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Collagen for skin in Hurghada

Collagen is the secret of skin youth and freshness. Iso, we provide you with collagen for the skin in Hurghada.

Are you looking for natural beauty with natural materials? So, collagen is the ideal solution, as it is a natural protein formed in the body and helps with elasticity and freshness of the skin, but with age and other factors, it decreases in the skin, but you can get collagen needles for the skin in Hurghada. Nadara Clinic provides you with the best collagen skin doctors in Hurghada. Nadara Clinic is characterized by the presence of the latest international safe and effective technologies, as well as the latest medical devices and equipment. In addition to the presence of the best dermatologists and skin care doctors with practical experience in collagen injections for the face.

Therefore, in this article, we will tell you everything you need to know before undergoing collagen injections for the skin in Hurghada. Your dream has come true, you will have a more youthful complexion free of wrinkles, sagging and skin blemishes, and more radiant and fresh.

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What is Collagen?

Contents show

Collagen is a natural protein found in the human body, which consists of bones, fibers, cartilage, and connective tissues. Collagen is also secreted by fibroblasts that are found in the dermis layer. Therefore, it works on the consistency and elasticity of the tissues at the same time, as well as the smoothness of the skin. However, with the passage of time and exposure of the skin to many factors such as ultraviolet radiation, dehydration, or smoking, collagen decreases in the body. Therefore, the elasticity of the skin decreases and its shape is restored due to its inelasticity, and wrinkles, signs of aging, and sagging skin appear. But you do not have to worry because the best collagen doctors for skin in Hurghada at Nadara Center offer you the best treatment for skin problems to restore collagen again and restore the elasticity and freshness of your skin.

What is collagen for the skin?

It is also called the technique of plumping the face with collagen, as the latest international cosmetic injection techniques appeared, which are collagen needles, which activate certain points in the depths of the skin to secrete collagen so that the skin is restored again. Collagen needles are the best cosmetic needles in the world because of the wonderful results they produce for the skin. As it works deep in the skin, it helps restore its full efficacy. In addition, it affects the fat and muscles under the skin to work on a better facelift.

Types of collagen needles for the skin

As we mentioned that collagen is a natural substance from a specific protein produced by mammals, so it is found in the human body. But it is also found in other mammals, so it includes the best types of collagen for the skin, such as:

1- Bovine collagen

It is extracted from cow hides, and it goes through several stages, such as sterilization and purification, until it reaches the final form that is used for injection. It is considered the most widely used type of collagen due to its low cost compared to other types, but it is not suitable for those who are allergic to animal products. Therefore, a sensitivity test must be conducted for the patient before injecting collagen needles into the skin in Hurghada.

2- Human Collagen

It is extracted from humans and does not require an allergy test like bovine collagen. But its cost is higher than bovine collagen. There are different types of it as follows, such as:

  1. Autologin: It is extracted from the skin of the patient who will be injected. Where the doctor takes a sample of the skin and then extracts collagen from it after treating it with medical methods. Then it is injected into the area to be treated in the patient’s body, and this type is commonly used in lip augmentation with collagen.
  2. Isolagen: It is also extracted from the same patient, but from behind the ear, where collagen cells are cloned. This type does not need to be treated as it is injected again into the area to be treated. But it is more expensive than autologous collagen.
  3. Dermalogin: It is extracted from a person other than the patient, who may be a donor or a recent deceased, but it is treated with medical methods and sterilized, then it is injected into the patient again.

Skin collagen forms

There are different forms of collagen. The dermatologist at Nadara Clinic chooses the best type that suits your condition. These include such types:

  1. Collagen tablets: It has a lot of benefits on the body, skin, hair and nails.
  2. Collagen powder is a type of dried collagen extracted from fish, so doctors call it marine collagen.
  3. Collagen needles, which use fine, thin needles to reach the depths of the skin and start repairing the skin immediately.
  4. Collagen creams work to tighten the skin and plump up the cheeks, but they must be used by consulting a plastic surgeon at Nadara Clinic in Hurghada.
  5. Collagen liquid is absorbed by the skin within only 4 minutes, and it is preferable to take it before bed.

