
Hair psoriasis treatment in Hurghada

Scalp psoriasis is an autoimmune disease, but we have the best hair psoriasis doctor in Hurghada at Nadara Clinic.

Immune diseases are among the diseases in which the patient searches for a final solution, including hair psoriasis, as it causes pain, white and silver scales, and an increased sense of itching as a result of scalp inflammation due to faster cell growth than the normal rate, but now you can treat hair psoriasis in Hurghada and all hair problems . It is located in Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology The best dermatologists in Hurghada and the Red Sea. Where there is a selection of the best doctors with scientific experience, certificates and qualifications, in addition to practical experience in treating many immune diseases that afflict many patients.

In addition, Nadara Clinic keeps pace with the latest treatments and technologies to treat all skin diseases, as well as providing the best cosmetic services. In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about hair psoriasis treatment in Hurghada at Nadara Clinic in order to get rid of psoriasis scales, as well as the itching and pain caused by scalp inflammation. You can also treat all hair problems at the Nadara Clinic.

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What is scalp psoriasis?

Scalp psoriasis is scalp psoriasis autoimmune disease. In the normal state, cells are renewed every 28 or 30 days, while in the scalp, cells are renewed every 3 or 4 days, as immune system disorders accelerate the growth of skin cells, and as a result, cells accumulate. This leads to the appearance of cells in the form of silver spots and sometimes red or swollen and scaly. Where cells are formed at a rapid rate and then accumulate and move to the surface of the skin.

Scalp psoriasis is also a chronic disease, but it is not contagious and is accompanied by dermatitis and itchy skin. In addition, there may be no pain at all and its severity varies from patient to patient. It may lead to hair loss but not complete baldness and may also be associated with psoriatic arthritis. But with Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology, you will get rid of psoriasis permanently.

Symptoms of scalp psoriasis

Symptoms of hair psoriasis vary from person to person. Among the most important symptoms that you may feel all or some of them, such as:

  • The appearance of patches on the scalp that may be thick.
  • The spots are slightly raised from the scalp.
  • redness of the scalp;
  • The appearance of inflammation in the scalp.
  • The appearance of white or silvery scales that you may think is normal dandruff.
  • The patch covers the entire scalp.
  • The scalp is itchy.
  • Burning sensation from time to time.
  • dry hair
  • hair loss
  • Bleeding sometimes.
  • Pain due to cracks and inflammation.
  • Inflammation, redness and scales do not go beyond the scalp as it reaches behind the ears and does not go beyond the hair area at all.

Causes of hair psoriasis

The exact cause of hair psoriasis is unknown. Dermatologists believe that scalp psoriasis is caused by an immune system disorder. Where a defect occurs that leads to the rapid growth of cells and their accumulation on top of each other until they reach the surface of the scalp. Which leads to redness and inflammation on the surface of the scalp and the appearance of a white or silver crust. However, there are factors that lead to this disorder and help the appearance of psoriasis, and they include:

  • Genes are passed down between families.
  • Excessive sun exposure.
  • Some medicines, such as malaria medicines and lithium medicines.
  • skin damage.
  • Stress.
  • Scalp infections or cuts and scrapes.
  • Thyroid disorders.
  • Dry or very cold climate.
  • People with infections such as enteritis or colitis.
  • Immune system disorders.
  • Obesity.
  • Heavy smoking or drinking alcohol.

Complications of scalp psoriasis

If you do not consult a doctor to treat psoriasis of hair, serious complications of the disease may occur and its symptoms may get worse, such as:

  • Large clumps of hair fall out.
  • severe crusting
  • More bleeding and pain from cracks and scratches as a result of itching and trying to remove the scales.

Diagnosed by a dermatologist at Nadara Clinic in Hurghada

As we mentioned, psoriasis is an autoimmune disease that requires an experienced and qualified dermatologist, so you must choose a reputable hospital, clinic, or medical center with excellent customer reviews. As choosing a place or a doctor who is not experienced may lead to serious complications. Therefore, you can visit Nadara Clinic Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetic, where there is the best integrated medical team of dermatologists and the best plastic surgeons. The dermatologist will start diagnosing the condition as follows:

  • The dermatologist will ask you about your medical history as well as your family history of psoriasis and any treatments or medications you take.
  • The doctor examines the condition of the scalp and may take a biopsy sample to be examined in the laboratory in order to accurately determine the type of disease and rule out any other diseases such as eczema.

