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Abscess treatment in Hurghada

Neglecting treating abscess leads to serious complications, get rid of it with the best abscess treatment in Hurghada.

An abscess or abscess is considered one of the most annoying things that may lead to serious complications if its treatment is neglected. Therefore, Nadhara Clinic provides you with the best abscess treatment doctor in Hurghada and the Red Sea. Nadara Clinic has the best dermatologist as well as the best abscess surgeon specialized in abscess surgery in Hurghada. There are also the latest safe and effective abscess treatment techniques that prevent abscess or carbuncle complications. Therefore, you should not neglect abscess treatment and choose the best abscess treatment doctors in Hurghada with scientific and practical experience. Learn with us about the best methods of treating abscesses in Hurghada with the best surgeon and dermatologist at the Nadara Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetic Center.

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What is an abscess?

An abscess is a collection under the skin that causes purulent inflammation pus Sharp tissue. It also occurs in any area of the body as a result of pollution and the presence of bacteria responsible for the pollution, such as staphylococcus bacteria. The exit begins with infection in the tissues under the skin, then a pocket fills with pus occurs, causing pain and pressure on the surface of the skin to reveal the head of the abscess.

The size of the abscess ranges from the size of a pea to the size of a walnut or slightly larger depending on each case. The abscess is accompanied by redness and inflammation of the surrounding tissue, which is thicker and more sensitive. The abscess can also appear singly or in a group of images and in one or several places in the body. It may also affect all family members at the same time, and the duration of treatment varies. As it may last for months or years and cause pain. But you can treat an abscess in Hurghada at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetic in the Red Sea Governorate.

Common places for abscesses to appear on the body

An abscess may appear anywhere in the body where bacteria can reach, but the most common places where an abscess appears are the following:

  • Subcutaneous tissue.
  • Lymph nodes.
  • Tonsils.
  • Perianal and may develop into anal abscess as well as pilonidal fistula.
  • Breastfeeding for pregnant and breastfeeding women.
  • Tooth roots.
  • Liver.
  • The brain.
  • Lung.
  • the college.
  • Appendix.

Types of abscess

Dermatologists divide abscesses into two main types:

Skin abscess: It is a bacterial accumulation that leads to the formation of pus that develops and grows under the skin.

Internal abscess: It is an abscess that occurs inside the body and develops and grows in one of the body’s organs or between the spaces between the organs and is very painful.

Causes of abscess

In order for Abscess treatment in Hurghada with the best dermatologists and surgeons. You must know the reason for its occurrence in order to treat the main cause. As well as avoid its appearance in other places. The reason for the occurrence of an abscess is that the tissues mount an immune reaction to prevent the spread of bacteria in the body. As cytokines are released that activate inflammation, which increases the flow of white blood cells in the body. As a result, some tissues die and cause pus, which consists of dead tissue, bacteria, and white blood cells. A capsule of fibrin is formed that separates the affected area from the healthy area around it. The most important reasons for the onset of an abscess are the following:

  1. Bacterial infections are the most common causes, especially Staphylococcus aureus bacteria.
  2. Fungal and parasitic infections.
  3. A foreign body entering the body, such as a metal substance or a thorn.
  4. The presence of wounds or injuries to the skin.
  5. Secondary complications after surgical operations that lead to the occurrence of surgical abscess.
  6. Infection of the body, such as infection of the lungs, leads to a lung abscess, or a burst appendix leads to appendicitis and the occurrence of an abdominal abscess as a result of the spread of bacteria.
  7. Intestinal infections, such as Crohn's disease or diabetes, lead to the inflammation and ulcers moving to the rectal area and then developing into a perianal abscess or anal abscess.

Symptoms of abscess

You must know the symptoms of an abscess so that you can treat it early. As the earlier the treatment is, the better it is from causing serious complications. The dermatologist at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology will also ask you about your symptoms. Symptoms associated with an abscess include:

First: Symptoms of skin abscess

  • Swelling of the skin surface.
  • Skin redness.
  • Feeling pain.
  • Feeling the softness of the area.
  • High body temperature (fever).
  • Pulse speed.
  • Feeling hot in the swollen area.
  • Fluid coming out of the area.
  • Peeling of the skin in the affected area.
  • The appearance of skin ulcers in the affected area.
  • Notice white or yellow pus under the skin.

