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laser doctors for pigmentation in hurghada

Enjoy life without skin pigmentation with the best laser doctors for pigmentation in Hurghada.

Laser has become the magic solution in the field of cosmetics in treating skin problems and renewing skin cells, especially skin pigmentation and spots, as melanin absorbs laser rays and is then destroyed. For guaranteed results, you must choose the best laser doctors to lighten pigmentation in Hurghada. Nadhara Clinic provides you with the best laser doctor to lighten pigmentation and spots in Hurghada and the Red Sea. Nadara Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetic Center in Hurghada and the Red Sea is distinguished by the presence of a medical team. In this article, we will tell you about the best pigmentation laser doctors in Hurghada.

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What is laser to lighten skin pigmentation?

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Best results with laser doctors for pigmentation in Hurghada
Best results with laser doctors for pigmentation in Hurghada

Selective photolysis technology is considered the ideal solution for skin pigmentation and spots, as laser technology is used to treat skin discoloration problems resulting from increased production of melanin pigment. Pigmentation occurs as a result of external influences that lead to the secretion of melanin, which makes the skin color darker and leads to darkening of the skin. Melanin is one of the substances that absorbs laser rays, and the process of selective photolysis takes place to get rid of pigmentation without affecting normal skin cells.

The laser is characterized by its effective results, in addition to being safe for use in different areas of the body, such as the face, neck, hands, and chest. It is also used to unify the skin color of sensitive areas, the back or legs, as well as getting rid of freckles and melasma. Nadara Clinic has the best laser offers to lighten skin pigmentation.

How does laser technology work to lighten skin pigmentation?

Many types of lasers are used in this technology, but the most efficient and effective type is laser technology Selective photolysis It is a Q-switched laser. Its efficiency is due to the fact that it has a long wavelength of up to (1064/532) nanometers, which helps in destroying melanin cells as well as breaking up pigmentation. The lymphatic system also drains it out of the body. Skin cells are then renewed, as collagen is stimulated to renew cells and remove dead skin. Therefore, do not hesitate and get rid of pigmentation immediately with laser doctors to lighten pigmentation in Hurghada at the Nadara Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetic Center.

Causes of pigmentation

Pigmentation occurs as a result of wrong routines and negligence in protecting and maintaining the skin. The most important factors for the occurrence of skin pigmentation are:

  • Exposing the skin to excessive sunlight without using a sunscreen.
  • Effects of acne and scars.
  • Binge smoking.
  • Following a diet increases body inflammation and pigmentation.
  • Skin burns.
  • Incorrect tattoo removal causes skin pigmentation.
  • Using incorrect methods to remove hair, which leads to infections and then pigmentation.
  • Genetic factors.
  • getting old.
  • Taking some medications, such as antidepressants, causes pigmentation.
  • Diseases that cause pigmentation, such as gastrointestinal diseases and autoimmune diseases.
  • Skin diseases such as eczema, contact dermatitis and psoriasis.

 Advantages of laser to lighten skin pigmentation in Hurghada

Lasers have revolutionized the world of medicine, especially in cosmetic medicine. Among the most important advantages of lasers for lightening skin pigmentation in Hurghada are:

  • Skin cell regeneration.
  • Lightening skin tone, where you can do sessions to lighten facial pigmentation, lighten pigmentation on the back, as well as lighten pigmentation in sensitive areas.
  • Unification of skin color.
  • Stimulating increased production of collagen to renew skin cells, as well as elastin to give the skin elasticity and freshness.
  • Giving the skin smoothness and freshness.
  • Skin rejuvenation.
  • It does not cause damage to the skin around the targeted area.
  • Speed of procedure.
  • No need for a recovery period.
  • Getting rid of melasma and freckles.

Candidates for laser skin lightening procedure in Hurghada

  1. Those who have spots and pigmentation as a result of excessive exposure of the skin to the laser.
  2. Older people who have brown spots that appear with age.
  3. Pregnant women who have pigmentation during pregnancy or after childbirth.
  4. Those who have a family history and genetic genes that increase the appearance of pigmentation.
  5. Pigmentation resulting from skin diseases, acne and scars.

