
Seborrheic dermatitis in Hurghada

Seborrheic dermatitis, are annoying chronic skin diseases, get rid of it now with the bets treatments for seborrheic dermatitis in Hurghada.

Seborrheic eczema or seborrheic dermatitis is a common chronic skin disease that causes severe discomfort to the patient. Therefore, the Nadara Center provides you with the best doctors to treat seborrheic dermatitis in Hurghada. You no longer have to worry about the annoying symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis, as Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology provides the latest techniques for treating seborrheic dermatitis. The dermatologist who specializes in treating seborrheic dermatitis determines the appropriate technique or medications for your condition in order to achieve satisfactory results. Learn with us about the best doctors for treating seborrheic dermatitis in Hurghada with the latest safe and advanced technologies.

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What is seborrheic dermatitis?

Seborrheic dermatitis is one of the most common and chronic oily diseases and is one of the types of seborrheic eczema. It appears anywhere in the body, especially the upper body sebaceous glands It often appears on the scalp, but also on the face, cheeks, nose, and eyelids. It is an inflammation of the outer shell of the skin. It is also characterized by the appearance of red spots on the skin, especially light-colored skin, while light spots appear on dark skin.

Its severity also varies according to each case, as there are cases where there is just a light peel and others that have severe peeling and more severe skin redness. In addition, it is not contagious, but chronic, so it causes great discomfort, and you must choose a dermatologist with experience and competence in treating seborrheic dermatitis in Hurghada. Therefore, Nadara Center provides you with the best dermatologists specialized in treating seborrheic dermatitis and eczema with the latest technologies.

Causes of seborrheic dermatitis

There is no known cause yet for seborrheic dermatitis, but its main cause is the result of internal or external causes such as the inability of microbes and skin cells to coexist. However, after studies conducted on patients with seborrheic eczema, it was proven that most cases are related to the following factors:

  • Genetic genetics.
  • Stress and psychological pressure.
  • Some skin diseases such as fungal infections.
  • Take some medications.
  • Dry and cold weather.
  • Weather changes throughout the year.
  • Infection with natural flora or Malassezia.
  • Smoking or drinking alcohol.
  • Skin sensitivity to dry or cold climates.
  • Immune system disorders.
  • Fatigue and tiredness.
  • Drinking alcoholic beverages.

People most at risk of developing seborrheic dermatitis

Oily skin affects some groups, as the people most affected by it often have weak immunity. These include the following cases:

  • Down syndrome patients.
  • People with mental and neurological diseases such as Parkinson's disease, depression and epilepsy.
  • AIDS patients.
  • Organ transplant patients.
  • Patients with pancreatitis.
  • People with psoriasis or if there is a family history of psoriasis.
  • Who said about organ transplantation.
  • Those who drink alcohol excessively.
  • Excessive weight gain.
  • Those taking lithium and chlorpromazine medications.

Symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis

In order to achieve the best results, treatment must begin as soon as the following symptoms appear:

  • Skin rash.
  • Scaly patches.
  • hair loss
  • Feeling itchy
  • Skin redness.
  • hair loss
  • Inflammation of hair follicles.
  • A brown crust, especially in the case of infants up to 3 months old. It is also called cradle cap. It disappears at the beginning of the year for children.

Complications of neglecting treatment of seborrheic eczema

Seborrheic eczema may disappear without treatment in some cases, but in other cases where seborrheic dermatitis is more severe, neglecting treatment may lead to serious complications. A secondary bacterial or fungal infection can occur in adults with seborrheic dermatitis. Neglecting to treat skin or scalp affected by seborrheic dermatitis leads to the presence of openings in the damaged skin, which helps in the entry of germs.

Locations of seborrheic dermatitis on the body

Seborrheic dermatitis appears in different places on the body, but the most common places include:

  • the hair.
  • The face.
  • Above the eyelids.
  • Behind the ear.
  • Around the nose.
  • Navel round.
  • In the folds, such as the leg folds or the folds of the hands.

How do you find the best seborrheic dermatitis treatment doctors in Hurghada?

