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Varicose veins treatment in Hurghada

Do you suffer from varicose veins? No more Worries as Nadara Clinic provides you with the best varicose veins treatment doctor in Hurghada and the Red Sea.

Do you suffer from varicose veins? No more Worries as Nadara Clinic provides you with the best varicose veins treatment doctor in Hurghada and the Red Sea. veins Arachnoid is a common disease that affects many people, especially women, more than men, due to many reasons. Doctors at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology in Hurghada use the best methods of removing varicose veins, whether by surgical intervention or without surgery. Where it is located in Nadara Clinic for dermatology, laser and cosmetology The best plastic surgeon andThe best dermatologist in Hurghada and the Red Sea. Therefore, you can now get rid of varicose veins easily with the best cosmetic medicine doctors and the latest advanced international technologies. Where is the best specialist in treating varicose veins.

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What are Varicose Veins?

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Varicose veins or spider veins are among the most common diseases that occur as a result of swelling of some leg veins, which appear swollen and have a blue, red, or purple color. In the normal state, blood returns from the veins to the heart, but as a result of some reasons that we will mention later, the blood does not return. This may be due to a defect in the functioning of the valves in the veins, as the walls of the veins may be dilated, which indicates a problem with the rosary system in the lower extremities. In addition, the occurrence of varicose veins indicates stagnation of blood and the lack of muscle work enough to put pressure on the veins for blood movement.

The causes of varicose veins

  • Advances in age, as the efficiency of the veins and valves in them decreases and may erode, which leads to the flow of some blood and its failure to return to the heart. Varicose veins are more common after the age of forty.
  • Hormonal changes as a result of pregnancy, as pregnancy puts pressure on the veins in the lower abdomen, and thus increases pressure on the veins in the feet. It also affects menopause or if you are taking birth control pills. Therefore, women are considered to have a higher incidence of varicose veins than men. Where hormones reduce the efficiency of the vein walls.
  • The genetic factor, where genes play a major role in increasing the likelihood of developing varicose veins in the event that the parents are affected.
  • Obesity and excess weight are considered among the most important factors in the incidence of varicose veins, as weight gain leads to the expansion of the veins, which leads to the appearance of varicose veins in the legs.
  • Lack of proper nutrition, especially not eating fruits and vegetables in appropriate quantities so that the body gets enough tissue to treat the vein wall.
  • If the patient remains standing or sitting for long periods.
  • Wearing high heel shoes because it works to reduce the movement of the calf muscle, which reduces blood flow to the heart.
  • If you work in office jobs, you should know that there is a risk of developing varicose veins, as a result of sitting for long periods without moving the foot.
  • Having a previous stroke in the foot or in the deep veins.

Varicose veins symptoms

If you suffer from the following symptoms, then you have varicose veins, and you should go to a plastic surgeon at Nadara Clinic in Hurghada and the Red Sea, so that they can be treated before serious complications occur. These include symptoms such as:

  • Veins swelling and discoloration.
  • Bleeding veins and this happens in advanced cases. In the event of continued bleeding, you should consult a dermatologist and plastic surgeon at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology in Hurghada.
  • Ulcers appear as a manifestation of the early stages of varicose veins.
  • Feeling of heaviness in the legs and pain in the swollen veins.
  • Leg cramps causing pain.
  • Feeling pain in the legs.
  • Heaviness in the feet after exercise.
  • Lipoderma where the fat becomes hard and the skin shrinks.
  • Spider veins appear as a result of telangiectasia.
  • The appearance of eczema, where the varicose veins become dry and itchy.
  • Quick numbness of the feet.
  • The appearance of white spots on the ankles called white atrophy.

Complications of varicose veins if not treated

It should be noted that if varicose veins are not diagnosed and treated, over time they will increase and serious complications such as:

  • Bleeding in the legs due to accumulation of blood in the veins.
  • The mother can't stand it.
  • If it is not intervened early until it reaches a stage that can only be treated with surgical intervention.
  • Edema on the surface of the skin.
  • Infection and ulcers.
  • A clot may occur in the foot as a result of the accumulation of blood.

Diagnosis of varicose veins

Varicose veins treatment before and after
Varicose veins treatment before and after

The best varicose veins treatment doctor in Hurghada at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology and Cosmetic Laser will diagnose your condition well in the following ways:

  1. Clinical examination, where the varicose veins treatment doctor in Hurghada examines the legs in the standing state as well as in the sitting state.
  2. The dermatologist will ask you about your pain.
  3. Your dermatologist may order an ultrasound to monitor your blood flow and make sure there are no clots.
  4. Some plastic surgeons perform phlebography by injecting dye into the patient's leg and taking x-rays to see blood flow.

