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Deep skin cleansing in Hurghada

Are you looking for the best skin deep cleansing sessions in Hurghada? Nadara Clinic provides you with the best facial cleaning session.

The skin is exposed to many influences daily that affect its freshness and beauty. Therefore, care must be taken to constantly clean the face with the HydraFacial device. You can perform deep skin cleansing sessions in Hurghada with the best skin cleaning doctor in the best skin cleaning clinic, Nadara Clinic for dermatology, laser and cosmetology. You will be impressed with the result that you will get after deep cleaning sessions, as many of the problems that your skin was facing will disappear.

Nadara Clinic is characterized by the presence of the best dermatologist to determine whether deep skin cleaning sessions are suitable for your skin or not. Therefore, care must be taken to clean the skin, especially facial cleaning, in a beauty clinic equipped with the latest medical devices, as well as advanced technologies in the world of cosmetic medicine, and this is located in Nadara Clinic in Hurghada. So Nadara Clinic the best beauty clinic in Hurghada and the Red Sea.

What is deep skin cleansing?

Contents show
Deep skin cleansing session

Deep skin cleansing or deep skin cleansing is a cosmetic skin care procedure that is done for the facial area in particular, and it can also be applied to the neck, shoulder, or arm. It is also recommended to do it once every three months, but care must be taken to conduct it in a specialized medical center. Skin cleansing sessions depend on applying natural materials that remove impurities, dust, excess sebum and dead skin, as well as remove pigmentation and the effects of skin acne.

Also, by continuing the skin sessions, you will get rid of the signs of skin aging and fine lines. Deep cleansing of the skin is distinguished from superficial cleaning in that it gets rid of all impurities that are found in the depths of the skin and not in the skin the superficial layer of the epidermis Just for this is the newest method of cleaning facial skin. In addition to the presence of the HydraFacial deep cleansing device, which is characterized by the presence of multiple stages of cleansing the skin.

Benefits of deep skin cleansing

The result of a deep skin cleansing session before and after
The result of a deep skin cleansing session before and after

There are many benefits that you will notice after deep cleansing sessions. Among the most important of these benefits are:

  1. Getting rid of excess fat in the skin.
  2. Eliminate the effects of acne.
  3. Getting rid of dead skin.
  4. Remove black and white heads.
  5. Cleaning pores that have been clogged with dust.
  6. Removing the remnants of beauty products stuck deep in the skin.
  7. Hide fine lines and wrinkles.
  8. Getting rid of the effects of pigmentation as a result of the sun.
  9. Removing traces of sweat that cause bacteria to accumulate and the appearance of grains.
  10. Renewing skin cells and nourishing them with beneficial elements.
  11. Large pore treatment.

The difference between deep skin cleansing and normal cleansing

Deep skin cleansing

The idea of a deep skin cleaning session depends on cleaning the pores and deep layers of the skin from any deposits, oils or dirt stuck in them, as well as dead skin that is not removed by regular skin cleansing. Therefore, deep cleansing of the skin is necessary at least every three months, or in a shorter period if you are exposed to many pollutants.

Normal skin cleansing

Regular skin cleansing is the routine that you do daily, such as washing your face morning and evening with a cleanser suitable for your skin type. Therefore, regular skin cleansing removes cosmetic deposits and dirt stuck to the surface of the skin only.

Instructions before skin cleansing sessions at a beauty clinic in Hurghada

  • Choose a beauty clinic or a medical center that specializes in skin care, as deep cleansing of the skin is one of the sessions that requires a highly qualified dermatologist. Nadara Clinic provides you with the best skin cleansing doctor as well as the latest equipment and technologies to ensure that you are in safe hands and will reach your goal with a flawless skin.
  • Tell your dermatologist about your medical history or any skin diseases you suffer from.
  • If you are taking any treatments and medications, you must inform the doctor about them so that they do not interfere with other sessions.
  • Do not apply cosmetics and skin care products about ten days before the session.
  • Stop taking aspirin or any other blood thinners.
  • Not to be exposed to the sun for long periods or to wear sunscreen so as not to get burned.
  • Avoid any plastic surgeries or Botox or Filler injections.
  • Avoid exfoliating the skin before a deep skin cleaning session.
  • Do not remove hair before sessions so as not to cause serious infections.
  • Avoid wearing false eyelashes or wearing eye lenses.

