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Sculptra injection in Hurghada

Looking for a non-surgical solution to the thinnest face and wrinkles, and to treat the thinnest buttocks? achieve your goal with Sculptra injections in Hurghada.

The skin is affected by age and loses many of its nutritional factors, so it appears pale and wrinkles or facial cavities appear, so Nadara Clinic provides you with Sculptra injections in Hurghada. Sculptra injections are effective in treating skin problems and rejuvenating the skin to restore its freshness and vitality. In addition, you will undergo the injections under the supervision of the best plastic surgery doctors at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetic in Hurghada and the Red Sea. In addition, Nadara Clinic has the latest international equipment and technologies in the field of dermatology and cosmetology. Therefore, you will enjoy attractive skin without signs of skin aging with Sculptra injections in Hurghada.

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What is the Sculptra needle?

Sculptra injection in Hurghada
Sculptra injection in Hurghada
Jaw sculpting with Sculptra
Jaw sculpting with Sculptra

Sculptra injections or Sculptra filler is a non-surgical cosmetic procedure that stimulates the process of skin cell renewal as it stimulates collagen production to nourish the skin. And it is considered Polylactic acid poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) is the substance used to inject Sculptra into the deeper layers of the skin. This substance is dissolved in water to become a gel that is easy to inject.

Therefore, it is a type of filler or filler that increases the skin's production of collagen, which makes it renew skin cells and get rid of wrinkles and fine lines. It also treats spots and pigmentation as well as skin thinning. In addition, it is common to use Sculptra for cellulite. Where it was the beginning of its use in 2004 to compensate patients with immunodeficiency disease for the loss of facial fat. But since 2009, the FDA has approved its use in cosmetic treatments to restore facial volume and youth, as well as the size of the buttocks.

Sculptra injection uses in Hurghada

  • Getting rid of wrinkles and fine lines.
  • Hide marionette smile lines between the nose and mouth
  • Treatment of hollows under the eyes.
  • Facial skinny treatment.
  • Hollow chin treatment.
  • Define the jawline.
  • Treatment of the thinnest buttocks and back.
  • Get rid of double chin or double chin.
  • Nose fold adjustment.
  • Skin sagging treatment.
  • Cellulite treatment.
  • Getting rid of knee or elbow wrinkles, as well as the chest.

Advantages of Sculptra needles

Sculptra injections before and after
Sculptra injections before and after
  • Safe and effective.
  • It gives permanent results according to the response of each skin and life routine, ranging from two to five years.
  • It does not cause allergies because it is made from lactic acid found in the body.
  • Inexpensive, like other non-surgical cosmetic methods.
  • Don't take risks like plastic surgery.
  • You don't need a long recovery period.

Sculptra injection for many areas

Results of the first session only 30% from the final score
Results of the first session only 30% from the final score

Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology in Hurghada and the Red Sea offers you the best skin treatments. One of the most important of these cosmetic procedures that will spare you from plastic surgery is the original Sculptra injections at Nadara Clinic in Hurghada. It is characterized by its effectiveness and ease of procedure, and it can be injected in many places in the body. In addition, it not only works to fill the skin like a filler, but also polylactic acid works to reach the deepest layers of the skin to stimulate the production of larger amounts of collagen than usual.

Instructions before injecting Sculptra

  • You can get Sculptra injections done in a reputable clinic or hospital that is equipped with the latest equipment and technology and the best cosmetic medicine doctors. You will find Nadara Clinic equipped with the latest equipment, as well as the best integrated medical team to perform all cosmetic injections. It will also ensure that there are no risks because Nadara Clinic has the original Sculptra injections.
  • Tell the plastic surgeon at Nadara Clinic in Hurghada about your medical history, as well as the medications you take.
  • Tell your plastic surgeon your expectations and goals for the injections.
  • The doctor will assess your skin condition and the condition of the areas that need treatment.
  • The doctor will take pictures of the targeted area such as the face or buttocks.
  • Avoid taking anti-inflammatory and painkillers such as aspirin and ibuprofen.
  • Stop smoking about two weeks before injecting the Sculptra filler.
  • Avoid exposure to the sun.

