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Treatments around the mouth in Hurghada

The area around the mouth is sensitive that is affected by many factors get now the best treatments around the mouth in Hurghada.

The area around the mouth is considered a sensitive area that is affected by many factors and greatly affects the appearance of the lips. Therefore, you can now treat the area around the mouth in Hurghada with the best treatment for wrinkles, as well as darkening and inflammation around the mouth. Nadara Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetic Center includes the best dermatologists to treat skin darkening, as well as the best cosmetic doctors to treat wrinkles around the mouth. In addition to treating skin allergies, as well as perioral dermatitis and skin redness. There are also the latest modern technologies in treating the area around the mouth in Hurghada with laser, chemical peeling, etc. Learn with us about the best methods of medical methods used to treat the area around the mouth in Hurghada at the Nadara Dermatology, Laser and Dermatology Center in Hurghada and the Red Sea.

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The area around the mouth is exposed to many factors that lead to inflammation and redness, and it is also sometimes more sensitive to some influences. The sun's rays affect it severely, and neglecting to care for it leads to darkening and the appearance of pigmentation. In addition to aging factors, such as muscle weakness and sagging skin, which leads to the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines around the mouth as a result of repeated facial expressions over a lifetime.

Therefore, it affects the beauty of the entire face, but there is no need to worry. Look for the best dermatologists and plastic surgeons at Nadara Clinic in order to obtain an attractive facial appearance. Learn with us about the causes of darkening, inflammation and sensitivity of the area around the mouth and how to treat the area around the mouth in Hurghada with the best doctors. We will tell you the most important ways to treat problems around the mouth, as in the following list of treatments:

  • Treatment of wrinkles around the mouth.
  • Treatment of darkening around the mouth.
  • Treatment of perioral inflammation (pimples around the mouth).

Wrinkles around the mouth and sagging skin around the mouth appear as a result of the relaxation of the ligaments and muscles around the mouth that perform expressive movements. Weak muscles and ligaments cause sagging Adipose tissue Wrinkles also appear around the mouth in the form of fine lines, and fine lines also appear on the upper and lower lips. But you can now treat around the mouth in Hurghada in a hospital, clinic or medical center such as Nadara Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetic Center in Hurghada.

  • growing old.
  • Lack of collagen production, which leads to thinning of the skin around the mouth, as well as small lips and gradual disappearance of their definition until the distance between the lips becomes closer.
  • Lack of elastin production leads to decreased skin elasticity and sagging.
  • Expose the area around the mouth to sunlight, as sunlight affects the growth of skin cells and also penetrates the lips to affect their growth. The more exposure to sunlight, the more wrinkles around the mouth become.
  • Repetitive mouth movements: Repetitive movements such as eating, talking, and especially frowning contribute to the appearance of more lines above the lips. Wrinkles and sagging also appear around the mouth as a result of muscle contraction around the mouth.
  • Smoking causes mouth movements in a way that leads to muscle contraction around the mouth and the appearance of wrinkles, in addition to the main cause, which is nicotine. Nicotine prevents the skin from receiving oxygen, as well as antioxidants, which weakens the skin.
  • Malnutrition, which leads to eating fast foods and neglecting to eat a healthy, balanced diet and fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins and fibers that are important for the skin around the mouth.
  • Genetics also play a major role in the appearance of sagging and wrinkles around the lips and around the mouth.
  • Rapid changes in weight.
  • Lack of sleep and stress lead to the appearance of wrinkles around the mouth, as the sleep period works to repair and renew damaged cells.

There are different types of wrinkles around the mouth, as follows:

  1. Smile lines: where wrinkles appear on both sides of the mouth as a result of smiling or when laughing, and nasal folds also appear on the nose when laughing.
  2. Marionette lines: They are lines that appear vertically from the edges of the lip towards the chin and sagging jaws, which makes the lower part of the face appear saggy.
  3. Vertical lines above the mouth: They often occur as a result of smoking, as well as the movement of pursed lips and frequent movements during eating.
  4. Vertical lip lines: Lip lines appear as a result of thinning of the lips with age and a lack of collagen, which renews the lip cells and gives them freshness.