Dermatologist instructions before scalp psoriasis treatment in Hurghada

In order to get the best result and get rid of psoriasis, you must follow the instructions of the dermatologist at Nadara Center for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology in Hurghada and the Red Sea. Among the most important of these instructions before treating psoriasis of hair in Hurghada are the following:

  • Avoid exposure of the scalp to the sun.
  • Take care not to put any creams or shampoos on the scalp so as not to increase infections.
  • Avoid trying to remove the crust.
  • Resist the itchy sensation in the head.
  • Do not perform any cosmetic procedures such as filler injections or plasmapheresis.
  • Stop smoking.
  • Avoid taking ibuprofen and aspirin so as not to increase blood flow.
  • Not taking nutritional or herbal supplements, as well as stopping taking vitamins.

Methods of hair psoriasis treatment in Hurghada

There are many ways to treat hair psoriasis in Hurghada at Nadara Clinic, but the best hair psoriasis doctors in Hurghada will determine the best method that suits your condition according to its severity. Among the most important methods of treating scalp psoriasis in Hurghada are:

First: treat scalp psoriasis with topical treatments

At the beginning of treatment, the doctor may use topical creams and ointments that contain substances that help treat scalp psoriasis, such as:

1- Retinoids: It is considered one of the effective treatments for hair psoriasis in Hurghada. It is in the form of a cream or gel. Tazorac and Avage are available from it. Where the doctor will describe to you how to use it, as it is placed on the scalp twice for two days, and you may feel some irritation, but its results are effective.

2- Vitamin D analogues: A psoriasis doctor in Hurghada may prescribe one of the vitamin D analogues, which inhibits the growth of skin cells. It is the most used types such as Dovonex and Sorilux as well. Vectical and causes less irritation in the target area compared to other treatments. In addition, it may be accompanied by some other treatments such as corticosteroids.

3- Corticosteroids: Your doctor will advise you to use a topical corticosteroid cream if you have moderate or mild psoriasis. It is considered an effective treatment for psoriasis of hair. It is also characterized by the presence of different forms of it, such as oils, creams or ointments, as well as in the form of gels, sprays or shampoos.

The best psoriasis treatment doctors in Hurghada at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology will tell you how to use it once a day or twice depending on the severity of the disease. In addition to the presence of different types of corticosteroids according to the severity of the disease, where there are mild corticosteroids such as (hydrocortisone) as well as strong corticosteroids such as Cormax, Trianex, or Temovate. However, it must be used under the supervision of Dr. Haldia, so that skin thinning does not occur due to excessive use or its effectiveness stops.

4- Salicylic acid: There is salicylic acid shampoo that is used effectively in the treatment of scalp psoriasis. In addition to the presence of different concentrations, as determined by the dermatologist at the Nadhra Center, which is appropriate for your condition. The doctor may also combine more than one treatment with salicylic acid.

5- Calcineurin inhibitors: Calcineurin inhibits the accumulation of skin cells and reduces scales, which helps reduce the symptoms of scalp psoriasis. It is characterized by being suitable for sensitive areas and of its types such as Protopic and Elidel, and it also treats inflammation caused by psoriasis of hair.

6- Coal tar: Using coal tar helps treat itching and inflammation, as well as psoriasis scales. It is available in more than one concentration according to the patient’s condition, as the best psoriasis treatment doctors in Hurghada determine the appropriate coal tar concentration. In addition, there are different forms of it, such as oil, cream, or shampoo. But you must bear the pungent smell of coal tar until you reach the final result, as it may lead to scalp irritation, and this is a temporary side effect.

Second: Treatment of hair psoriasis treatment in Hurghada using excimer laser

Laser is an effective treatment for many diseases, as there are many types of lasers to treat various diseases without surgical intervention. The efficiency and effectiveness of laser has been shown in the treatment of autoimmune diseases, where excimer laser is used in the treatment of psoriasis, vitiligo andAlopecia. Laser is also used in the treatment of acne, which is one of the most effective treatments for annoying acne. In addition to the use of different types of laser devices in laser hair removal.

