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Regenera hair transplant in Hurghada

Hair loss is a common problem among men and women, but with the great medical progress, Regenera hair transplant in Hurghada is the best treatment.

Hair loss is a common problem among men as well as women, but with the great scientific and medical progress, many treatments have emerged, the most important of which is the Regenera hair transplantation in Hurghada, as well as the treatment of hereditary baldness and hair loss. Therefore, Nadara Center provides you with Regenera hair transplantation in Hurghada, which relies on mechanisms Natural regeneration. It is characterized as a guaranteed process that relies on stem cells as well as progenitor cells present in the scalp. Regenera technology is a revolutionary, modern treatment that has proven its efficiency and eliminates the need for surgical hair transplantation. Therefore, Nadara Center provides you with the best dermatologist or cosmetic doctor specializing in treating baldness, hair loss, and hair transplantation with the latest advanced international technologies. Learn with us about the Regenera hair transplantation technique in Hurghada at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology.

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What is Regenera Activa technology?

Regenera hair transplant before and after
Regenera hair transplant before and after

Regenera Activa technology is one of the modern non-surgical therapeutic techniques that aims to thicken hair and treat hair loss. It stimulates the growth of hair follicles and repairs damage to other follicles. It also renews tissues and works in a self-repairing way for hair. And used Stem Cells Progenitor cells from the scalp of the same patient, which helps in the growth of follicles. This technique is called Regenera Active, but you must choose the best doctor who specializes in the Regenera hair transplantation in Hurghada. Nadara Center is the best hair transplant center in Regenera and the best hair transplant doctors in Hurghada.

This technique differs from the plasma injection technique as it relies on regenerative cells that stimulate the filling of areas with thin hair or hereditary baldness and hair loss. It is also characterized by the fact that it does not take time, as it relies on microscopic injection of stem cells, not like the FUE technique that is used in the FUE technique that we use in transplantation, and it gives effective results with the best doctors at Nadara Clinic for dermatology, laser and cosmetology.

How Regenera technology works

The mechanism of action of the Regenera device is based on taking a sample of the hair follicles along with the skin and fat surrounding it and placing them inside the Regenera device. The device extracts a solution consisting of microscopic stem cells as well as growth factors and cells that stimulate hair growth and reduce hair loss. Finally, it is injected into the scalp in areas with thinning hair or baldness. Therefore, Nadara Center provides you with the latest hair transplantation techniques, namely Regenera, with the best hair transplant doctors in Hurghada.

Advantages of Regenera Activa technology

There are many advantages to Regenera technology, the most important of which are the following:

  • Safe technology.
  • Approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA Approved).
  • A quick procedure that does not take more than 60 minutes or less depending on each case.
  • You only need one session.
  • It can be used by women and men.
  • Fast results within weeks.
  • Long lasting results.
  • Do not give allergic reactions.
  • An effective alternative to hair transplant surgery.
  • Negligible side effects.
  • Suitable for all ages.

Benefits of Regenera hair technology

There are many benefits to the Regenera hair transplant technique that distinguish it from other hair transplant techniques in Egypt. The most important of these technologies are the following:

  • Hair loss treatment.
  • Stimulate hair growth.
  • Revitalize natural hair.
  • Reducing inflammation in the scalp.

Causes of hair loss or baldness

There are many reasons that lead to hair loss, baldness, or the presence of thin hair in some places on the scalp. The most important of these reasons are the following:

  • Genetic genes such as hereditary baldness.
  • Suffering from some diseases such as thyroid disorder.
  • Psychological state and stress.
  • Take some medicine.
  • Hormonal changes due to pregnancy or menopause.
  • Stress and exhaustion.
  • Lack of sleep.
  • Malnutrition.

Candidates for Regenera procedure

The Regenera hair procedure is a safe procedure, but the most common candidates for this technique are:

  • Those whose hair falls at a rate of 50 to 100 hairs per day.
  • When there are places on the scalp that have finer hair than the rest.
  • Cases of hereditary baldness or partial baldness.
  • People who do not wish to undergo surgery or whose health condition is not suitable for surgery.

