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Eyelid lift in Hurghada

Get the best eyelid lift result with the best eyelid lift doctors at Nadara Clinic and the best eyelid lift surgery doctor as well as non-surgical eyelid lift.

Eyes are one of the most important features of beauty and love, so their appearance is very important, especially for women, and one of the most important things that determines their beauty is Lid But in some cases, the eyelid becomes saggy, so Nadara Clinic provides you with the best eyelid surgery doctor, whether to perform an eyelid lift or a non-surgical eyelid lift with the best eyelid lift doctors in Hurghada. Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Aesthetics is characterized by the presence of the best plastic medicine doctors who hold high scientific degrees and qualifications.

Nadara Clinic in Hurghada also keeps pace with advanced international medical technologies in order to provide you with the best treatment methods that suit you. Therefore, you will find more than one way to treat sagging eyelids, which we will mention to you in detail. Get the best treatment for tight eyelids and a more youthful and beautiful eyes appearance with the best cosmetic doctor at Nadara Clinic.

Tighten and lift sagging eyelids
Tighten and lift sagging eyelids

What is the eyelid lift process?

Contents show

Eyelid surgery in Hurghada is a very popular operation, especially in the case of advanced age. Where the eyelids appear drooping, which makes the signs of aging visible to everyone. In addition, eyelid lift in Hurghada is not only surgical. Where many modern cosmetic procedures appeared. It works to treat sagging eyelids at the hands of the best eyelid lift doctor in Hurghada. It includes services such as filler injections, Botox injections, plasma injections, and self-fat injections.

 While eyelid surgery is performed by the best eyelid surgery doctors, it is considered a permanent solution to treat the eyelids, whether for the upper or lower eyelids. There are many types of eyelid surgery, such as removing excess skin or fat, eyelid lift, and sagging eyelid treatment. All this you can do at Freshness Center for Dermatology and Cosmetic Laser in Hurghada and the Red Sea in order to enjoy attractive eyes.

Causes of sagging eyelids

Sagging eyelids is a problem that affects many women. But for the best eyelid lift doctor in Hurghada to treat it. It must first be well diagnosed and the causes of its occurrence must be known, such as:

  • Age is one of the most important causes that lead to the occurrence of the rest of the causes in most cases.
  • Genetic predisposition, and therefore signs of sagging age may appear on the eyelids without ageing, as genes begin to affect the eyelids, and wrinkles and lacrimal sacs appear at a young age.
  • The presence of tear sacs devoid of tears, but filled with fat as a result of insufficient sleep.
  • Connective tissue weakness and this appears at an advanced age.
  • The thinness of the skin layer of the eyelids makes it vulnerable to various environmental factors as well as the ultraviolet rays of the sun.
  • Not getting enough sleep.
  • Stress and exhaustion.
  • Infection with muscular or nervous diseases, such as blood clots.
  • Previous eye surgery.

Candidates for eyelid surgery in Hurghada

Among the most important reasons that require eyelid surgery in Hurghada are:

  • Sagging of the upper and lower eyelids.
  • The appearance of swelling under the eyes.
  • The presence of excess skin in the upper eyelids, which hinders sight and affects vision.

Methods of treatment of sagging eyelids in Hurghada

Eyelid lift before and after
Eyelid lift before and after

There are many methods of eyelid lift in Hurghada, depending on the diagnosis of the plastic doctor at Nadara Clinic in Hurghada. He is the one who decides which treatment is appropriate after taking into account the patient's needs for this operation. Therefore, one of the most important methods of eyelid lift is:

1- Blepharoplasty eyelid surgery

Blepharoplasty is one of the most popular surgeries. It is a final solution to many eyelid problems, whether it is excess skin, lacrimal bags, or sagging eyelids. Surgery to remove puffiness under the eye is also done. This happens as a result of advancing age and the inability of the muscles to raise the eyelids as before. Therefore, the best eyelid surgery doctor at Nadara Clinic performs this procedure to obtain the best eyelid and eye appearance.

Instructions before performing surgery in Hurghada

  • Choose the best eyelid lift doctor. As it is a very accurate surgery and also choose a clinic, equipped medical center or hospitals. You will find all this at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology in Hurghada and the Red Sea. Where there are the best eyelid lift doctors in Hurghada as well as the latest technologies and advanced devices.
  • Tell the doctor your medical history and any eye surgeries you've had.
  • If you are taking any medications, you must inform the doctor about them so that they do not interfere with the surgery.
  • The doctor will start the examination by examining the eye, measuring the parts of the eye and knowing the condition well. The lacrimal system and vision will also be tested.
  • The doctor may also take several pictures of the eye and eyelids from several angles during the examination before eyelid surgery.
  • Stop taking blood-thinning medications that contain aspirin or ibuprofen. So that no bleeding occurs during surgery. Also, you should not take non-steroidal medications.
  • Avoid taking nutritional supplements and vitamins.
  • Do not expose your eyes to the sun for long periods of time before eyelid surgery.
  • Stop smoking because of its negative effects.
  • Do not put cosmetics or skin care products on the eyes.

