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Fractional laser in Hurghada

Rejuvenate your skin and get rid of any pigmentation, acne scars and wounds with fractional laser or skin peeling at Nadara Clinic for dermatology, Laser and cosmetology in Hurghada.

Fractional laser or partial skin peeling has become one of the most common types of laser all over the world, like many of the benefits of laser that revolutionized the world of cosmetics and medicine. Therefore, Nadara Clinic in Hurghada offers you fractional laser sessions in Hurghada. The Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology in Hurghada and the Red Sea Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology in Hurghada and the Red Sea has the best dermatologist in Hurghada As well as the best plastic surgeons and an integrated medical team. In addition to having all the necessary medical equipment for a fractional laser with the latest medical devices and technologies. Enjoy amazing skin, more fresh and more youthful with the Nadara Clinic in Hurghada.

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What is a Fractional laser?

Contents show

Fractional laser or resurfacing is a non-surgical cosmetic procedure, as it depends on focusing light waves from the fractional laser to the lower layers of the skin. The laser beams also stimulate collagen to renew skin tissues with a new layer that is fresher and more youthful without any traces, scars, or wrinkles. Therefore, the use of fractional lasers for the face has spread to many skin problems, and it has an effective effect and few side effects that disappear over time.

Types of fractional laser in Hurghada

First, the erbium laser

It is a flattening laser that helps to get rid of dead skin and increases the flatness of the skin and gets rid of wrinkles and fine lines. In addition to reducing nearby tissue damage and reducing side effects of swelling and bruising. Doctors also use it in the eradication of skin bumps with high efficiency.

Second: CO2 laser2

Fractional CO2 Laser2  beams that divide into thousands of fine threads until they reach the lower layers of the skin, the epidermis, and the dermis. So it stimulates the production of collagen in the dermis layer while preserving the skin tissue surrounding the treated area. It also has many benefits.

Treatment of acne scars, spots and pits on the face after 3 sessions
Treatment of acne scars, spots and pits on the face after 3 sessions

Where to use fractional laser in Hurghada

The laser can be used to treat many places in the body, such as the fractional laser for the face, hands, chest, neck, and arms.

Candidates for fractional laser procedure in Hurghada

There are many skin conditions in which doctors must use the fractional laser service for skin peeling and treatment, such as:

  • Skin that needs exfoliation, freshness, and skin renewal.
  • People suffering from acne scars.
  • Those with injuries resulting from surgeries, accidents and injuries.
  • For the elderly to treat facial and neck wrinkles as well as fine lines.
  • Hide lines around the eyes and signs of aging.
  • Those who suffer from sagging eyelids where it is beautified.
  • People who have lost weight as it treats stretch marks on the skin.
  • Those who have pigmentation and dark spots in the skin, regardless of the cause of their appearance.
  • After pregnancy and what results from changing pregnancy hormones from melasma treatment or pregnancy mask..
  • Those with moderate to advanced sunburn.

How does fractional laser technology work?

Fractional laser technology depends on targeting the laser beams to the first and middle layers of the skin that contain collagen. With age, skin neglect or other factors, the collagen production needed to regenerate skin cells and tissues decreases. The laser helps stimulate collagen to increase its secretion, eliminate the melanin pigment and nourish the skin, giving it freshness and vitality. Therefore, collagen helps to eliminate brown spots and pigmentation and hide wrinkles and fine lines.

Advantages of fractional laser for skin peeling

Fractional laser for skin peeling has many unparalleled advantages such as:

  • It's a safe laser for the skin.
  • Faster results compared to other methods.
  • You can perform it in many places on the body.
  • Getting rid of pigmentation and brown spots caused by exposure to the sun.
  • Treating fine lines and wrinkles caused by aging.
  • Hide the effects of scars and acne.
  • Treating the effects of wounds or the effects of surgical procedures.
  • Stretch marks treatment.
  • Uniform skin tone.
  • Large pore treatment.
  • Melasma and freckle treatment.
  • Lip supply.
Supplying laser lips in a freshness center in Hurghada
Supplying laser lips at Nadara Clinic in Hurghada
  • Add softness to the skin.
  • Tighten the skin and make it more youthful.

