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Plasma body sculpting

Plasma body sculpting is one of the best and fastest solutions to get rid of wrinkles and tighten the various sagging of the body. Freshness Center for Dermatology, Cosmetic and Laser in Hurghada offers the perfect solution for body sculpting and tightening under the supervision of the best plastic surgeons.

Plasma body sculpting is one of the best and fastest solutions to get rid of wrinkles and tighten the various sagging of the body.

The skin begins to lose its elasticity, and signs of aging appear with age.

Many women resort to using various creams and cosmetics, but to no avail.

Do not worry, dear, this modern technology will rid you of all these signs.

Freshness Center for Dermatology, Cosmetic and Laser in Hurghada offers the perfect solution for body sculpting and tightening under the supervision of the best plastic surgeons.

In this article, we will learn about the benefits of body sculpting with G-plasma, and how this device works?

Why do wrinkles appear?

The causes of skin wrinkles are as follows:

  • growing old

It is the main reason for the appearance of wrinkles and sagging skin, and this is due to a lack of collagen secretion, which leads to a lack of skin vitality and freshness. 

  • Exposure of the skin to ultraviolet rays

The sun's rays damage the different layers of the skin, and this affects the vital processes due to the formation of free radicals that weaken the DNA of skin cells.

What is body sculpting with plasma?

The G-plasma device is one of the best modern technologies that are used to tighten the body, and show it with an attractive appearance.

It is a minimally invasive procedure that causes immediate skin contraction, resulting in a tightening of the sagging skin.

This cosmetologist uses a device that contains helium gas and certain radiofrequency energy to produce cold helium plasma, which is injected and used to treat the underside of the skin.

The gas also stimulates the production of collagen, which gives freshness to the skin, and increases its smoothness and vitality.

Plasma body sculpting procedures

Plasma body sculpting usually requires general anesthesia, then a plasma wand is safely used under the skin to tighten and sculpt this area.

These procedures vary according to the place to be carved, and include the following:

  • liposuction plasma

Fat removal and skin tightening can be done in a process that takes no more than 60 minutes.

The most common method is on the abdomen, but other targeted locations include:

  • saggy neck skin
  • Sagging arm skin.
  • saggy knee;
  • saggy back skin;
  • Loose inner thigh skin.
  • mini tummy tuck

It can be performed instead of a full tummy tuck that includes the muscles and the circumference of the abdomen.

It is also possible to tighten the skin and remove some of the excess skin in the bikini line.

  • Mini arm lift and thigh lift

This procedure tightens the arms and thighs with small, almost invisible incisions, and uses plasma to tighten the remaining skin instead of completely tightening them.

The number of hours of the body sculpting process depends on the size of the treated area.

You can also read : Tighten sagging with surgery.

Benefits of body sculpting with plasma

It can erase years of damage to your skin by doing the following:

  • Treats the effects of sun damage.
  • Reduces the appearance of lines and wrinkles.
  • Smoothes the skin and leaves it supple.
  • Helps to get a tight tummy. If you suffer from sagging skin after heavy weight loss or childbirth, you may have considered liposuction, or tummy tuck.
  • Treats the effects of superficial wounds.
  • treat effects Acne.

Features of the G-plasma body sculpting device

This device has many features, which include the following:

  • It only requires one session.
  • The patient does not feel any pain in the body.
  • Stimulates the production of natural proteins in the skin.
  • The patient does not need a recovery period after treatment.
  • You get great results without surgery.
  • It can be used anywhere on the body.
  • The results of the session last for long periods. 

Instructions and steps for the examination before the body sculpting session

  • The plastic surgeon at the Freshness Skin and Laser Center in Hurghada carefully examines the patient.
  • The doctor asks if you have any disease, and what medications you are taking.
  • You should stop taking blood-thinning medications such as aspirin Which increases the fluidity in the blood.

Instructions after the session

  • Doctors advise the patient to wear bandages to put pressure on the treated area after the session for 72 hours, especially in the face-lift process.
  • Get enough rest.
  • Stay away from smoking, as it affects the results of the session, and also causes an increase in the proportion of wrinkles again.

Expected results

Results vary from patient to patient, but with us at the Freshness Center the results are guaranteed.

If you want to look younger and have tighter skin, and don't want to undergo a full-body lift, G-plasma body sculpting may be the solution.

The patient can return to work within 48 hours, and the maximum effect of plasma tightening appears on the underside of the skin within 3 months.

You can also read : Autologous fat injection.

Complications of body tightening with plasma

There are no complications with this device, but it can cause some mild side effects such as swelling, 

Redness, itching, and some minor skin infections.

Our plastic surgeon may recommend pain relievers such as Tylenol.

These symptoms disappear shortly after the operation. 

Other ways to sculpt the body

The plastic surgeon at Nadara Skin, Cosmetic and Laser Center in Hurghada can use other techniques to tighten the body, including the following:

  • surgical tightening

It is a step that the doctor takes when the amount of loose skin is large, so he removes the excess fat first and then removes the loose skin.

  • Laser

It is used to remove wrinkles, sagging, freckles, and signs of aging.

  • platelet rich plasma injection

It improves the appearance of the skin, especially in the lower eyelid area.

Finally, do not hesitate to book an appointment at the Freshness Center for Dermatology, Cosmetic and Laser in Hurghada to obtain impressive results in body sculpting with G-plasma, and get rid of annoying wrinkles and sagging.

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