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Best laser hair removal device in Hurghada

Are you looking for the best laser hair removal device in Hurghada? we will tell the best one.

Hair removal for women is one of the challenges that in the past was difficult to overcome with traditional methods, but now laser hair removal has become easier, but what is the best laser hair removal device in Hurghada? Laser hair removal has made a revolution in the world of cosmetics, as it not only facilitates the hair removal process, but also slows down its growth and makes the hair follicles thinner and weaker than before.

So if you are confused and wondering which is the best Cynosure device or Candela? Or a Quanta duetto or Deka device? No need to be puzzled anymore. You will choose the best among them after reading this article, in which we will learn about their advantages and disadvantages of different laser hair removal devices. This will help you determine your goal of laser sessions and what suits your skin and gain impressive results in the short and long term.

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How does laser hair removal technology work?

The idea of working all laser hair removal devices depends on directing laser beams with certain wavelengths and certain temperatures on the hair follicle. where the rays are aimed melanin pigment In the roots of the hair follicles, which works to absorb the rays, which leads to thermal decomposition of the root of the bulb and its fall. The best laser hair removal doctors in Hurghada will advise you on the need to repeat the sessions at a time commensurate with the life cycle of your hair and its response to the laser. As a result of this repetition, its thickness decreases and weakens, as the growth of the hair follicle gradually slows down, and it may reach only two laser sessions per year at Nadara Clinic. Which makes this technique better than the traditional methods of removing hair from the body.

Benefits of laser hair removal

  • Saving time and effort.
  • The speed of the procedure, as the session may take place in a period ranging from 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the area of the targeted area.
  • It does not cause pain like traditional methods of hair removal.
  • Hair grows gradually, unlike traditional methods, in which hair can grow again within days of its removal.
  • Permanent results, as the growth of the follicles gradually decreases, while continuing to perform laser hair removal sessions in Hurghada at the Freshness Center. In addition, laser hair removal prices are less expensive than different hair removal methods in the long run.
  • Hair can be removed from all areas of the body such as bikini hair removal, armpit hair removal, facial hair removal, back hair removal, arms and legs hair removal, abdominal hair removal. In short, you can completely remove body hair.

What is the best laser hair removal device in Hurghada?

The latest laser revolution in the world of medicine in the treatment of many diseases without surgical intervention. While in the field of cosmetic medicine, many uses of laser have appeared as a result of its many benefits to the skin, which dispense with various cosmetic and surgical services and treatments. That is why you will find in the Freshness Center for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology the best hair removal laser devices in Hurghada and the Red Sea in order to get impressive results. As a result of these benefits, laser hair removal has been used, as it has proven unparalleled effectiveness in long-term hair removal. The dermatologist will determine the best laser device for you at Nadara Center for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology in Hurghada and the Red Sea.

You can perform laser hair removal in hair removal hospitals, hair removal centers, or clinics equipped with the latest modern and effective laser devices. Many laser hair removal devices have appeared with different wavelengths, including dual wavelengths. But you must continue the sessions until you reach the result you seek. Not only that, men can also remove thick and stubborn hair and define the chin with laser. As a result of the emergence of different devices, the prices of laser hair removal in Hurghada vary. Among the best laser hair removal devices in Hurghada are the Candela laser, the Synasure device, the Quanta Dueta laser device, as well as the Deka Motus device. Each device has its advantages and disadvantages, but what is the best device for hair removal in laser clinics in Hurghada?

First: Candela laser hair removal device

Candela laser hair removal device in Hurghada
Candela laser hair removal device in Hurghada

The Candela device is considered one of the first laser devices that were used in hair removal, and it is issued by the American company CANDELA. But it has been developed further and its latest version is the Candela Gentle Pro. The Candela hair removal device in Hurghada relies on the use of Alexandrite Laser beams with a specific wavelength. Where the melanin dye in the hair and its roots absorbs the laser rays of the Candela hair removal device in Hurghada. Which works to gain thermal energy that destroys the root of the hair follicle and weakens it with repeated laser sessions.

Features of the Candela laser hair removal device

  • Candela laser hair removal device in Hurghada is an effective treatment as its success rate ranges from 40% to 80%.
  • Safe treatment as it does not affect the skin surrounding the hair.
  • The presence of dynamic cooling technology (cooling with liquid nitrogen), which helps to cool and protect the superficial skin layers and protect tissues from damage.
  • The Candela hair removal device in Hurghada obtained the approval of the US Drug and Drug Administration for the type and lengths of laser waves.
  • Candela laser hair removal device in Hurghada can be used for different skin types as well as different colors.
  • There is no pain while using candela gentlemax pro laser hair removal device compared to the different types of hair removal methods.
  • Safe on sensitive areas such as the bikini area and the underarm area.
  • It has several benefits for the skin, such as tightening the skin, hiding wrinkles and fine lines, and treating the effects of acne, cellulite, and other skin problems.