Second: Symptoms of internal abscess

  • Goosebumps.
  • Increased sweating.
  • Anorexia.
  • Abdominal swelling in abdominal abscess.
  • Swollen lymph nodes.
  • headache;
  • Feeling pain in the affected area inside the body.
  • Joint pain.
  • Vomiting and nausea.
  • diarrhea.
  • Lose weight.
  • Neurological symptoms if the brain abscess puts pressure on the nerves.

People most at risk of abscesses

There are some medical conditions that increase the risk of an abscess occurring, and they are as follows:

  • Those who suffer from severe inflammatory conditions such as suppurative adenitis.
  • People with diabetes, ulcerative colitis, or Coron's disease.
  • People who have a weakened immune system, such as HIV, or cancer patients.
  • Those receiving chemotherapy or steroid treatment.
  • People infected with a type of staphylococcus bacteria.
  • Those who have severe burns or severe wounds.
  • Those who suffer from obesity.
  • Smokers as well as drug and alcohol addicts.

How do I find the best abscess treatment in Hurghada?

Neglecting to treat an abscess or neglecting to choose the best doctor for Abscess treatment in Hurghada leads to very serious complications. Some types of abscesses, especially internal abscesses, may lead to death if not treated immediately with a doctor with experience and accredited scientific certificates. As there is no room for error in treating an abscess, as it may lead to disasters and complications, especially in the case of an internal abscess.

Therefore, Nadara Center provides you with the best abscess treatment doctor in Hurghada who holds the highest accredited scientific degrees and also has practical experience. In addition, Nadara Center is equipped with the latest technologies and modern scientific devices for Abscess treatment in Hurghada. Nadara Center also includes an integrated medical team specialized in treating abscesses in Hurghada with the latest scientific techniques. There is the best dermatologist in Hurghada, as well as the best surgery doctor in Hurghada.

Nadara Center is run by Dr. Amani Tawabti, a dermatology and venereology consultant. You can visit Nadara Clinic website and find out the opinions of previous patients. Where you can view the reviews of previous patients and find out the extent of their satisfaction with the level of doctors and abscess treatment doctors in Hurghada at Nadara Center. You can also visit Nadara Center, the address is Al-Nasr Main Street, in front of Al-Kahf Street, above the Engineers Syndicate, Hurghada, Red Sea.

When does an abscess need surgical intervention?

Surgical intervention must be performed by an abscess surgeon who is specialized and experienced in treating abscesses in the following cases:

1- In the case of an internal abscess in the following cases:

  • The abscess is so severe that it is not enough to use needles to remove the pus.
  • It is not possible to withdraw pus from an internal abscess using needles.
  • There is a risk when inserting the needle into the abscess site safely.

2- If the skin abscess is present in certain places, such as:

  • The face.
  • Both sides of the neck.
  • The middle part of the face (middle triangle).
  • Hand.
  • The area around the rectum.
  • the breast.
  • Major blood vessels such as the femoral artery.
  • Joints or bones.

Steps of Abscess treatment in Hurghada

Get rid of the abscess, its pain and its complications now with the best abscess treatment in Hurghada and the Red Sea at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology. Where you will find care and precision in treatment using the latest technologies with the most skilled dermatologists as well as the best surgeon in Hurghada. Learn with us about the steps for treating a boil in Hurghada, whether it is treating a skin abscess or treating an internal abscess.

Dermatologist's diagnosis of an abscess

The abscess is diagnosed by a dermatologist or surgeon, and the best abscess treatment doctor in Hurghada must be chosen so that no serious complications occur. The doctor will diagnose the abscess in the following ways:

First: Diagnosis of a skin abscess

  1. The doctor will ask you about your medical history and any other hereditary family diseases.
  2. The doctor examines and examines the area affected by purulent inflammation to determine whether it is an abscess or not.
  3. The doctor will take a sample of the pus to determine the type of bacteria that caused the pus, abscess, or blood, and a culture using the dye will be done.
  4. In some cases where the abscess spreads to more than one place, it may be necessary to perform a urinary analysis to confirm the level of sugar and glucose in the urine.

Second: Diagnosis of internal abscess

Diagnosing an internal abscess is a difficult matter, so you must choose an abscess treatment doctor in Hurghada with experience and skill. The doctor or surgeon will do the following to diagnose an abscess:

  1. Performing an ultrasound scan.
  2. Magnetic resonance imaging.
  3. CT scan.
  4. The doctor may use a CT scan in the case of anal abscess.