Instructions before removing varicose veins in Hurghada

  1. You can perform varicose veins treatment in Hurghada in a hospital or clinic, but choose the best varicose veins treatment doctor, who is located in Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology. Where you can get rid of varicose veins using the latest technologies and modern and advanced devices. Where Nadara Clinic in Hurghada is keen to keep pace with modern scientific development and its application by the best plastic medicine doctors in Hurghada and the Red Sea.
  2. Tell the varicose veins doctor in Hurghada your medical history, as well as any medications you are taking.
  3. Stop taking medicines that contain blood thinners such as aspirin and ibuprofen.
  4. to avoid Hair removal from varicose veins.
  5. Avoid exposure to the sun for long periods so as not to lead to complications.
  6. Do not apply any creams on the legs before the treatment session.

Varicose veins treatment methods in Hurghada

There are many medical methods used by the varicose veins treatment doctor in Hurghada. However, the plastic surgeon will determine the best treatment method suitable for the condition and stage of varicose veins that you have reached. We will now tell you the best ways to remove varicose veins in Hurghada such as:

Permanent treatment of varicose veins
Permanent treatment of varicose veins

First: laser varicose veins removal in Hurghada

Laser has become widely used in the field of cosmetics, as it has many benefits that dispense with surgical intervention. A doctor who specializes in treating varicose veins in Hurghada with laser should be chosen to use high heat in laser beams to close the affected vein. Which helps in treating varicose veins and prevents blood flow. It is also considered the best effective treatment with fewer side effects and a cure rate of up to 98%. Nadara Clinic has the best doctors who provide varicose veins treatment in Hurghada, Red Sea. They use two types of lasers: the simple laser and the intravenous laser.

Steps to treat varicose veins in Hurghada with a simple laser

  1. The doctor treats varicose veins in Hurghada by sterilizing the target place.
  2. The area is anesthetized with local anesthesia and wait an hour for it to take effect.
  3. The doctor shines laser beams with specific frequencies on the superficial outer part of varicose veins or small spider veins.
  4. The varicose veins treatment doctor in Hurghada sets the date for the laser session to remove the varicose veins. Where the patient needs to visit the varicose veins doctor every 6 weeks to reach the best result.

Steps to treat varicose veins with intravenous laser

  1. The area from which varicose veins are to be removed is anesthetized.
  2. The dermatologist will anesthetize the area to be treated.
  3. The doctor inserts a catheter into the vein under your skin.
  4. An ultrasound machine is used to guide the tube. Where the doctor monitors the catheter via a monitor.
  5. A doctor directs varicose veins treatment using laser beams to shrink the vein.
Side effects after laser varicose veins treatment in Hurghada
  • Skin discoloration.
  • Slight redness in the target area.
  • burning sensation
  • Simple pain.

The result of laser varicose veins removal in Hurghada

The result of laser varicose veins treatment in Hurghada appears after all the necessary sessions, as it differs from one case to another. Varicose veins usually disappear completely 12 months after starting laser treatment. Where there are the best doctors who provide treatment for varicose veins in Hurghada, the Red Sea, according to each case. Where is the best specialist in the treatment of varicose veins.

Second: Removing varicose veins by foam or foam sclerosis

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This technique is also called foam sclerotherapy or foam injection. This technique depends on injecting the veins with a substance that shrinks the veins, which helps to get rid of varicose veins and their ugly appearance. Foam sclerotherapy is also distinguished by the rapid appearance of its results.

Steps for treating varicose veins with foam sclerotherapy

YouTube video
  1. Sterilization and disinfection of the varicose veins area.
  2. This treatment can be performed without the use of a local anesthetic.
  3. The varicose veins treatment doctor uses fine, thin needles with foam that are injected into the veins or spider veins.
  4. This substance shrinks swollen veins.

Third: Venaseal technology

Venaseal technology is one of the latest technologies used in the treatment of varicose veins. Where it relies on a modern device called VenaCell, which means vein adhesive. It also uses an adhesive that helps in closing the vein, which removes varicose veins.