Eyelid lift surgery steps in Hurghada

Eyelid surgery in Hurghada
Eyelid surgery in Hurghada
  1. The eyelids are thoroughly cleaned and disinfected before the surgery.
  2. The patient is given local anesthesia so that he does not feel any discomfort.
  3. The doctor starts by operating the upper eyelids first, then the lower eyelids if they need surgery.
  4. The best plastic surgeon at Nadara Clinic makes an incision in the natural crease of the upper eyelid. Then he performs the necessary treatment for the eyelid, whether it is cutting the eyelid to remove excess skin or removing some of the fatty and muscular tissues that are under the skin.
  5. The doctor closes the incision with a medical suture that does not leave a scar.
  6. In lower eyelid surgery, the incision is made in the natural fold of the eyelids, just below the eyelashes. Then the eyelid surgeon removes the excess fatty tissue and then sutures the wound.
  7. In the event that the problem is in the lacrimal sacs, there is no need to make an incision, but the eyelid can be treated by means of connective tissue from the inside of the eyelid.
  8. In some cases, if the eyelid affects vision as it hangs along the pupil, another incision will be made to treat this problem.
  9. In the end, the doctor will prescribe painkillers for you and set the next follow-up appointment in a week to follow up on the results.

Side effects after eyelid surgery

You will feel some side effects but they are temporary and will go away by following the instructions of the best eyelid lift doctor. Among the most important of these effects are:

  • Swelling around the eye that may reach the cheeks.
  • Dry Eye.
  • Slight pain at the eyelid surgery site.

The duration of the eyelid lift procedure

The duration of eyelid lift surgery varies from one patient to another depending on the condition of each patient, but it usually takes from one and a half to two hours. The patient can also leave Nadara clinic and return home.

The result of eyelid surgery in Hurghada

Eyelid lift before and after
Eyelid lift before and after

The result of eyelid lift surgery appears immediately after the operation, but it is accompanied by side effects of swelling and redness, but these effects disappear within a week of surgery. The result of eyelid surgery is permanent in most cases treated with surgery.

Eyelid lift without surgery

If you do not want eyelid surgery or if there is an obstacle that prevents you from undergoing eyelid surgery. The doctor will tell you ways to tighten the eyelids without surgery, such as:

2- Eyelid lift without surgery by Botox injection

The Botox injections one of the most popular face-lift methods in Hurghada. Therefore, it is also used to tighten the eyelids without the common surgery. Botox is a substance extracted from toxic bacteria for use in many cosmetic treatments. Where this substance is distinguished in that it helps to paralyze the movement of muscles. Which works to tighten the skin and not sagging it. Therefore, Botox injection service is used in Nadara Clinic to tighten the eyelids without surgery, as it removes wrinkles and sagging of the eyelids.

How long do the results of Botox injections last without surgery?

The results of eyelid lift in Hurghada appear immediately after the injection. It also lasts for 4 to 6 months. Therefore, you can perform injections at intervals to get perfect results.

3- Filler injections to tighten the eyelids without surgery in Hurghada

The Filler injection one of the safe ways to tighten the eyelids without surgical intervention. Therefore, it is used by the best eyelid lift doctors at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology in Hurghada and the Red Sea. Filler injections consist of beneficial natural substances such as hyaluronic acid and collagen. Which gives the skin elasticity and makes it more youthful. In some cases, silicone filler injections may be used to tighten the eyelid. But it is not safe because it may leak to other places and cause damage.

How long do the results of filler injections last?

The results of filler injections appear quickly, and the result lasts up to about 6 months, but in the case of silicone injections, it lasts for more than 6 months.

4- Plasmage eyelid lift in Hurghada

Plasmage eyelid lift is the latest in advanced treatment for sagging eyelids. Where this technique relies on the treatment of sagging skin using a device that looks like a pen with a pointed tip that is used. Where the sagging area is pricked, which stimulates the production of collagen in it and renews the cells, so the appearance of the eye is completely improved.

What Plasmage device to tighten the eyelids?

