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Facial capillary treatment in Hurghada

Do you suffer from red lines or spider veins in the face? get the best Facial capillary treatment in Hurghada at Nadara Clinic.

The face is one of the areas that everyone seeks to appear with an attractive appearance free of skin problems and diseases, but the appearance of capillaries or spider veins is one of the things that distort the appearance of the face, but you do not need to worry anymore. Nadara Clinic provides you with the best facial capillaries treatment in .Hurghada. Besides, thin red and purple capillaries

The Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology in Hurghada and the Red Sea also has the best integrated medical team. The dermatologists and cosmetologists at Nadara Clinic are distinguished by their practical and scientific experience and high qualifications in facial capillaries treatment in Hurghada. Therefore, in this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about the causes of the appearance and how to treat capillaries on the face.

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What are the facial capillaries?

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Broken capillaries or Telangiectasia is the appearance of red or purple vessels from the Capillaries Significantly on the skin of the face. They are also called spider veins because they resemble a spider's web in its branches, but in fact the capillaries are torn. These thin capillaries also indicate weak blood vessels and are often seen in sensitive or dry skin.

It is also produced as a result of the expansion of thin blood veins and poor elasticity, especially for light skin, so it appears in the form of fine lines on the surface of the skin. One of the places where it appears most often in the face is in the cheek and around the nose. In addition to their appearance in other places of the body such as the neck, chest, and appear in the legs and are called varicose veins. Although it is painless, it distorts the appearance of the face and affects the patient psychologically, in addition to that it is preferable to get rid of it early so that it does not lead to permanent redness in the skin.

Reasons for the appearance of capillaries in the face

Capillaries appear in the face as a result of several factors, the most important of which are the following:

  • Hereditary genes.
  • Excessive sun exposure.
  • sudden weight gain
  • getting old.
  • Lack of drinking water.
  • skin thinning;
  • in case of pregnancy.
  • Radiation therapy.
  • Hot weather, which works to extend the capillaries.
  • sneezing and vomiting
  • Hormone disorder and hormonal treatments such as birth control pills.
  • Nose surgeries.
  • Decreased collagen in the skin with age.
  • Excessive use of certain medications, such as those containing cortisone or steroids.
  • Infection with some diseases such as rosacea or lupus and blood diseases as well eczema

Stages of capillaries

The best dermatologists have divided the stages of the appearance of broken capillaries and spider veins into four stages, which include the following:

  1. The first stage: staying in a hot place and exposure to one of the aforementioned factors causes irritation to the capillaries, so they expand and appear in the surface layer.
  2. The second stage: With time, the blood capillaries merge to a large extent with the capillaries adjacent to them, making them more prominent and clear under the skin.
  3. The third stage of the appearance of capillaries: the redness of the capillaries increases until they become permanent if they are not treated in earlier stages.
  4. The fourth stage: the capillaries affect the skin of the face, where white areas appear, which shows the capillaries more prominently than before.

Preparations before facial capillaries treatment in Hurghada

  • In order to be able to diagnose broken capillaries as well as spider veins in the face, you must choose a dermatologist with experience, competence and high certificates. At Nadara Clinic, you will find the best dermatologists and plastic surgeons for the treatment of prominent facial capillaries in Hurghada.
  • The dermatologist will look at the skin and check the broken capillaries.
  • You must inform the doctor of your medical history and if you are taking any medications or medications.
  • The plastic surgeon may ask you to do some tests to ensure that there is no pathological problem.
  • Follow the instructions of the plastic surgeon, such as:
  1. Avoid exposing the skin to sunlight for long periods.
  2. You must quit smoking.
  3. Avoid taking blood thinners such as aspirin and anti-inflammatory drugs.
  4. Stop taking vitamins, herbal and nutritional supplements.
  5. Avoid hair removal.
  6. Do not apply creams or cosmetics to the face.
  7. Keep your inner body hydrated by drinking enough water.

Methods of broken facial capillaries treatment in Hurghada

There are many options for facial capillaries treatment in Hurghada, but the plastic surgeon and dermatologist chooses the method that best suits your condition. Where the treatment differs from one patient to another depending on the stage reached by the capillaries, as well as the age and health of the patient. Among the most important of these methods are:

First: Retinoids

If you are in the early stages of the appearance of capillaries, then the dermatologist and cosmetologist may prescribe some topical medications and creams for you. Among the most important of them are retinoids, which are used to remove capillaries and blood veins in the face, as they aim to remove the surface layer of the skin. It has effective results, especially in the case of early intervention to treat the appearance of broken capillaries in the face.

Second: Laser treatment of capillaries in the face

Laser is used in many medical treatments due to its effective results and also because it eliminates the risks and complications of surgical operations. In addition, its results are fast and appear from the first session in most cases. The technology of laser treatment of spider veins in the hands and face depends on shining laser beams on the capillaries or reticular veins. Which works to target oxyhemoglobin in the blood. Hemoglobin absorbs heat from the laser energy.