There are many medical treatment methods to treat wrinkles in the area around the mouth. The plastic surgeon at Nadara Center determines the treatment method that suits each case. You should also stay away from home treatment methods that may cause side effects and more complications. The most important methods for treating wrinkles in the area around the mouth in Hurghada are the following:

Botox injection is considered one of the best methods of Treatments around the mouth in Hurghada, as it tightens the skin of the mouth, face and jaws, reducing the chances of wrinkles and fine lines appearing. It is based on botunium toxin, which prevents nerve signals from reaching the muscles, thus helping to relax the face. Therefore, it is considered the appropriate solution to treat wrinkles in the area around the mouth in Hurghada at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology with the best Botox injection doctors.

The Botox doctor will inject Botox into the upper lip and specific areas around the mouth, which helps in Treatments around the mouth in Hurghada. You will get amazing immediate results, with some side effects of swelling and bruising, which will go away within 3 days. The results will last for a period ranging from 3 to 6 months only, then you can repeat the procedure with a consultation with the plastic surgeon at Nadara Center in Hurghada.

Filler for lines around the mouth and improvement from the first session
Filler for lines around the mouth and improvement from the first session

The effect of filler differs from Botox, as the idea of filler work depends on using a substance to fill the spaces between tissues, which helps tighten the skin and remove wrinkles. Cosmetic doctors often use hyaluronic acid fillers because it is a natural component of the skin that works to beautify the area around the mouth and stimulate natural collagen production to renew cells and tighten the skin. This makes the skin more radiant and youthful, hides signs of aging, and gets rid of marionette lines. However, you must choose an experienced and competent filler injection doctor to achieve satisfactory results, and there are the best filler injection doctors at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology in Hurghada and the Red Sea.

You will get immediate results with some swelling and redness, but it will go away within 3 to 5 days. You will enjoy amazing results, treating the oral area in Hurghada, and getting rid of wrinkles and fine lines around the mouth. In addition to lip filler, which will help in obtaining full, attractive lips that are more youthful and fresh and works to remove lip wrinkles. The results of the filler last for a period ranging from 6 to 9 months.

Wrinkles and fine lines around the mouth occur as a result of aging and a decrease in the percentage of collagen produced by the skin. Therefore, the skin shrinks and damaged cells do not regenerate. Therefore, cosmetic doctors recommend collagen injections to compensate the skin for the percentage of collagen that has decreased with age, and this also stimulates the secretion of natural collagen from the skin. Therefore, collagen helps get rid of dead cells and repair and renew damaged cells and tissues. It also works to improve the appearance of the skin and tighten the skin to get rid of fine lines around the mouth, as well as making the skin soft and vibrant.

Chemical peeling sessions are considered skin rejuvenation and youthfulness sessions by getting rid of the damaged skin layer, whether it is a superficial, medium, or deep layer. However, chemical peeling sessions must be conducted with an experienced doctor. You can choose from a dermatologist or cosmetic doctor who specializes in skin peeling sessions from Nadara Center in Hurghada, Red Sea, so that complications and infections do not occur. As peeling the layers of the skin is a sensitive procedure, the doctor determines the appropriate type of peeling according to the purpose of the peeling and the chemistry around the mouth for each case of treatment around the mouth.

Chemical peeling depends on the use of acids in certain concentrations, such as carbolic acid, glycolic acid, and trichloroacetic acid. Changing the concentrations of the previous acids or combining them leads to exfoliation of a specific layer of the skin. Types of chemical peeling include superficial peeling to peel the surface layer and get rid of the effects of scars, acne, and pigmentation. While medium peeling works to exfoliate the surface layer and treat medium wrinkles around the mouth, while deep peeling works to exfoliate medium wrinkles in the mouth as well as deep wrinkles around the mouth and fine lines.

Micro-needling treatment is considered one of the best treatment methods that stimulates the skin to produce collagen and elastin to treat micro-needling areas. The doctor uses fine needles to prick the layers of the skin with specific lengths that reach the layers of skin determined by the plastic surgeon and makes tiny holes in them. Then the skin works to quickly heal these holes and renew cells, which works to tighten the skin, rejuvenate it, and treat its problems. It also treats wrinkles around the mouth in Hurghada. To obtain the final results, you must complete the number of acupuncture sessions around the mouth in Hurghada at the Nadara Clinic, and the plastic surgeon also determines the number of microneedling sessions needed.

