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Genital warts treatment in Hurghada

Genital warts are an annoying and embarrassing thing, but Nadara Clinic has the best genital warts treatment in Hurghada.

Warts is one of the annoying diseases, especially if it is in the sensitive areas of the genitals, but its treatment is now available at the Nadara Clinic, where you can now treat genital warts in Hurghada with the best dermatologists. Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology keeps pace with all modern scientific and medical developments around the world. Therefore, you will be in safe hands with the best qualified medical team with the highest degrees and practical experience. The dermatologist will choose the best method for removing genital warts that is suitable for your condition, as there are the best safe and effective methods used in treating genital warts for men in Hurghada, as well as treating genital warts for women in Hurghada.

You will be in safe hands at Nadara Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetic Center with the best dermatologists.

What is genital warts?

  • Genital warts, also called sexual warts or sexual warts, or genital warts. It is a very common sexually transmitted infection that causes bumps on areas such as the vagina, penis, anus, and scrotum. However, our Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology in Hurghada offers the most suitable treatment methods in the treatment of male genital warts as well as female genital warts.
  • He causes Human papilloma virus Warts disease of the genitals, which is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases. Warts can appear at any point in a person's life due to the presence of warts in the genitals. They appear as small, flesh-coloured lesions most commonly on the genitals, but they can also be very small and hard to notice.
  • Some strains of HPV cause genital acacia and warts in humans, while other strains cause cancer, and there are some vaccines available to prevent the virus and the prevention of genital warts disease in particular.

People most affected by genital warts

Anyone who engages in sexual activity can develop genital warts as a result of HPV infection. But the most common cases of this disease are:

  • Those who have an intimate relationship with more than one person.
  • Direct sexual contact with a person who has genital warts.
  • Weakened immune system.
  • Age is less than 30 years.
  • Smoking.
  • Both women and men.

Other possible complications of HPV

Genital warts are a low-risk strain for HPV infection. High-risk strains, such as HPV 16 and HPV 18, are implicated in the majority of cervical cancers. It can also lead to precancerous changes in the cells of the cervix, which is called dysplasia.

Vulvar cancer may also be caused by other types of HPV. It can also cause:

  1. Penile cancer.
  2. Anal cancer.
  3. Throat Cancer.
  4. and esophageal cancer.

Genital warts symptoms

Symptoms of genital warts may include:

  1. One or more small, flesh-colored, painless gray lumps or lumps around the vagina, penis, anus, or upper thighs.
  2. Itching or bleeding from your genitals or anus.
  3. A change in the normal flow of urine (eg, sideways), that does not go away.

Genital warts diagnosis

To diagnose this condition whether it is for male genital warts treatment in Hurghada or female genital warts treatment in Hurghada, your doctor will do the following:

  • Ask questions about your health and sexual history. This includes the symptoms you've had and whether you've had sex, including oral sex, without a condom.
  • Doing a physical examination of any areas where you suspect warts, your doctor may be able to diagnose genital warts just by seeing them.
  • medical examinations.
  • Your doctor may apply a mildly acidic solution, called Test Acetowhite, to your skin to help make genital warts more visible, and it may cause a mild burning sensation. He may also need a pelvic exam. Because those genital warts can occur deep inside your body.

Instructions before treating genital warts in Hurghada

  • You must choose a hospital, medical center or clinic with a good reputation and modern equipment. Therefore, you can choose the Nadara Clinic for dermatology, laser and cosmetology in Hurghada and the Red Sea. Where you can treat male genital warts in Hurghada and you can also treat female genital warts in Hurghada.
  • Avoid non-medical prescriptions.
  • Do not use hand wart treatments for genital warts because treatment varies. Where each type of HPV is caused by different strains of the virus. Treatments designed for other areas of the body are often much more powerful than treatments used on the genitals, and using the wrong treatments can do more harm than good.
  • Do not do home remedies so as not to multiply the problems. However, you should always consult your doctor at Nadara Clinic Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology in Hurghada before trying a home remedy.
  • Do not apply skin care products to the affected area.
  • Don't mess with the genital warts, so the infection doesn't spread.
  • Avoid shaving hair in the genital area for men and women.

Methods of treating genital warts in Hurghada

HPV itself can remain in skin cells, which means you may have many outbreaks over the course of your life. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the symptoms and avoid transmitting the virus to others. However, genital warts can be transmitted to others even when there are no visible warts or other symptoms.

You may want to treat genital warts in order to relieve painful symptoms or reduce their appearance. However, you cannot treat genital warts with wart removers or over-the-counter treatments.