Benefits of collagen injections for the skin in Hurghada

Getting rid of signs of ageing from wrinkles on the forehead, around the eyes, and fine lines around the mouth and nose.

  • Eliminate sagging skin.
  • Facial skin tightening.
  • Dark circles treatment.
  • Cheek augmentation with collagen.
  • Collagen lip augmentation.
  • Nose crookedness treatment.
  • Getting rid of the effects of wounds, scars and acne effects.
  • Giving the face a more youthful oval shape.
  • Tissue sagging treatment.
  • Minimizing wide pores.
  • Increase skin elasticity.
  • Reduce acne.
  • Unification of skin color.
  • Stimulating collagen production by the body itself.
  • Cellulite and white stretch marks treatment.
  • Enlarging some areas of the body, such as enlarging the buttocks with collagen, as well as enlarging the breasts with collagen.
  • Giving the skin softness and beauty.

Candidates for collagen for the face in Hurghada

  • Who are not allergic to animal collagen.
  • To be over 25 years old.

Where to inject collagen needles in the body

You can inject collagen into the body in many places to treat all skin problems, such as:

  1. Forehead: Collagen injection for forehead lines.
  2. Chin: Collagen injections to the chin to tighten the skin and define the chin.
  3. Lips: Collagen inflates the lips and gives them a larger volume.
  4. Under the eyes: Collagen injections under the eyes remove dark circles and wrinkles under the eyes.
  5. Neck: Collagen injections for the neck to treat sagging skin.
  6. Hands: Collagen injections for the hands to get rid of wrinkles on the hands and inflate the hands with collagen.
  7. Other places in the body: Collagen injections for joints to treat joint roughness. Knee collagen is injected, as well as chest collagen to inflate the chest and buttock collagen to increase the size of the buttocks.

Number of collagen sessions for the skin in Hurghada

The best collagen skin doctors in Hurghada determine the number of collagen sessions needed for each patient, as it varies according to skin condition, age, and skin response to treatment. But the number of sessions often ranges from 2 to 4 sessions in order to get the best result.

How to inject collagen to the skin in Hurghada

Instructions before collagen for the face in Hurghada

To perform collagen injections for the face and for any skin care procedure, you must choose an equipped hospital, clinic or medical center. As well as the best cosmetic medicine doctors in Hurghada. Therefore, Nadaha Clinic provides you with the best collagen skin doctors in Hurghada to perform collagen injections for the skin. As they have qualifications, certificates, and practical experience, Nadara Clinic keeps pace with the latest safe and effective global technologies in the field of cosmetic medicine.

1- During the examination, the dermatologist and cosmetologist must be informed of the following:

  • Your medical history.
  • Any medications or treatments you are taking.
  • Any viral or bacterial diseases that you suffer from in the skin.

2- The doctor examines the skin well to determine its problems and the injection sites that will treat these problems.

3- The doctor at Nadara Clinic in Hurghada will ask you to perform the following tests, such as:

  • Blood and hormone analysis.
  • Perform a bovine collagen sensitivity test.
  • The doctor will inform you of preparations about two weeks before the injection that must be followed in order not to cause complications such as:
  • Stop smoking.
  • Avoid exposure to the sun, especially at peak times.
  • Do not apply creams or cosmetics to the skin.
  • Avoid hair removal in any way, even if it is laser hair removal.
  • Do not perform any other cosmetic injections or peeling of the skin.

How to inject collagen into the skin in Hurghada

  1. The face is cleaned and sterilized well, especially the targeted areas.
  2. The area is anesthetized with local anesthesia and wait for a quarter of an hour until the local anesthesia takes effect.
  3. The doctor may apply cold compresses to the intended injection site before starting the injection.
  4. Collagen is injected using fine and thin needles, and there is more than one technique for injecting collagen as follows:

First: Collagen injection using the serial puncture technique.

  • The plastic surgeon at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Aesthetics makes small holes using a fine needle on the targeted areas.
  • The doctor inserts a small amount of collagen into each hole.
  • This technique is the most common method.

Second: Collagen injection using the Linear threading or fanning technique.