First: Sculptra injections for the face

Sculptra injection for the skin
Sculptra injection for the skin

The Sculptra needle is one of the cosmetic injections that replace plastic surgery. It also differs from other cosmetic injections in that the substance in which it is used is extracted from lactic acid, which is found in the human body. Therefore, it is a safe and effective needle for the skin, so it is used by plastic surgeons at the Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology in Hurghada.

Sculptra injection method for the skin

Sculptra injections before and after the first session
Sculptra injections before and after the first session
  1. The doctor cleans and sterilizes the target area well.
  2. The plastic surgeon at Nadara Clinic in Hurghada identifies the targeted areas with the pen
  3. The doctor applies local anesthesia to the targeted areas of the face and waits a while for the anesthesia to take effect.
  4. The doctor performs Sculptra injections under the skin in the previously identified places.
  5. The duration of the session depends on the area to be injected. As the process of injecting Sculptra between the mouth and nose may take 15 minutes, while thin cheeks need 40 minutes, and usually up to an hour in the case of injections to other places in the face.
  6. The doctor will massage the injected areas.
  7. The plastic surgeon sets the date for the next session to follow up on the results of the injections.

Second: Sculptra injections in the buttocks

Sculptra injections for buttock augmentation
Sculptra injections for buttock augmentation

The use of Sculptra injections is not limited to the face only, but it is also used to treat the skinny buttocks, which causes body asymmetry and affects the psyche and self-confidence. Where Sculptra injections are used to enlarge the buttocks, and sometimes the aim of Sculptra injections is to lift the butt, and this eliminates cellulite. In addition to injecting slim buttocks as well, which gives a perfect and natural appearance to the body. Thus, it eliminates the process Autologous fat injection In which fat is transferred from one area of the body to the buttocks.

How to inject Sculptra in the buttocks?

  1. The buttocks are cleaned by the doctor and sterilized to prevent infection.
  2. The plastic doctor determines the location of the places that he will inject with the pen and the patient in the standing state.
  3. A local anesthetic is applied to these areas.
  4. The plastic surgeon at Nadara Clinic in Hurghada uses micro-cannula to inject Sculptra into the targeted areas under the skin. Where part is injected while the patient is standing, and part is injected while the patient is lying on his stomach.
  5. Finally, the doctor massages the target area well.
  6. Buttock filler session takes 30 to 50 minutes.
  7. The plastic surgeon at Nadara Clinic in Hurghada will schedule a follow-up session with you.

Side effects after injecting Sculptra in Hurghada

You will feel some of the effects of Sculptra injections in Hurghada, but they are temporary and will end within 3 to 5 days. Side effects after Sculptra filler include:

  • Swelling of the injection site.
  • Bruising
  • Redness of the target area.
  • Feeling itchy
  • The pain is simple.
Instructions after injecting Sculptra

In order to speed up the skin recovery process, you must follow the instructions of the dermatologist at the Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology in Hurghada and the Red Sea. Some of these instructions are:

  1. Apply cold compresses to the injection area during the first day after the injection.
  2. Massage the injection area five times a day for five minutes for the first five days only. This helps stimulate blood flow to absorb the injected substance and stimulate collagen production. It is called the “Rule of Five” as it is a necessary step in benefiting from Sculptra injections.
  3. Avoid sleeping on the injection areas, whether it is the face, or buttocks.
  4. Avoid sun exposure and avoid tanning sessions.
  5. Do not use skin care products or cosmetics on the injected areas.
  6. Don't do hard work like sports.
  7. Take the medications prescribed to you by the plastic surgeon at Nadara Clinic.
  8. Eat healthy and balanced food.
  9. Drink water in an appropriate amount to moisturize the skin and protect it from dehydration.
  10. Keep your weight from gaining after Sculptra injections in Hurghada.
  11. Try to maintain your weight and avoid gaining weight after the operation.