Disadvantages of candela gentlemax pro hair removal device

  • It sometimes causes an allergic reaction so it should be tested first on a small area of the body.
  • Redness of the targeted areas and swelling may occur in some cases.
  • It cannot be used in the area around the eyes and eyebrows, so as not to cause bad effects on the eyes.
  • The Candela laser hair removal device is expensive, especially when hair removal is needed for large areas of the body, such as removing hair on the back or the entire leg.
  • Sometimes using candela gentlemax pro hair removal device may cause hair to appear in other areas around the targeted area.
  • There are limited options in Candela laser hair removal device such as heat and layer penetration.
  • The head of the device must be in contact with the skin in order to work effectively in removing hair, which leads to the possibility of infection.

Second: Cynosure hair removal device

Senator Elite Plus 2023 laser hair removal device in Hurghada
Cynosure Elite laser device is the best hair removal laser device in Hurghada

Cynosure hair removal device in Hurghada is one of the latest laser devices, which has proven to be highly efficient and has been produced by the leading company in the world of medical devices as well. However, the types of laser beams differ, and Cynosure device has different features than the Candela hair removal device in Hurghada. The Cynosure laser hair removal device in Hurghada is characterized by the fact that it uses two types of laser beams, which are the Alexandrite laser 755 nm and Nd-YAG laser 1064 nm. Where there are two versions, the Elite device and the Elite Plus device for hair removal in Hurghada.

Therefore, the combination of these two types of wavelengths makes the Synasure laser hair removal device in Hurghada the ideal device for hair removal. In addition, it destroys hair follicles without causing damage to the skin surrounding the target area. Therefore, Nadara Clinic relies on using the best hair removal devices in Hurghada, including the Synosure laser device. It is recommended by the best laser hair removal doctors in Hurghada. We will learn more details about the Century laser hair removal device and its advantages.

Advantages of Cynosure device, the best laser hair removal device in Hurghada

  • Cynosure device, in its two versions, is the Elite hair removal device, as well as the Elite Plus hair removal device, approved by the Food and Drug Administration in America.
  • It is used effectively for all different types of hair or skin because it uses two laser technologies, the Alexandrite laser and Nd-YAG laser.
  • Cynosure laser for hair removal in Hurghada is effective for light skin as well as dark skin, as the Cynosure Apogee Alexandrite laser device is used for light skin. While the Cynosure Apogee Elite-ND-YAG laser is used for black skin. Which makes it the best hardware.
  • Cynosure hair removal device in Hurghada contains many options that are adjusted by the dermatologist at Nadara Clinic, according to what suits the hair type, skin type, and color.
  • It contains an air cooling device attached to the head of the device in order to protect the skin from burns.
  • There is no feeling of pain as a result of the cooling device that reduces the sensation.
  • There will be no redness after using Cynosure laser hair removal device in Hurghada, as the cooling system reduces the heat of the rays.
  • Results appear significantly after the second session and gradually increase until the sixth session
  • The latest version, Cynosure Elite device, is one of the best hair removal devices in Hurghada and is recommended by doctors because it adopts high energy as well as two wavelengths suitable for all skin types, colors and hair types. It also uses a highly efficient cooling system that helps reduce side effects and does not cause pain. Therefore, it is recommended by the best laser hair removal doctors in Hurghada.
  • Other benefits for the skin, as the Sinasure device is used to remove freckles, skin lesions, pigmentation, warts, and acne. It also works to tighten the skin and get rid of wrinkles and fine lines.

The difference between Cynosure Elite Plus device and the Candela laser device

If you are looking for the best laser for hair removal and are at a loss as to which device to choose between the CYNOSURE hair removal device, with its modern version, the CYNOSURE Elite Plus, and the Candela Gentle Laser Pro CANDELA. In this quick comparison, we will tell you which one is better, and which one guarantees you to get rid of hair faster and maintain smooth and healthy skin:

