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Liposuction in Hurghada

Enjoy the latest methods of liposuction to get a perfect and attractive body with the best surgeons at Nadara Clinic in Hurghada.

Liposuction has become the first in the world in the field of plastic surgery because of its amazing result that you can notice in many actresses and actors. So Nadara Clinic provides you with the latest methods of liposuction in Hurghada. Where Nadara for dermatology, laser and cosmetology in Hurghada and the Red Sea has the best plastic surgeon in Hurghada and the latest international medical methods. If you dream of a healthy body that resembles actresses and models, you can turn your dream into reality at Nadara Clinic in Hurghada.

What is liposuction?

Contents show

Liposuction removes areas of the body due to excess fat, as fat cells increase with increasing body weight. Some of these fat cells are removed through liposuction from areas that do not respond to other treatments such as exercise or diet. Therefore, it is not a treatment for excessive obesity or body weight loss, because excess weight in the body in general requires diet or exercise. The procedure also has other names, such as liposuction, body sculpting, body shaping, and body contouring.

You can read more about: Liposuction in Egypt

Areas of fat accumulation in the body

Abdominal liposuction with c-curve highlighting
Surgical tightening to get rid of the sagging abdomen by tightening the abdominal muscles

Liposuction started as liposuction from the buttocks, and then developed to include other areas of the body. Where the doctor resorts to liposuction for areas that did not respond to exercise or even diet. Therefore, the best solution is liposuction from these areas such as:

  1. Chin and neck.
  2. The abdomen.
  3. Buttocks and thighs.
  4. Upper arms.
  5. The chest.
  6. The back
  7. Legs.

The duration of the liposuction procedure

Liposuction may take one to three hours, depending on the amount of fat to be removed. As well as according to the area in the body as well as the type of technique used.

Procedures before liposuction and body sculpting

  1. The appropriate location for liposuction should be chosen. It can be performed in a clinic or a medical center such as Nadara Clinic for dermatology, laser and cosmetic surgery in Hurghada and the Red Sea. Where there are the best specialized doctors as well as the latest devices and natural and technological means.
  2. Visiting the doctor to evaluate the condition and determine the type of liposuction according to the type and amount of fat and its place in the body.
  3. Inform the doctor of the patient's medical history and any medications or treatments you are taking.
  4. Follow your doctor's instructions, which include:
  • Stop taking any nutritional, herbal or vitamin supplements.
  • Do not take certain medications such as blood thinners for at least 3 weeks before the operation, such as aspirin and ibuprofen. As it is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory that may lead to serious complications during the operation such as bleeding.
  • Stop taking antibiotics or antidepressants as well as thyroid medications.
  • Stop smoking for a while before and after the operation because smoking slows down the healing process.
  • Doing some analyzes or allergic tests before the operation, such as a complete blood picture, a complete blood count, and coagulation tests. The doctor may also request an electrocardiogram and a chest x-ray if the patient is elderly.
  • Fasting for 8 hours before the surgery.

Types of liposuction in Hurghada

The demand for liposuction surgeries has become a result of its impressive successes and the desire to look beautiful. Therefore, many modern medical means and methods have appeared, such as:

The first type: Vaser liposuction in Hurghada

Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance VASER is one of the latest safe liposuction methods. It is also a type of ultrasound liposuction. It is the amplification of sound energy vibrations on resonance as these waves are used to disrupt the connections between the fat cells in the body. Which leads to the liquefaction of these fats and ease of withdrawal.

Operation steps

  1. Determining the places of liposuction on the patient's body with a pen.
  2. Local anesthesia if the area is small and general anesthesia if the area is large.
  3. The doctor injects the area with a saline solution that helps break up fat cells and reduce bleeding.
  4. A small tube is inserted through the incision and emits ultrasound waves that break down and liquefy fat cells.
  5. Finally, the liquefied fat is suctioned out with a needle.