The result of a Sculptra injection session in Hurghada

The result of the first session Sculptra 30% injection from the final result
The result of the first session Sculptra 30% injection from the final result

The result of the session will appear within two to three months, as this period is considered sufficient to produce quantities of collagen that treat the skin. You will find that wrinkles, fine lines and smile lines have disappeared. The face has also become fuller, as well as the buttocks.

The number of Sculptra injections needed

This depends on the condition of the skin and the extent of its need for treatment, or the extent of the thinness of the buttocks, as well as the face. So usually you need 3 to 6 sessions. This is determined by the plastic surgeon at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Aesthetics. In addition, women over 60 years of age need 6 injections per session. While women over 45 years old need 4 to 5 injections per session.

The end result of a sculptra injection

Sculptra injections before and after
Sculptra injections before and after

We also mentioned that the results need to pass at least three months, especially in the treatment of thinness of the face or the buttocks. Because the size takes months. However, massage after the side effects disappear helps to speed up the initial results and regenerate skin cells, as the result often appears after two weeks of injections. While the final result appears 6 months after the injection. Provided that the patient has completed the number of sessions specified by the dermatologist and plastic surgeon at Nadara Clinic in Hurghada. Results may last for two to five years, depending on each case.

Persons who are not candidates for sculptra injections

As we mentioned before, Sculptra injections for the skin as well as for the buttocks are safe, but there are still some cases that are not recommended for Sculptra filler injections. These cases include the following:

  1. Pregnant women.
  2. Lactating women.
  3. People with heart disease.
  4. Those under the age of 18.
  5. Patients with immune diseases.
  6. It is forbidden to inject Sculptra in the eyelids and lips area, as it has not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration.

Complications should contact the doctor as soon as they occur

One of the harms of Sculptra injections is that if you do not choose a qualified, experienced and highly qualified doctor or a reputable clinic to perform such a procedure. Possible risks may occur due to the lack of experience and competence of the plastic surgeon. In this case, if you feel any of the following complications, you must go to the hospital immediately. These include complications such as:

  • The appearance of lumps under the skin.
  • The pain is unbearable.
  • Significant swelling in the injection areas.

Sculptra injection price

Sculptra results before and after
Sculptra results before and after

Sculptra injection prices depend on many factors. However, the price of the Sculptra needle ranges from 8,000 to 10,000 pounds. Among the most important of these factors are:

  1. target area of the body.
  2. condition of the target area.
  3. Age of the patient.
  4. The experience and certifications of a plastic surgeon.
  5. Cosmetology clinic location.
  6. Reputation of the cosmetic clinic.

Combining Sculptra with other cosmetic injections

Like all cosmetic injections, Sculptra injections should not be combined with other cosmetic injections in order not to cause complications and risks. Therefore, you should tell the plastic surgeon whether you have had any cosmetic injections before and how much time has passed accurately. However, there are some exceptions as follows:

Sculptra injections and filler injections

Sculptra cannot be combined with any other types of cosmetic injections Filler injection But in other parts of the face, completely far from the area of Sculptra injections. Whereas, if the area to be injected with Sculptra has been previously injected with fillers, you must wait at least for a period that may be up to a month. As well as calcium hydroxylapatite, you must wait for a month.

Sculptra injections and hyaluronic acid injections

Does not contradict Hyaluronic acid injectionIt is done with Spectra injection, but it is done for different layers in the same area.

the best beauty clinic in Hurghada

  • To ensure that there are no risks during Sculptra injections for the skin or Sculptra injections for the buttocks , you must choose the best cosmetic clinic. Nadara Clinic is a dermatology, laser and cosmetic clinic the best beauty clinic in Hurghada. As it keeps pace with global technologies and developments in the field of cosmetic and dermatology, as well as nutrition. Therefore, Nadara Clinic is considered as The best beauty salon And a beauty clinic at the same time because of its comprehensive integrated services.
  • It also includes a clinic The best plastic surgeon To perform plastic surgeries such as Jaw setting frontal reduction Or rhinoplasty, ear, etc. In addition to being the best dermatologist For the treatment of all skin diseases such as acne and getting rid of the effects of burns, scars, freckles, melasma, pigmentation, vitiligo and psoriasis. You can also get rid of Bags under the eye And treat dark circles.
  • In addition to the presence of non-surgical cosmetic services such as Botox and filler injections and deep cleaning sessions For skin, such as Skin Booster sessions, mesotherapy sessions, and dermapen sessions. In addition to the presence of a therapeutic nutrition doctor to get rid of obesity and follow appropriate diets for diabetics or pressure diseases.