  1. The Synasure device is distinguished by the presence of two types of lasers: the Alexandrite laser 755 nm, and the Indiage laser 1064 nm. So it is used for all skin and hair colors. While the Candela device depends on the Alexandrite laser only. Which makes Synasure Laser the best laser hair removal device in Hurghada at Nadara Center for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology.
  2. Cynosure hair removal laser device in Hurghada uses Air cooling technology for the target area as well as the surrounding area, while the Candela Gentle Laser Pro uses DCD cooling technology, which pumps the cooling liquid before each pulse and not with it like the Cynosure device. Also, the Candela device does not provide cooling to the area surrounding the target area, which makes it ineffective like the Stache laser hair removal device in Hurghada.
  3. The Snatcher differs from the Candela device in that it can control the pulse strength to suit the thickness of the hair, but the Candela Gentle Pro laser device has a fixed power. Which makes Synasure Laser the best in-clinic laser hair removal device in Hurghada.
  4. A hair removal session with Cynosure laser can be performed without the head of the device touching the skin, while the laser candela must touch the head of the device to the skin, which provides an opportunity for infection.

In the end, you can conclude that Cynosure laser is better than the Candela laser in hair removal in Hurghada because of its advantages, wavelengths, cooling system, technology and effective results.

Third: Deka laser hair removal device in Hurghada DEKA

Deka Motus laser hair removal device in Hurghada
Deka Motus laser hair removal device in Hurghada

DEKA laser hair removal device in Hurghada is one of the Italian laser devices used by the best laser hair removal doctors in Hurghada. It is also used in the best laser hair removal hospitals in Hurghada. The Deka Motus Ay device relies on penetrating the layers of the skin to reach the melanin pigment in the hair follicle and destroy it. Which gives long-term results and uses certain wavelengths that help slow hair growth again.

Features of the Deca Motus laser hair removal device

  • There is no contact between the device and the skin, which reduces the chances of infection.
  • It helps in treating many skin problems, especially skin pigmentation, as it stimulates cells to regenerate and get rid of wrinkles.
  • It is effective in areas with thick hair.
  • Laser hair removal doctors in Hurghada advise using Deka laser device in case of need to get rid of skin pigmentation, as this is done in the same laser hair removal session in Hurghada.
  • It features an advanced cooling system so that no burns occur.

Disadvantages of Deka hair removal device in Hurghada

  • The use of the Deca Motus laser hair removal device in Hurghada sometimes leads to an unpleasant change in skin color as well as scarring. This does not happen with Synsure Elite hair removal device in Hurghada, which makes it the best laser hair removal device in Hurghada.
  • Temporary side effects occur after it, such as swelling of the skin.
  • You may feel some pain.
  • You may need several sessions to get the desired result, while with Cynosure hair removal device in Hurghada, the initial results appear after the second session.

Fourth: Quanta Duetto hair removal device in Hurghada

Quanta Duetto laser hair removal device in Hurghada
Quanta Duetto laser hair removal device in Hurghada

Quanta laser hair removal device is considered the best laser hair removal device in Hurghada, as it depends on the mixed technology of using two types of lasers, the Alexandrite laser and Nd-YAG laser. In addition to the possibility of using both types of lasers in the same pulse. The Alexandrite laser is effective on light hair and light skin, while Nd-YAG laser is effective on dark skin and thick hair.

It is also distinguished from other laser hair removal devices in Hurghada by many features, the most important of which is the removal of stubborn hair, as well as the removal of baby hair on the face and all parts of the body. In addition, it is suitable for all skin tones, whether it is light skin or dark skin. In addition to its many benefits for the skin, it is used to treat skin problems such as pigmentation and varicose veins.

Advantages of the duet laser device, the best laser hair removal device in Hurghada

  • The best laser hair removal doctors in Hurghada recommend using the Duetto Quanta laser device, as it is characterized by its effective results.
  • It contains a multi-ray system, which makes it adaptable to all skin types.
  • There are a lot of settings in the Duetto Quanta laser device to adjust the temperatures and use the appropriate wavelength for the skin.
  • The possibility of a duet laser device to remove stubborn hair that is difficult to remove by other laser devices.
  • It is used on all types of hair with high efficiency, such as removing baby hair from the face or from other parts of the body.
  • It is recommended by laser hair removal doctors in Hurghada to remove lanugo hair, as well as dense hair removal using the Quanta Duetto laser in Hurghada.
  • The Duetto Laser hair removal device treats various skin problems, such as pigmentation, wrinkles, skin tightening, and treatment of scars and acne. It also works to regenerate tissues and cells and remove skin growths.
  • The laser hair removal doctor at Nadara beauty Center in Hurghada can use both types of lasers with different wavelengths in the same pulse in some cases. Which makes it the best hair removal laser in Hurghada.
The difference between the Duetto Laser device and the Italian Deka device, which is the best laser hair removal device in Hurghada?