Therefore, the bloody fluid turns into a solid and then is completely destroyed. In addition, the dermatologist at Nadara Center may combine more than one treatment with laser, such as Scaler and Therapy, in the treatment of red lines in the face, as well as removing capillaries and blood veins in the face. And with the overwhelming scientific development, different types of laser devices appeared that used to remove capillaries and blood veins in the face. Among the most important types of lasers used in the treatment of capillaries in the face, such as:

  • Yag nd laser.
  • Four-dimensional laser.
  • KTP laser.

Steps to treat broken capillaries in the face with laser

  1. The plastic surgeon sterilizes and cleans the face well with a medical solution.
  2. The dermatologist uses local anesthesia so that the patient does not feel any pain.
  3. A gel is placed on the face so that the laser device can slide over it easily.
  4. The doctor uses the Nd YAG laser or the KTP laser and shines the rays on the prominent blood veins.
  5. The gel is removed, then the doctor applies a soothing cream.
  6. In the end, the dermatologist sets the date for the next session, where the number of sessions of capillary removal from the face with laser that is suitable for your condition must be completed.

Side effects after removing facial capillaries and blood veins

After a session of the laser used in facial capillaries treatment in Hurghada, you will feel some side effects. But these effects will disappear within a short period of time. Among the most important of these effects are the following:

  • Swelling of the target area.
  • Bruising
  • Change in skin texture.
  • Skin inflammation.
  • Simple pain.
  • Slight redness.
  • Peeling of the epidermis.

The results of facial capillaries treatment in Hurghada

We also mentioned that the results of laser spider veins treatment appear quickly, and you will see the result clearly after the first session, but all sessions must be completed as determined by the dermatologist. The number of sessions varies according to each case from one to three sessions.

The number of sessions of broken capillary laser treatment

The number of capillary laser treatment sessions in Hurghada varies from person to person, but the dermatologist at Nadara Clinic in Hurghada will determine the number of sessions. The number of sessions often ranges from one to 3 sessions, depending on the stage of the capillaries, how old they are, their development, and the condition of the skin.

Third: Sclerotherapy to remove capillaries in the face

Sclerotherapy is used to treat the appearance of capillaries in the face in Hurghada. It is also called foam sclerotherapy, as it is considered one of the effective treatments, which is the oldest treatment for spider veins, as well as swollen capillaries in the face and hands. However, it is usually used in the treatment of retinal veins with a diameter of more than or equal to 3 mm, as it works to atrophy the capillaries prominent in the face and hands, and then restore blood flow in other healthy capillaries.

Where the sclerotherapy technique relies on injecting a chemical into the thin veins, which causes them to stick and shrink until they disappear. In addition to the emergence of modern techniques, including advanced ones called Micro Sclerotherapy, which relies on the use of a magnifying scope and a very small micro-needle. The dermatologist at Nadara Center may use the echocardiogram with sclerosed needles to treat deeper veins. VeinLite or Accuvein aura vision devices can also be used to achieve the best result with the latest technology.

Steps to treat spider veins of the face in Hurghada with sclerotherapy

  1. The skin is thoroughly cleansed and sterilized with a medical solution.
  2. The dermatologist puts a local anesthetic so that the patient does not feel any pain.
  3. Hurghada's facial capillary treatment doctor uses very fine, thin needles and injects the veins and spider web with foam, which shrinks and atrophies them.

Side effects after foam injection in Hurghada

Temporary scars will appear and disappear within days, following the instructions and advice of the capillary treatment doctor in Hurghada at the Nadara Clinic in Hurghada. These include symptoms such as:

  • Swelling of the area
  • Skin color changes.
  • Skin redness.
  • Simple pain.

Fourth: Treating the capillaries in the face with thermal frequency ironing

A minimally invasive procedure is one of the treatments available at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Aesthetics. However, the dermatologist determines the best way to treat facial capillaries, depending on your condition. The technique of cauterizing the capillaries in the face with thermal frequency depends on the use of a catheter connected to the target area with the capillaries.

This catheter is also connected from the other side to a thermal frequency device, then electromagnetic waves are issued on the capillaries. Which leads to the destruction of spider veins as well as the removal of facial capillaries. This technology has also developed as the latest thermal frequency devices are used in Nadara Center in Hurghada using EVRF Endovenous Radio Frequency treatment.

Thermal frequency cautery steps for facial capillaries treatment in Hurghada

  1. The doctor cleans the target area well.
  2. Apply a topical anesthetic cream to the capillary areas as well as the spider veins of the face.
  3. A small tube or catheter is placed in the capillary area of the face and the other end is connected to a thermofrequency or EVRF device.
  4. The device is turned on, which emits electromagnetic or sound waves that generate thermal energy that destroys the blood capillaries as well as the spider veins in the face.
  5. In the end, the dermatologist at Nadara Clinic will schedule the next session to follow up on the results of capillary cautery.

Fifth: IPL intense light pulses to treat the capillaries in the face

Doctors treating red facial veins at Nadara Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology Center use intense pulsed light to treat capillaries. It is called IPL Intense pulsed light, as it is distinguished from laser by its penetration of the superficial skin layers and the presence of different wavelengths. Which helps the skin to absorb it and destroy the spider veins and their disappearance in the face and hands.

