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Skin care in Hurghada

The secret of beauty is good skin care under the supervision of the best dermatologist, so enjoy the best skin care methods in Hurghada at Nadara Clinic.

The secret of beauty today is good skin care and getting rid of skin problems under the supervision of the best dermatologist, where whenever the doctor identifies skin defects and their causes, then facial care and treatment is done with the best medical technology sessions, so you will find the best skin care methods and sessions in Hurghada at the Freshness Center Dermatology and laser. There is also the best team of specialized doctors with experience and competence in treating skin problems and restoring their youth and freshness with the latest medical methods and international means. Where the Freshness Center has the latest laser devices, Hurghada skin care, facial and hair care. The main goal of the doctors at Nadara Center is to achieve perfect skin free of defects and problems for skin care in Hurghada, as well as to reach the highest levels of beauty.

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Types of skin 

Contents show

First, to treat the skin from any defects, it is necessary to know its type so that the dermatologist can know the causes of these skin problems. In addition, knowing the type of skin helps the doctor treat it in the appropriate way without causing complications. Skin types are divided into five types, for example:

Normal skin

It is the best type of skin, as it has balanced properties between oily skin and dry skin, as it is not sensitive and does not show acne.

Normal skin characteristics

  • It has natural pores and the right size.
  • It has no acne.
  • Its feel is soft.
  • It is characterized by freshness and vitality.
  • It has a uniform skin tone.

Oily skin

Oily skin suffers from many problems, especially for girls and women, so you need intensive care and continuous follow-up with your best dermatologist in Hurghada at Nadara Clinic.

Oily skin characteristics

  • Suffering from acne as well as the effects resulting from it.
  • It has wide pores.
  • She has a glowing complexion due to oiliness.

dry skin

Dry skin is the exact opposite of oily skin, as it is characterized by a lack of sebum secretion, which makes it insufficient in the process of moisturizing and nourishing the skin, so it needs to be taken care of. Age also affects, leading to the appearance of crusts and cracks.

Dry skin characteristics

  • Skin with cracks and cracks.
  • Skin texture is rough and rough.
  • Uneven skin tone.
  • Skin infections appear.

Sensitive skin

It is considered one of the worst types of skin, as it is characterized by its extreme sensitivity to any external influence, so you should consult the best doctor and expert in skin care, hair and dermatology in Hurghada and the Red Sea.

Sensitive skin characteristics

  • It has a feeling of itching.
  • It shows a burning sensation of severe dryness.
  • Skin color tends to be red.
  • It has dry skin in winter and oily skin in summer.

Combination skin

Since it is called mixed skin, it combines the characteristics of oily skin in certain areas of the face, as well as the characteristics of dry skin that appears in areas of the face.

Characteristics of combination skin

  • It has very wide pores.
  • It has blackheads.
  • The appearance of acne scars.
  • Cheeks often appear red.

Factors affecting the skin

Many factors play an important role in determining skin type and changing skin characteristics for the worse. Among the most important of these factors, for example: 

  • Genetics.
  • Hormonal changes.
  • Taking medications that harm oily skin.
  • Mental state as well as stress.
  • Use of unknown or inferior cosmetics and skin care.
  • Follow diets that harm the nutrition of the skin.
  • Climate changes where the dry climate affects the skin.
  • Getting older.

Skin care routine for different skin types

To prevent all skin problems, you must follow a healthy routine for a healthy skin, whether Lady's skin care, whether it is oily, normal, sensitive or mixed skin. This includes skin care, for example:

Skin and face care and get rid of skin problems
Skin and face care in Hurghada

Regular skin care routine

  • Drink adequate amounts of water equivalent to 8 glasses per day.
  • Avoid prolonged exposure to the sun and use sunscreen.
  • Clean the skin daily.

How to care for oily skin

  • You should consult a dermatologist at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology in Hurghada and the Red Sea, as well as continuous follow-up to prevent the multiplication of skin problems.
  • Choose the appropriate cosmetics for oily skin so as not to cause the pores to close.
  • Moisturize the skin by washing it with water and skin care products prescribed by the doctor.
  • Drink adequate amounts of internal hydration water.
  • Don't play with the pills or rub them.
  • Use a lotion suitable for oily skin, after consulting a Hurghada dermatologist.
  • Freshness Center provides the best treatment for skin problems such as stress through Viva Chi.