Plasmage eyelid lift technology is based on the use of a pointed tooth in the head of the device to make small puncture points on the skin in the targeted area. Which helps to renew cells and tissues without harming the surrounding skin, which helps in tightening the eyelids as well as the face and eliminating signs of skin aging and sagging skin.

Results of eyelid lift with plasmage

The results will appear after the disappearance of the side effects of swelling and redness, after 7 days of the Plasmagne session. But the final results will appear after 3 months.

5- Eyelid lift without surgery via plasma

Plasma injection is one of the best treatments extracted from the human body. Therefore, it is safe to use in many treatments. It is used to treat hair as well as skin, and one of the most important uses of plasma injection is to tighten the eyelids to get rid of sagging. This technique relies on drawing a sample of the patient's blood. Then purify it and extract the plasma and re-nourish it with useful natural materials. They are nourished with collagen, hyaluronic acid, and many other beneficial substances.

Results of plasma injection for non-surgical eyelid tightening

Eyelid lift without plasma injection surgery is not permanent and its results do not last long. Therefore, it is less effective than other methods of treatment, or it can be added with other techniques.

6- Eyelid lift without surgery using the Fotona laser

The laser is included in the non-surgical eyelid lift. It is considered one of the modern treatments for sagging eyelids, and it is called the Fotona laser. The eyelid lift technique without surgery using the Fotona laser is based on shining laser beams on the eyelids. Which stimulates the skin to produce collagen. Thus, collagen regenerates skin cells. Which helps fill wrinkles and get rid of sagging. In the end, you will get more youthful and firm eyes. You can also leave the place of treatment, whether it is a clinic or hospital.

Eyelid lift results in Hurghada with Fotona laser in Hurghada

The result of Fotona laser eyelid lift appears after about two to three months, because collagen may take this long to work on renewing all cells. But at the end of this period you will get tight eyelids. However, the duration of the result varies according to the condition of each patient.

7- Eyelid lift without surgery by injecting self-fat

The technique of autologous fat injection depends on extracting fat from the patient’s body, purifying it, and then re-injecting it again into the upper eyelids. Fat injection also tightens the skin and gets rid of wrinkles, but it is not as effective as other eyelid lift methods in Hurghada. It may also occur after side effects as a result of the accumulation of fat below the eyelid, which leads to an inappropriate appearance and negative effects at the injection site.

The result of self-fat injection for the eyelids

The result of self-fat injection to tighten the eyelids varies from one person to another, but it usually lasts from two to six months.

8- Eyelid lift using sound waves

The ultrasound technique for eyelid lift is one of the effective techniques used in eyelid lift in Hurghada. In addition, it heats the inner skin tissues. Which stimulates it to produce collagen. Collagen also regenerates skin cells and removes wrinkles as well as fine lines in the eyelid. In addition, eyelid lift without surgery using sound waves works to combat the signs of aging. An eyelid lift session in Hurghada takes about an hour or more, depending on the patient's condition.

Ultrasound eyelid lift results

The result of eyelid lift in Hurghada appears only days after the ultrasound session, after the side effects of the session fade away.

side effects

Of course, you will feel some side effects after performing an eyelid lift without surgical intervention, but with following the instructions of the plastic doctor at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Aesthetics in Hurghada and the Red Sea. Side effects include:

  • Skin redness.
  • The appearance of swelling in the targeted area.
  • Feeling itchy
  • Sensation of numbness.
  • Feeling some minor pain.

The effectiveness and continuity of the result of eyelid lift without surgery

The result of eyelid lift without surgery in Hurghada varies from person to person. However, its results are effective and may last from two to three years. However, surgical eyelid lift gives permanent results, while non-surgical eyelid lift can be performed more than once as needed. Care should also be taken to choose the best eyelid lift doctor. But the plastic surgeon and dermatologist chooses the most suitable technique for your skin and the thickness of the skin.

Instructions after eyelid lift in Hurghada

Whether you have a surgical or a non-surgical eyelid lift, the best eyelid lift doctors will tell you the instructions to follow after the treatment. These instructions are like:

  • Do not lift heavy weights.
  • Avoid swimming.
  • Not doing much effort, exercise, or even jogging.
  • Raise the head above the body level while sleeping.
  • Do not apply cosmetics or skin care products except after consulting an eyelid lift doctor.
  • Do not apply false eyelashes or place nose piercings.
  • Keep using the drops prescribed to you by the doctor.

When should I immediately go to the doctor after eyelid lift?

