
Keratosis pilaris treatment in Hurghada

Do you suffer from goose skin? Nadara Clinic provides you with the best Keratosis pilaris treatment in Hurghada with the best dermatologists.

Do you suffer from goose skin? Goosebumps skin is one of the most common skin problems that many women suffer from, so Nadara Clinic provides you with Keratosis pilaris treatment in Hurghada with the best dermatologists, lasers and cosmetologists. The Nadara Clinic includes a selection of the best doctors with high qualifications in the field of plastic surgery and plastic surgery. Doctors also use the most advanced international devices and technologies to achieve the best results and get rid of goose skin permanently. We will tell you everything you need to know about how to get rid of the skin of the overalls in Hurghada at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology.

What is Keratosis Pilaris?

Contents show

Keratosis pilaris is a skin condition that causes bulging hair follicles and rough bumps on the surface of the skin. It is also called chicken skin or keratosis pilaris where keratosis pilaris occurshair follicles As a result of the accumulation of dead skin that leads to clogged pores. Moose skin usually appears in the thigh or buttocks as well as the upper arm area, and the cheeks. It is a hereditary and non-infectious genetic disease. Its symptoms appear severely in the winter, when the skin is dry, as well as in pregnant women. But you do not need to worry, as there is the best treatment for goosebumps skin at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology in Hurghada and the Red Sea.

Reasons for the appearance of goose skin

  • Accumulation of dead skin, where the goose skin or keratosis pilaris appears in the affected area as a result of the accumulation of dead skin in abundance, which blocks the pores and hair follicles, which impedes the growth of hair naturally. This leads to the appearance of bumps and blisters on the surface of the skin that resemble goose skin or chicken skin.
  • Genetic factors, as goose skin is a genetic disease transmitted by inheritance.
  • Lack of vitamins in the body that help regenerate cells and nourish the skin.
  • Neglecting to moisturize the skin.
  • Inappropriate hair removal.
  • Not drinking enough water.

People most prone to Keratosis pilaris

The categories most affected by goose bumps include the following:

  • Adolescents, especially during puberty.
  • People with white or light skin.
  • People with some skin diseases such as ichthyosis or eczema.
  • Obese children.
  • Asthma patients.
  • cancer patients.
  • People with hay fever.
  • A person with skin cancer.

Symptoms of Keratosis pilaris

To know that you have goosebumps, here are the following symptoms, such as:

  • The appearance of bumps and protrusions on the surface of the skin. It may appear in the same color as the patient's body or in different colors, such as white or red. While it appears in violet color for white people and dark brown for dark skinned people.
  • Skin dryness and roughness.
  • Feeling itchy
  • Skin redness.
  • Skin inflammation.
  • Increased number of bumps in dry and cold weather.

Instructions before getting rid of Keratosis pilaris in Hurghada

  1. You can perform goose skin treatment in a clinic or equipped medical center, but you must be careful to choose the best one Dermatologist and beauty doctor in Ghardaa. Nadhara Center in Hurghada provides you with the best integrated medical team with the highest level of experience and practical competence in treating all skin diseases as well as performing plastic surgeries.
  2. Tell the dermatologist about your medical history and whether you suffer from skin diseases or take any medications, vitamins or nutritional supplements.
  3. The doctor will diagnose the condition through a clinical examination, and in case he suspects other diseases, he may take a biopsy to confirm.
  4. Stop taking blood thinners, vitamins or nutritional supplements.
  5. Stop smoking at least two weeks before starting treatment.
  6. Not wearing cosmetics and skin care products.
  7. Avoid any cosmetic injections such as Botox, Filler, or others.
  8. Avoid removing hair from the goose skin areas that will be treated.
  9. Don't be exposed to the sun for long periods of time.

Algoose skin treatment in Hurghada

Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology in Hurghada and the Red Sea provides you with the best methods of treating Keratosis pilaris skin. The choice of treatment depends on the condition of the skin and its response to treatment. Also, the goose skin may disappear by the age of thirty. There is no definitive treatment for the goose skin, but the treatment works to improve the appearance of the skin, and with getting used to the skin care routine after treatment, it will gradually disappear. One of the most important ways to get rid of goose skin in Hurghada.