How do you find the best laser doctors for pigmentation in Hurghada?

If you suffer from skin pigmentation, there is no need to worry, as you can choose the best laser doctors to lighten pigmentation in Hurghada from dermatologists or plastic surgeons. The dermatologist and cosmetologist must have accredited certificates in dermatology and laser cosmetology. In addition, he must have experience and skill in using lasers.

 Neglecting to choose the best laser doctor to lighten skin pigmentation may lead to side effects or harm to the patient during treatment. Therefore, the Nadara Clinic includes the best elite group of doctors, where there is the best plastic surgeon as well as the best dermatologist to lighten pigmentation with laser. In addition to the presence of the latest laser devices and techniques that remove skin pigmentation and different types of pigmentation removal lasers. Therefore, Nadara Clinic is considered the best laser clinic to lighten skin pigmentation in Hurghada and provides therapeutic and cosmetic services. Nadara Clinic provides the best dermatology doctor, as well as a plastic surgeon, and an integrated medical team under the supervision of Dr. Amani Al-Tawabti, a dermatologist and venereology doctor.

To ensure the competence of the laser doctor to lighten pigmentation in Hurghada, Nadara Clinic, you can search on social media as well as the Nadara Clinic website. You can also follow patient reviews and their level of satisfaction with the results, as well as the level of the center’s therapeutic services, as well as the center’s cosmetic services provided at Nadhara Clinic. In addition, there are many pictures of the treatment of the best laser doctors to lighten pigmentation in Hurghada before and after so that you can evaluate the doctor and his competence. You should also not neglect choosing a hospital, clinic, or medical beauty center with a good reputation and equipped with the latest laser devices and technologies, as well as sterile and clean.

The first consultation with the best laser doctors for pigmentation in Hurghada

We also mentioned that you must choose a doctor with experience and skill in using laser so that it does not cause complications or damage to the skin. Therefore, you can perform pigmentation lightening with laser in an equipped hospital, clinic, or medical center, such as Nadara Clinic Dermatology, Laser, and Cosmetology in Hurghada and the Red Sea. The best laser doctor to lighten skin pigmentation in Hurghada will perform the following procedures during your first consultation:

  1. The laser doctor to lighten pigmentation in Hurghada will ask you about your medical history.
  2. You must inform the plastic surgeon at Nadhara Center if you suffer from any skin diseases or are taking any medications or even vitamins.
  3. The doctor must be informed of the history of the appearance of pigmentation.
  4. The best laser doctors for pigmentation treatment in Hurghada will examine your skin and pigmentation.
  5. Based on examining the skin and pigmentation, the pigmentation lightening laser doctor determines the skin type and degree of pigmentation, which helps in treatment.
  6. The dermatologist determines the appropriate type of laser, as well as the number of sessions to lighten skin pigmentation with laser.
  7. The plastic surgeon will take pictures of the pigmentation before the session to compare them with the results after laser skin pigmentation treatment.
  8. You can ask the plastic surgeon or dermatologist any question without embarrassment, so that you can obtain all the information before starting the skin lightening sessions with laser in Hurghada.

The best laser doctors to lighten pigmentation in Hurghada

You will enjoy your skin pigmentation treatment journey at Nadahara Center with distinguished service and continuous follow-up of the condition. The best laser doctors to lighten skin pigmentation in Hurghada will tell you all the information you should know before starting laser sessions to lighten skin pigmentation. We will inform you of the dermatologist’s instructions before starting treatment and after treatment, as well as the steps for performing a laser session to lighten skin pigmentation at the Nadara Center in Hurghada. The session is performed by the best laser doctors to lighten pigmentation.

Instructions from laser doctors for skin pigmentation before treatment

You must follow the instructions of the plastic surgeon or dermatologist before starting treatment so that complications or adverse skin reactions do not occur. The most important of these instructions are the following:

  • Avoid excessive skin exposure to sunlight.
  • Do not apply lightening creams or skin care products.
  • Avoid using cosmetics.
  • Do not perform hair removal sessions two weeks before the procedure.
  • Avoid cosmetic injections.
  • Stop taking food supplements and vitamins.
  • Do not take blood-thinning medications such as anti-inflammatory drugs and analgesics that contain ibuprofen or aspirin.