Dry skin care routine.

  • Keep away from heat and dry places.
  • Moisturize the skin by drinking water constantly.
  • Apply moisturizing creams suitable for dry skin, and this is one of the most important ways to care for the face.
  • Avoid exposure to the sun and use a sunscreen with a high protection factor.

Sensitive skin care methods 

  • Consult a doctor at Nadara Dermatology Center about skin care in Hurghada.
  • Minimize the use of cosmetics, as well as the use of trusted products, as well as suitable for sensitive skin, and this is one of the most important facial care routines.
  • Avoid anything that irritates the skin.

Combination skin care routine

  • Continuous follow-up with a dermatologist who specializes in the skin care center.
  • Avoid using oily cosmetics.
  • Avoid exfoliating the T-zone, which includes the forehead as well as the nose.

Skin care methods in Hurghada

Skin care deep cleansing session
Facial care Deep cleaning session in Hurghada

1- Skin care in mesotherapy sessions in Hurghada

The Mesotherapy technique it is a medical technique that dispenses with surgical procedures. It relies on injecting places in the body that need treatment, so it is injected with the following ingredients: vitamins, hormones, amino acids, platelets, and plant extracts.

Benefits of mesotherapy sessions Hurghada skin care

There are many benefits that accrue to the skin after mesotherapy skin care sessions, for example:

  • Eliminate wrinkles and fine lines.
  • Getting rid of signs of aging.
  • Giving the skin a wonderful freshness.
  • Modify the appearance of cellulite.
  • Skin Tightening.
  • Getting rid of localized fat.
  • Hair loss treatment.
  • treatment alopecia areata.

2- Skin care by Dermapen sessions in Hurghada

It is a common and effective treatment for the skin, as it greatly benefits the skin's tissues. The idea of Dermapen is based on the use of a device with 12 pointed needles that make holes in the upper layer of the skin, with the aim of facial care. Therefore, skin care sessions in Hurghada stimulate collagen to renew skin cells and eliminate any imperfections.

Eliminate the problems of sagging skin, jaw and chin sculpting
Get rid of the problems of sagging skin and jaw and chin sculpting

Benefits of Dermapen sessions Hurghada skin care

There are many benefits to the skin after Dermapen skin care sessions in Hurghada, for example:

  • Eliminate acne scars.
  • Skin cell renewal.
  • Skin tightening.
  • Large pores treatment.
  • Get rid of pigmentation as well as dark spots.
  • Stimulating the skin to produce collagen and elastin.
  • Rejuvenate the skin.

3- Skin care by Botox injections in Hurghada

Injection of Botox Nowadays, it is in abundance, as it has many advantages that dispense with surgical operations and has impressive results in facial care. Therefore, the word Botox is an abbreviation for the name of the protein substance “botulinum toxin”, which is extracted from a type of bacteria. This substance also works to stop the transmission of nerve signals to the injection site, which paralyzes the movement of the muscle and also does not contract. This, in turn, helps prevent wrinkles from appearing, as it has many advantages in skin care, Hurghadaz

Removing the sign of anger with Botox
Hurricane skin care and removal of signs of anger with Botox

Advantages of Botox injections in Hurghada

There are many advantages to conducting skin care sessions with Botox injections, for example:

  • Safe treatment.
  • Painless.
  • Very effective treatment.
  • Fast treatment.
  • Skin Tightening.
  • Elimination of wrinkles.
  • Add freshness.
  • Restoring youthful skin.

4- Skin care by filler injection in Hurghada

The injection of Filler injection For the treatment of some areas in different parts of the body and its most important benefit is facial care, and the skin is filled with hyaluronic acid. Helps fill in the blanks as well as add attractiveness and freshness of the skin.