The use of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a safe and effective non-surgical cosmetic procedure. It depends on plasma extracted from the patient's own blood by centrifugation. Therefore, it does not depend on chemicals or artificial materials, but rather plasma, which works to tighten the skin naturally. Which helps in renewing skin cells, getting rid of pigmentation, and treating sagging skin around the mouth in Hurghada at Nadara Clinic. In addition, injecting plasma into the skin helps nourish it and gives a more youthful and radiant appearance. But you must choose the best plastic surgeon to perform the appropriate number of plasma injection sessions for the skin.

Today, all types of lasers are widely used in the field of cosmetic medicine and dermatology because of its effective effect on the layers of the skin with specific wavelengths. It also eliminates the need for many cosmetic surgeries and is considered a simple procedure. However, you must choose the best laser doctors in Hurghada at Nadara Clinic. Fractional laser is mainly used to treat wrinkles in the area around the mouth in Hurghada. Fractional laser technology around the mouth is based on shining laser beams on the wrinkled areas around the mouth, which helps stimulate collagen production in order to renew cells, restore skin youth, and tighten the skin to get rid of wrinkles and sagging around the mouth. It also eliminates fine lines around the mouth and gives the skin freshness and vitality.

Doctors may resort to facelift surgery in Hurghada if the wrinkles are very deep and require surgical intervention. Therefore, Nadara Center provides the best plastic surgery doctor in Hurghada, Red Sea, specializing in oral and maxillofacial surgery. The doctor tightens the skin around the mouth to the area behind the ear and then cuts the excess skin. During surgery to tighten the area around the mouth, the muscles and tissues are tightened to treat sagging and wrinkles around the mouth. You will get permanent results.

Improving lines around the mouth with threads
Improving lines around the mouth with threads

Cosmetic threads are the second option after surgery to tighten wrinkles around the mouth, but cosmetic threads are used in them. Where cosmetic threads are inserted at certain points through a very fine incision and then tightened so that the lower part of the face is lifted, as well as treatment of wrinkles and sagging around the mouth in Hurghada at Nadara Center. There are types of them, such as gold threads, polypropylene threads, and mono threads. Cosmetic threads also stimulate the production of collagen and elastin to rejuvenate the skin as well as increase its elasticity. This gives amazing results and tightens the muscles, removes fine lines around the mouth, and the cosmetic threads dissolve into the skin within 6 months.

  • Reduce the use of juice extractors.
  • Stop smoking.
  • Use sunscreen.
  • Make sure to constantly moisturize the area around the mouth.
  • Sleep enough time.
  • Drink sufficient amounts of water.
  • Eat a balanced diet.

The skin around the mouth is exposed to conditions that affect its color as a result of its sensitivity, thin skin, food intake, sun, toothpaste, and other factors that affect the appearance of the entire face. Therefore, learn with us about the causes of darkening around the mouth and methods of treating darkening around the mouth in Hurghada at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology.

  • Excessive exposure of the area around the mouth to sunlight.
  • Infection and inflammation around the mouth, especially in children and mothers.
  • Taking some medications that cause pigmentation around the mouth.
  • Removing facial hair in ways that cause inflammation and pigmentation.
  • Burn injury.
  • acne traces.
  • Hormonal changes, especially during pregnancy
  • Hormonal changes in the body, especially during pregnancy.
  • We explain the vitamins.
  • High percentage of salts in the body.
  • Toothpaste gets on the skin around the mouth and causes it to darken because it contains fluoride.
  • Skin dryness.
  • Using poor-quality products and cosmetics that contain alcohol.
  • Accumulation of dead skin around the mouth, neglecting to clean the skin or exfoliating the skin regularly, and neglecting to wash the mouth after eating, which causes darkening around the mouth as well as bad breath.

Darkening of the area around the mouth is one of the annoying things that affects the appearance of the entire face and distorts the appearance. Therefore, Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology provides you with the best methods for treating darkening of the area around the mouth in Hurghada with the best dermatologists and cosmetologists. There are also the latest safe and effective techniques for lightening the area around the mouth.