Steps to conduct a laser skin pigmentation treatment session

The plastic surgeon at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology in Hurghada and the Red Sea performs a laser session to lighten skin pigmentation. The laser session may take about 15 to 30 minutes, and the doctor may need to perform more than one session depending on the degree of pigmentation and the skin’s response to the laser. How to conduct a laser lightening session, such as:

  1. The laser doctor to lighten skin pigmentation in Hurghada sterilizes the target area.
  2. The area is numbed with local anesthesia if your skin is sensitive. However, the laser session can be performed without anesthesia because the laser device has a cooling system that helps you not feel pain.
  3. The doctor will give you protective eye glasses to protect them from the laser rays, and the doctor will also wear them.
  4. The dermatologist and plastic surgeon tests the laser beams on a small part of the skin to test the extent of its effect or the sensitivity of the skin to it.
  5. The doctor shines laser beams on the targeted pigmentation areas. The laser technology for lightening pigmentation works by absorbing the heat of light from the pigmentation and destroying it.
  6. The doctor places a bandage on the area treated with the laser to protect it from the sun.
  7. Finally, the dermatologist at the Nadara Clinic in Hurghada will schedule the next session to evaluate the results and also conduct a skin pigmentation treatment session if necessary.

Side effects after lightening skin pigmentation in Hurghada

After having a laser session with laser doctors to lighten skin pigmentation, you will feel some temporary side effects that will disappear within days. But you must follow the instructions of the best pigmentation lightening laser doctor in Hurghada so that complications do not occur. These side effects include:

  1. Redness of the target area.
  2. Swelling occurs.
  3. Simple pain.
Instructions from laser doctors for pigmentation in Hurghada after the session

The laser doctor to lighten skin pigmentation in Hurghada will tell you some instructions that must be followed so as not to cause skin irritation, hyperpigmentation or complications. Also, until the side effects disappear quickly, the most important of these instructions are the following:

  • Avoid exposing the target area to sunlight.
  • You can apply cold compresses to the area to reduce swelling and relieve redness.
  • You must apply moisturizing creams that will be prescribed to you by the best laser doctors to lighten skin pigmentation in Hurghada at Nadara Clinic.
  • Avoid hot showers, warm water, and saunas.
  • Do not apply cosmetics or creams without consulting a plastic surgeon.
  • Avoid cosmetic injections.
  • Hair should not be removed from the area until the recovery period has passed and a dermatologist must be consulted first. Then laser hair removal may be the most appropriate solution.

 Expected results during the recovery period

During the recovery period after performing a laser pigmentation lightening session in Hurghada, the pigmentation will decrease by 50% if it is severe, then it will gradually diminish as the sessions continue. The laser doctor to lighten skin pigmentation in Hurghada will determine the number of sessions needed based on the skin response and the degree of skin pigmentation.

Final results after lightening pigmentation with laser

You will get the final results after completing the number of laser sessions prescribed by the pigmentation lightening laser doctor in Hurghada. The pigmentation often disappears completely within a month, and this begins gradually after one or two sessions until approximately the fourth session. However, this varies depending on the degree of pigmentation, its age, and the skin’s response to the laser.

Number of laser sessions for skin pigmentation in Hurghada

The number of laser sessions to lighten skin pigmentation in Hurghada varies according to several factors, the most important of which are the degree of pigmentation, its age, and its area. The skin response also varies from one person to another, so the dermatologist at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology evaluates the condition of the pigmentation first and then determines the number of sessions needed to lighten the skin pigmentation. The number of sessions often ranges from two to four laser sessions.

Harmful effects of neglecting choosing best laser doctors for pigmentation

If you do not make sure to choose a doctor with experience, practical competence, and certifications in using lasers, some laser damage may occur to lighten skin pigmentation. The risks of skin lightening laser include the following:

  1. Infections occur.
  2. Hyperpigmentation occurs.
  3. skin dryness.
  4. Possibility of infection.
  5. Heat burns.

People who are not candidates for the laser treatment

Laser to lighten pigmentation is considered safe, but laser doctors to lighten skin pigmentation in Hurghada advise against performing this technique on the following cases so as not to cause serious complications. These cases include:

  • People with any immune diseases.
  • Those who suffer from malignant pigmentation.
  • Some very deep pigmentation.
  • Dark skinned people.