Supplying lips and cheeks with fillers
Facial care Lips supply And cheeks with filler

Benefits of filler injection for skin care in Hurghada

  • Sculpting facial features.
  • Full face care.
  •  Face lift, as well as getting rid of sagging.
  • Marionette lines treatment.
  • Getting rid of facial wrinkles.
  • Eliminate forehead wrinkles.
  • Remove traces of wounds as well as scars.
  • Getting rid of the frown marks between the eyebrows.
  • Rejuvenation and rejuvenation of the skin.
  • Get rid of a double chin.
  • Lip volume coordination.
  • Small lips treatment.
  • Increase lip size.
  • Low lip angle treatment.
  • Getting rid of fine lines and wrinkles on the lips.
  • Dark circles treatment for men.
  • Eliminate puffiness under the eyes.
  • Smile lines removal.
  • Improve the appearance of the nose.
  • Getting rid of nose lines.
  • Promote thin skin.
  • Hair loss treatment.
  • Increase hair density.
  • Improve breast size without surgery.

5- Skin care and acne treatment in Hurghada

The appearance of acne is a troublesome matter, as even if it disappears, it leaves traces that affect the purity and freshness of the skin. Therefore, Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology provides you with the best dermatologist who doesAcne treatment and its effects And skin care in Hurghada. Where pimples appear as a result of clogging the hair follicles when they are filled with fat or dead cells. Types of acne include whiteheads, blackheads, nodules, and pimples.

Laser acne treatment and removal
Hurricane skin care, acne treatment and laser removal of its effects

Causes of acne

To treat the effects of acne and get rid of skin problems, as well as skin care in Hurghada, you must know the causes of its appearance, for example:

  • Disruption of hormone secretion during puberty.
  • Other hormonal changes such as pregnancy and menopause, as well as taking birth control pills.
  • Use of drugs that harm the skin, for example, antidepressants.
  • Pressure on the skin.
  • Genetics play an important role in acne.

Ways to get rid of skin problems, acne scars

  • Remove acne scars with creams.
  • Fractional laser RF removal of acne scars.
  • Peeling the skin with the three types of peeling, such as chemical peeling or crystal peeling, as well as diamond peeling.
  • Treating acne scars with filler injections.
  • Mesotherapy sessions to treat acne scars as well as skin care in Hurghada.

Hurghada skin care tips to prevent acne

Learn about the best skin care methods in Hurghada. Lady's skin care to prevent acne. for example:

  • Use a lotion suitable for the type of skin, as well as consult a doctor at Nadara Skin Care Center in Hurghada.
  • Avoid using strong soaps.
  • Gently clean the skin after exertion, such as exercise or sweating, until the deposits and dead skin are removed.
  • Do not try to rub or apply pressure to the pimples, as this will cause scarring.
  • The necessity of removing make-up daily.
  • Use reliable cosmetics that are suitable for your skin type.
  • Avoid exposure to sunburn or apply sunscreen.
  • Not to take medicines without consulting a doctor, as well as knowing their side effects on the skin, as well as the appearance of pimples.

Skin care by fractional laser in Hurghada

Nadara Center for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology in Hurghada and the Red Sea offers you the best methods of treating skin from many defects and renewing skin cells and tissues. Fractional laser is one of the best cosmetic and skin care methods in Hurghada, which replaces surgical procedures. adopt an idea Fractional laser on focusing of the light waves from the fractional laser on the lower layers of the skin, which stimulates the production of collagen. There are also two types of fractional lasers, the erbium laser and the carbon dioxide Co2 laser.

Advantages of fractional laser in skin care in Hurghada

There are many advantages of fractional laser in getting rid of skin problems and skin care in Hurghada. for example:

  • It is safe on the skin.
  • High efficiency and quick results.
  • You can use it on different areas of the body.
  • Eliminate pigmentation and brown spots resulting from exposure to the sun.
  • Treating wrinkles and signs of aging.
  • Get rid of the effects of scars, as well as acne.
  • Treating wounds and surgical procedures.
  • Stretch marks removal.
  • Uniform skin tone.
  • Large pores treatment.
  • Melasma treatment as well as freckles.
  • Tighten the skin and make it more youthful.