Do you suffer from seborrheic dermatitis? You can treat seborrheic dermatitis in a clinic, hospital or medical center equipped with the latest technologies and with a high degree of sterilization. But the most important step in treating seborrheic dermatitis is choosing a dermatologist who specializes in treating eczema and seborrheic dermatitis. Therefore, Nadara Clinic provides you with the best dermatology clinic in Hurghada, the best dermatology doctors with the latest safe and advanced scientific technologies. However, the seborrheic dermatitis treatment doctor chooses the best treatment technique that suits your condition and the severity of seborrheic eczema. Nadara Center also includes an integrated team of doctors, including a dermatologist, a plastic surgeon, and a plastic surgeon, all of whom are under the supervision of Dr. Amani Al-Tawabti, a dermatology and venereology consultant.

You can also verify for yourself the competence and experience of the dermatologist by visiting Nadara Clinic website and seeing the reviews of previous patients. As well as visiting the social media pages of Nadara Center and seeing the opinions and comments of patients who underwent treatment for seborrheic dermatitis at Nadara Center. In addition, there are pictures of the results before and after treatment for seborrheic dermatitis in Hurghada at the Nadar Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetic Center.

How to treat seborrheic dermatitis in Hurghada

Seborrheic dermatitis is a common disease, the severity of which varies from one person to another, but if it is not treated, it may develop and become very annoying and affect the psychological state and social relationships. Therefore, you must choose the best dermatology doctors who have the highest accredited certificates and have practical experience in treating seborrheic dermatitis. You must also choose a clinic equipped with the latest technology and with an integrated work team to obtain the best satisfactory result. We will now tell you everything you want to know about the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis in Hurghada at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology.

The first consultation with a seborrheic dermatitis doctor in Hurghada

The first consultation with the best seborrheic dermatitis treatment doctor in Hurghada is the most important step towards treating seborrheic dermatitis. During this consultation, the doctor determines the appropriate treatment method for each patient’s condition. The most important things that will happen in this session are the following:

  1. The dermatologist at Nadara Center in Hurghada will ask you about your medical history and any medications or treatments you are taking.
  2. The doctor must be informed of the date the symptoms started, the number of recurrences, and the symptoms associated with eczema.
  3. The doctor will carefully examine the condition of the area affected by seborrheic dermatitis.
  4. The dermatologist may take a sample from the affected area by gently scraping off some of the crusts. So that he can rule out some other similar diseases.
  5. You can ask the doctor any questions you have.
  6. The doctor will take pictures of you before and after seborrheic dermatitis treatment in Hurghada.

Doctor's instructions for treating seborrheic dermatitis before treatment

In order to achieve the best results, you must follow the dermatologist’s instructions and make the necessary preparations so as not to start treatment for seborrheic dermatitis in Hurghada. Preparations before starting treatment include:

  • The targeted area should not be exposed to sunlight to avoid further dryness, complications, and pigmentation.
  • You should not apply any creams or skin care products to the affected area.
  • Avoid applying cosmetics to the skin about a month before treatment.
  • Hair should not be removed by any means from the targeted area so as not to cause skin irritation.
  • Do not perform any cosmetic injections before treatment to avoid serious complications.
  • Make sure to drink appropriate amounts of water.

Methods of treating seborrheic dermatitis in adults

The treatment method for seborrheic dermatitis or seborrheic eczema (oily allergy) varies according to each case. Therefore, you should choose a dermatologist who specializes in treating skin diseases such as seborrheic dermatitis. The dermatologist determines the appropriate treatment method using medications, topical treatment, or other treatments until satisfactory results are achieved. However, as we mentioned, it is a chronic disease, and treatment may help eliminate the symptoms of the disease, but the doctor’s instructions must be followed so that it does not return again, and it may return again in old age. The most important methods of treating seborrheic dermatitis are:

First: topical treatments:

Topical treatments are the most helpful treatments in treating seborrheic dermatitis and are recommended by the best doctors treating seborrheic dermatitis in Hurghada at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology. treatments include:

Steroid creams and ointments

Certain types of topical creams prescribed by a doctor as well as shampoos help treat seborrheic dermatitis. The shampoo must contain topical corticosteroids such as Fluocinolone, Desonide, Hydrocortisone, or Clobetasol. However, it must be used under the supervision of a dermatologist who specializes in treating seborrheic dermatitis in Hurghada. There is a specific time to use steroid creams as well as specific shampoos. Continuing to use it for several months without interruption without consulting a dermatologist may lead to thinning of the skin and the appearance of lines.