Getting rid of keratosis hair by moisturizing the skin

  • Moisturizing the skin with moisturizers such as lotions and moisturizing creams is the first method used by the dermatologist at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology in Hurghada. Moisturizing helps improve the appearance of the skin, reduce itching and inflammation, as well as get rid of dryness.
  • In addition to using moisturizers that contain glycerol, lanolin, and ammonium lactate. Which helps reduce hair keratosis and reduce bumps.
  • Moisturizing skin care products that contain coconut oil or almond oil can also be used to moisturize the skin.
  • It is also possible to use chemical-free products that contain almond oil or coconut oil to moisturize the skin.

Getting rid of keratosis pilaris medicated creams

  •  In the event that the skin does not respond to the moisturizers, the doctor resorts to the use of medicated creams, but they should not be used except by consulting the doctor so that serious complications do not occur.
  • The doctor will prescribe creams that contain vitamin A, urea, and alpha hydroxyl acids.
  • Topical retinoids are also used to get rid of tonsil skin in Hurghada. Since it is a vitamin A derivative, it works to prevent clogging of hair follicles and stimulate cell regeneration.

Getting rid of Keratosis pilaris in Hurghada by chemical peeling

Chemical peeling is one of the best treatments to get rid of goosebumps skin, as it works to get rid of the accumulated dead skin to avoid blockage of hair follicles. Among the methods of peeling the skin in order to get rid of the Keratosis pilaris in Hurghada are the following:

1- Topical Exfoliates

The dermatologist at Nadara Clinic in Hurghada uses topical exfoliants, as they work to remove accumulated dead skin and avoid clogging the follicles. The best types of topical exfoliants that help get rid of keratosis pilaris are those that contain salicylic acid, lactic acid, alpha hydroxyl acid, and urea.

2- vitamin A derivatives (Topical retinoids)

The dermatologist also uses creams that contain tretinoin, which is a vitamin A derivative, such as Acretin cream and Acne Free cream. But it should be used after consulting a doctor.

3- Treatment of Keratosis pilaris with chemical peeling

Chemical peeling helps to get rid of the goose skin in Hurghada, where the skin cells are renewed and the dead skin is removed. There are many acids used by the dermatologist at Nadara Clinic in Hurghada, such as:

beta hydroxy acids, such as salicylic acid.
Alpha hydroxy acids, such as glycolic acid.

Laser treatment for Keratosis pilaris

Laser goose skin removal
The best laser device for treating Keratosis pilaris

Laser removal of Keratosis pilaris is an effective treatment in getting rid of the goose skin in Hurghada, so the dermatologist resorts to it in the event that the skin does not respond to previous treatments. Where the rays of the best laser device for treating goose skin reduce inflammation and irritation in the skin as a result of the bumps, which improves the shape of the skin. Laser hair removal sessions are also used to treat goose bumps by removing hair in the correct way, which is laser. Where it reaches the root of the bulb to prevent its growth, which helps to remove dead skin.

However, laser sessions must be attended to for the results to last for longer periods. Laser treatment is characterized by the fact that it reaches very deep layers in the skin, which gives effective results in using the best laser device to treat urticaria skin. There is also more than one type of laser, and the dermatologist at Nadara Clinic in Hurghada advises you to choose the appropriate type according to each case.

Steps to get rid of Keratosis pilaris with laser

Laser treatment of goose skin
Laser treatment of goose skin
  1. The skin is thoroughly cleaned and sterilized before using the best laser device to treat goose skin.
  2. The dermatologist applies a topical cream to numb the skin so that the patient does not feel tingling during the laser skin removal.
  3. The dermatologist at Nadara Clinic in Hurghada shines laser beams on the skin and removes dead skin.
  4. The laser session to treat Keratosis pilaris takes from a quarter to half an hour, according to the size of the area that is being treated with the laser.
  5. The dermatologist and beautician will apply a moisturizing cream after the session to reduce skin irritation and inflammation.