First: Treating genital warts with medication

The dermatologist at Nadara Clinic Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology will start with topical treatments such as ointments and creams. The treatment may last for a week, but each body's response to it differs. Your doctor prescribes topical genital warts treatments that often include the following substances to be effective, which may include:

  1. Podophyllin and podofilox (Condylux).
  2. Trichloroacetic acid.
  3. Interferon injection.

Second: Surgery to remove the genital warts for men and women

There are many ways to do it since the traditional way was with a medical scalpel. However, with modern scientific and medical development, new methods have emerged such as electrocautery, laser surgery, and cooling to remove sexual warts. Types of genital wart removal surgery include:

1- Conventional surgery

The plastic surgeon will remove the warts permanently with surgery and this surgery can be performed in the treatment of the genital warts for men in Hurghada as well as the treatment of the genital warts for women in Hurghada. Where there is a best plastic dermatologist in Nadara Clinic, which is Dr. Amani Al-Tawabti, a specialist in dermatology and venereal diseases. There is also the best surgeon in Hurghada and the Red Sea, Dr. Mahmoud Mubarak, who holds a master's degree and a doctorate in surgery.

Steps to remove genital warts
  1. The plastic surgeon sterilizes the area with a sterile medical solution.
  2. Local anesthesia is applied so that the patient does not feel any pain. The plastic surgeon will wait for the anesthetic to take effect.
  3. Doctor uses a medical scalpel to remove the warts.
  4. The doctor will put bandage over the wound area and recommend how to care for the area.
  5. The dermatologist at Nadara Clinic in Hurghada sets the date for the next session to follow up on the results. The doctor will also give you ointments to treat the scar.

2- Electrocautery for the treatment of genital warts for women and men

Electrocautery is used to remove genital acacia, which is an effective treatment. But the dermatologist at Nadara Center for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology in Hurghada will choose what suits you best. This technique relies on the use of electric currents to permanently burn warts.

Electrocautery steps for the treatment of genital warts
  1. The area of warts or genital warts is sterilized.
  2. The dermatologist anesthetizes the area well, which helps reduce the pain that the patient feels during the passage of the electric current.
  3. The plastic surgeon at Nadara Clinic in Hurghada uses an electric cautery device to treat male genital warts in Hurghada. So are women.
  4. Electric currents burn the warts skin, which makes it easy to remove the genital warts.
  5. The plastic surgeon puts a bandage on the site of the adenoma until the wound heals and the cells regenerate.
  6. The dermatologist at Nadara Clinic determines an appointment to follow up on the results of the warts cauterization with electricity.

3- Treatment of genital warts by freezing

Freezing pimples is one of the modern techniques used in aesthetic medicine. Therefore, dermatologists at Nadara Clinic in Hurghada use cooling in the treatment of genital warts for men in Hurghada, as well as genital warts for women in Hurghada.

warts cooling steps
  1. The doctor sterilizes the wart area.
  2. The plastic surgeon at Nadara Clinic in Hurghada anesthetizes the target area.
  3. The doctor puts liquid nitrogen on the place of the genital warts for women and men.
  4. In the end, the doctor will schedule the next session so that the genital warts are removed after several sessions.

4- Laser in the treatment of genital warts in Hurghada

Laser is one of the best modern treatments in the field of cosmetic and dermatology, as it has many advantages as it does not leave scars. It is also characterized by its effectiveness and speed of results.

Steps to treat genital warts with laser
  1. The target area is sterilized.
  2. Genital warts are numbed with local anesthesia and the doctor waits for the anesthetic to take effect.
  3. The plastic doctor at Nadara Clinic in Hurghada determines the appropriate temperature for acacia tissue.
  4. The doctor shines laser beams on the warts, and this is done during several sessions, which works to destroy the blood veins in the warts.
  5. The dermatologist at Nadara Clinic sets the date for the next session and follows up on its results.

Side effects after genital warts treatment in Hurghada

After male genital warts treatment in Hurghada or female genital acacia treatment in Hurghada, you will feel normal side effects as a result of genital warts removal. But these effects will not last long, and all you have to do is follow the instructions of a dermatologist who specializes in treating genital warts, Dr. Amani Al-Tawabti at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology. These symptoms include:

  1. The appearance of crusts around the warts.
  2. Redness of the area.
  3. The pain is simple.
  4. Feeling itchy

Instructions after the treatment of genital warts in Hurghada

  • Avoid picking at genital warts.
  • Constant hand sanitizing.
  • Avoid intimacy until the warts are completely gone.
  • Tell the doctor if secretions come out from the wound.
  • Avoid applying skin care products or creams without consulting a dermatologist at Nadara Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology .
  • Do not remove hair from the target area until it is fully recovered and the doctor tells you that it is possible.
  • Take the painkillers prescribed by the dermatologist and plastic surgeon in Hurghada.
  • You should take care to take the antibiotic prescribed by the doctor so that the wound does not become infected.
  • Avoid warm water and saunas.
  • Avoid excessive sweating.