Vaser for liposuction features

  • safer
  • It is a minor intervention and the patient can go home the same day.
  • It needs smaller incisions in the areas to get the fats out out of the body.
  • The sound waves target the fat, which reduces the effect on the nerves and blood vessels.
  • Less damage to adjacent tissues occurs with other liposuction.
  • Ideal for treating all areas of the body, especially stubborn fat areas such as the buttocks, abdomen and lower arms.
  • It causes fewer side effects than with other methods.
  • Less blood is lost in Vaser liposuction than in other liposuction methods.
  • The recovery period is faster with Vaser liposuction than other traditional liposuction.
  • Vaser liposuction helps to get rid of Cellulite unlike other liposuction methods.
  • The result of vaser liposuction appears immediately with little swelling that obscures most of the result. But the swelling is quickly cured and the final result appears within 3 months.
Coordination and removal of back fat with butt augmentation
Coordination and removal of back fat with butt augmentation

The second type: J-plasma liposuction in Hurghada

The J-Plasma device is one of the best modern devices that have many benefits in beautifying the skin and the body. It works on liposuction, tightening the skin, removing wrinkles and sagging, as well as getting a skin free from signs of skin aging. It also helps in body sculpting and liposuction of accumulated fat under the skin. The idea of the work of the G-plasma device depends on helium gas and ultrasound together. Which leads to skin shrinkage and tightening and obtaining the desired appearance of the skin.

Steps to use the J-plasma device for liposuction

  1. The doctor gives local anesthesia to the selected area.
  2. A plastic surgeon makes one or more very small cuts, depending on the area where the fat has accumulated.
  3. The doctor insert the device through the cut to deliver cold plasma.

Features of the J-Plasma device for liposuction

Liposuction of the sides and back with G-plasma liposuction with an improvement in the size of the buttocks
Liposuction of the sides and back with G-plasma liposuction with an improvement in the size of the buttocks
  • It stimulates the natural collagen in the skin, which gives the skin vitality and freshness.
  • It only needs one session.
  • The recovery is rapid as the recovery period is short.
  • It does not need leave from work.
  • The result appears after 3 weeks.
  • Fewer side effects compared to other liposuction methods.

The third type: laser liposuction in Hurghada

Laser has revolutionized the cosmetic world because of its many uses in major treatment cases. One of the most important of these uses is the dissolution of fat by laser using concentrated heat energy and then suctioning it outside the body. After that, the surgical intervention here is very light. The prices of laser liposuction in Hurghada range from 8000 pounds to 12000 pounds, according to each case and the experience of the doctor.

Steps to use the laser liposuction

  1. The doctor at Nadara Clinic evaluates the patient's condition and the appropriate amount of fat to use the laser technology.
  2. The patient is given local anesthesia.
  3. The surgeon makes a small cut in the selected area.
  4. The laser beams are targeted at the fat, breaking it down and turning it into a liquid.
  5. The doctor inserts another small tube is inserted through the cut to suck the liquid fat out of the body.

Laser Features

  • The speed of performing the laser liposuction service, which may take an hour, according to the patient’s condition.
  • Speed recovery.
  • There are no side effects or complications as there is no bruising or bleeding.
  • No tissue damage during laser liposuction.
  • Not feeling pain.
  • Possibility to go home on the same day.
  • No sagging because the laser tightens the skin and makes it firmer.

Contraindications to the use of laser liposuction

  1. Pregnant and lactating women.
  2. People with certain diseases such as cancer, heart and liver disease, multiple sclerosis, or diabetes.
  3. During menstruation, liposuction is not possible.
  4. People who take certain medications make them more sensitive to light.

Fourth type: 4D body sculpting

Back sculpting and butt fat injection
Back sculpting and butt fat injection

If you dream of a perfect body and an attractive appearance, the best way to do that is 4D body sculpting in Hurghada. It depends on the four dimensions: length, width, and depth, and the fourth dimension is the kinetic dimension.

