at Nadara Clinic. Nadara Clinic and if you are a resident of the Red Sea Governorate, such as Hurghada or... Ras Gharib city You can search for the most famous doctors, doctors and medical centers in your area online. You can visit the clinic and its address is Al-Nasr Main Street, above the Engineers Syndicate, in front of Al-Kahf Street, the Red Sea.

During the first consultation with facial plasma injection doctors in Hurghada

  • The facial plasma injection doctor in Hurghada will ask you about your medical history and whether you suffer from any diseases or take medications.
  • The doctor examines your skin condition to determine skin problems, target injection areas, and the number of sessions needed.
  • The doctor will tell you about the facial plasma injection procedure and its side effects.
  • During the first consultation, you can ask the facial plasma injection doctor in Hurghada all the questions that you have without embarrassment.

Instructions from plasma injection doctors in Hurghada before injection

  • Avoid exposure of the skin to sunlight.
  • Do not apply products and creams to the skin before the session.
  • Avoid applying cosmetic products and cosmetics to the skin.
  • Stop smoking.
  • Hair should not be removed at least a week or 10 days before the session.

Steps to perform facial plasma injections in Hurghada

  1. First, a sample of the patient's blood is drawn, as a small sample of your blood may affect your beauty and is often taken from a vein.
  2. The centrifuge is used to purify platelet-rich plasma from the blood.
  3. After plasma separation, the plasma is purified to get rid of any impurities and processed in preparation for facial injections.
  4. The doctor may apply local anesthesia to the area that will be injected.
  5. Plasma injection doctors in Hurghada at the Nadara Clinic use thin injections to inject plasma into identified places on the face.
  6. The plasma injection doctor in Hurghada massages the area that was injected until the plasma spreads evenly.
  7. In the end, the plastic surgeon will provide you with instructions to achieve impressive results and will also schedule the next session to evaluate the results.

Side effects after facial plasma injections in Hurghada

After the facial plasma injection doctors in Hurghada perform the facial plasma injection procedure, you will feel some swelling as well as irritation and redness of the skin. But they are normal symptoms and disappear within hours if you follow the instructions of the plastic surgeon at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology in Hurghada and the Red Sea.

Instructions from plasma injection doctors in Hurghada after facial injections
  • Avoid exposing the face to the sun.
  • Do not touch the skin.
  • Take the medications prescribed by the doctor for facial plasma injections in Hurghada, such as painkillers or antibiotics.
  • Avoid applying creams or beauty products to the skin.
  • Wear wide-necked clothing so that it does not rub against the face.
  • Drink sufficient amounts of water.
  • Avoid heat, hot water and sauna.
  • Avoid removing facial hair after the session.

Results of facial plasma injections in Hurghada

You will get fresh skin, free of wrinkles, fine lines, sagging face, and a uniform color. Results will appear after the temporary side effects disappear within a week or two. It continues to improve with increased stimulation of collagen production, which reduces the effects of scars, makes the skin softer and more vibrant, and eliminates pigmentation. But you may need more than one session to achieve the result you want, depending on the condition of each skin. This is determined by the facial plasma injection doctors in Hurghada, as well as according to the patient’s body’s response to the treatment.

Prices of plasma injections for the face in Hurghada

The prices of plasma injections for the face in Hurghada vary according to several factors, but you can redeem from offers of plasma injections for the face at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology in Hurghada and the Red Sea. Factors that affect the cost of facial plasma injections in Hurghada include:

  • Skin condition and the problems it faces.
  • Number of facial plasma injection sessions.
  • Certificates and experience of the plasma injection doctor in Hurghada.
  • The location and reputation of the hospital, clinic or medical center.
  • Evaluations of services at the center or clinic.
  • Procedures that are included in plasma injection prices, which include:
  • Initial detection.
  • Blood analysis.
  • Need for anesthesia.
  • Steps for preparing plasma, including drawing a sample and using a centrifuge, as well as treating the plasma and adding vitamins and nutrients.
  • In the event of other cosmetic procedures such as plasma hair injections, face lifts, or related cosmetic improvements to the face and neck. etc..

Second: Hair plasma injection doctors in Hurghada

Plasma injection (PRP) for hair is a non-surgical cosmetic procedure that aims to treat the scalp and nourish the hair follicles from the roots. It eliminates the need for hair transplantation and helps in getting rid of hair loss, as well as strengthening the hair follicle and stimulating hair growth. The technique of plasma injection for hair in Hurghada depends on extracting plasma from a sample of the patient's blood through a centrifuge that separates the platelets rich in plasma. It is then treated with vitamins and proteins that nourish the scalp and hair follicles and is then injected into the scalp again. Plasma contains cytokines that stimulate hair thinning areas on the scalp and restore hair growth. But you must choose the best hair plasma injection doctors in Hurghada in order to achieve the desired results.