People who are not candidates for Regenera hair transplantation

There are some cases in which the Regenera hair technique should not be performed, and the most important of these cases are the following:

  • Pregnant woman.
  • Breastfeeding.
  • Total baldness condition.
  • Suffering from some immune diseases such as alopecia, psoriasis, hair fungus, and telogen effluvium.

How can you find the best Regenera hair transplant doctor in Hurghada?

If you suffer from baldness or significant hair loss that affects your psychology and appearance, you should turn early to the best doctors for treating hair problems in Hurghada. You will find the best hair transplant doctor in Egypt at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology, where the center includes an integrated medical team of dermatologists as well as cosmetic doctors who specialize in hair transplantation in several ways. Nadara Center also provides the latest hair transplant techniques, the most important of which is the Regenera hair transplant technique, which has proven amazing results in treating hair problems such as hair loss and the presence of holes in the scalp, as well as stimulating the growth of hair follicles. Therefore, many resort to Regenera hair transplantation in Hurghada at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology in Hurghada and the Red Sea.

You can also visit Nadara Clinic website online and you will find reviews of previous patients and their opinions on Regenera technique. There are also pictures of results before and after Regenera procedure at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology. You can also visit the pages of Nadara Center on social media, where there are customer opinions and ratings as well. Or you can visit Nadara Center, the address is the main Al-Nasr Street, in front of Al-Kahf Street, above the Engineers Syndicate, Hurghada, Red Sea.

Regenera Activa technology for hair thickening and hair loss treatment

Regenera technology is one of the most important technologies that many people search for, as it replaces the hair transplantation process as well as other treatments to thicken hair and treat hair loss. However, you must choose a hair transplant specialist to perform the Regenera technique in Hurghada at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology. Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology includes the best doctors and the latest advanced international technologies in the world. Learn with us the steps of your journey to getting thick hair and eliminating hair loss.

The first consultation before performing the Regenera hair transplant in Egypt

  1. The doctor will ask you about your medical history and if you are taking any other treatments or medications.
  2. The plastic surgeon should be informed about the family history of hereditary baldness.
  3. The doctor examines the condition of the hair follicles and the amount of hair loss to determine whether the Regenera technique is suitable for them or not.
  4. The plastic surgeon will ask you to perform some necessary tests and tests.
  5. You can ask the plastic surgeon about your goal in undergoing the Regenera hair procedure.
  6. The doctor will tell you about the expected results after undergoing Regenera injections at the Nadara Center in Hurghada.

Instructions before performing a Regenera session

  1. Stop taking blood thinners such as anti-inflammatory drugs and aspirin.
  2. The scalp should not be exposed to sunlight before receiving Regenera injections.
  3. Avoid applying cosmetics or hair care products to the scalp before starting treatment.
  4. Stop smoking up to a month before starting treatment.
  5. You should not take nutritional supplements or vitamins.
  6. Make sure to drink appropriate amounts of water.

Steps to perform the Regenera hair transplantation technique in Hurghada

Results of the Regenera hair transplant technique
Results of the Regenera hair transplant technique
  1. The scalp is sterilized and cleaned well.
  2. The doctor determines the place from which he will withdraw the sample of stem cells or cells responsible for stimulating hair follicles. The area behind the ear is often the area from which the sample is taken, as it is rarely affected by hair problems and diseases. It is shaved first, then a small sample is taken from the scalp.
  3. The doctor numbs with local anesthesia the area from which the sample will be drawn, as well as the area from which the hair follicle-generating cells will be injected.
  4. The doctor withdraws the sample, and often three to four samples are drawn (with a diameter of 2.5 mm).
  5. The sample is placed in the Regenera device, which withdraws the stem cells as well as the cells responsible for stimulating the growth of hair follicles until they become hundreds and thousands of these materials.
  6. The doctor divides the solution or liquid into several fine needles to be distributed over the entire scalp.
  7. The liquid extracted from the Regenera device is injected into the targeted areas, such as thinning hair and bald areas.

