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Buttock augmentation in Hurghada

Are you looking for the attractive Brazilian butt? Contact the best doctors in Nadara Clinic for buttock augmentation in Hurghada.

Most women search for perfection in appearance through flawless skin and a perfect body, so women resort to buttock augmentation surgery in Hurghada as well as breast augmentation operations to get an attractive body and a Brazilian butt like famous actresses. Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology in Hurghada and the Red Sea provides you with the best surgical and non-surgical methods. So you will find out the best dermatologist and also The best plastic surgeon in Egypt. You don't have to worry anymore about the asymmetry of your body or the small size of the butt, you will get a perfect and satisfactory result and a beautiful body curve with the best selection of doctors and the best methods and modern medical technologies to get a more feminine and satisfactory butt.

Reasons for buttock augmentation

Contents show

Atrophy in the muscles of the back.

Unstable butt size.

Buttock sagging treatment.

Uneven distribution of adipose tissue.

Deformities as a result of accidents or other operations.

Hormonal disorders.

Hereditary genes.

Small or flat buttocks.

Psychological problems as a result of dissatisfaction with the size of the buttocks.

Instructions before buttock augmentation in Hurghada

Where to undergo a buttock augmentation

You can perform Butt augmentation in a clinic or a medical center equipped with the latest medical equipment and technologies, as well as in Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology in Hurghada and the Red Sea. In addition to the presence of the best doctors specializing in the field of butt augmentation.

Doctor's evaluation

The plastic surgeon should evaluate the condition of the buttocks and the reasons for its smallness or sagging. Based on this, he determines the appropriate treatment method for each patient's condition separately. You can also consult a doctor regarding the result you are looking for.

The medical history

If you suffer from any other chronic diseases, you must inform the doctor about them, as well as if you are taking other medications or treatment so that they do not affect the buttock augmentation.

Perform the necessary checks

Butt augmentation surgery will require some necessary medical examinations, as you must ensure that your health condition is suitable for butt augmentation in Hurghada.

Doctor's instructions before butt augmentation in Hurghada

Do not take medications that contain blood-thinning substances such as ibuprofen or aspirin, so that bleeding does not occur during the procedure.

Not taking nutritional supplements so as not to affect the result of butt augmentation in Hurghada, as well as avoiding taking vitamins.

If you are a smoker, you should stop it about two weeks before the operation, as well as after it, because it affects the speed of the results.

You can take a shower before going for a butt augmentation procedure at Nadara Clinic | in Hurghada.

Ways to enlarge the size of the buttocks in Hurghada

 The cosmetic and dermatologist at Nadara Clinic in Hurghada will select appropriate treatment methods for your buttock condition to reach a satisfactory result for you. There are many ways to enlarge the buttocks in Hurghada, such as:

Buttock augmentation with silicone in Hurghada

Buttocks augmentation in Hurghada
Buttocks augmentation in Hurghada

Silicone is one of the surgical plastic surgeries that is used to enlarge the breast, as well as enlarge the buttocks and increase the size of the buttocks. It is called Buttock augmentation with silicone implants. Therefore, if you dream of a curvy body, you can now perform this procedure at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology in Hurghada and the Red Sea. This technique is based on implanting silicone implants to enlarge the buttocks. But not like silicone breasts because the silicone used to increase the size of the butt is more solid. Where solid silicone implants are placed on both sides of the buttocks, especially under the buttock muscles, to achieve a larger butt size and a firm shape.

Where are silicone implants placed to enlarge the buttocks in Hurghada?

The place of implantation of the silicone implant depends on the experience of the surgeon, as Nadara Clinic has the best surgeon. From such sites as:

Within the gluteal muscle.

Under the gluteal muscle.

Above the gluteal muscle.

What are the forms of silicone buttock fillings?

There are more than one shape of silicone fillings, as well as different sizes starting from 115 cm3 to 555 cm3 for each side, so that the doctor can choose the silicone implants in the appropriate way for each patient.

Flat implants.

Drop-shaped implants.

Circular implant

Steps in the buttock augmentation procedure using silicone

Body measurements and dimensions

The plastic surgeon will take measurements of the buttocks and buttocks, as well as the waist.