The idea of excimer laser technology in treating scalp psoriasis with laser is based on shining ultraviolet rays with high concentrations aimed at suppressing the immune system. Which works to reduce the production of skin cells, which reduces their accumulation and inflammation of the scalp. However, the number of excimer laser sessions to treat psoriasis must be completed, which varies from person to person according to the patient's body's response to it. A patient with hair psoriasis often needs a number of sessions ranging from 4 to 10 sessions of laser scalp psoriasis treatment.

Steps to hair psoriasis treatment in Hurghada with laser

  1. The doctor cleans the scalp well before starting the Excimer laser session to treat psoriasis.
  2. The doctor wears protective glasses, as well as the patient, so that the rays do not affect his eyes.
  3. The psoriasis treatment doctor in Hurghada at Nadara Clinic uses an excimer laser device on the targeted area of the scalp.
  4. The duration of an excimer laser session at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology depends on each case, but it often ranges from 15 to 30 minutes.
  5. Finally, the psoriasis doctor in Hurghada will schedule the next session.
Side effects after treatment of hair psoriasis in Hurghada with excimer laser

You will feel some side effects after the end of the session, which may last for several days, but if you follow the instructions of the psoriasis treatment doctor in Hurghada at Nadara Clinic, it will end. These temporary side effects include:

  • redness of the scalp;
  • Feeling itchy
  • Feeling some pain.
The result of hair psoriasis treatment in Hurghada with excimer laser

The result of the excimer laser treatment of psoriasis will appear with the continuation of the sessions, as the laser rays will inhibit the increase in cell production at a rapid rate, which reduces psoriasis. And the final result will appear after conducting the number of excimer laser sessions necessary for your condition, as determined by the dermatologist at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology in Hurghada and the Red Sea.

Third: Other methods of phototherapy for hair psoriasis

Phototherapy for hair psoriasis is an effective and quick treatment compared to ointments and medications. It is also used to treat moderate to severe psoriasis. The dermatologist at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology may use medications with him according to the diagnosis of scalp psoriasis. However, phototherapy sessions must be completed as prescribed by the doctor in order to reach a final solution to psoriasis.

1- Broadband UVB

If the scalp does not respond to treatment with topical creams and ointments, the doctor will use a broadband UVB light. However, the best psoriasis treatment doctors in Hurghada must be chosen at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology in order to accurately determine the broadband doses of sunlight.

Its temporary side effects include itching, dryness and inflammation of the skin, but it works effectively in treating psoriasis patches and scalp psoriasis. You will often need 2 or 3 sessions per week for your psoriasis to improve. After treatment, it is used as a preventive measure to avoid the return of scalp psoriasis.

2- Ultraviolet A rays and solarin

Ultraviolet A light therapy is used in the most severe cases, where solarin is taken before the session, which absorbs the rays into the deep layers of the skin. This makes it more effective than broadband UVA because it penetrates deeper into the skin, which helps in faster and more effective treatment of scalp psoriasis.

3- Sunlight (heliotherapy)

 Sunlight is not always harmful for psoriasis. Where the treatment is sometimes done using useful sunlight, but with a consultation with a dermatologist for the appropriate time and duration of exposing the scalp to the sun. This reduces the symptoms of psoriasis.

4- Jokermann's treatment

 The Jokermann treatment is a treatment method in which the psoriasis doctor in Hurghada uses light therapy and charcoal together. The use of coal tar helps stimulate the skin to respond to the UVB treatment.

Side effects after treating hair psoriasis in Hurghada with phototherapy

You will feel some side effects after hair psoriasis treatment in Hurghada but it is temporary. But the doctor will prescribe treatments to reduce these side effects and instructions for coping with them. Among these effects are:

  • feeling sick
  • headache.
  • Burning sensation.
  • Feeling itchy
  • Skin dryness.
  • Increased sensitivity of the skin to sunlight.