The dermatologist in Hurghada at Nadara Center will examine the skin condition, determine the treatment method, and will often start using lightening creams. However, you must choose an experienced specialist doctor because the skin around the mouth is sensitive. The most important creams used are the following:

Retinoids are vitamin A derivatives that are used before bed to gradually obtain amazing results. It also does not cause allergies or side effects. It is used once every two days at first, then on a daily basis, a cream is placed around the mouth. It exfoliates the outer layer of skin around the mouth, which helps get rid of the accumulation of melanin cells that cause darkening. Retinoids tighten the skin and get rid of wrinkles and fine lines around the mouth.

Hydroquinone is also a derivative of vitamin A, which is used very similar to retinoids and works to exfoliate the surface layer. Which helps in getting rid of dark circles around the mouth gradually.

The idea of azelaic acid working is based on exfoliating the superficial layers of skin around the mouth, which helps in opening the pores for the sebaceous glands. It also helps in killing bacteria that cause infections that lead to the appearance of pigmentation or black spots, which helps in getting rid of pigments accumulated in the skin.

As we mentioned before, chemical peeling is currently considered the ideal solution used to treat wrinkles around the mouth, but its course is not limited to that. The process of exfoliating the skin layer is considered to get rid of melanin cells and pigmentation that occur around the mouth. It also works on the appearance of a new, more youthful and vibrant layer free of wrinkles and dark circles around the mouth at the same time.

Laser is the best treatment for pigmentation, as melanin cells absorb laser rays, which helps in destroying them. Therefore, Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology provides the best and most modern laser devices that help in Treatments around the mouth in Hurghada. One of the most important types of laser used is the Fractional CO2 laser, which works to exfoliate layers of the skin and get rid of pigmentation and wrinkles around the mouth. It also uses IFX laser technology, Fraxel laser technology, etc. The dermatologist and plastic surgeon at Nadara Center determines the type of laser used for each case.

The results will appear gradually after the sessions, but with some redness and crusts that will peel off on their own without your intervention. But it will continue to improve within weeks so that you will have more youthful and vibrant skin free of pigmentation, scars or acne.

  1. You should not take medications that cause hyperpigmentation.
  2. Drink sufficient amounts of water and keep the area around the mouth moisturized with creams suitable for your skin.
  3. Eat foods containing vitamin B12, which prevents pigmentation and strengthens health.
  4. Removing hair by laser But not with traditional methods that cause pigmentation in the area around the mouth.
  5. Use sunblock creams.
  6. Pay attention to oral and dental hygiene, as well as gum treatment.

Perioral inflammation is one of the most important causes of darkening of the area around the mouth, and is also due to the sensitivity of the skin surrounding the mouth. It is a red rash that appears in the form of bumps on the chin, jaws, and around the mouth and resembles acne. The main reason for this is often not known, but it may be contact with toothpaste, a substance that irritates the skin, products containing alcohol, or spicy food. You can search for hospitals that treat skin diseases or medical beauty centers such as Nadara Medical Center.

You should consult a doctor immediately after inflammation occurs, and not use home recipes to treat inflammation around the mouth so that serious complications and annoying pigmentation do not occur. The doctor will treat the condition of skin around the mouth and determine the appropriate type of treatment at Nadara Clinic in Hurghada within your budget as follows:

  • Oral antibiotics such as tetracycline, doxycycline, macrolide, and minocycline.
  • Topical antibiotics.
  • Medications such as isotretinoin.
  • Clindamycin facial wash and metronidazole cream or gel.
  • Medicines that suppress the immune system, such as pimecrolimus ointment.
  • For pregnant women and adolescents, perioral inflammation is treated with erythromycin and metronidazole.

In the end, you can now search for Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology and read the opinions and ratings of previous patients, both women and men, on Nadara Clinic website. There are the latest methods, the best methods for Treatments around the mouth in Hurghada and many cosmetic and treatment services.

  1. How can I book an appointment for treatments around mouth?

    You can contact us or send WhatsApp Book your soonest time with the best dermatology and cosmetic doctors in Hurghada at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology.

  2. How to get rid of darkening around the mouth?

    There are several ways to get rid of darkening around the mouth with the best dermatologists at Nadara Center through chemical peeling, or treating darkening of the area around the mouth with laser or creams.

  3. How do I get rid of smiley lines around the mouth?

    You can get rid of wrinkles in the area around the mouth by injecting Botox around the mouth or filler injections, as well as facelifts through surgery or cosmetic threads.

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