Choose the form of silicone gaskets

The doctor chooses the best suitable size and shape according to your desire and the shape of the buttocks and buttocks, as well as the doctor's expertise.


One of the most important steps is to sterilize the buttocks before starting the surgery.


The anesthesiologist performs general anesthesia for the patient.


The surgeon makes an incision that allows the silicone implants to be implanted in the buttocks, making them full, round, and not flabby.

Stitching the wound

The surgical doctor sutures the wound in a cosmetic way so that the scars do not appear clearly, and then puts bandages on it.


The patient will remain until he is fully recovered and the success of the buttock augmentation with silicone implants is confirmed.

The doctor Loosen the stitches

The specialist doctor will set an appointment to remove the sutures two weeks after the operation, as well as to follow up on the results of the buttocks augmentation.

Temporary side effects after silicone buttock augmentation surgery

You will definitely feel some annoying temporary side effects after silicone butt augmentation surgery. But by following the doctor's instructions at Nadara Clinic in Hurghada, these symptoms will disappear. These include symptoms such as:

Swelling of the treated area.

Butt redness.

The feeling of pain.

Instructions after buttock augmentation surgery with silicone implants

Avoid sitting on the butt. In the first weeks, you can use a pillow under your thighs and leave your butt in the air.

Do not press or massage the backside.

Getting used to lying on the stomach and not the back.

Avoid lifting heavy objects.

Remove the bandages on the wound after three days.

Eat healthy, integrated food rich in protein daily.

Avoid driving until ten days after the operation.

Avoid physical exertion and sports activity.

When will the results of silicone buttock augmentation appear?

It may take some time for the results of silicone buttock augmentation to appear until the implants are fixed, as the final result appears after three to six months.

How long does the silicone buttock augmentation result last in Hurghada?

Buttock augmentation surgery in Hurghada
Buttock augmentation surgery in Hurghada

The persistence of the buttock augmentation result depends on many factors such as the extent to which fat is absorbed by the body. Therefore, you may need to renew it after a period of 10 to 20 years.

What is the cost of silicone buttock augmentation in Hurghada?

The cost of silicone implants to enlarge the buttocks depends on several factors, but it often ranges from 80,000 Egyptian pounds to 96,000 Egyptian pounds. The silicone buttock augmentation price includes the cost of the doctor as well as the cost of the hospital.

Buttock augmentation with self-fat injection

Do you suffer from a small size of the buttocks and are afraid of plastic surgeries? You don't have to worry anymore because Nadara Clinic provides you with the safest butt enlargement method. Autologous fat injection is a safe technique because it depends on the use of fat from the same body, so it does not cause any symptoms of rejection from the body tissues. In addition, it helps in coordinating body shape and stature through liposuction from areas that have localized fat, which is often in the thighs, upper back and abdomen, then injected into the buttocks to enlarge it. These fats are also processed before being injected again in order to be more efficient and flexible. You will have a natural butt and a natural texture as well because it is the same fat as your own body.

Steps to enlarge the buttocks with self-fat hurghada

Buttock augmentation with self-fat
Buttock augmentation with self-fat
Sterilization of the donor area and the buttocks

The doctor cleans the donor area well, as well as the buttocks, so that no contamination occurs.


The donor area, as well as the buttocks whose small size is to be treated, must be anesthetized, whether it is local anesthesia or general anesthesia, according to the patient’s condition and the doctor’s estimate.

Fat liposuction

The surgeon at Nadara Clinic makes an incision in the donor area, which is the area that has localized fat, where a small tube of no more than 1 cm is inserted to withdraw the fat. In addition, Nadara Clinic sells the latest methods liposuction Such as LG Plasma, Phaser and Laser. The doctor will choose the right method for you.

Fat processing

The doctor processes and cleans the fat with a centrifuge and feeds it to become more vital and not be absorbed after injection.

Fat injection

The surgeon makes another incision in the buttocks where a very fine tube is used to inject the fat into the buttocks. The doctor may inject more fat than required, taking into account the amount that will be absorbed by the body. Finally, a bandage is placed over the incision area.

Freeze the remaining fat

If there is an excess of fat that was suctioned from the donor area, the doctor will freeze it to use it for the same patient later, within three months.