Types of fractional laser devices in Hurghada

There are four types of fractional laser devices, each of which aims to treat skin imperfections. The doctor at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and cosmetology will determine the best device to treat each case. These devices are as follows:

First: Candela Fractional CO2 laser device2 Carbon Dioxide

The Candella Fractional Laser technology relies on firing laser waves in the form of a light beam that targets the skin tissues in the upper layer and then targets the water molecules in the cells. As a result, cells are stimulated to produce new cells and tissues for recovery.

Second: CYF Fractional Carbon Dioxide Laser Device

This device relies on carbon laser technology, which helps stimulate collagen to increase secretions to eliminate melanin pigment and renew skin cells. But what distinguishes this device is that it helps in the contraction of collagen, which in turn works to tighten the skin and hide wrinkles and fine lines.

Third: Solta Medical Fraxel SR1500 Fractional Laser

This laser is the main treatment of very fine areas. It uses the erbium laser and it works to stimulate the layers of the skin to produce collagen in order to correct and rejuvenate skin defects. In addition, it does not damage the surrounding tissues and gives the skin freshness and vitality.

Fourth, the Fouri Fractional Laser

This fractional laser device relies on two types of lasers, erbium and carbon dioxide. Moreover, this device is especially for the treatment of medical problems, not cosmetics. As it is highly effective in treating skin bumps as well as exfoliating the skin.

Cases that are not candidates for a fractional laser session

The use of the fractional laser should be avoided in some cases as it may cause serious complications:

  • Those with open wounds.
  • In the event of active acne in the area
  • Diabetics.
  • Patients who are taking isotretinoin.
  • Pregnant women.
  • Lactating women.
  • Blood thinners.

How many sessions does a fractional laser need for skin peeling?

The number of sessions depends on the depth of wrinkles, brown spots and pigmentation or traces of scars and wounds. Mild wrinkles usually need 1 to 2 sessions. While removing dark spots from two to three sessions. There should also be an interval for the recovery of the layers of the epidermis, which reaches from a month to a month and a half. There are cases of deep wounds or old scars that need more than 6 sessions at least. In addition, the doctor at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology will carry out a continuous follow-up on the condition of the skin during this period and even after several months. Nadara Clinic in Hurghada aims for the patient's comfort and to reach the maximum stage of satisfaction with his appearance after laser skin peeling

What is the duration of a fractional laser session?

This depends on the condition of the skin and the extent of its need for laser beams for treatment, but the fractional laser session often takes an hour or an hour and a half in most cases. The larger the area to be treated by fractional laser, the longer the session will be.

Instructions before performing a fractional laser in Hurghada

  1. You must choose the best-experienced dermatologist and the best-equipped clinic or medical center, and all of this you will find in Nadara Clinic for dermatology, laser and cosmetology. Where there are the latest laser devices, medical technologies, the best integrated medical team and the highest level of expertise.
  2. Inform the doctor of any diseases, especially skin diseases, as well as any treatments you are taking, so that there are no interactions between medications.
  3. Do not wear any cosmetics or skin care products.
  4. Do not to perform any cosmetic operations such as botox or filler injections.
  5. Be careful not to be exposed to the sun before the procedure and put sunscreen with a protection rate of not less than SP30.
  6. Do not use lightening or peeling creams or remove signs of skin aging so as not to cause serious complications that lead to chronic infections and deep pigmentation.
  7. Avoid taking blood thinners that contain ibuprofen.
  8.  Stop taking vitamins as well as herbal supplements.
  9. Clean the skin well and take a shower before going to the medical center because after the fractional laser session, it will not be permissible to shower immediately afterward. In order to maintain the outcome of the session.
  10. Wear loose-fitting clothes so as not to rub the treated areas after a fractional laser session.
  11. When performing a fractional laser, the skin must be free of any creams or cosmetics, immediately before the session.
  12. Stop smoking at least one month before this procedure.