In this process, attention is paid to tightening the skin and removing sagging. As well as liposuction in Hurghada using different techniques, the most important of which is G-plasma, which we have already talked about. Also, attention is paid to the muscles, that is, tightening the muscles so that their appearance becomes more youthful and vibrant during various movements. Therefore, the doctor takes into account the different curves in the body.

Therefore, it is sometimes called dynamic body sculpting or high definition fat sculpting. It is considered one of the best types of plastic surgery, as it includes many methods and fixes many body problems in one operation. Of course, the appropriate doctor must be chosen for this, who has experience in such operations. Nadara clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Aesthetics provides you with the best plastic surgeon in Hurghada and the Red Sea, where he has performed many plastic surgeries.

The duration of the 4D body sculpting process

The process of 4D body sculpting takes from two to six hours, depending on the treatment the body needs.

Liposuction operation steps

  1. The doctor evaluates the patient's condition, the locations of the excess fat and the condition of the muscles under the fat.
  2. Determining the appropriate technique for body sculpting according to the places of fat and the condition of the muscles and skin, whether it is Vaser, laser or J-plasma.
  3. The plastic surgeon maps the body to get pictures of the body's shape before and after the operation.
  4. The patient is anesthetized by local or general anesthesia, according to the type of sculpting technique used.
  5. The plastic surgeon makes a small cut is about half a centimeter long in the areas of the body.
  6. The plastic surgeon precisely targets and tightens the fat above the muscles.
  7. Using the appropriate technique such as Laser or Vaser to liquefy fat cells.
  8. Liposuction of liquid fat with a cannula through the incision to remove the fluid.
  9. The skin is tightened and any sagging caused by liposuction is treated.
  10. Fat can be re-injected into areas that need it, such as Breast augmentation surgery.

Liposuction Features

  • High precision in removing fat.
  • Treatment of more than one thing in one area such as liposuction, skin tightening and muscle tightening.
  • The patient can go home the same day.
  • The body looks healthier and more muscular with this technique.
  • The possibility of reusing fat because the fat tissue has not been destroyed.
  • Removing wrinkles and tightening the skin.
  • Perfect body and muscle coordination.
  • The recovery period after the operation ranges from three to fourteen days.
  • The results appear as soon as the session ends, and they reach the final ideal shape within three to six months, and by maintaining a healthy regime, the results will last for the longest time.

The fifth type: traditional liposuction

Getting rid of belly fat by highlighting the c-curve
Getting rid of belly fat by highlighting the c-curve

It is the method that began to remove fat through liposuction in the literal sense and doctors still use it all over the world now, however you must choose the best doctor, such as at Nadara Clinic in Hurghada

Liposuction operation procedures

First: The doctor determines the targeted areas for fat removal by drawing lines with an ink pen on the patient's body.

Second: Anesthesia is done and it can be local, intravenous or total anesthesia for the patient according to each case.

Third: The area of the body is cleansed and sterilized well.

Fourth: After that, the surgeon makes a small incision in the area from which the fat is to be removed.

Fifth: A suction needle is inserted, which is connected to a transparent tube emptied of air.

Sixth: The liposuction process begins, taking into account that no more than 2 to 5 liters of fat should be suctioned because of the danger of that.

Seventh: The doctor put a bandage over the wound area

Instructions after fat liposuction in Hurghada

  1. The patient stays for one night in the clinic to monitor the stabilization of the condition.
  2. Some swelling or bruising may occur, but it quickly disappears gradually within 5 days.
  3. Wearing compression garments for 4 weeks and then wearing a normal corset will speed up the regeneration of subcutaneous tissue.
  4. Take some painkillers recommended by the doctor in case you feel pain.
  5. Take antibiotics to prevent infection.
  6. Drink plenty of fluids.
  7. Avoid physical exertion.
  8. Avoid exposure to heat such as a hot bath or sauna.