First: a deep cleansing of the skin

The deep skin cleansing session depends on lightening the pores by steam, purifying them with masks and medical materials, and nourishing them.

Deep skin cleansing session in Hurghada

Results of a deep skin cleansing session
Results of a deep skin cleansing session
  1. The doctor cleans the facial skin well before starting the session, then dries it well.
  2. The doctor exposes the skin to a steam bath for ten minutes in order to lighten the pores, and he may apply oils during that to get rid of impurities and blackheads.
  3. A medical material is applied to close the pores, and then another skin sterilization device is used.
  4. Dermatologist at Nadara clinic applies a mask to whiten and moisturize the skin in minutes.
  5. The doctor washes the skin well with lukewarm water.
  6. The doctor does a light skin massage to stimulate blood circulation.
  7. The doctor may eventually apply collagen to the skin to nourish it.
  8. A follow-up date for the results of the session will be set.

Side effects after the session

The deep cleaning session is safe as long as you perform it with a dermatologist in a plastic surgery clinic, but you will feel some temporary side effects. However, by following the instructions of the dermatologist at Nadara Clinic, these effects will disappear, and these effects include such as:

  • Facial redness, and you can relieve this redness by applying cold water to the skin or applying the cream prescribed to you by the doctor.
  • Dry skin as a result of removing natural oils from the skin during the session. Therefore, you can moisturize the skin with the moisturizing cream prescribed to you by the dermatologist at Nadara Clinic in Hurghada.

Instructions after a deep skin cleansing session in Hurghada

You must follow the advice of the skin cleaning doctor at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology in Hurghada and the Red Sea. These include tips such as:

  • Avoid exposure to the sun.
  • Do not apply skin cosmetics or skin care products.
  • Avoid hair removal after deep cleansing sessions.
  • Not to perform cosmetic procedures such as filler injections or freshness injections.
  • Avoid scratching.
  • Drink enough water for internal hydration of the skin.
  • Eat food rich in fiber to nourish the skin.

The result of a deep skin cleaning session in Hurghada

The result of a deep skin cleansing session in Hurghada appears immediately after the session, but by continuing the sessions every one or three months, you will get better results and get rid of the signs of skin aging.

Second: HydraFacial deep cleansing of the skin

Deep skin cleansing in Hurghada
Deep skin cleansing in Hurghada

Deep skin cleansing with a hydrafacial device is a non-surgical cosmetic procedure that relies on softening and cleansing the skin from the depths while removing the outer layer of the skin. It also combines the properties of chemical and crystal peeling. In addition, it is one of the latest international technologies in skin cleansing, as it has proven effective in obtaining pure, smooth, and impurities-free skin.

What is a hydrafacial skin cleaning device?

Hydrafacial device is the latest device used in cleansing, exfoliating and nourishing the skin in one device. As it depends on several steps that depend on accuracy, so it is used by dermatologists at Nadara clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology in Hurghada and the Red Sea. It is characterized by cleansing the skin from the depths and getting rid of dead skin and sediment, as well as nourishing it with a nourishing serum for the skin to restore its freshness and purity. Moreover, it is suitable for all skin types.

Benefits of hydrafacial

  • Getting rid of dirt and dead cells.
  • Cleansing and shrinking pores to treat wide pores.
  • Skin cell regeneration.
  • Acne Treatment.
  • Getting rid of blackheads.
  • Skin softening.
  • Reducing signs of human progress from wrinkles and fine lines.
  • Eliminate scars, spots and melasma.
  • Skin whitening.
  • Peeling skin.
  • Get rid of excess fat.
  • Giving the skin freshness and vitality.
  • Remove dirt from pores.
  • Getting rid of blackheads.

Stages of hydrafacial sessions

 The HydraFacial technology is a multi-stage skin cleaning system that relies on four stages to cleanse the skin, as follows:

The first stage: cleansing the skin

The dermatologist cleans and washes the skin well. Then the skin is purified by removing excess fatty oils as well as dust and dirt accumulated in the depths of the skin layers using a HydraFacial device.

The second stage: peeling the skin

The dermatologist at Nadara Clinic in Hurghada applies acids to exfoliate the skin, which are glycolic acid and salicylic acid, through the device. Acids are also pumped through the device.

The third stage: suction of sediment and dirt

At this stage, dirt is sucked out through the HydraFacial deep cleansing device. Where the HydraFacial deep cleansing device is characterized by its spiral shape, so it is used to suction the fats and dirt stuck in the pores in the deep layers of the skin.