Preparations before abscess treatment in Hurghada

You must prepare for abscess treatment in Hurghada, as treatment requires patience and following the instructions of the dermatologist at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetic Center. Among the most important instructions of the boil treatment doctor in Hurghada at Nadara Center are the following:

  • Avoid putting pressure on the abscess or boil.
  • You should not squeeze the abscess, try to drain the pus, or prick yourself with acupuncture to avoid infection.
  • You can apply warm compresses to the abscess several times a day.
  • Wash your hands when touching a boil or abscess so that the boils do not spread to other places in the body.
  • Wash your clothes that have been in contact with the abscess.
  • Do not use someone else's personal tools.
  • Avoid taking blood-thinning medications such as aspirin, ibuprofen, or anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Stop taking vitamins or food supplements.
  • Avoid applying any medical or cosmetic products to the abscess.
  • Hair should not be removed from the affected area.
  • Do not expose the abscessed area to the sun.
  • Avoid exposing the boil area to water.

Methods of Abscess treatment in Hurghada

Methods of treating an abscess vary depending on several factors, the most important of which is the type of abscess, the size of the abscess, the location of its exit in the body, and the type of bacteria causing it. Learn with us about the methods of treating skin abscesses as well as the methods of treating internal abscesses at the Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology.

First: small skin cysts

The patient does not receive treatment and it dries up and recovers on its own with warm compresses, but care must be taken to prevent the infection from spreading to other places. Therefore, you must not touch it and sterilize the religion well if you touch it.

Second: Large skin abscesses (abscess opening operation)

Your dermatologist will prescribe antibiotics to treat large boils and skin abscesses to reduce infection and healing, or your doctor may prescribe a medicated soap. However, if the abscess does not heal and dries up with antibiotics, the doctor will perform the abscess opening procedure with the following steps:

  1. The surgeon sterilizes the abscess area well using sterile saline solution.
  2. The area is anesthetized, either local anesthesia or general anesthesia, depending on the patient's condition and assessing whether it is painful.
  3. The abscess doctor uses medical tools to open the boil, extract the pus, and empty the vesicle. This happens in surgery for anal abscess in the buttocks or pilonidal fistula. It is considered one of the most common types of abscess.
  4. The doctor leaves the abscess site open, but covers it with a sterile wound bandage so that pus does not form again.
  5. The abscess doctor will tell you how to care for the wound, change the bandage, and sterilize the wound.
  6. In some cases, the wound may need to be sutured depending on the size and location of the abscess. Therefore, it requires extreme care so that infection does not occur and the abscess does not occur again.
  7. Finally, the abscess treatment doctor will schedule a follow-up appointment to ensure that the boil has completely healed.

Third: Treatment of internal abscesses

Treating internal abscesses requires a surgeon specialized in treating abscesses in Egypt and also the use of sterile medical tools. Neglecting to choose a clean and sterile hospital, clinic, or medical center may lead to serious complications and infections that may lead to death. Therefore, at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology and Laser Clinic in Hurghada, we guarantee you the highest levels of sterility and cleanliness for all surgical equipment and tools. There are also the best surgeons in Hurghada at Nadara Clinic. The doctor will take the following steps to treat an internal abscess:

  1. The location of the internal abscess, as we mentioned, is determined through several methods, such as computer tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, or ultrasound.
  2. The doctor sterilizes the tools and equipment used in surgery.
  3. The patient is anesthetized so that he does not feel pain.
  4. The doctor uses the needle to insert it into the abscess area and withdraw the pus, but this depends on the size of the abscess and pus and this is determined by the abscess surgery doctor.
  5. If it is not possible to withdraw the pus from the abscess with a needle due to risk or if the abscess is large, the doctor resorts to surgery, where an incision must be made and the internal abscess treated with internal surgery.
Side effects after abscess treatment in Hurghada

You will feel some side effects after the abscess removal operation in Hurghada as a natural reaction after drawing out the pus. But you must follow the doctor's instructions after removing the abscess in Hurghada at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology. These temporary side effects include:

  • redness.
  • The swelling begins to shrink.
  • The appearance of crusts in the place of the boil.
  • pain.
  • inflammation.