Female genital warts

Genital warts for women is an annoying disease, as this leads to embarrassment and anxiety about its weaknesses. It also affects the entire life and may lead to loneliness, isolation and depression. But worry no more as you can now treat female genital warts in Hurghada at Nadara Clinic.

Male Genital warts

Genital warts affects both men and women as this leads to many negative repercussions on activities. It may also make a man frustrated and depressed, but now you can get the best advice from the best dermatologists to treat male genital warts. Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology provides you with many treatment methods, and the doctor chooses what suits your condition.

How to prevent infection with genital warts

To help prevent skin conditions such as genital warts. HPV vaccines, condoms, and other methods of prevention are available:

  • can protect Gardasil Gardasil 9 protects people of all genders from the most common strains of HPV that cause genital warts, and may also protect against strains of HPV linked to cervical cancer.
  • People between the ages of 9 and 45 can receive these vaccines. They are given in a series of two or three doses, depending on age. Both types of vaccine must also be given before a person becomes sexually active; Because they are most effective before a person is exposed to HPV.
  • You can use a condom every time you have sex as it will reduce the possibility of getting genital warts.
  • For more information about genital warts, human papilloma virus, or cervical cancer, go to your doctor at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology in Hurghada, Red Sea Governorate.

In the end, you do not need to worry if you get genital warts or sexual warts, as there is more than one safe way to remove it at Nadara Clinic Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology in Hurghada. There is also a cure for all other skin diseases such as Nail fungus treatment, Acne Treatment And butt acne and also Varicose veins treatment And get rid of goose skin. There are also many cosmetic injections, such as: Baby Glow, Gallipro injection, Sculptra injection And the needle of freshness…etc. Do not hesitate and contact the best doctors in the country the best beauty clinic in Hurghada Nadara Clinic for Dermatology and Laser


  1. How can I book a genital warts treatment in Hurghada?

    You can contact us or send WhatsApp And book the closest time with the best dermatologists and surgeons at Nadara Clinic Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetic in Hurghada and the Red Sea.

  2. Is it cured of genital warts?

    Yes, genital warts is cured, but a dermatologist should be consulted at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology. Where there are many ways to permanently treat genital warts, such as cauterization with electricity, laser, traditional surgery, as well as freezing.

  3. Is genital warts a dangerous disease?

    Warts are not often a source of great danger, but this is due to how the patient deals with them. But in some cases, it may lead to an increase in its spread, a sudden increase in its size, a dangerous change in color, or its transformation into cancerous warts that must be eradicated.

  4. Is genital warts transmitted to the mouth?

    Yes, genital warts are transmitted as a result of oral sex, contact with warts, and transmission of infection from the genital areas to the mouth.

  5. Does genital warts return after treatment?

    Genital warts appears as a result of infection with the human papilloma virus, so when molesting the genital acacia of men and women, the papilloma virus itself is not eliminated.

  6. Is genital warts contagious?

    Yes, genital warts is contagious, so you must avoid contact or sexual relations with your wife so that it is not transmitted to her. It must also be treated immediately so as not to exacerbate matters and increase its seriousness.

  7. How do I strengthen my immunity against the human papillomavirus?

    There is a vaccine to prevent this disease, which is injected into the muscles of the arm, and care must be taken to prevent it by following the prevention instructions, such as not having multiple sexual relations, as well as not sharing personal items from another person. Also, wear a condom to reduce the possibility of infection.

  8. Is genital warts painful?

    Sexual warts may lead to some symptoms that include minor pain, especially in places that are not exposed to ventilation, such as sensitive areas. Therefore, a dermatologist should be visited at Nadara Clinic Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetic even if the tooth is not painful so that the condition does not worsen and spread.

  9. Does warts cause cervical cancer?

    The appearance of warts is the beginning of the appearance of cervical cancer, so you must go to the doctor as soon as it appears to make sure that there is no infection with cervical cancer.

  10. Is electrocautery painful?

    The plastic surgeon at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology will apply local anesthesia before the electrocautery session so that you do not feel pain. But after the effect of the anesthetic has disappeared, the doctor will prescribe some painkillers and antibiotics that will help the wound heal quickly, avoid infection and relieve pain.

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