Side effects after performing the Regenera hair transplantation technique in Hurghada

You will feel some temporary side effects after having a hair transplant with Regenera, but they are not comparable to the effects of hair transplant surgery. However, you must follow the instructions of the plastic surgeon at the Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology, which specializes in Regenera hair transplantation in Hurghada and the Red Sea. Side effects are very minor and include slight redness, as well as slight pain as a result of the injection and a feeling of itching as a result of stimulating the production of hair follicles.

Dermatologist's instructions for Regenera hair technology

In order to achieve the best results after performing the Regenera hair transplantation technique in Hurghada, you must follow the instructions of the hair transplant specialist when performing the Regenera technique. The most important of these instructions are the following:

  • The scalp should not be washed for 24 hours.
  • Avoid touching the scalp.
  • No hair care products or chemical products should be applied to the hair.
  • Avoid washing your hair for the period specified by the doctor.
  • Avoid exposing the scalp to harmful sunlight.
  • The scalp should not be rubbed.
  • Avoid exposing the hair to the dryer.
  • Avoid heat or sauna.
  • Eat healthy food rich in beneficial hair substances.
  • Avoid taking any medications without consulting your doctor.
  • Make sure to drink sufficient amounts of water, about 8 cups a day, to keep the hair moisturized.
  • Do not try to pull hair follicles.
  • Avoid exercising or exerting effort.

Results of the Regenera technique to thicken hair and treat hair loss

The results will appear gradually starting from 6 weeks and you will notice them after three months and gradually increase until you reach the final results within six months. The improvement remains clear, as hair loss is significantly reduced and hair follicles are stimulated to grow and thicken hair. It also stimulates blood circulation in the scalp to nourish and strengthen the roots. You will notice hair follicles growing at a rate of 1 cm every month. Results may last up to two years.

Number of Regenera hair transplant sessions in Hurghada

 The number of Regenera sessions varies according to each case and the doctor’s evaluation of it. However, in most cases, one session is performed, and the duration of the session is 20 to 30 minutes, depending on the targeted injection sites in the scalp. In some cases, the Regenera session is repeated after about one, two, or three years, depending on each case. Doctors also recommend performing only one session per year.

The difference between Regenera and plasma technology (RPR)

Many people ask what is the difference between Regenera and plasma? Is Regenera better than plasma? We will answer all your questions. In fact, both Regenera and Plasma complement each other in achieving healthy, thick hair if used together, as the techniques can be combined together for better results according to each case.

Plasma is characterized by its rich platelet content, which nourishes the scalp, activates living cells, and stimulates blood circulation in the scalp. Which helps nourish, grow, and nourish the hair follicles themselves to appear healthy and attractive. But it does not grow new hair follicles, and it requires more than one plasma session to achieve the desired results.

While the Regenera technique works to generate completely new hair follicles and also activates the old ones, so the Regenera technique alone is considered better than plasma injections only. It is extracted from scalp stem cells and re-germinated in the scalp, as the growth factors in it help in the emergence of new hair follicles. Therefore, it gives impressive results that indicate the effectiveness of Regenera in restoring healthy, attractive, thick hair.

Combine other hair treatments with Regenera

Doctors may use some other hair treatment techniques that work with Regenera, as follows:

  • Plasma injections for hair with Regenera help stimulate hair follicles, strengthen follicles, and reduce hair loss.
  • Take supplements that help with hair growth.
  • Using treatments that regulate the hormone responsible for hair loss.
  • Regenera is used in some cases of hair transplant surgery to enhance the results and increase the chance of success by growing new hair follicles. Including the natural hair transplantation technique, as well as the FUE method that we use in natural hair transplantation.

The best Regenera hair transplant clinics in Hurghada

Regenera hair transplantation technique in Egypt It is one of the newest techniques in the world of hair transplantation, as tests and experiments have shown that it is an effective and safe technique. But you must choose the best Regenera hair transplant clinics in Hurghada, which must be equipped with the latest technology. It must also follow high sterilization standards and have the latest devices and treatments. More importantly, there is the best hair transplant specialist in Hurghada at Nadhara Clinic, the best hair transplant clinics in Hurghada. It also includes the best integrated medical team, including a plastic surgeon, a dermatologist, as well as a plastic surgeon. This team is headed by Dr. Amani Al-Tawabti, a dermatologist and venereologist.