  • The best collagen skin doctors in Hurghada insert a fine needle into the skin along the entire target area.
  • Collagen is injected slowly when the needle is inserted and removed.
  • It may take about 15 to 50 minutes to perform collagen injections for the face in Hurghada, according to each case and the number of areas targeted to be treated with collagen.
  • You will wait at the Nadara Clinic until the doctor is assured of the stability of your condition, then you can leave the house, following the instructions that the doctor will tell you.
  • The plastic surgeon sets a follow-up date to follow up on the results and schedule the next session.
Side effects after injecting collagen

The result of any cosmetic injection is a reaction to the skin until it recovers, so do not worry when side effects appear after injecting the collagen needle into the skin in Hurghada with The best dermatologist in Hurghada. But it disappears within a period of 3 to 7 days. These effects include:

  1. Skin redness.
  2. Swelling of injection sites.
  3. Simple bruising.

Instructions after collagen injection

To get the best result after the collagen facial procedure in Hurghada, you must follow the instructions of the best collagen skin doctors in Hurghada. Among the most important of these instructions are:

  • Avoid washing the face in the first 24 hours.
  • Protect the skin from exposure to sunlight.
  • Continue to stop smoking.
  • Stay away from very hot or very cold environment.
  • Avoid exertion or sports.
  • Drink adequate amounts of water.
  • Do not apply any creams or cosmetics to your skin.
  • Take the antibiotic that the collagen doctor prescribed for you at Nadara Clinic in Hurghada.

When will the results of collagen injections appear?

The results of collagen injections for the face in Hurghada will appear immediately after the removal of the temporary effects, which may disappear within 5 to 7 days. However, the final result appears about 4 weeks after the completion of all sessions, which are determined by the dermatologist at Nadara Center. The skin collagen result lasts from 12 to 18 months. But it is advised to do injections every 6 months with the best collagen skin doctors in Hurghada. The result will be impressive, as your skin is free of spots, pigmentation, dark circles, and scar effects, as well as your cheeks are fuller, and the skin is thicker and free of wrinkles and fine lines. The skin tone is also unified and freshness and vitality are gained.

Symptoms should go to the doctor as soon as they occur

Collagen needles for the skin are considered safe, but an equipped medical center and a doctor with practical experience and high medical qualifications must be chosen. You should also follow the instructions of the best collagen skin doctors in Hurghada at Nadara Clinic Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology. Among the complications that must be seen by the doctor as soon as they occur, such as:

  1. The occurrence of an allergic reaction: In case you did not do an allergy test as the collagen doctor in Hurghada told you.
  2. The appearance of clumps of collagen.
  3. The occurrence of an abscess and often occurs if the patient has diabetes.
  4. Subcutaneous bleeding.
  5. Increased swelling and pain.
  6. The appearance of a rash.
  7. Uneven skin appearance.

Who is not suitable for collagen injection treatment?

As we mentioned that collagen injections for the face in Hurghada are safe if you have chosen the best collagen skin doctors in Hurghada. Non-candidates for the collagen procedure are:

  1. Pregnant and lactating women.
  2. Patients allergic to bovine collagen.
  3. Those with an allergy to dairy products.
  4. Those who suffer from viral or bacterial skin diseases.
  5. The presence of active skin pimples or infections.
  6. Those with certain diseases such as cancer.

The cost of facial collagen injections

The price of collagen injections for the face varies according to many factors, and the most important of these factors affecting the prices of collagen injections for the face, such as:

  1. The type of collagen used affects the price of collagen.
  2. patient's skin condition.
  3. Age of the patient.
  4. The number of sessions required for the patient.
  5. The number of needles needed for the patient.
  6. The experience and qualifications of a collagen doctor greatly influence the price of a collagen session.
  7. The location and reputation of the beauty clinic and the extent of its equipment.