Result of abscess treatment in Hurghada

The results of treating the abscess will appear gradually, as swelling and redness decrease, the wound shrinks, and the tissues heal. But the final results depend on the depth, size, and location of the abscess, and the final results often appear after two weeks of treatment. However, you must follow the instructions of the specialist doctor at Nadara Center so that the abscess does not return again and follow up continuously with the doctor.

Abscess treatment doctors' instructions after treatment

You must follow the instructions of the doctor to open the abscess after treating the abscess at the Nadara Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetic Center in Hurghada and the Red Sea. The instructions include the following:

  1. Avoid touching the abscess area after treatment to avoid infection again.
  2. Keep the wound clean by following the instructions of the dermatologist at Nadara Center in Hurghada.
  3. Take the medications prescribed by your surgeon or dermatologist, such as antibiotics or topical creams.
  4. Avoid applying cosmetics or creams to the boil or carbuncle area after treatment.
  5. The abscess area should not be washed after the abscess opening operation in Hurghada.
  6. Use your personal tools and do not use other people's tools.
  7. Take painkillers prescribed by your surgeon or dermatologist.
  8. You should not take blood thinners, anti-inflammatory drugs, vitamins, or nutritional supplements.
  9. Any different symptoms or changes in the wound should be followed up with the doctor.

How to prevent abscess

You must follow the instructions of the best dermatologists to prevent abscesses or boils that may lead to many serious complications. Among the most important instructions for abscess prevention mentioned by dermatologists at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology in Hurghada and the Red Sea are the following:

  • Hand hygiene must be maintained constantly to avoid transmission of infection.
  • Make sure to use personal tools and sterilize them constantly.
  • Avoid using public places such as swimming pools, saunas or gyms.
  • Do not use anyone's towels.
  • You should not try to put pressure on skin abscesses or try to extract pus from them except by a specialist doctor.
  • Avoid sharing shaving tools with others so that infection does not occur, as well as the toothbrush so that tooth abscesses or gum damage do not occur.
  • Eat healthy, balanced food.
  • If you are overweight, you should reduce excess weight because it increases the possibility of an abscess.
  • Quit Smoking.
  • Treat wound infections or punctures immediately with the best specialized dermatologists.
  • When a wound occurs, it must be cleaned as soon as possible, taking care not to contaminate it, and keeping it sterile on an ongoing basis.
  • You should not put pressure on pimples or acne.

The price of abscess surgery in Hurghada

The price of abscess treatment in Hurghada varies from one person to another and from one doctor to another depending on several factors. But in Nadara Center, you will find, in exchange for what you pay, the experience of the specialist doctor, as well as continuous follow-up and other advantages of treating abscesses in Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology. The most important factors that affect the price of abscess treatment in Hurghada are the following:

  1. The type of abscess where the price of treating an external abscess differs from the treatment of an internal abscess.
  2. Where the abscess occurs, the treatment of a facial abscess differs from the treatment of an underarm abscess, the treatment of anal abscess, or the treatment of a breast abscess.
  3. Patient's health condition.
  4. Experience and competence of the abscess surgery doctor.
  5. Clinic, hospital or medical center equipment.

In the end, neglecting to treat the abscess or boil leads to serious complications and the spread of the infection as well as it getting deeper into the skin. Therefore, you must be careful to consult the best abscess treatment doctors in Hurghada at Nadara Clinic for dermatology, laser and cosmetology. Book your session now to consult the best dermatologist and abscess surgeon in Hurghada and the Red Sea.


  1. How can I book an appointment for abscess treatment in Hurghada?

    You can contact us or send WhatsApp And book as soon as possible with the best dermatology and surgery doctor in Hurghada at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology.

  2. Is the process of opening an abscess dangerous?

    Abscess opening is a safe procedure, but it must be performed by a doctor who specializes in abscess opening and has experience in abscess surgery.

  3. Will the abscess return again after the operation?

    If the abscess is not followed up with a doctor who specializes in abscess surgery, it will return again. Therefore, care must be taken to follow the instructions of the dermatologists and surgeons at Nadara Center in Hurghada so that complications do not occur after the operation and the abscess does not return.

  4. Does opening an abscess hurt?

    If you perform the abscess opening procedure with an experienced and skilled dermatologist or surgeon, there will be no pain because the abscess will be opened under the influence of anesthesia, and he will also prescribe painkillers and medications for you after the treatment.

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