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Facial scar removal doctors in Hurghada

Facial scars or neck scars cause embarrassment, lack of self-confidence, and affect social life. Get rid of them with facial scar removal doctors in Hurghada.

Facial scars or neck scars are among the scars that cause embarrassment and lack of self-confidence and affect the entire social life because they are very noticeable, but you can get rid of them permanently with facial scar removal doctors in Hurghada. Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology provides the best dermatologist as well as the best plastic surgeon with practical experience and skills. Nadara Center also provides you with the latest advanced medical technologies that help remove all types of facial and neck scars permanently. Learn with us about the causes of facial scars, as well as neck scars, and how to treat them with the best facial scar removal doctors in Hurghada.

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What are face and neck scars?

Contents show
Best results for removing facial scars
Best results for removing facial scars

Scars on the face and neck are damage to the skin that extends to the known second layer of skin In the dermis layer. These scars occur as a result of skin exposure to injury, disease, pollution, acne, or penetration of an object into the layers of the skin. As a result of this damage, the body's response to help heal the wound is the formation of collagen fibers, and as a result of the deposition of collagen fibers, the scar appears. But there are types of scars, and each scar differs from the other depending on the severity of the damage, the size of the injury, and the location of the scar. The scars may be light or prominent, and neck scars may affect the natural movement of the neck. Therefore, you should choose the best facial scar removal doctors in Hurghada at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology. We will tell you the types of face and neck scars and how to treat them.

Types of scars on the face and neck

The types of facial scars as well as neck scars vary depending on the severity of the injury and the damage that has occurred to the skin. Types of facial scars and neck scars include:

 1- Flat scars

They are scars that do not extend beyond the boundaries of the wound and flatten as a result of caring for them. It may be pink until it recovers and its color approaches the normal body color or becomes slightly lighter.

2- Hypertrophy scars

They are hard, prominent scars that are red in color and occur as a result of excessive formation of connective tissue to repair tissue damage. Which leads to an excess of scar tissue. The hypertrophic scar changes color and develops over a period that may reach from six months to a year. The most important causes of hypertrophic scars are some chronic diseases such as vascular problems, diabetes, suturing wounds with thread, smoking and its effect on the blood vessels.

3- Keloid scars

Keloid scars are scars that extend beyond the boundaries of the wound, as overgrowth of connective tissue occurs as a result of genetic factors.

4- Pigmentation scars

These are scars that are darker in color than the surrounding skin. It results from an inflammatory reaction that is associated with improper wound healing. Improper wound healing occurs as a result of contamination of the wound or exposure to sunlight in the early stages of healing. It often develops in people with dark skin.

5- Shrinking scars

Every scar tends to shrink, but scars that shrink significantly and are adjacent to a joint affect joint movement.

6- Rolling Scars

They are wavy scars that resemble waves and have no limits to their shape. Fibrous bands occur as a result of the skin being pulled down and attached to the deeper skin strands, giving it a rounded, wavy appearance. But you can now get rid of them with the best facial scar removal doctors in Hurghada.

7- Ice Pick Scars

These scars occur in the second layer of the epidermis (dermis) as a result of microbial infections that cause deep abscesses that cause tissue damage deeper in the skin. Therefore, a deep tubular scar forms and causes large open pores.

8- Atrophic scars

Atrophic scars occur as a result of acne or chickenpox, which results in what is called boxcar scar. The skin then becomes uneven as collagen breaks down, leaving the superficial outer layer of the skin without support, so it sags. But you do not have to worry about their appearance anymore, as Nadara Center provides you with the best doctors to remove facial scars, as well as neck scars.

The perfect candidate for removing facial and neck scars

  • Who have scars that distort the appearance of the face.
  • People with scars that affect their psychological and social condition.
  • Those who have facial burn marks.
  • Who have noticeable acne effects.
  • People who have had an accident or injury that resulted in facial scars or neck scars.

How do you find the best facial scar removal doctors in Hurghada?