Steps of the vena cell technique for treating varicose veins in Hurghada

  1. The dermatologist and cosmetologist sterilizes the area well before the procedure.
  2. Local anesthesia is given to the area with varicose veins.
  3. The varicose veins doctor in Hurghada inserts a catheter tube below the knee.
  4. The dermatologist connects the catheter tube to a gun through which the substance is pumped into the vein.
  5. Pressure is applied to the vein to ensure that it is closed.
  6. The dermatologist at Nadara Clinic repeats the procedure along the vein until he makes sure that it is completely closed.
  7. Finally, the doctor takes out the catheter and sutures the wound.
Side effects after varicose veins treatment with venacell technique
  1. Bruises appear.
  2. Slight redness.
  3. Feeling itchy
  4. Simple pain.

Fourth: Removal of varicose veins using Clax technology in Hurghada

Results of varicose veins treatment before and after
Results of varicose veins treatment before and after

CLaCS (Cryo Laser & CryoSclerotherapy) is one of the modern methods of treating varicose veins in Hurghada. It combines two techniques: the use of intense lasers, as well as the use of intravenous injections, in addition to the use of a magnified image. The skin is also cooled by a cooling device. Therefore, it is considered one of the best types of treatments that use all methods in one session.

CLaCS steps

4 stages of permanent treatment of varicose veins are performed through the Clax technique, which include:

  1. The skin is frozen by using a cooling device, which may reach (-20). This helps reduce pain.
  2. Use a camera scanning detector to make the process more accurate and solve the problem from its roots.
  3. The varicose veins treatment doctor directs laser beams on the target area to treat varicose veins.
  4. Sclerotherapy is also done by injecting spider veins with substances that help shrink and close the veins. 

The result of the Clacks operation for the treatment of varicose veins

Clax results are usually visible after the first session. While varicose veins or spider veins disappear within 4 to 6 weeks. The treatment also varies from case to case, depending on the stage of varicose veins.

The number of CLaCS sessions for the treatment of varicose veins

Varicose veins patient often needs 2 to 3 sessions of Clacs technique to permanently get rid of varicose veins and spider veins.

Fifth: Varicose veins treatment with radiofrequency

The varicose veins doctor at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology in Hurghada and the Red Sea uses radiofrequency (RF) in the treatment of varicose veins. The idea of this method is to use radio frequencies instead of lasers in the same way as lasers. Where the veins are heated at these frequencies without the need for surgical intervention.

Steps of a radiofrequency session for the treatment of varicose veins

  1. The dermatologist at Nadara Clinic anesthetizes the targeted area.
  2. The micro-needle entry area is marked.
  3. Local anesthesia is given to the varicose veins.
  4. The plastic surgeon inserts the fine needle into the swollen veins.
  5. At the same time, radiofrequency is performed, which leads to heating of the veins, which may reach 120 degrees.
  6. In the end, the dermatologist at Nadara Clinic in Hurghada sets the date for the next session.
Side effects of radiofrequency treatment of varicose veins
  • Redness of the varicose veins.
  • Bruising
  • The pain is simple.

Sixth: Removal of varicose veins in ambulatory

Varicose veins removal is the final solution that a varicose veins treatment doctor in Hurghada resorts to in case of varicose veins in an advanced stage. Where prominent and enlarged veins are excised. And there is Nadara Clinic for the best varicose veins treatment service in Hurghada, the Red Sea, according to the stage of varicose veins, in more than one way to remove varicose veins in a surgical way, such as:

1- Removal of varicose veins by conventional surgery

  1. The dermatologist, laser and cosmetologist at Nadara Clinic in Hurghada sterilizes the legs well.
  2. The area is anesthetized, especially the veins to be treated, and the duration of anesthesia may reach 10 hours so that the patient does not feel any pain.
  3. The doctor makes a small incision and then inserts surgical tools through which the vein is lifted up to be removed.
  4. This procedure may take about 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the patient's condition and stage of varicose veins.
  5. The incision site may need stitches, and sometimes it does not need stitches, as the doctor places a bandage in the place of the small incision so that the skin heals naturally.

2- Radiofrequency ablation

  1. The legs are well disinfected.
  2. The doctor numbs the target area with local anesthesia.
  3. The veins are heated, where the doctor uses radiofrequency, which works to close the damaged veins.
  4. The plastic surgeon at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Aesthetics in Hurghada, Red Sea, makes a small incision below or above the knee area.
  5. A catheter is inserted and then guided using an ultrasound machine.