Side effects after buttock augmentation with fat

You will feel some temporary side effects as a result of the fat injection procedure for Brazilian butt augmentation, as well as buttock augmentation. You do not need to worry because these symptoms are normal and will disappear within a week, following the instructions of the doctor at Nadara Clinic in Hurghada. Symptoms include:

Sensation of pain in the injection area, whether the donor or the buttocks.

Swelling of the injection site.

The appearance of bruises in the incisions.

Feeling of numbness and numbness as a result of anesthesia.

Swelling and bruising around the incisions.

Advantages of butt augmentation in Hurghada by fat injection

Achieving a natural look and feel for the buttocks.

Shorter recovery period than other butt augmentation methods.

The results appear and get a round Brazilian butt in the fastest time.

Body sculpting and coordinating the distribution of fat by improving the appearance of the donor area by reducing the fat in it.

A safe technique because the fat is from the same body as the patient. Therefore, there is no possibility of an allergic reaction to the fat.

Treatment and beautification of the buttocks by tightening and lifting the buttocks.

Rapid return to normal life.

Blurred scars, like other cosmetic surgeries.

The possibility of making use of the remaining fat by freezing it until it is needed.

When will the result of butt augmentation appear by fat injection?

Fat injection into the buttocks before and after
Fat injection into the buttocks before and after

As we mentioned, the result will be noticeable, but accompanied by swelling as a result of the side effects of the injection. But it will appear after the swelling subsides within a period of two to three weeks. But the final result will appear after 6 months.

How long does fat injection last for butt augmentation?

The doctor will tell you to follow a healthy lifestyle and a normal weight, because as we mentioned, these fats will be partially absorbed. But in the end there will be about 60 to 80% of the injected fat left.

The cost of buttock augmentation with fat

The price of a buttock augmentation in Hurghada depends on several factors, such as the competence of the doctor, the quality of the medical center, and the amount of fat used. However, the average price of butt augmentation with self-fat is 22,000 Egyptian pounds.

What is the cost of butt augmentation with fat transfer in Hurghada?

The price of self-fat injection in Hurghada depends on many factors, the most important of which is the size of the buttocks, the amount of fat required, as well as the doctor's experience and good reputation. But the cost generally ranges from 25,000 to 35,000 Egyptian pounds.

Buttock augmentation with fillers in Hurghada

The Filler injection is one of the most common cosmetic procedures for many areas of the body, such as lip and cheek fillers, as well as the chest and buttocks. Where this technique is based, as its name indicates, on filling the small or sagging buttocks bhyaluronic acid which helps to enlarge the buttocks and the buttocks and give them the right size and flexibility. The doctor at Nadara Clinic in Hurghada determines the amount of filler needed according to each case.

Steps to inject filler to enlarge the buttocks

The doctor draws lines in the areas that need to be injected with the filler.

The anesthesiologist at Nadara Clinic administers local anesthesia to the buttocks and waits for the patient to feel the effects of the anesthesia.

The buttocks are gradually injected with needles intended for this purpose.

Side effects after buttock augmentation with fillers in Hurghada

If you feel any side effects, you do not need to worry because they are temporary and will disappear within days of the buttock augmentation surgery. These symptoms include:

Bruises appear in the injection area.

Swelling of the buttocks.

The appearance of redness in the back.

Benefits of buttock augmentation with fillers

Stimulating collagen production, which helps regenerate and nourish cells and tissues.

Back and buttocks sculpting.

No risks like other surgeries.

The speed of getting results.

Its cost is lower compared to other methods.

Reducing cellulite and stretch marks as a result of skin tightening.

Stimulation of elastin, which increases the elasticity of the buttocks.

Speed of recovery after buttock augmentation in Hurghada.

When will the result of butt augmentation appear in Hurghada with fillers?

As we mentioned, the results appear immediately, but after the disappearance of swelling and bruising as a result of the injection, a week after the operation.

How long does the result of butt augmentation with fillers last?

The result of buttock filler injections lasts according to each body separately, as it ranges from six to 12 months.

What is the cost of filler injections for butt augmentation in Hurghada?