The fourth stage: nourishing and treating the skin

Skin treatment

After completing the cleaning and exfoliation of the skin, as well as suctioning the dirt, as happened in the previous stages, the dermatologist begins the last stage, which is the treatment of its problems.

Skin nourishment

Antioxidants as well as skin nutrients are pumped to treat the skin from dryness and keep it fresh and smooth, as well as tightening the facial skin to get rid of the signs of aging. In addition to keeping the skin moisturized. 

Number of hydrafacial sessions

 The number of HydraFacial deep cleansing sessions depends on the condition of the skin, so the number of sessions varies from one patient to another. However, the skin often needs 4 to 6 sessions in the case of wrinkles and fine lines, or if there are skin pigmentations. In addition to the importance of the interval between each session and the other about 4 weeks.

Results of a skin cleaning session with a hydrafacial device

Removing blackheads in the nose in a deep skin cleansing session
Removing blackheads in the nose in a deep skin cleansing session

The result of HydraFacial skin cleaning usually appears immediately after the session, but this differs from one skin to another, and you must adhere to the number of sessions that the dermatologist wrote for you at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology in Hurghada .

Tips after hydrafacial

  • Avoid exposure to the sun.
  • Make sure to drink an appropriate amount of water.
  • Avoid using toner, face wash, or any skin care products.
  • Be careful not to apply cosmetics after the facial cleaning session.
  • Avoid hair removal after a deep cleansing session in Hurghada.
  • Be careful not to touch the skin or press on the facial skin.

The importance of deep cleaning oily skin in Hurghada

Oily skin is one of the most common types of skin that needs deep skin care and cleansing because of its characteristics such as:

1- Increase the production of fatty oils

 Which causes clogged pores as a result of the accumulation and appearance of pimples, blackheads and whiteheads, so deep facial skin cleansing sessions work to get rid of these excess oils, which prevents the appearance of pimples when you keep cleaning these oils.

2- The enlargement of the pores

This causes the accumulation of dust and dirt and its entry into the depths of the skin, which makes the skin need a deep cleaning, not a superficial cleaning of the upper layers only. Therefore, care must be taken to conduct deep cleansing sessions for the skin to get rid of this dirt and dust.

3- The appearance of acne

Pimples do not appear only due to clogged pores, as some of them appear as a result of bacteria. Therefore, deep skin cleansing is a powerful cleanser for the deep layers of the skin. Therefore, sterilizing the skin with a deep facial cleansing session is the perfect solution to get rid of acne.

The best deep skin cleaning doctor in Hurghada

Skin cleaning sessions are sensitive sessions because they depend on the expertise and skill of the dermatologist, so Nadara Clinic provides you with the best deep skin cleaning doctor in Hurghada and the Red Sea. Nadara Clinic is distinguished as the best beauty clinic in Hurghada, with the presence of the best dermatologists and cosmetologists with the highest medical qualifications, as well as practical experience in the field of cosmetic medicine.

Nadara Clinic is also keen to keep pace with the world's advanced technologies in the field of cosmetic medicine, so that you can enjoy an unparalleled skin cleaning service. Doctors also follow up the results of deep skin cleansing sessions, and the doctor will also tell you the instructions that you must follow before and after performing facial skin cleaning sessions.

Best deep skin cleaning clinic in Hurghada

Nadara Clinic is the best deep skin cleaning beauty clinic in Hurghada and the Red Sea, where you can safely perform deep skin cleaning sessions. Nadara clinic is keen to reach your goal with a skin free of impurities and enjoying freshness and vitality. Therefore, Nadara Clinic provides you with all means of comfort and safety, so that you can enjoy clean skin from the depths. But you must follow the doctor's instructions and keep doing the sessions for better and younger looking skin.

There are also many medical services at Nadara Clinic, which you can benefit from in the treatment of many skin diseases, such as: Acne Treatment And treat various skin diseases such as psoriasis andvitiligo andfreckles and Eczema As well as afor dark circles And pigmentation. You can also perform many cosmetic procedures such as: Filler injection andBotox As well as freshness injections as well as a procedure Skin booster Sessions. In addition to conducting sessions Dermapen or mesotherapy In the best beauty clinic in Hurghada. In addition to hair loss treatment and hair transplantation.