Treating scars after one session
Treating scars after one session

In order to get amazing results by getting rid of facial scars as well as neck scars permanently, you must choose the best facial scar removal doctors in Hurghada, Egypt. The process of removing facial and neck scars depends on the skill and experience of the dermatologist or plastic surgeon who specializes in removing facial and neck scars. While if you need plastic surgery to remove facial scars and neck scars, you must choose a certified plastic surgeon. So

You will find the best doctor for removing facial scars at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology in Hurghada and the Red Sea. Nadara Center includes an integrated medical team specialized in removing facial and neck scars under the supervision of Dr. Amani Al-Tawabti, a consultant dermatologist and venereologist. There are also the best dermatologists, as well as the best plastic surgeons, who hold the highest qualifications and academic certificates and specialize in treating facial scars as well as treating neck scars using several techniques. Nadara Center provides the latest and best techniques for removing skin scars in several ways, with the doctors’ competence in using them with great skill.

You can be sure of the competence of the doctors to remove facial scars in Hurghada, just search for Nadara Clinic website on the Internet. Where you can see reviews of previous patients and their opinions on the competence and skill of the dermatologist or plastic surgeon. You can also visit the pages of the Nadara Center on social media and see pictures of the results of removing facial scars, as well as treating neck scars in Hurghada with the latest modern technologies. You can also visit the Nadara Center, the address is the main Al-Nasr Street, in front of Al-Kahf Street, above the Engineers Syndicate, fourth floor, Hurghada, Red Sea, Egypt.

The best doctors for removing facial scars in Hurghada

Choosing the best doctor to remove facial scars in Hurghada is the first step towards getting rid of facial and neck scars permanently. The treatment depends mainly on the doctor’s assessment of the condition and choosing a method of treating scars that suits each case, type and location of the scar. Facial scars treatment in Hurghada can be performed in a hospital, clinic, or medical center equipped with the latest technologies, such as the Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser, and Cosmetology. Nadara Center combines the presence of the most experienced facial scar removal doctors in Egypt, as well as the latest and best various medical techniques that are effective in removing facial and neck scars in a safe and effective way. Learn with us about your journey to treat facial and neck scars in Hurghada with the best facial scar treatment doctor in Hurghada.

The first consultation with facial scar removal doctors in Hurghada

The first consultation with a doctor for facial scar removal or neck scar treatment in Hurghada is an important step in the treatment journey, as the doctor determines the treatment method and duration based on it. The most important things that will happen during the first consultation with the best facial scar removal doctor in Hurghada are the following:

  1. The dermatologist will ask you about your medical history and if you are taking medications.
  2. Tell your doctor if you suffer from skin diseases, fungi, or chronic diseases.
  3. The dermatologist carefully examines the condition of the skin and the scar, whether it is a neck scar or a facial scar.
  4. The dermatologist determines the appropriate technique for treating facial scars or neck scars, whether treating facial scars with laser, treating facial scars with chemical peeling, plastic surgery, etc.
  5. Your dermatologist or plastic surgeon may tell you about the necessity of conducting some examinations, analyzes or allergy tests to prepare for the start of facial and neck scar removal sessions in Hurghada.
  6. You should carefully tell the doctor your expectations and goals for this procedure.
  7. You can ask the doctor any questions you have.
  8. Your dermatologist or plastic surgeon will tell you the appropriate technique for your scar condition and how the treatment will be performed and for how long.

Instructions from facial scar treatment doctors in Hurghada before treatment

You must prepare for treatment by following the instructions of the scar treatment doctor in order to achieve the best results and not cause complications. These preparations include the following:

  1. Do not expose your face and neck to sunlight, as you must apply sunscreen.
  2. Stop smoking because it affects skin recovery.
  3. You must wear appropriate clothing that opens in the front and has a wide neck so that it does not rub against scars on the face or neck.
  4. Avoid applying skin care products or cosmetics to the facial or neck scar area before treatment.
  5. Hair should not be removed from the area with scars about a week before treatment so as not to irritate the skin.
  6. Stop taking painkillers and anti-inflammatories that thin the blood.
  7. Stop taking food supplements and vitamins.
  8. Eat healthy, balanced food.