Filler is one of the least expensive methods of butt augmentation in Hurghada and buttocks augmentation, as the price depends on the specialized doctor, as well as the equipped medical center or location, and the amount of filler required for injection. But it generally ranges from 2,000 to 10,000 Egyptian pounds.

BBL Brazilian Butt Lift

Many women are looking for the perfect butt like the famous Brazilian BBL, so with the best doctors at Nadara Clinic, you can get it. As it relies on the use of both previous methods of self-fat injection, as well as augmentation of the buttocks with silicone implants, to become the Brazilian butt.

Silicone implants enlarge the size of the Brazilian butt, while self-fat fills the gaps with fat that supports the silicone roughness. So the plastic surgeon can determine the size of the butt you want and make it similar to the Brazilian butt.

Symptoms that require going to the doctor immediately after buttock augmentation in Hurghada

High body temperature

Breathing difficulty.

Sensation of lumps in the back.

Feeling itchy

Redness and swelling of the buttocks.

Secretions coming out from the wound site in the buttocks.

The feeling of pain is unbearable.

Who are not candidates for butt augmentation?

There are some cases in which the buttocks should not be enlarged by any of the previous methods, so as not to cause any complications, such as:

Pregnant women.

Lactating women.

Immune system patients.


In the event of oncological diseases.

Patients with coronary artery disease.

Patients with diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Patients with blood clotting disorders.

Tips to maintain buttok size

Avoid sleeping on the back and back.

Avoid heat or warm water and saunas.

Wear loose-fitting clothing that does not pinch the buttocks.

Stop smoking.

Follow a healthy system.

Avoid gaining or losing weight.

In conclusion, enlarging the buttocks has become easier with the latest plastic medical techniques, whether surgical or non-surgical. You can now get the Brazilian butt that many actresses and athletes enjoy with Nadara Clinic for dermatology, laser and cosmetology in Hurghada and the Red Sea. You can also take care of your skin in Hurghada with the best methods Botox injections To get rid of wrinkles and fine lines. In addition to treating many skin diseases such as: melasma, vitiligo, psoriasis, freckles and eczema. In addition to treat oily dandruff and Re-germination and lengthening As well as hair restoration.

You can also benefit from laser services and treatments in hair removal in Hurghada, as well as acne removal andexcitement. Therefore, do not hesitate to contact us at Nadara Clinic and consult the most intelligent plastic and dermatologist to reach the standards of beauty of the body and the ideal butt.


  1. How can I book a buttock augmentation appointment?

    You can contact us or send WhatsApp and book the soonest time with the best experienced doctors in the field of butt augmentation with the latest safe medical methods and methods at Nadara Clinic for dermatology, Laser and cosmetology in Hurghada.

  2. When will I be able to sit normally after a fat butt augmentation?

    The doctor at Nadara Clinic will tell you the importance of not sitting on the buttocks after enlarging it using the best medical methods. You can place an airbag under your buttocks for at least three weeks.

  3. How long does the silicone in the butt last?

    The result of using silicone to enlarge the buttocks will last from three months to 6 months.

  4. How much does butt augmentation cost in Egypt?

    The price of butt augmentation in Hurghada depends on the method used in breast augmentation, such as silicone implants, self-fat injections, or fillers. Therefore, the price of butt augmentation in Hurghada ranges from 2000 Egyptian pounds to 96000 Egyptian pounds. The cost may vary by a small amount from one place to another according to the efficiency of the doctor and the equipped clinic or hospital.

  5. Does the fat dissolve after being injected into the buttocks?

    Some of the fat that was injected to enlarge the buttocks will be absorbed, but the doctor at Nadara Clinic always injects more than the required amount to compensate for the part that will be absorbed. In addition to the importance of following a balanced health system and not losing a lot of weight or gaining weight.

  6. What is the perfect butt?

    Doctors at Nadara Clinic work to get you the ideal butt according to scientific studies approved by cosmetic experts. The criteria for this ideal butt is that it should be full as well as lifted, with a curve in the spine towards the buttocks.

  7. How long does the buttock augmentation process take?

    The time for butt augmentation surgery depends on the type of medical technique used to enlarge the buttocks, such as filler injections, fat injections, or silicone injections, so it may take a time ranging from 45 minutes to an hour and a half. The recovery period also varies according to each case and the type of method used for it as well.

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