Steps to perform a fractional laser session in Hurghada

Improved skin appearance after one fractional laser session
Improved skin appearance after one fractional laser session

The fractional laser skin peeling procedure takes a short time according to each case. The dermatologist follows these steps:

First: Determine the areas to be treated

The dermatologist inspects the area that needs to be treated to know its area, skin color, and depth of pigmentation so that he can determine the number of sessions needed to treat it.

Second: clean the skin well

 The dermatologist cleans the area well before using the laser light on it.

Third: Local anesthesia for the area to be treated

The anesthesiologist numbs the area to be treated by applying a local anesthetic cream until the patient feels comfortable and relieves pain.

Fourth: applying a medical gel

The dermatologist at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and cosmetology in Hurghada and the Red Sea applies a medical gel that helps the skin absorb the laser rays easily. As well as laser penetration of all layers easily.

Fifthly: directing the laser beams

The dermatologist uses the appropriate laser device for each case, as he directs the laser beams of light on the treated area until collagen production is stimulated and the melanin layer is eliminated, exfoliation and skin renewal.

Sixth: compresses

The doctor puts compresses on the treated areas by fractional laser to reduce swelling and redness. The doctor writes a prescription for the permitted medicines and creams, as well as analgesics if necessary.

Seventh: Follow up with the doctor

The dermatologist at Nadara Clinic in Hurghada will schedule a follow-up appointment, where the treatment must be followed up and the sessions completed if necessary, as you may need two to three sessions. Every session is separated by at least a month or a month and a half.

Temporary side effects after fractional laser procedure in Hurghada

Getting rid of the effects of grain and drilling after 3 sessions of fractional laser
Getting rid of the effects of grain and drilling after 3 sessions of fractional laser

Temporary side effects will occur as a result of the fractional laser session, which usually takes 5-7 days to go away. Also, if the treated area is larger, the duration of these effects will increase, but they will eventually go away. These effects include:

  • skin dryness.
  • Redness of the area that was exposed to the fractional laser.
  • Swelling of the treated area.
  • itchy feeling;
  • The beginning of the appearance of crusts.
  • Simple pain can be treated with painkillers prescribed by your doctor.

Instructions after fractional laser procedure in Hurghada

  • Applying ice packs 24 hours after the session.
  • Washing the face with a gentle cleanser is recommended by the attending physician to relieve pain and swelling.
  • Complete comfort and no strenuous effort.
  • Drink water in sufficient quantities.
  • Eat healthy food.
  • Take painkillers from the doctor recommended in Nadara Clinic.
  • Do not take any medications without consulting the attending physician at Nadara Clinic in Hurghada and the Red Sea.
  • Avoid exercising so as not to cause blood flow to the treated areas.
  • Apply sunscreen after the healing period has passed.
  • Avoid rubbing the skin when you feel itchy.
  • Do not try to speed up the healing process by exfoliating the skin, as this will lead to serious complications.
  • Avoid using cosmetics and skin care products.
  • Not to return to smoking during the recovery and recovery period, as this delays the response and efficiency of the skin.

When will the result of the fractional laser appear in Hurghada?

The response of the skin varies from one person to another, as well as the treatment period and the renewal of skin tissues and cells. Some may appear as a result of a fractional laser after one session and others may appear after three sessions, while some people who have deep pigmentation may need six sessions. The final result usually appears six months after the last session, so you must be patient until you reach the best results with Nadara Clinic r for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology in Hurghada and the Red Sea. You must also adhere to the doctor's instructions and take comprehensive care of all surrounding factors.

Complications, you should consult a doctor when you feel them

You should go to the doctor immediately when any of these symptoms occur. These complications include:

  • The appearance of a rash from the areas that were treated with the laser.
  • Bleeding in the treated areas.
  • Feeling unbearable pain.
  • The swelling persists for more than a week.