Temporary side effects after varicose veins treatment in Hurghada

You will feel some temporary side effects after treating varicose veins at the hands of the best varicose veins doctor in Hurghada. There is no need to underestimate these symptoms, as the best plastic surgeon in Hurghada will follow up with you on the disappearance of these symptoms. Among the most important of these symptoms are:

  1. Swelling of the varicose veins.
  2. Redness of the varicose veins.
  3. Injection site sores.
  4. Feeling itchy
  5. Change in skin color of the treated area.

Instructions of a doctor treating varicose veins in Hurghada after getting rid of varicose veins

After treating varicose veins, you must follow the advice of the doctor so that the varicose veins do not increase and spread again. Among the most important of these instructions are:

  1. Choose loose-fitting clothes after varicose veins treatment, and avoid tight-fitting clothes.
  2. Exercising after the recovery period, which helps in stimulating blood circulation and improving blood flow.
  3. Take care not to gain weight.
  4. Visit a varicose veins treatment doctor as soon as you feel its symptoms.
  5. Wear medical sides to treat varicose veins.
  6. Avoid bad health habits such as smoking.
  7. Avoid standing for long periods.
  8. Take care not to stand for long periods.
  9. Stay away from heat, high temperatures and hot saunas.

Prevention of varicose veins

Prevention is always better than cure, so you can follow the instructions of the best varicose veins treatment doctors in Hurghada, such as:

  1. Improve blood circulation by moderate activity and movement.
  2. Avoid crossing your feet when sitting for long periods.
  3. Follow a more active lifestyle, making sure to take breaks and other periods for exercise.
  4. Always wear clothes that are not tight so as not to press on the veins and lead to the appearance of varicose veins.
  5. Avoid standing or sitting for long periods.
  6. Avoid women wearing high heels.
  7. Follow a healthy diet and eat healthy fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins.
  8. You can do sports like swimming and cycling.
  9. Drink an appropriate amount of water daily.
  10. Keep your weight away from obesity and obesity.
  11. Care should be taken to massage the feet, especially for women during periods of hormonal changes such as pregnancy and menstruation.
  12. In the event of pain in the legs, be careful to raise the feet above a pillow while sitting or lying on the bed. This helps blood return to the heart again through the veins.
  13. Pregnant women should sleep on the left side to avoid pressure on the veins in the lower abdomen, which increase pressure on the leg veins and lead to varicose veins.

In the end, the treatment of varicose veins has become easy with the advancement of medicine, as many methods have appeared that do not require surgical intervention, as well as eliminate varicose veins completely. Therefore, Nadara Clinic provides you with the best plastic medicine doctors to treat varicose veins in a way that suits your varicose veins condition. In order to enjoy the appearance of perfect feet free of veins and prominent spider veins that distort the appearance of the feet. Do not hesitate and contact us to eliminate varicose veins at the best beauty clinic in Hurghada.


  1. How can I book an appointment with a varicose veins doctor?

    You can contact us or send WhatsApp And book the closest time with the best dermatologists and plastic surgeons at Nadara Clinic Dermatology in Hurghada.

  2. Is the process of removing varicose veins dangerous?

    Varicose veins removal surgery is not considered dangerous if the best experienced varicose veins doctor is chosen. Care must also be taken to choose an integrated hospital, clinic or medical center equipped with the latest equipment. There are also non-surgical treatments that can be used to avoid risks during surgery, such as treatment of varicose veins with superficial laser or sclerotherapy, as well as intravenous radiofrequency therapy.

  3. What is the reason for the appearance of varicose veins in the body?

    Varicose veins appear as a result of weakening of the valves that help blood flow through them back to the heart. As a result of the weakness of the valves of these veins, blood accumulates inside the veins, which leads to their enlargement and prominence under the skin clearly.

  4. What is the best medicine for varicose veins?

    There are many treatments to remove varicose veins and get rid of them permanently, such as surface laser and intravenous laser, as well as sclerotherapy, varicose veins treatment with vena cell technology, radiofrequency therapy, and others. The doctor also determines the best way to treat varicose veins after diagnosing the condition.

  5. When are varicose veins dangerous?

    The risk of varicose veins increases as their treatment is delayed, their prominence increases, and the veins swell, which may lead to their damage or the occurrence of lashes in the leg. Therefore, care must be taken to treat it immediately.

  6. Do varicose veins cause a stroke in the man?

    Yes, varicose veins cause a stroke in the leg if it is neglected, so care must be taken to go to the Nadara Clinic for the treatment of varicose veins as soon as they feel their symptoms.

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