Steps of an intense pulsed light session in the treatment of capillaries in the face

  1. The plastic surgeon at Nadara beauty Center in Hurghada sterilizes the face using a sterile medical solution.
  2. The plastic surgeon puts a local anesthetic on the skin and waits for a quarter of an hour for the anesthetic to take effect.
  3. The plastic surgeon adjusts the appropriate temperatures for the intense pulsed light device.
  4. Intense pulsed light beams are focused on the capillary region of the face.
  5. In the end, the plastic surgeon will schedule the next session with you in order to treat the red facial veins in Hurghada.

Number of sessions of intense pulsed light in the treatment of spider veins in the face

The number of IPL sessions varies from patient to patient depending on the condition, area and stage of the veins. The age of the patient also affects the number of sessions. However, it often takes 4 to 6 sessions of intense pulsed light to treat the capillaries of the face at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology.

The result of the treatment of prominent capillaries with intense pulsed light

The result will appear after one or two sessions of intense pulsed light, but the final result may take 3 months, depending on each case. It is also necessary to follow the instructions of the dermatologist and cosmetologist after removing the capillaries in the face in Hurghada at Nadara Clinic.

Instructions after treating spider veins in the hands and face

  • Avoid exposure to the sun so that pigmentation does not occur.
  • Avoid doing a skin tan or coloring the skin.
  • Use sunblock creams.
  • Avoid heat, warm water and saunas.
  • Do not put creams or cosmetics on the face.
  • Avoid hair removal after removing the red lines in the face.
  • Avoid peeling the skin.
  • Do not rub or press the face.

Prevention of the appearance of spider veins in the face

  • Avoid exposing the face to the sun for long periods, especially during the peak period, or apply a sunscreen suitable for your skin.
  • Do not overdo saunas and hot water.
  • Avoid extremely hot environment.
  • Stop smoking or drinking alcohol.
  • You can wear a hat that protects the face from the sun as well as the heat.
  • Do cold compresses after exposure to high heat.
  • Minimize drinking caffeine-containing substances.
  • Eat food containing vitamin C, as it works to strengthen blood vessels.

Facial capillary treatment doctors in Hurghada

Nadara Clinic provides you with the best facial capillary treatment doctors in Hurghada, where there is the latest technology and modern laser devices. Doctors at Nadara Clinic are also distinguished by their great practical experience, as well as their scientific qualifications and high certificates. Therefore, do not hesitate to contact us so that the best doctors for the treatment of spider veins in the face can examine the capillaries and determine the most appropriate treatment method that suits your condition. And you will get impressive results in the end, which is the removal of capillaries and veins in the face, as well as red lines.

In the end, everyone strives to have clear skin free of capillaries or skin blemishes, and this is our goal at Nadara Clinic in Hurghada. Where there are the best cosmetic doctors and the best dermatologists in order to get a bright face and skin free of pigmentation and skin problems, as well as capillaries, facial veins or red lines.


  1. How can I book a facial capillary treatment in Hurghada?

    You can contact us or send WhatsApp And book the soonest time with the best doctors to treat capillaries in the face at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology in Hurghada and the Red Sea.

  2. What are the reasons for the appearance of red lines or capillaries in the face?

    The reason for the appearance of capillaries in the face is due to the expansion and expansion of blood vessels, and this happens as a result of several factors, including advanced age, lack of elasticity of blood vessels, only collagen, as well as genetics, or exposure to the sun a lot. Spider veins also appear in pregnant women as a result of hormonal imbalances.

  3. Do capillaries disappear on their own?

    The capillaries do not disappear on their own, but can lead to serious complications, and the skin may remain permanently red. It also reduces blood flow, which can sometimes cause vascular diseases and heart attacks.

  4. What is the treatment of capillaries?

    The dermatologist and cosmetologist determines the method of treating the capillaries in the face for each case, according to the examination of the case and what suits it. There are many methods of treating spider veins, such as laser, thermal frequency cautery, intense pulsed light, and sclerotherapy to remove capillaries.

  5. Is the appearance of capillaries dangerous?

    If the capillaries are not treated, it may lead to a decrease in blood flow, and you may develop complications from small vessel disease. There is also a higher risk of heart attacks.

  6. How do I get rid of red lines in the face?

    The red lines in the face, which mean the blood capillaries, can be eliminated by laser sessions, as well as sclerosing injections or retinoid creams, as well as intense pulsed light, or by cautery with thermal frequencies.

  7. How are facial capillaries diagnosed?

    The plastic surgeon examines the capillaries in the skin and may order some tests to ensure that there are no diseases that cause the appearance of capillaries or that are not suitable for the treatment method.

  8. Is the treatment of capillaries in the face permanent?

    The appearance of capillaries will not recur, as they are permanently destroyed during treatment, whether it is laser treatment, intense pulsed light, cauterization with thermal frequency, or sclerotherapy. But it may appear in other capillaries in the face if you do not follow the instructions of the plastic surgeon on how to prevent the appearance of capillaries in the face.

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