Side effects after laser Keratosis pilaris treatment

You will feel some side effects resulting from the exposure of the skin to laser radiation from the best laser device for treating goose skin. But it will disappear by following the instructions of the dermatologist at the Nadara Clinic in Hurghada. One of the most important of these effects is redness of the skin.

The result of getting rid of Keratosis pilaris in Hurghada

Laser device for treating Keratosis pilaris
Laser device for treating Keratosis pilaris

The result of getting rid of the goose skin with laser appears by attending the sessions to ensure the continuity of the effective results for a longer time.

Instructions after getting rid of goose skin in Hurghada

  • Avoid exposure to the sun or wear sunscreen.
  • Do not touch goose skin areas.
  • Avoid wearing cosmetics and skin care products.
  • Not to undergo cosmetic procedures after treating goose skin, such as fillers.
  • Avoid removing hair after the session.
  • Wear loose clothing so that there is no friction and skin irritation.
  • Apply cold compresses to the tonsil skin to reduce swelling and inflammation.
  • When crusts appear on the skin, avoid trying to remove them yourself and let them fall off on their own.
  • Avoid using perfumes so as not to irritate the skin.
  • Applying moisturizing creams by consulting a dermatologist at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology in Hurghada and the Red Sea.
  • Commitment to the appointment of the next sessions, as it is necessary to attend the sessions in order to obtain treatment for a longer period.

People who are not candidates for the treatment of tonsillitis

Goosebumps skin is not treated without consulting a dermatologist, as treatments may be dangerous or not suitable for some people, such as:

  • Pregnant women.
  • Lactating women.
  • children.

Tips to reduce the symptoms of hives

As we mentioned before, there is no definitive treatment for goose bumps, but by following the following steps, you will reduce its severity and avoid complications such as brown spots. Some of the most important tips for reducing goose skin are:

  • Bathing with warm water for a short period of no more than 10 minutes, as the warm water helps to open the pores and get rid of the dead skin in them, but you must be careful not to take a long bath with warm water so as not to get rid of the beneficial oils of the skin.
  • Avoid hot water.
  • Avoid wearing tight clothes as they cause friction and irritation to the skin.
  • Drink enough water to help moisturize the skin internally.
  • Eat useful foods as well as fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins that are good for the skin.
  • Moisturizing the skin with moisturizing creams or lotions at least twice a day. It is preferable to moisturize the skin immediately after leaving the shower to protect the skin from drying out.
  • Cleaning the goose skin areas with apple cider vinegar every once in a while, as it helps to get rid of dead skin and reduce the bumps of keratosis pilaris.
  • Take vitamins such as vitamins A and E, as well as omega-3, to supply the skin with beneficial elements.
  • You can put a tablespoon of coconut oil on the areas of keratosis pilaris, as it acts as an anti-inflammatory, which reduces skin irritation. It also exfoliates the skin.
  • You can put a cup and a half of yogurt on the areas affected by goose bumps.

Daily tips for treating goose skin

To heal goose bumps, some treatments can be done, which include the following:

  • Avoid rubbing the skin vigorously so as not to cause complications and irritation to the skin.
  • Stop smoking because it slows down the speed of skin recovery and reduces the oxygen needed to renew skin cells.
  • Gently dry the skin after showering so that the skin retains its moisture.
  • Avoid using soaps and cleansers that contain soap, as they dry out the skin more.
  • Make sure to be in a well-ventilated room.
  • Laser hair removal, as it works deep into the skin to the root of the follicle to stop its growth, which helps to get rid of dead skin. While other hair removal methods work on the appearance of goose skin. Therefore, Nadara Clinic provides hair removal laser sessions in Hurghada with the best offers.

The best dermatologists for the treatment of nevus skin are in Nadara Clinic in Hurghada

Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology in Hurghada includes the best dermatologists in Hurghada, as they have the highest certificates and scientific qualifications in cosmetic medicine. He also diagnoses the condition after examining the bed on the patient and finding out the symptoms he feels. In addition, the dermatologist chooses the appropriate treatment for each case, whether it is laser, creams, moisturizing, or even peeling. Where the method of treating each skin differs according to its condition and the extent of its dryness.