Collagen Skin Doctors in Hurghada

  • In Nadara Clinic, there are the best collagen doctors for the skin, as they have scientific experience, qualifications, and certificates. They also have practical experiences that testify to the results of collagen injections for patients and their evaluations of Nadara Clinic in Hurghada. The Nadara Clinic has the latest types of cosmetic injections, such as: Sculptra injection, Gallipro injection, Amber needle, Needles of freshnessCinderella needles, hyaluronic acid injections, etc., and other non-surgical materials that are beneficial to the skin.
  • Besides there The best dermatologists in Hurghada For the treatment of all common and rare skin diseases such as acne, versicolor tinea versicolor, cutaneous acacia, vitiligo, and psoriasis. There are also better ways Skin care such as Skin Booster Sessions in Hurghada and injected Botox and fillers And sessions of mesotherapy and derma bin, as well as chemical peeling and cold peeling sessions.
  • In addition to the presence of different and modern types of lasers, such as a device Excimer laser, Keyswitched laser, Carbon dioxide laser andFractional And those who use many cosmetic services and treatments, such as laser hair removal. Contact the best beauty clinic that provides collagen skin service, know collagen for the skin, and know the price of the examination and the doctor’s evaluation.

Sources of natural collagen

  1. Collagen is found in many foods that we can eat to compensate for what is lost in our skin with age, such as fish, tomatoes, strawberries, berries...etc.
  2. Take collagen tablets, as they are nutritional supplements, but a dermatologist should be consulted first. But it needs continuity and perseverance for a long time in order to produce effective results.

In the end, you can now enjoy unparalleled skin after injecting collagen injections into the skin in Hurghada, as it has results that you will not believe. You will get rid of all your skin problems and any scars, acne effects, sun spots, as well as age spots. Where it works to combat the appearance of signs of skin aging, such as wrinkles, fine smile lines, and wrinkles around the eyes. What are you waiting for? Enjoy unparalleled skin with the best collagen skin doctors in Hurghada at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology in the Red Sea.


  1. How can I book collagen injections for the skin in Hurghada?

    You can contact us or send WhatsApp And book the closest time with the best collagen skin doctors in Hurghada at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology.

  2. How much is the collagen needle for the face?

    The price of collagen needles for the skin varies according to several factors, including the condition of the patient’s skin and the extent of its imperfections, as well as the patient’s age, skin response, and the number of sessions. It also affects the experience and qualifications of the collagen injection doctor, the location of the clinic and its medical equipment.

  3. What does a collagen needle do for the face?

    The collagen needle increases skin hydration and increases the elasticity of tissues and muscles, which makes the skin return to the way it was after any movements of the facial muscles without the appearance of wrinkles or fine lines. It also renews cells to hide pigmentation, spots, and the effects of scars or acne. In addition to brighter skin, natural glow, fuller cheeks, and thicker skin.

  4. When will the results of collagen needles appear?

    The result of collagen for the skin in Hurghada appears immediately after the skin has recovered from the side effects within 7 days. While the end result appears 4 weeks after the end of all collagen sessions.

  5. Is collagen injection permanent?

    The results of collagen injections for the skin last for a long period of 12 to 18 months, and it is recommended to follow the doctor’s instructions for the results to last for a longer period. It is also recommended to perform injections every 6 months for lasting results.

  6. What are the best types of collagen for the skin?

    Human collagen is the best type of collagen, especially the autologin type, as it is extracted from the patient’s own skin, so there is no risk of allergic reaction, and the cost is lower than other types. However, the plastic surgeon at Nadara Clinic in Hurghada determines which type is suitable for your skin condition.

  7. Does collagen lighten skin tone?

    Yes, collagen works to renew skin cells and get rid of any pigmentation, spots or scar effects, which unites the skin tone.

  8. From what age can collagen be used?

    The best collagen skin doctors in Hurghada recommend the possibility of collagen injections for the face after the age of 25, because the skin begins to lose the necessary collagen and the skin becomes thinner.

  9. Is collagen injection useful?

    Of course, injecting collagen into the skin is very useful and has many benefits, as it is a natural protein in the body and skin, but it decreases over time. Among its benefits is unifying skin tone and eliminating dark circles. You can also use it to combat signs of skin aging, get rid of wrinkles, and increase skin thickness, elasticity, and freshness. There is also collagen cheek augmentation and collagen lip augmentation.

  10. Does collagen remove facial pigmentation?

    Yes, collagen eliminates skin pigmentation, age spots, sun pigmentation, scars and accidents, and completely unites skin tone. The skin also gains radiance, freshness and vitality.

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