In addition, there are many other modern therapeutic and cosmetic techniques that are used in treating hair and skin. This technique includes natural hair transplantation by extraction. FUE, FUT strip hair transplantationAmbassador Technology. As well as the Bio Fiber technology for artificial hair transplantation. You can also perform many treatments to obtain healthy, attractive hair free of all common hair problems. These techniques include treating hereditary baldness for women, exosome injections for hair growth, treating psoriasis, treating alopecia, and hair lengthening sessions. You can also treat dandruff, perform hair stem cell injections, treat hair loss, and mesotherapy injections to treat hair problems.

There are also many skin beautification techniques, such as Botox injections, fillers, skin rejuvenation needles, as well as hyaluronic injections or collagen injections for the skin. Meso Botox, Meladip peeling, Steroid injections for scars, Lips supply. Where you can treat many skin problems such as Removing facial scars, Treatment of the area around the mouth, Treatment of eye wrinkles, Eyelid scar treatment, AndTreatment of skin ulcers. There are also the best doctors for treating burns, treating hand wrinkles, and treating acne. You can also perform skin cleansing sessions such as deep skin cleansing, crystal skin peeling, skin cleansing results, and skin lightening sessions.

In addition to the presence of the best plastic surgery doctor, where you can get a harmonious body and a perfect and attractive face with the latest plastic surgery techniques. The most important of these surgeries are tummy tuck surgery, abdominal liposuction surgery, as well as back liposuction surgery, eyelid lift, and surgical face lift. There is also treatment for gynecomastia in men, as well as cellulite treatment, buttock treatment, breast reduction and 4D body sculpting.

You can also treat all skin diseases such as: The fish's eyeTreatment of nail fungus, treatment of vitiligo, treatment of eczema, treatment of melasma of pregnancy, shingles, treatment of genital acacia, treatment of skin acacia. You can also treat rosacea and skin allergies with the best dermatologist in Hurghada at Nadara Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetic Center.

Therefore, Nadahara Center is considered the best hair transplant center in Hurghada and the Red Sea because of its modern techniques in hair transplantation and many techniques for treating skin problems and combating signs of skin aging, as well as beautifying the body and harmonizing the body.

Prices for a Regenera hair transplant session in Hurghada

Prices for Regenera hair transplantation in Hurghada vary depending on several factors, but you can find the best offers for Regenera hair transplantation at Nadara ic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology in Hurghada and the Red Sea. It includes many factors, the most important of which are:

  1. Hair loss rate.
  2. The area of the areas that need to be injected in the scalp that has thin hair or baldness.
  3. The experience and competence of a dermatologist specialized in Regenera technology.
  4. Medical degrees and certificates possessed by the doctor.
  5. Clinic, hospital or medical center equipment.

In the end, Regenera hair transplantation technology has revolutionized the world of hair transplantation as it has become an effective, safe alternative and non-surgical procedure. Many tests were also conducted on hair transplantation with Regenera, which demonstrated amazing results in thickening hair and preventing hair loss. Book your appointment now at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology to perform the Regenera hair transplantation technique and obtain healthy, thick hair without loss.


  1. How can I book an appointment for the Regenera hair transplant procedure in Hurghada?

    You can contact us or send WhatsApp Book your appointment at the earliest available time with the best dermatologists specialized in performing Regenera hair transplant sessions at Nadara Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology in Hurghada.

  2. Is Regenera technique an alternative to hair transplantation?

    Yes, Regenera technology is a safe and effective alternative to hair transplantation, as it relies on regenerated stem cells that stimulate new hair growth, prevent hair loss, and increase hair density.

  3. Does hair fall out after Regenera?

    The results of the Regenera hair transplant technique begin to appear within the first three to six months, as hair loss noticeably stops completely during that period. Hair density increases and its quality improves.

  4. Are the results of Regenera permanent?

    The results of the Regenera hair transplant technique often last for a period ranging from one to two years, and then the injections are repeated again. It depends on creating new hair follicles and activating the blood vessel network.

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