Symptoms you should see a doctor when they occur after liposuction in Hurghada

If you experience any of the following symptoms after liposuction, you should consult your doctor immediately. These symptoms include:

  • Bleeding from the surgical wound.
  • Feeling unbearable pain.
  • Feeling of numbness for a long time
  • Nausea or vomiting.
  • feel helpless.
  • high body temperature;
  • Feeling short of breath.
  • The appearance of secretions from the wound.

Result of liposuction and body contouring

Abdominal liposuction with Vaser
Abdominal liposuction with Vaser

The result is permanent, but you must follow exercise and diet. Because stopping them and excessive eating may increase weight again in other areas. Therefore, you must adhere to a healthy regimen to maintain a harmonious body appearance. So, you should follow a diet rich in lean proteins and fat-free dairy as well as eat fruits and vegetables.

The result of liposuction appears in surgery after two months, but laser liposuction shows permanent results within 6 months.

Who are not candidates for the liposuction in Hurghada?

Liposuction should not be performed in some medical cases, so as not to cause complications during the surgery, such as:

  • Patients with the weakened immune systems
  • People with diabetes.
  • Those suffering from coronary artery disease.
  • Diseases restricting blood flow.
  • Pregnant women.
  • Lactating women.

Liposuction prices in Hurghada

Determining the cost of liposuction depends on several factors such as:

  • The equipment of the clinic or medical center where you will perform the operation.
  • How competent and experienced is the plastic surgeon that will perform the operation.
  • The amount of fat that needs liposuction.
  • Fat locations in the body.
  • The price includes the anesthesia

In the end, the perfect body has become a reality today with Nadara clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetic in Hurghada and the Red Sea. You can now sculpt the body, coordinate textures and liposuction in Hurghada using the latest medical methods with the best plastic surgeons in Egypt.

Nadara clinic always strives to reach the maximum levels of customer satisfaction with its appearance, so it provides many other medical means such as Non-surgical body sculpting rhinoplasty surgery andSkin tag removal andHair Transplant. Besides, there is the best dermatologist in Hurghada to combat the signs of aging and skin, such as filler injections andBotox andendogenous fat for treating various skin diseases such as freckles, Acne, psoriasis and vitiligo andunification of skin color. As well as the best offers Laser hair removal and fractional laser. Not only that, but you can also enjoy many more various Aesthetic and therapeutic services. Whether you are a man or a woman, do not hesitate to contact us to get the best version of you in a safe way with the best doctors at the Nadara Clinic in Hurghada.


  1. How can I book an appointment for liposuction in Hurghada?

    You can contact us or send WhatsApp and Book your appointment As soon as possible with the best plastic surgeon in Hurghada at Nadara clinic for dermatology, laser and plastic surgery.

  2. Is the result of liposuction permanent?

    The result of liposuction is permanent as long as the body weight is stable. Therefore, you must adhere to a healthy regime and exercise.

  3. What is the best liposuction method for me and how is it determined?

    The surgeon at Nadara Clinic evaluates the area of accumulated fat and determines the best method of liposuction.

  4. What are the prices of liposuction sessions in Hurghada?

    Liposuction prices depend on several factors, the size of the fat and its location in the body, and accordingly, it determines the best suitable method for your case.

  5. When will the results of J-plasma appear?

    The results of J-Plasma appear immediately after one session and it will be very clear, and another session can be done after 3 months to reach the best result if there is a lot of sagging and fat.

  6. How much does a laser liposuction session cost?

    Liposuction prices depend on several factors, including the size of the fat and its location in the body, and accordingly, it determines the best suitable method for your case

  7. When will the results of Vaser liposuction appear?

    Show result Vaser liposuction immediately, but with some swelling that hides the result, but the permanent result appears after three months.

  8. What is the best liposuction in Nadara Clinic in Hurghada?

    Nadara clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetic has the latest technologies and medical devices, and one of the most important methods of liposuction in Nadara clinic is laser liposuction and G-plasma liposuction.

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