 Benefits of plasma injections for hair in Hurghada

  • Treating hair loss and reducing the rate of hair loss.
  • Stimulating collagen production.
  • Increase the thickness of the roots of hair follicles.
  • Hair nutrition.
  • Treatment of hair split ends.
  • Premature hereditary baldness for women.
  • Strengthening hair with plasma.
  • Stimulate the growth of new hair follicles.
  • Plasma hair injection service is a therapeutic and cosmetic procedure that has many advantages, including:
  • Strengthening hair.
  • Increase hair density.
  • Getting rid of oily dandruff.
  • Hair plasma injection is used during hair transplantation operations to avoid complications of the procedure and accelerate wound healing and the appearance of results.

The ideal candidate for hair plasma injection in Hurghada

Plasma hair injection is considered safe, so it can be performed on a large group of people, but you must consult the best hair plasma injection doctor in Hurghada to achieve the desired results. The most important candidates for hair injections with plasma are those who are in the first stage of hair loss and will need fewer sessions because they have active follicles. While those in advanced stages of hair loss will need more sessions to achieve healthy, natural-looking hair and show the results of plasma hair injections on them. So a blood sample will help you treat your hair loss.

How to find the best hair plasma injection doctors in Hurghada

You must choose the best hair plasma injection doctor in Hurghada. He may be a dermatologist or plastic surgeon with a good reputation and experience in hair plasma injection in Hurghada. In addition to the importance of having accredited certificates, as well as choosing a hospital, beauty clinic, or medical center with a good reputation and the latest equipment and technologies. Therefore, Nadara Clinic is the best clinic for hair plasma injections, as it has the best hair plasma injection doctors in the Red Sea.

You can visit the website of the Nadara Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetic Center in Hurghada and the Red Sea and search for patient reviews about the doctor’s service. You can also see before and after pictures of hair plasma injections to see the results with the best hair plasma injection doctors in Hurghada.

The first consultation with the hair plasma injection doctor in Hurghada

Hair is the crown of the head. It is not a saying, but a fact. Without hair, you will feel something lacking in your appearance and self-confidence. Therefore, you can treat hair loss, increase its density, and strengthen the follicles with the best hair plasma injection doctors in Hurghada at the Nadara Center. In the first consultation, the following will be done:

  • The hair plasma injection doctor in Hurghada will ask you about your medical history and any treatments you are taking or diseases you suffer from.
  • The doctor examines the condition of your hair, the area of the targeted area, and the rate of hair loss there.
  • The number of sessions required, the number of plasma injections into the hair, and the locations of plasma injections in the scalp are determined.
  • You can ask the hair plasma injection doctor at the Nadara Center in Hurghada about your goal for the injection, as well as any other questions you have.
  • The doctor will tell you how to perform plasma injections, side effects, and the recovery period.
  • You must follow the doctor’s instructions before injecting hair with plasma, as follows:
  • Avoid applying creams or products to the hair.
  • Stop taking blood thinners.
  • stop smoking.

How to inject plasma into hair in Hurghada

  1. The doctor draws a blood sample from the patient.
  2. Platelet-rich plasma is separated from the blood using a centrifuge.
  3. Plasma is purified from impurities and treated with vitamins and proteins.
  4. The plastic surgeon in Hurghada applies a local anesthetic to the scalp so that the patient does not feel any pain.
  5. The hair plasma injection doctor in Hurghada uses thin injections to inject plasma into the scalp in the places specified by the doctor.
  6. The doctor massages the scalp to ensure that the plasma spreads well in the areas of hair loss.
  7. Finally, the dermatologist in Hurghada determines the date of the next session.

Side effects after plasma injections for hair in Hurghada

You will feel some side effects, but you must follow the instructions of the plasma injection doctors in Hurghada in order for the recovery period to pass without complications. These side effects include pain, swelling of the areas that were injected, and itching.

Instructions from hair plasma injection doctors in Hurghada after the injection
  • Avoid washing your hair on the first day or as prescribed by your hair doctor.
  • Do not apply any creams or products to the head.
  • Avoid wearing clothing that puts pressure on the scalp.
  • Wear wide-necked clothing so that it does not rub against the scalp and hair.
  • Do not touch the injection sites.
  • Avoid itchy scalp.
  • Drink appropriate amounts of water.
  • Follow a healthy diet rich in vitamins and minerals that are beneficial for hair health.
  • Do not expose the scalp to sunlight.

Expected results after hair plasma injection in Hurghada

The results of plasma injections into the hair will not appear immediately, but hair loss will gradually decrease two weeks after the first session. However, more than one session must be conducted, which may reach at least three sessions. The sessions should also be separated by 4 to 6 weeks, depending on the doctor’s assessment of the condition and the scalp’s response to the plasma. After completing hair plasma injection sessions in Hurghada, you will need confirmation sessions every six months.