Fourth: Medicines taken orally or by injection

A hair psoriasis treatment doctor in Hurghada may use Nadara Clinic in case of severe or moderate psoriasis that did not respond to the previous cases. Sometimes the medications are accompanied by one of the previous treatments, as determined by the best psoriasis doctors in Hurghada. These medications may be in the form of oral medications or injections. Among these medicines are:

  1. Retinoids: Retinoids are one of the effective treatments used in the treatment of psoriasis in Hurghada, such as Acitretin. Where it works to reduce the production of new cells and is used in the form of pills. But it may lead to side effects of dryness and muscle pain.
  2. Steroids: These may be taken as pills or injections with triamcinolone.
  3. Methotrexate: Methotrexate (Trexall) works by inhibiting the production of new skin cells, which reduces inflammation, and it is taken as one weekly oral dose. It is considered one of the treatments that cause temporary side effects such as fatigue as well as loss of appetite. However, care must be taken to follow up with a doctor who treats psoriasis and follow up on blood tests and kidney functions for the patient first and for their results. There is also a similar drug, cyclosporine (Sandimmune, Gengraf, Neoral), which also works to inhibit the symptoms of psoriasis and reduce the production of new cells.
  4. Vital medicines: Some vital medicines are used to stop the progression of the disease and improve the symptoms associated with it within weeks. There are many of these drugs that are approved for the treatment of scalp psoriasis in Hurghada. The most important of these are adalimumab (Humira), abremilast (Otezla), ustekinumab (Stelara), etanercept (Enbrel), goslimumab (Tremfya), infliximab (Remicade), tildrakizumab (Ilumya), secukinumab (Cosentyx), and certolizumab (Cimzia).

People who are not candidates for hair psoriasis treatment in Hurghada

You should choose a psoriasis doctor in Hurghada with experience and competence, as the treatment is accurate, and there are some cases for which it is not recommended to treat scalp psoriasis. Among these cases:

  • Pregnant women.
  • Lactating women.
  • who plan to become pregnant.

Advice for people with psoriasis of the scalp

  • Use a medicated shampoo after consulting a hair psoriasis doctor in Hurghada.
  • Avoid stress and nervous tension.
  • Avoid combing the hair too much, so as not to cause scratches and cracks that hurt you.
  • Consultation with a scalp psoriasis doctor in Hurghada about moisturizing creams to reduce itching and dryness.
  • The way to treat psoriasis requires patience and persistence until you reach your goal and get rid of scalp psoriasis.
  • You can wear hats and make them your own style so that you can handle freely, but choose types that do not irritate the scalp and do not cause sweating.

In the end, treating autoimmune diseases is one of the challenges that you have to be a strong warrior in treating and be patient. But the beginning of proper and fast treatment is by choosing the best psoriasis doctors in Hurghada so that you are on the right path of treatment and using methods that suit your condition. Therefore, the expertise of dermatologists will help you in the best skin clinic in Hurghada, which is Nadara Clinic for dermatology, laser and aesthetics in order to treat all hair problems.


  1. How can I book an appointment for hair psoriasis treatment in Hurghada?

    You can contact us or send WhatsApp And book the earliest time with the best dermatologists in Hurghada who specialize in treating scalp psoriasis at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Aesthetics.

  2. How do I get rid of psoriasis in the hair?

    You should consult a scalp psoriasis doctor in Hurghada at Nadara Clinic, where he will prescribe the appropriate treatment for your condition. It may start with creams and topical treatments, or treatment by excimer laser during regular sessions. There are also medications that he resorts to finally to get rid of psoriasis in the hair. In addition, there are shampoos that contain salicylic acid, but they must be used after consulting a dermatologist.

  3. Is there a final solution to psoriasis?

    There are many methods of treating hair psoriasis that work to control the disease and develop it, such as excimer laser sessions, which aim to inhibit the production of new cells, which reduces their accumulation and inflammation of the scalp. There are also effective topical treatments and creams, as well as ultraviolet phototherapy, but you should consult a dermatologist to choose what suits your condition.

  4. Is scalp psoriasis dangerous?

    Neglecting the treatment of psoriasis may lead to serious complications such as stroke, heart disease and inflammation of the arteries. Therefore, you should consult a hair psoriasis doctor in Hurghada at Nadara Clinic to get the appropriate treatment for your condition.

  5. Does psoriasis cause hair loss?

    Yes, it causes hair psoriasis to increase cell production at a faster rate than normal, as it is normal for cells to renew every 30 days, but in the case of psoriasis, they are renewed every 4 days. As a result, it accumulates and forms scales and a thick layer that leads to hair loss.

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