Methods for removing facial scars as well as treating neck scars in Hurghada

Nadara Clinic provides you with the latest safe and effective techniques for treating facial and neck scars. There are several medical methods, from which the dermatologist or plastic surgeon chooses the technique that suits the type, size, and location of the scar. Therefore, you are in safe hands with the best facial plastic surgeons in Hurghada at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology with the best methods and techniques for treating scars.

First: chemical peeling for dewy skin in Hurghada

Facial scars treatment in Hurghada and results after two sessions
Facial scars treatment in Hurghada and results after two sessions

Chemical peeling is a non-surgical cosmetic procedure that aims to remove the superficial, medium, or deep layer of skin, as determined by the dermatologist. Layers of the skin are removed using strong acids that are placed on the surface layer of the skin and penetrate according to the type of chemical peeling that is appropriate for you. Ultimately, this stimulates the skin to renew cells and create a new layer free of facial scars and neck scars. Chemical peeling of the face or chemical peeling of the neck stimulates collagen to renew cells and elastin to increase skin elasticity and tighten the skin. Types of chemical peeling for scars include:

1- Deep peeling

Deep chemical peeling aims to exfoliate the deep layer of the skin and is the most efficient method of treating facial scars. It penetrates into the deep layers of the skin and gets rid of all impurities, dead cells and damaged tissues. This peeling depends on the use of phenol.

2- Medium peeling

Medium chemical peeling is used to remove blemishes on the face and neck in the dermis layer and works to treat skin pigmentation. It gets rid of melanocytes and dark spots. Medium peeling for scars is based on glycolic acid. It also works to get rid of signs of aging, such as wrinkles, sagging, and fine lines in the face.

3- Superficial peeling

Superficial chemical peeling aims to exfoliate the superficial skin layer, so it is used in removing superficial facial scars as well as treating neck scars in Hurghada.

Second: Removing facial and neck scars with laser in Hurghada

The best doctors for facial scar removal
The best doctors for facial scar removal

Laser scar technology is one of the techniques that is not limited to removing facial scars only, but also works to treat all skin problems. There are many different laser technologies with different wavelengths and multiple laser devices at the Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology. One of the most important types of laser for removing scars is the erbium laser, as well as the technology Fractional CO2 laser And also Fraxel technology.

The idea of using scar removal laser techniques is based on penetrating and exfoliating the layers of the skin, which helps to get rid of facial scars with the best facial plastic surgeons in Hurghada. Laser is also considered one of the most important methods of treating neck scars in Hurghada. The doctor uses local anesthesia before using laser beams, and the eye must be covered. There is also a laser that stimulates the skin to increase the production of collagen, which helps in filling the gaps resulting from scars, as well as tightening the skin.

Third: Treating facial and neck scars with steroid injections

Steroid injections are one of the latest treatments used by doctors to remove facial scars in Hurghada, as they are characterized by being a simple procedure that does not take time and whose results are guaranteed. Steroid injections break down the bonds between the collagen fibers that formed scar tissue. Steroid injections for scars are also characterized by their anti-inflammatory properties that eliminate pain, redness and itching. Scarring can often be avoided by using steroid injections after surgeries.

Fourth: Subcision for scars in Hurghada

Facial scar removal and results after 4 sessions
Facial scar removal and results after 4 sessions

You can remove facial scars at Nadara Clinic using the fiber cutting technique for scars in Hurghada. The fiber Subcision technique relies on the use of hypodermic micro-needles, where tiny holes are created in the surface of the skin. The doctor uses needles to cut the fibers of the scars formed under the skin, which works to cut off their blood flow, damage them, and get rid of them. The dermatologist at Nadara Center can combine other treatment techniques with Subcision, such as fractional laser technology or microneedling.