Types of fractional laser devices in Hurghada

First: Candella fractional laser device.

Second: CYF fractional carbon dioxide laser device.

Third: Solta Medical Fraxel SR1500 Fractional Laser.

Fourth: Fouri fractional laser device.

Unifying skin color in Hurghada

A uniform skin color is the dream of every girl or woman, as the presence of dark spots or traces of grain leads to distorting the beauty of the face. Therefore, Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology offers you the best medical methods forunification of skin color And skin care in Hurghada and getting rid of skin problems with the best medical team in Hurghada and the Red Sea.

Reasons for uneven skin color

To unify the complexion and take care of the hurricane skin, you must know the reasons for the non-uniformity of the complexion. They are, for example:

  • Genetic causes.
  • Acne effects and scars.
  • Traces of wounds, as well as surgeries.
  • Black Halos.
  • Freckles.
  • Melasma.
  • Eczema disease.
  • Anemia and malnutrition.
  • Excessive sweating in certain parts of the body.
  • An adrenal gland disorder.

Ways to unify skin tone in Hurghada

  • Laser skin color unification by many techniques such as Q-switch technology, YAG laser technology, IPL technology, as well as technology. Fraxel Laser
  • Creams that contain acids such as salicylic acid, kojic acid, as well as glycolic acid.
  • Chemical peeling, whether superficial peeling, medium peeling as well as deep peeling.
  • Cold peeling.
  • Glutathione needles containing antioxidants help reduce the levels of melanin pigment.

Skin care for freckles in Hurghada

The Freckles is a sign of beauty in some cases where it is harmonious and light, while there are cases where freckles are very dense and affect the general appearance. Freckles are dark brown spots that differ from the color of the skin, and they appear especially in places exposed to the sun, such as the face. Freckles are also produced as a result of exposure to the sun on many days of sunshine, which leads to an increase in the secretion of melanin pigment, but in scattered ways in the skin.

Causes of freckles

To treat freckles and skin care methods in Hurghada, you must know the reasons for their appearance. for example

  • Exposure to sunlight.
  • Aging.
  • Genetic factors.
  • Accumulation of dead cells.
  • Sensitive skin.
  • Hormonal changes such as pregnancy and taking birth control pills.
  • Infection with Tina versicolor.

Laser freckle removal in Hurghada

The technology of using laser to remove freckles depends on the uniformity of waves of laser rays on the melanin layer, which helps to reduce its secretion or stop its secretion permanently. The Q-switch laser device is used to remove freckles and get rid of skin problems, and it has three types: the Laser Q switch YAG laser, the Laser Q switch Alexandrite (755 nm), and the Q-switch ruby laser (Laser Q switch). ruby (694 nm.

Skin care by treating large pores in Hurghada

The large pores It is one of the most common problems faced by women and women, as it affects the appearance and beauty of the skin. Therefore, the Freshness Center in Hurghada offers you the best and appropriate treatment to get rid of skin problems.

Causes of large pores

  • Excessive secretion of the sebaceous gland.
  • The accumulation of oils and sweat as a result of neglecting to clean the skin.
  • Leave cosmetic residues without complete removal.
  • Use of unreliable and inferior cosmetics.
  • Oily skin is more prone to infection with large pores.
  • Increased appearance of facial hair.
  • Aging and decreased collagen production.
  • Excessive exposure to the sun.
  • Hormonal changes, especially pregnancy.
  • Genetic factors.

Methods of treating large pores in Hurghada

  • Chemical peeling treatment for large pores.
  • Cold peeling treatment for large pores.
  • Fractional laser for the treatment of large facial pores in Hurghada.
  • Micro-needling treatment of large pores in the face.

Tips to prevent the problem of large pores 

  • Drink adequate amounts of water.
  • Avoid excessive exposure to steam baths.
  • Washing the skin with cold water after any hot water to close the pores and get rid of skin problems.
  • Follow a daily routine prescribed by a dermatologist who specializes in skin care in Hurghada and the Red Sea.
  • Make sure to clean the bowl of any dust deposits, as well as cosmetics.
  • Use light moisturizing creams
  • Use reliable cosmetics.
  • Eat fruits and vegetables that contain vitamins and fiber beneficial for the skin.