Pigmentation laser price

The price of pigmentation laser in Hurghada varies according to several factors such as:

  • Certifications and experience of a dermatologist or cosmetologist.
  • Patient age.
  • Type of pigmentation.
  • Age of pigmentation.
  • Degree of pigmentation.
  • Depth of pigmentation.
  • The number of sessions.
  • Skin response to laser.
  • The type of laser device used and its wavelength.
  • Cosmetic or dermatology clinic equipment and sterilization.

Best laser clinic to lighten skin pigmentation in Hurghada

If you are looking for the best clinics in laser to lighten skin pigmentation in Hurghada, then Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetic is the best cosmetic clinic in Hurghada. It includes an elite group of the best dermatology doctors, as well as the best plastic surgeons, led by Dr. Amani Al-Tawabti, a dermatology and venereology consultant. In addition, Nadara Clinic keeps pace with the latest international technologies and modern laser devices in order to achieve the best satisfactory results with patients. There are also the best laser offers to lighten skin pigmentation and get rid of freckles or melasma, and many therapeutic clinic services as well as cosmetic clinic services.

Not only do doctors use pigmentation lasers to lighten the skin and freckles, but you can also perform many cosmetic injections, such as: Glutathione needles, Needles of freshness for face, And plasma injections for the face. as well Botox injections, Hyaluronic injection, Collagen for the skin, And facial filler, nose filler, Cheek filler, Lip filler And filler under the eyes. There are also the best doctors to treat any skin diseases.

In addition to the presence of the best plastic surgery doctor, Dr. Mahmoud Mubarak, where you can perform all cosmetic surgeries Such as a face lift with threadsTreatment of deviated nose, Varicose veins treatment. In addition to using the latest technologies to get rid of fat as well Skin and face tightening such as Carboxy, face lift without surgery, treatment of hand wrinkles, Mesotherapy injections for weight loss Fat dissolving needles.

In conclusion, you can now get rid of annoying skin pigmentation with the best laser doctors to lighten skin pigmentation in Hurghada. Enjoy life without pigmentation and enjoy fresher, more vibrant skin at the best laser clinics to lighten skin pigmentation, Nadara Clinic in Hurghada.


  1. How can I book an appointment with laser doctors for pigmentation?

    You can contact us or send WhatsApp Book your soonest time with the best laser doctors to lighten skin pigmentation in Hurghada at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetic.

  2. Does laser remove pigmentation permanently?

    Yes, laser removes pigmentation permanently, but you must follow the instructions of the dermatologist and plastic surgeon to avoid the sun so that the pigmentation does not return.

  3. How many sessions of lase for pigmentation to get a good result? 

    The number of laser sessions to lighten pigmentation varies from one person to another depending on the degree, depth, age and type of pigmentation. Therefore, the plastic surgeon at the Nadara Clinic determines the number of sessions, and it often ranges from 3 to 4 sessions to get rid of skin pigmentation.

  4. Is laser pigmentation treatment permanent? 

    The results of laser treatment to lighten skin pigmentation are permanent, but you should not be exposed to sunlight or use sunscreen. But with age, pigmentation may appear again, as well as if a hormonal disorder occurs.

  5. Is laser treatment painful?

    The feeling of pain varies from one person to another depending on the type of skin and its sensitivity, but for the pigmentation lightening laser, it is painless. It uses a cooling system that helps reduce the feeling of pain, and a local anesthetic can also be applied if necessary for sensitive skin.

  6. Are there alternatives to laser to get rid of skin pigmentation?

    This depends on the condition, degree, and depth of the pigmentation, but the plastic surgeon will determine the most appropriate solution for your condition, as there are alternatives such as skin-lightening creams or skin peeling sessions, but they require a period of time to have an effect.

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