The Quanta hair removal device is distinguished from the Deka Motus hair removal device in Hurghada with many advantages that make it the best laser hair removal device, as it surpasses the Deka device and the Candela device. We will now learn about the difference between the Duet Laser or Deca device, and which is the best laser device for facial hair removal, as follows:

  1. The Quantum Duetto Laser hair removal device in Hurghada uses Mixed Technology. The way it works depends on the use of two types of laser beams Alexandrite and Nd-YAG in the same pulse. Which makes it the best laser hair removal device in Hurghada and makes it superior to the Deka Laser hair removal device.
  2. The Duetto Laser hair removal device in Hurghada can remove stubborn hair, which is difficult for the Deka Motus device to remove due to the presence of different wavelengths in the Duetto Laser device at the Freshness Center in Hurghada.
  3. The results of laser hair removal appear with the Quanta Duetto device faster than any other laser hair removal device.
  4. The Quanta Duetto laser is better for removing facial hair, better than the Deka or Candela device.
  5. The Quanta Duetto laser for hair removal in Hurghada can be used for light as well as dark skin, while the Deka device is used for light skin only and is not suitable for dark skin.

In conclusion, the Quanta Duetto laser hair removal device in Hurghada is the best hair removal laser device in Hurghada and far surpasses the Deka laser because of its advantages and double wavelength.

Tips for laser hair removal

The instructions of the best hair removal doctors in Hurghada must be adhered to at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology, so as not to cause complications and irritation to the skin. The instructions must also be adhered to in order to reach the best results in the shortest possible period. Among the most important of these tips are the following:

  1. The best hair removal doctors in Hurghada should be chosen with competence and practical experience, as well as qualifications and scientific degrees.
  2. You should choose the best laser hair removal hospitals in Hurghada or hair removal clinic in Hurghada. You can choose Nadara Clinic Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology in Hurghada and the Red Sea.
  3. Tell the dermatologist at Nadara beauty Center in Hurghada about any treatments you are taking or any skin diseases you suffer from.
  4. Avoid exposure to the sun about two weeks before the session and two weeks after the session.
  5. Do not remove hair using traditional methods from the roots so that it does not grow again.
  6. Using blades for hair two days before the session to avoid skin irritation.
  7. Avoid applying creams or cosmetics before or after a laser hair removal session.
  8. Commitment to meeting appointments and maintaining them to reach your goal.

In the end, Cynosure device is an alternative to the Deka device and the Candela device in hair removal, because of its advantages over the Deka and Candela device. While the Quanta Duetto device surpasses the Deka device and the Candela device for its many advantages in removing stubborn hair and using different wavelengths for all types of skin, hair and thickness. At Nadara Clinic you will find the best hair removal doctors in Hurghada in order to enjoy life freely with hair-free skin for long periods. Enjoy the benefits of laser hair removal in Hurghada. Book now at Nadara clinic Dermatology and take advantage of laser hair removal packages and offers.


  1. How can I book a laser hair removal session in Hurghada?

    You can contact us or send WhatsApp And book the earliest time with the best laser hair removal in Hurghada at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology in Hurghada and the Red Sea.

  2. What is the best laser hair removal device 2023?

    Many laser hair removal devices have appeared, but the best types of hair removal laser devices are those that rely on mixed technology. Where it uses two types of lasers, the Alexandrite laser and the Andyage laser, which are available in the Synasure laser device, as well as the Quanta Duetto device. Which makes them highly efficient in removing all types of hair from all skin types of all colors.

  3. What is the difference between Deka and Sinasure?

    The Synasure device is better than the Deca device in hair removal, as the Synasure laser device uses two types of lasers, which are the Alexandrite laser 755 nm and the Indiage laser 1064 nm. While the Deca laser device uses one type of laser, which is alexandrite, such as the Candela device. Therefore, the Synasure device is an alternative to the Deca device and the Candela device.

  4. What is the best type of laser hair removal device?

    You can consult the best hair removal laser doctors in Hurghada to choose the right type of laser for your skin. Dermatologists and cosmetologists also recommend using the Synasure laser, as well as the Quanta Duetto laser, because of their advantages over other hair removal laser devices, as it contains the Alexandrite laser and the Andyage laser.

  5. What is the best laser hair removal device in clinics?

    A laser device that relies on dual laser technology is the best because it affects all types of hair and all skin colors with high efficiency. Among the most important laser devices for hair removal in clinics is the Quanta Duetto laser for hair removal in Hurghada, as well as Cynosure laser.

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