Fractional laser prices in Hurghada

Fractional laser prices in Egypt depend on many factors, the price of a session often ranges from about 500 to 1500 pounds, and these factors include:

  • The type of wound or pigmentation or traces of acne.
  • The area to be treated.
  • The patient's skin color.
  • The type of laser device used.
  • The number of sessions.
  • Dermatologist degrees.
  • The location of the dermatology clinic and the extent to which it is permitted.
Removing spots and appendages while smoothing the skin after fractional laser sessions for the face
Removing spots and appendages while smoothing the skin after fractional laser sessions for the face

In the end, do not hesitate to contact Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology, as there is the best dermatologist in Hurghada, Dr. Amani Al-Tawabti. The treatment is also done with the latest fractional laser devices. Where the best dermatologist in the freshness center will choose the best type of device that suits your skin condition.

You can also enjoy many Therapeutic and medical services As well as plastic surgeries where there is the best surgeon in Hurghada. It also includes these operations Body sculpting, breast augmentation, liposuction, filler, botox and plasma injections. You will also find the opportunity to get rid of skin diseases such as eczema, psoriasis, vitiligo,melasma, spots and scars and Acne. In addition to the various uses of laser in cosmetology, such as Removing hair by laser in Hurghada. The traces of laser wounds can also be removed in Hurghada And the traces of acne and scars. Enjoy the best appearance and healthy and attractive skin with Nadara Clinic for dermatology, laser and cosmetology in Hurghada and the Red Sea.


  1. How can I book an appointment for a fractional laser?

    You can contact us or send WhatsApp and book as soon as possible with the best-experienced doctors at Nadara clinic Dermatology in Hurghada.

  2. Is the fractional laser safe?

    Yes, the fractional laser is widely used all over the world because of its positive and risk-free results when choosing a medical center equipped at the highest level and with the best doctors, such in Nadara Clinic in Hurghada.

  3. How many fractional sessions?

    The dermatologist at Nadara Clinic in Hurghada determines the number of sessions based on the area , the color of the skin to be treated, depth of pigmentation or the effects of pimples and wounds. It is usually two to three sessions.

  4. How much does a fractional laser procedure cost?

    The cost of a fractional laser session depends on many factors such as the area, skin color, the depth of pigmentation, the number of sessions and the type of laser used. The price of a session often ranges from 500 to 1500 pounds approximately.

  5. When do fractional laser results appear?

    The result of the fractional laser usually appears seven or six weeks after the first session. But you must wait for the final result, six months after the last fractional laser session.

  6. When do the effects of the fractional disappear?

    The recovery period from fractional laser sessions varies from person to person, as some temporary symptoms disappear within 24 hours, and then a layer of peeling begins. And all these effects disappear in a period of 7 to 14 days.

  7. Are the results of the fractional laser permanent?

    Yes, the results of the fractional laser are permanent, but the skin must be preserved from drying out by moisturizing it by drinking enough water, in addition to protecting the skin from the harmful rays of the sun by applying a protective cream against the sun.

  8. When to wash the face after the fractional?

    The face should not be washed for at least 24 hours, and the face should be washed with lukewarm water using a medical wash recommended by the doctor Nadara Clinic.

  9. What types of fractional laser devices Nadara Clinic?

    The Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology in Hurghada has various fractional laser devices of the latest versions, such as the Candela Fractional Carbon Dioxide Laser Device, Solta Medical Fraxel SR1500 Fractional Laser Device, and CYF Fractional Carbon Dioxide Laser Device.

  10. Which is the fractional laser devices suitable for my skin?

    The condition of the skin and the area to be treated by a fractional laser must be evaluated and examined by a dermatologist, and accordingly, he determines which type of device is suitable for this condition.

  11. When does the face return to normal after the fractional?

    The face returns to my doctor in a period of one week to ten days.

  12. Does the fractional remove scars?

    Yes, the fractional helps in removing the effects of scars, pits and pigmentation, as well as large pores as well.

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