In addition, there is the best plastic surgeon in Hurghada where you can find rhinoplasty or Otoplasty and also Butt augmentation or as breast augmentation And reduce it according to your need. You can also perform formatting operations from Fat fragmentation or Liposuction Body sculpting or self-fat injection.

Tips for maintaining clean and healthy skin

  1. You must follow a routine suitable for your skin and not only deep cleansing sessions. You can follow the following tips for glowing skin, such as:
  2. Use a daily cleanser that is suitable for your skin type, and do not be satisfied with soap, as it loses your skin's moisture.
  3. Wash your face well before going to sleep, because most of the facial skin oils are secreted in the evening, so dirt and dust must be removed well before going to sleep.
  4. Do not use industrial ingredients in home remedies, but use natural masks.
  5. Avoid too much sun exposure and you can wear sunscreen.
  6. Wear safe cosmetics so as not to harm your skin.
  7. Always include in your daily routine the moisturizing cream before bed, as well as the eye cream.
  8. Keep drinking about 2 and a half liters of water per day to keep the skin hydrated.
  9. Keep eating healthy food and healthy fruits and vegetables.

In conclusion, if you want to prevent many skin problems that affect the beauty of your appearance and your self-confidence, you must make sure to clean your skin constantly. You can do regular cleaning at home, but deep skin cleansing sessions are indispensable at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology in Hurghada and the Red Sea. Enjoy more youthful and fresh skin with the best selection of cosmetic medicine doctors at the highest level of experience and efficiency with the best methods Skin care.


  1. How can I book a deep skin cleaning session?

    You can contact us or send WhatsApp Book as soon as possible with the best dermatologists and surgeons at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and cosmetology, the best beauty clinic in Hurghada and the Red Sea.

  2. How can I book a deep skin cleaning session?

    The closest time with the best dermatologists and surgeons at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Aesthetics, the best beauty clinic in Hurghada and the Red Sea.

  3. How often should a deep skin cleanse be done?

    It is recommended to perform a deep cleansing session of the skin once every three months or in a shorter period of not less than a month, if the skin needs deep cleaning. Persistence in these sessions will help eliminate signs of skin aging such as wrinkles and fine lines. However, the sessions should not be exaggerated unless by following the instructions of the dermatologist at Nadara clinic in Hurghada.

  4. Does cleaning the skin open the pores?

    Yes, of course, cleaning the skin helps in lightening the pores, as the accumulated oils, dead skin, dust and suspended dirt are removed.

  5. What is deep cleaning?

    Deep skin cleansing is the application of masks rich in natural materials to purify the skin from any dead skin and impurities, but in a deeper way than the superficial skin cleansing sessions.

  6. How many steps does a hydrafacial session take?

    There are four steps in a hydrafacial deep skin cleansing session. The first stage is cleaning, the second stage is exfoliating the skin, then liposuction and dirt, and in the end, the stage of nourishing and treating the skin.

  7. When do the results of deep skin cleansing appear?

    The results of deep cleansing of the skin appear immediately after undergoing each session, and the best results appear after continuing to conduct the sessions every month or month, and we clean as needed and in consultation with a dermatologist at Nadara clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology in Hurghada and the Red Sea.

  8. Does deep skin cleaning remove grains?

    Yes, deep skin cleansing works to get rid of pimples by removing impurities, dirt, and remnants of cosmetics stuck to the skin, which clog pores and cause pimples to appear.

  9. What are the benefits of deep skin cleansing?

    There are many benefits that your skin benefits from when you perform a deep skin cleaning in Hurghada, such as getting rid of black and white heads, removing wrinkles, fine lines and wrinkles. In addition to eliminating the effects of acne and pigmentation, and getting rid of dirt, dead skin, and soil stuck in the depths of the skin.

  10. How long between skin cleaning sessions?

    The period between skin cleaning sessions varies from one case to another, so you should consult a dermatologist so that your skin is not damaged, but usually the period between the two sessions is not less than a month or 6 weeks.

  11. After a hydrafacial session, what should I do?

    Care must be taken to follow the advice of the dermatologist after the hydrafacial session and to avoid exposure to the sun, hair removal, cosmetics or skin care products.

  12. Does hydrafacial enlarge pores?

    HydraFacial works to lighten the pores to suction out sediment, dirt and excess sebum in order to make them breathe. But it does not expand the pores because in the last stage, the skin and pores are nourished, which helps to shrink the pores and give the skin an unparalleled freshness and radiance.

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