Skin care melasma in Hurghada

Skin and face care for men
Skin and face care for men

The melasma One of the reasons that haunt many women today is that it causes an unpleasant appearance in many areas of the body. Melasma is the pigmentation of some areas of the body as a result of the overproduction of melanin pigment as a result of many factors. Types of melasma include epidermal melasma, which is on the inner card, cutaneous melasma whose borders are wavy, as well as mixed melasma, which is more widespread and its color may be brown and blue.

Causes of melasma

  • Exposing the skin to the sun for long periods.
  • Fluctuations in estrogen and progesterone levels during pregnancy or taking birth control pills.
  • Thyroid disorders.
  • Taking medications without consulting a doctor, as well as knowing their side effects.
  • Thyroid dysfunction.
  • Adrenal gland dysfunction.
  • Poor mental state and stress.
  • Genetic factors.
  • Wearing poor cosmetics.
  • Putting on aromatic deodorants.

Melasma treatment methods in Hurghada

Doctors use the best freshness center, as well as the latest medical methods used in skin care in Hurghada. for example:

  • Laser melasma treatment in Hurghada.
  • Chemical peels in the treatment of melasma in Hurghada.
  • Plasma for the treatment of melasma in the face in Hurghada.

Skin care in Hurghada by laser hair removal

It is considered one of the most important ways to take care of the skin in Hurghada is to take care of excess hair by means of Removing hair by laser It is considered one of the best known and modern methods, as well as the most easy and safe. Freshness Center also offers you the best offers for laser hair removal in Hurghada, along with methods of skin care and hair restoration in Hurghada, integrated care with the best group of doctors specializing in skin care in Hurghada.

Advantages of laser hair removal in Hurghada

There are many advantages to laser hair removal, as it is one of the most important methods of skin care in Hurghada. for example:

  • Permanent hair removal.
  • Efficiency and effectiveness.
  • Faster performance compared to other methods that last hours.
  • Low cost in the long run.
  • skin smoothness.
  • Skin whitening.
  • Guaranteed results.

Types of laser hair removal devices

First: Senator Elite 2022 laser hair removal device.

Second: The Alexandrite Dual Pulse 755 Laser with 808 Laser Hair Removal.

Third: The Laser Light Sheer Diode 808 Laser Hair Removal Device.

Rejuvenation of the face while eliminating skin problems, lifting sagging cheeks
Rejuvenation of the face while eliminating skin problems, lifting sagging cheeks

In the end, after the development that the world witnesses daily in all fields, the field of dermatology, cosmetology and laser witnessed a comprehensive medical revolution. Therefore, there are many medical treatments that do not require plastic surgery, and this is what is provided by Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetic in Hurghada and the Red Sea. You will also get comprehensive medical care for the skin and treat all defects and problems that the skin faces as a result of many factors we mentioned in the article. In addition to the presence of other cosmetic treatments and services in the body, such as liposuction, body sculpting, and body coordination with the best surgeon in Hurghada.

You can read more about: Travel Skincare routine in Hurghada

If you are looking for the best skin and hair care methods in Hurghada, such as hair transplantation, you will find everything you are looking for at Nadara Center. All skin problems are treated with the latest laser devices, skin care and hair care. Do not hesitate to contact us to find out the best ways to care for hair and skin at the Freshness Center for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology, in order to achieve your dreams of unparalleled skin, as well as a consistent body with the best integrated medical team.


  1. How can I book an appointment for skin care in Hurghada?

    You can contact us or send WhatsApp and book as soon as possible with the best-experienced doctors at Nadara clinic Dermatology in Hurghada.

  2. What is the routine for oily skin care?

    You can follow an oily skin care routine to prevent skin problems, where you can drink enough water, use a suitable lotion for oily skin, use cosmetics and not rub the places of grain.

  3. How do I take care of my dry skin?

    Staying away from dry places and heat, as well as not being exposed to the sun, moisturizing the skin with appropriate creams and drinking enough water.

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