If any complications occur, you should go to the eyelid lift doctor immediately. These include complications such as:

  • Difficulty while breathing.
  • The occurrence of chest pain.
  • The pain is unbearable.
  • vision problems
  • Bleeding
  • Heartbeat disorder.

People who are not candidates for an eyelid lift

Eyelid lift is a safe procedure when it is performed by a professional eyelid lift doctor in Hurghada. You should also choose a reliable and reputable beauty clinic. However, there are contraindications to eyelid lift for some people, the most important of which are:

  • Pregnant women.
  • Lactating women.
  • People with diseases that prevent blood from clotting normally.
  • Cases of ocular hypertension.
  • Having dry eye syndrome.
  • Cases that had previously undergone eye surgeries and prevented eyelid lift surgeries.

The best eyelid lift doctors in Nadara Clinic, Hurghada

Nadara Center for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology is characterized by having the best eyelid lift doctor to perform eyelid lift without surgery or to perform eyelid lift surgery. There is also the best selection of dermatologists and cosmetologists, headed by the best consultant of dermatology, laser and plastic surgery in Hurghada, Damani Al-Tawabti. You can also perform many other plastic surgeries, where there is The best plastic surgeon in Hurghada. to conduct Rhinoplasty or Otoplasty and Lip augmentation Or breast and face lift in Hurghada. So it Nadara Clinic the best beauty clinic in Hurghada. In addition to the possibility of coordinating textures through operations liposuction. as well as body sculpting or Fat fragmentation In many surgical and non-surgical ways.

You will get better Medical and cosmetic services. And that's like sessions Skin care And hair care and also Skin booster Sessions. In addition to the supply of cheeks and lips as well Deep skin cleansing. As there is the best dermatologist For the treatment of all skin diseases such as eczema and tineavitiligo andmelasma. as well Acne. You can also Remove traces of burns and scars and pigmentation and wide pores.

The best eyelid surgery clinic in Hurghada

Not only that, you can choose the best offer that suits you laser hair removal Where there are the latest laser devices. Other types are also used Excimer laser A laser switched and also Carbon dioxide laser. Besides having Fractional laser sessions which is used to treat many skin problems with high efficiency. Contact us to get the best version of you. And your skin will be free from sagging eyelids and signs of skin aging at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology in Hurghada and the Red Sea.

In conclusion, if you feel ashamed and lack confidence in yourself due to sagging eyelids or the appearance of signs of aging on them, you do not need to worry, you can get the necessary treatment with the best eyelid surgery doctor. You can also perform a non-surgical eyelid lift. Your dermatologist will determine the best treatment for you. Where the secret lies in the treatment of sagging eyelids in choosing the appropriate treatment for your age and skin condition.


  1. How can I book an eyelid lift appointment in Hurghada?

    You can contact us or send WhatsApp and book the soonest time with the best dermatologists and surgeons at Nadara Clinic for Dermatologyr in Hurghada for an eyelid lift in Hurghada.

  2. How long does it take to recover from eyelid surgery?

    The recovery period varies from person to person according to the extent of eyelids sagging, the type of operation, as well as the method of treatment used, but in all cases recovery may take about two weeks at least until the side effects of surgery or non-surgical eyelid lift stop.

  3. How much is the price of eyelid removal surgery?

    The price of eyelid removal surgery depends on the extent of its sagging, but the upper eyelid lift ranges from 12,000 to 17,000 pounds, while the lower eyelid lift ranges from 18,000 to 23 pounds.

  4. Is eyelid surgery painful?

    Eyelid surgery is like any surgery that requires either local or general anesthesia, and you do not feel pain during the operation, but after that you may feel slight pain, but the doctor will prescribe a strong analgesic for you.

  5. Is eyelid surgery dangerous?

    After the development of cosmetic medicine today, the process of cutting the eyelids is not dangerous, but it is necessary to choose a cosmetic clinic or a medical center equipped with the highest equipment and the best plastic medicine doctors with experience and high qualifications.

  6. How many years does eyelid lift surgery last?

    The longevity of the results of eyelid lift surgery depends on whether it is surgical, as it is permanent, while non-surgical eyelid lift may take from 6 months to two years, depending on each case.

  7. How do I raise the eyelid without surgery?

    Cosmetic medicine provides many methods of eyelid tightening without surgery, as there are Botox and filler injections, as well as plasma or self-fat, in addition to effective laser sessions in eyelid lifting without surgery.

  8. When does the effect of plasma appear for the eyelids?

    The results of plasma injection appear after the disappearance of the side effects of eyelid tightening, such as swelling or a feeling of pain, within a maximum period of 7 days. While the final results appear after about 3 months of sessions.

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