The price of plasma injections for hair in Hurghada

The price of plasma injections in Hurghada varies from one patient to another depending on several factors, but you can benefit from offers from plasma injections for hair

At Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology in Hurghada and the Red Sea. It is considered one of the best clinics for hair plasma injections. The most important factors that affect the cost of hair plasma injections in Hurghada are the following:

  • Scalp condition.
  • Hair loss rate.
  • The area of the area where there is baldness or hair loss.
  • Number of hair plasma injection sessions required.
  • The reputation of the hair plasma injection doctor in Hurghada, the extent of his fame, and his certificates.
  • Beauty clinic equipment, reputation and location.
  • Patient evaluations of the clinic and the treating physician.
  • Plasma injection procedures for hair and what they include:
  • First consultation or initial examination.
  • Local anesthesia.
  • Plasma purification by centrifuge.
  • Follow-up after plasma injection.

Contraindications for plasma injection

  • Having chronic diseases.
  • Cancer.
  • Circulatory disorders.
  • Blood diseases.
  • Liver disease.
  • Thyroid disease.
  • Thrombocytopenia syndrome or weakness.

The best plasma injection clinic in Hurghada

Nadara Clinic is the best clinic for plasma injections for the face and hair in Hurghada, as it provides excellent service and you can read this in customer reviews. Nadara Clinic adopts the latest international technologies and is equipped with the latest safe and effective devices. In addition to having the best plastic surgeon and the best dermatologist in Hurghada, the Red Sea. The clinic is not limited to plasma injections for hair or face only, but also offers many therapeutic and cosmetic services. So you can treat all skin diseases and also treat all hair problems with the best Dermatologists in Hurghada At Nadara Clinic. You can also perform all cosmetic surgeries as well as cosmetic improvements to the face, neck, hair or entire body.

There are many cosmetic injection services and therapeutic services that are used in facial beautification, such as: Glutathione needles, Freshness needles for the face, Hyaluronic injection, Collagen for the skin. And there is also Botox injections for the face And face lift without surgery as well Botox to treat excessive sweating. also there is Filler injections for the faceNose filler, Cheek filler, Lip filler And filler under the eyes. In addition to the latest technologies such as chemical peeling, Facial stem cell injections hair stem cells, And facial fat injections.

There are also a group of laser services such as: Carbon dioxide laser Or fractional laser where it is used Fractional laser for the face. There are many uses of lasers, such as: Laser to lighten skin pigmentation, Removing the effects of wounds with a laserAnd treating hand wrinkles. You can also reshape the nose with laser or through fat injection, which reduces the nose without surgery.

You can treat skin problems such as removing warts and fish eyes. Men's oily skin treatment, Vitiligo treatment, And remove facial scars. After obtaining a more youthful and fresh face with plasma injections for the face and plasma injections for the hair, you can also obtain a slender figure and a harmonious body with the best weight loss doctor in Hurghada, where there are fat-dissolving needles. Carboxy, Mesotherapy injections for weight lossAnd body sculpting operations.

In addition to performing plastic surgeries with the best plastic surgery doctor, such as surgery Mole removal, Removal of birthmarksSurgery for deviated nasal septum, eyebrow transplantation, and facelift with threads. There is also the best plastic surgeon to perform many operations such as treating a deviated nose, Varicose veins treatment, And beautification of prominent ears. In addition to facial cosmetic surgeries such as Facelift, Eyebrow lift procedure, Chin augmentation, forehead reductionDouble chin removal, cheek liposuction, cheek slimming, eyelid tightening. In addition to treating facial veins Treating facial capillaries, And rhinoplasty.

In the end, just a sample of your blood and you will enjoy healthy skin and healthy, attractive hair with the best plasma injection doctors in Hurghada.


  1. How can I book an appointment with plasma injection doctors in Hurghada?

    You can contact us or send WhatsApp Book as soon as possible with the best plasma injection doctors for the face in Hurghada, the Red Sea, as well as the best plasma injection doctors for hair at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology.

  2. Do platelet-rich plasma injections treat hair loss?

    Yes, plasma injections treat hair loss, but about 3 sessions must be performed every month depending on each case, which helps in gradually reducing hair loss and stimulating the growth of new follicles.

  3. What is the difference between hair transplantation and hair plasma injection?

    Hair transplantation is a surgical procedure in which hair follicles are extracted and transplanted back into the scalp. While plasma injection is a non-surgical cosmetic procedure that depends on strengthening hair follicles, stimulating the growth of new hair follicles, treating fatty dandruff of the hair, and increasing the density and thickness of the hair follicles.

  4. After how many days will the plasma result appear?

    The results of the plasma injection will appear two weeks after the injection and after the recovery period has passed.

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