In the end, you now have a safe and permanent treatment in your hands to treat many skin problems over time as it loses its freshness. Therefore, you do not have to worry anymore with Sculptra injections in Hurghada, as its results are effective in restoring the skin’s youth and freshness, as well as filling cavities in the face to tighten sagging, hide wrinkles and smile lines, as well as treat the shape of the nose.

Not only that, you can now have a back that is consistent with your body so that you can regain your self-confidence without the risk of plastic surgery. Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology seeks to achieve a perfect appearance with Sculptra injections for the skin, as well as Sculptra injections for the buttocks. Contact us to get the best version of you in safe ways with the best plastic medicine doctors in Hurghada and the Red Sea.


  1. How can I book an appointment for Sculptra injections in Hurghada?

    You can contact us or send WhatsApp and book the closest time with the best dermatologists and surgeons at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, laser and cosmetology in Hurghada.

  2. Is Sculptra injection dangerous?

    On the contrary, Sculptra injections are safer than some other cosmetic injections because it consists of polylactic acid placed in the human body. It can also penetrate deep into the layers of the skin to stimulate the production of collagen, which works to restore the skin's youth and freshness and fill the cavities.

  3. What are the benefits of Sculptra needle?

    There are many benefits of the Sculptra needle, as it works to regenerate skin cells and fill in cavities to tighten the skin and remove wrinkles and fine lines. It also works to define the chin line and get rid of the double chin, in addition to treating the folds of the nose, as well as treating the thinnest cheeks, and buttocks. In addition to treating sagging skin, as well as knee and chest wrinkles.

  4. When will the results of the sculptra needle appear?

    The results of Sculptra injections appear about 3 weeks after the session, but the final result appears after conducting all the necessary sessions to treat the target area as described to you by the plastic surgeon at Nadara Clinic in Hurghada. The result appears three weeks after the last session. It should also be known that filling skin cavities in the face, buttocks, or even the breasts takes months to see a noticeable result.

  5. What is sculptra?

    Sculptra injections are based on polylactic acid, as its granules are dissolved in water to form a gel that is injected using a microcannula. And polylactic acid is found in the human body, so the injection is considered safe and there is no need for an allergic test.

  6. What is the price of sculptra injections?

    The price of Sculptra injections depends on several factors, the most important of which is the experience and scientific degrees of the treating doctor. The price also depends on the target area for Filler Sculptra injections. However, the price of injections ranges from 8,000 to 10,000 pounds, depending on each case and the number of injections needed.

  7. Can sculptra be injected into the lips to enlarge them?

    Sculptra cannot be injected into the lips, as it has not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration, because of its risks of injection in this area. But there are other injections for that eg Lip augmentation using fillers at Nadara Clinic.

  8. What should I do after injecting the buttocks with Sculptra?

    After injecting Sculptra into the buttocks, it should be massaged by following the quintuple rule, as it is massaged for five minutes, five times a day for five days. And you should not sit on it and get used to sleeping on the stomach, not the buttocks, for five days. You should also eat healthy food that is beneficial for the recovery stage, as well as not do strenuous activities such as sports.

  9. Where can I find the original Sculptra injections?

    Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology in Hurghada and the Red Sea provides you with the original Sculptra injections. Nadara Clinic has a good reputation and a high level of patient satisfaction. Where there are the best plastic medicine doctors and the latest technologies to treat all skin diseases and perform all cosmetic treatments and surgeries.

  10. Are the results of Sculptra injections permanent?

    Yes, the results of Sculptra filler injections are permanent and may last from two to five years. However, the full course of treatment must be completed as prescribed by the plastic surgeon at Nadara Clinic. The number of sessions depends on the condition of the target area.

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