Fourth: Treating scars on the face and neck with Micro needling

Micro-needling or micro-needling is an effective technique in stimulating the skin's response to speed up the healing of these holes by increasing collagen secretion. It is considered one of the best methods of treating neck scars in Hurghada. Stimulating collagen and elastin works to get rid of damaged cells, renews the skin to become more radiant and vibrant, eliminates pigmentation, as well as tightens the skin and gives it elasticity. However, facial scar removal doctors in Hurghada choose the best technique that suits each patient's condition and the type and size of his scars.

Fifth: Filler injections to fill scars

Filler injections are ideal for filling cells that cause ripples in the skin or sunken scars. Therefore, the facial scar treatment doctor uses filler injections into the pits caused by acne, which helps in tightening the skin and giving it freshness, as it stimulates the production of collagen and elastin to renew skin cells. It also tightens the skin to be more elastic and free of scars.

Sixth: Fluorouracil to treat prominent scars

Fluorouracil injection is considered the best method for treating prominent neck scars as well as facial scars at Nadara clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology in Hurghada and the Red Sea. The idea of fluorouracil working to treat prominent scars depends on preventing the growth of new blood vessels, thus preventing the formation of new collagen fibroblasts. In the end, you will get noticeable results in removing facial scars, but you must repeat the fluorouracil injection sessions for scars according to what the dermatologist and plastic surgeon at Nadara Clinic in Hurghada determines for you.

Eighth: Removing facial scars through plastic surgery

In some cases of facial scars or neck scars, previous treatments may not be suitable for removing the scar, so the doctor may resort to surgery to remove facial and neck scars. Facial scar removal surgery in Hurghada depends on choosing the best facial scar removal surgery doctor. Therefore, Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology provides you with the best plastic surgery doctor in Hurghada and the Red Sea. The surgeon must be highly skilled, efficient, and precise in removing scars using a medical scalpel. The plastic surgeon also sometimes performs skin grafts to make it appear better.

Side effects after treatment with the best facial scar removal doctors in Hurghada

After removing scars on the face and neck, you will feel some side effects. If the scars are removed non-surgically, you will feel swelling and slight redness. But in the case of facial scar removal surgery, you will experience some pain until the wound heals and heals, as well as swelling and bruising. In both cases, the doctor will place a bandage on the wound until it heals. Therefore, you must follow the instructions of the plastic surgeon at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology in Hurghada and the Red Sea.

Instructions from facial scar treatment doctors in Hurghada after treatment

Facial scar removal after one session
Facial scar removal after one session

In order to achieve the best results and completely disappear scars on the face and neck, you must follow the instructions of the dermatologist or plastic surgeon at Nadara Clinic. Among the most important instructions of facial scar removal doctors in Hurghada are the following:

  1. The scar area should not be exposed to harmful sunlight.
  2. Do not try to touch the treated area so as not to transmit an infection.
  3. Avoid scratching or scratching the place again.
  4. Keep the area clean and dry.
  5. Avoid hair removal.
  6. Do not apply cosmetics or skin care products to the area of scars.
  7. The place should not be exposed to cold or hot water.
  8. Avoid taking any medications without consulting a dermatologist or plastic surgeon at Nadara Center in Hurghada.

In the end, regain your self-confidence and get rid of facial scars or neck scars to enjoy an appearance free of scars, wounds, and acne with the best facial scar removal doctors in Hurghada at Nadara Clinic.


  1. How can I book an appointment with facial scar removal doctors in Hurghada?

    You can contact us or send WhatsApp Book your appointment at the earliest available appointment with the best dermatologists, laser and cosmetic doctors at Nadara Center in Hurghada and the Red Sea.

  2. Does laser remove scars permanently?

    Laser is one of the most efficient methods of removing scars on the face and neck, as they can be removed permanently, but only after completing the necessary number of sessions, and this depends on the type and size of the scar.

  3. Does chemical peeling remove scars?

    Yes, chemical peeling removes scars and works to exfoliate damaged skin layers, rejuvenate the skin, and get rid of signs of aging and aging.

  4. How are scars removed?

    There are many scar removal techniques at Nadara Center in Hurghada, such as laser, chemical peeling, steroid injections, or surgery.

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