In addition, Nadara Clinic is the best beauty clinic in Hurghada, as it provides you with skin care methods andSkin booster Sessions Or injections of freshness for a more radiant and youthful complexion. Not only that, but you can treat all skin diseases at Nadara Clinic in Hurghada, such as eczema, melasma, brown spots, acne, burns and scars. 

There is also the best plastic surgeon in Hurghada to perform cosmetic surgeries, such as Rhinoplasty Or ear or breast or butt augmentation. In addition to hair care and getting rid of hair loss, as well as the possibility of hair transplantation at the hands of the best doctors in Hurghada.

In the end, do not hesitate to contact us at Nadara Clinic to get the best medical treatments and services.


  1. How can I book an appointment for goose skin removal in Hurghada?

    You can contact us or send WhatsApp and book the soonest time with the best dermatologists and surgeons at Nadara Clinic for Dermatologyr in Hurghada for an eyelid lift in Hurghada.

  2. What is the reason for the appearance of goose skin?

    The most important reason for the appearance of goose skin is the genetic factor, where genes cause the accumulation of keratin inside the pores, as well as improper hair removal and lack of attention to personal hygiene, which leads to the accumulation of dead skin and blockage of hair follicles. In addition, vitamin A deficiency causes the appearance of goose skin or keratinization of the bulbs.

  3. When does goose skin appear?

    The goose skin often appears in the first 10 years of life, and if it is not treated, complications occur and the irritation and inflammation increase. The goose skin usually ends by the age of thirty.

  4. Does peeling remove goose skin?

    Yes, peeling removes the goose skin and gives the skin a smooth appearance as it removes the dead cells accumulated in the skin, but it should not be done without consulting a dermatologist at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology. Peeling relies on the use of materials containing uric acid as well as salicylic acid and glycolic acid. However, you must follow the instructions of the dermatologist after the chemical peeling session, where you should stay away from the sun, and put cold compresses on the affected area.

  5. Does laser hair removal treat goose skin?

    Laser beams that reach the depths of the skin help kill the follicle from its root, which also helps to get rid of the accumulated dead skin, but creams that stimulate cell regeneration are applied. Which eliminates the goose skin.

  6. Does weight gain cause goose skin?

    The possibility of goose bumps increases, especially for obese children, as well as during puberty and for fair-skinned children. However, goose skin often appears as a result of hereditary factors and lack of deep cleansing of the skin, which leads to the accumulation of keratin, which clogs pores and the appearance of goose skin or keratosis pilaris.

  7. How do I get rid of hair under the skin in the legs?

    You can visit Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology in Hurghada and the Red Sea in order to diagnose the condition of the skin and any treatment that suits it. Where the goose skin can be treated with creams that contain vitamin A derivatives, as well as strong moisturizers. The dermatologist also uses chemical peels in the treatment of keratosis, and the best treatment used is laser, as the laser beams are directed into the depths of the skin, which eliminates keratosis pilaris or goose skin.

  8. What is the treatment for chicken skin?

    There are different treatment methods for treating goose skin or chicken skin, including topical exfoliants such as alpha hydroxy acid and lactic acid, as well as using moisturizers that contain retinoids. Laser is also used in the treatment of goose skin.

  9. What is the best cream for the treatment of goose skin?

    There are moisturizers for the skin that help in treating the skin of the calluses, the most important of which is Akerat cream, but in the case of skin inflammation, an anti-inflammatory cream such as Atoderm POZn can be used. But you must consult a doctor before using any of these creams so that no complications occur.

  10. Does cold peeling treat goose skin?

    Cold peeling treats the goose skin, as it exfoliates the skin from the depths and gets rid of the dead skin accumulated in the pores, which clogs the hair follicles and leads to the appearance of bumps and goose skin. It also works to get rid of pigmentation and brown spots.

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