Antifungal creams and shampoos

In some cases, the appropriate treatment may be to use an antifungal cream to treat seborrheic dermatitis or seborrheic eczema. The fungi that lead to seborrheic inflammation can also be treated with antifungal shampoos. It is used alternately with other medications to help eliminate fungi and effectively end sebaceous inflammation. Among these creams or shampoos, they must contain 1% of Ciclopirox or 2% of Ketoconazole. None of these products should be used without consulting the best seborrheic dermatitis treatment doctor at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology.

Second: Antifungal medications:

The plastic surgeon will prescribe you the best antifungal medications to effectively treat seborrheic dermatitis in Hurghada. However, you must choose a dermatologist with experience and competence in treating skin diseases. You must take antifungal medication pills regularly, following the doses prescribed by your dermatologist at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetic Center in Hurghada and the Red Sea. Dermatologists resort to this treatment if the skin does not respond to treatment using topical treatments such as steroid creams or shampoos.

Third: Phototherapy for seborrheic dermatitis:

In some very severe cases, the dermatologist uses phototherapy, which relies on the use of Excimer Laser beams. The idea of treatment is based on using ultraviolet rays on the affected area, which helps eliminate fungi or factors that lead to seborrheic dermatitis. It also stimulates the skin to produce collagen, treats skin problems, and gets rid of skin diseases. It also helps reduce inflammation and improve skin quickly. However, you must choose a dermatologist who specializes in using excimer laser to treat skin diseases effectively. A number of excimer laser sessions must also be completed to treat sebaceous inflammation permanently.

Side effects after seborrheic dermatitis treatment in Hurghada

After continuing to treat seborrheic dermatitis with medications, creams and shampoos, you will feel some temporary side effects that will gradually disappear. However, you must follow the instructions of a dermatologist who specializes in treating seborrheic inflammation of the hair or seborrheic inflammation of the body. Symptoms of seborrheic inflammation include:

  • itching;
  • Redness of the affected area, whether it is the scalp or anywhere on the face or body.
  • Mild swelling.

Doctor's instructions for treating seborrheic dermatitis in Hurghada after treatment

The dermatologist at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology will tell you some instructions that must be followed after treating seborrheic dermatitis to reduce the chance of the disease returning again. The most important of these instructions are the following:

  1. Avoid exposing the affected area to sunlight.
  2. You should not apply cosmetics, skin or hair care products to the area affected by seborrheic inflammation, so as not to cause complications that increase the inflammation.
  3. You should consult a dermatologist before using any creams or products on the area affected by seborrheic eczema.
  4. Make sure to sleep regularly for at least 6 hours.
  5. You must drink appropriate amounts of water to maintain the internal hydration of the skin or scalp, depending on each case.
  6. If peels appear again, you must consult a doctor immediately so that they do not multiply and increase the severity of seborrheic inflammation.
  7. No cosmetic injections or skin sessions should be performed except after the disease and its symptoms have completely disappeared and after consulting a dermatologist and plastic surgeon.

Treatment of seborrheic dermatitis in infants

In most cases of infants with seborrheic eczema, the site of infection is the scalp or face, and seborrheic dermatitis disappears without the need for treatment, but in some cases it may require appropriate treatment. Therefore, you must consult an experienced and competent dermatologist who specializes in treating infant skin diseases to obtain satisfactory results. In case of severity, the dermatologist will prescribe a shampoo designed for children to be used daily, as well as specific creams and moisturizers if seborrheic eczema is present elsewhere on the body.

Result of seborrheic dermatitis treatment in Hurghada

The results of seborrheic eczema treatment will appear gradually with continued use of medications, creams, and topical treatments. But you must follow the instructions of the dermatologist at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology so that the recovery period passes faster and the results appear. The results usually appear about 3 weeks after starting treatment, and treatment must be continued under the supervision of a doctor who specializes in treating seborrheic dermatitis until satisfactory results are achieved. For infants, the results are final and disappear completely, while for adults, it disappears temporarily, but may appear at an advanced age, such as 50 years or older. Therefore, you must follow a healthy daily routine prescribed by the best doctors treating skin and scalp diseases so that seborrheic inflammation of the hair or seborrheic inflammation of the body does not return again.

What is the difference between seborrheic dermatitis and psoriasis?

Seborrheic dermatitis is similar to psoriasis, as both affect the skin or scalp with scales or red, scaly patches on the skin. However, the scales of psoriasis are distinguished by being silvery in color and thicker than the scales of seborrheic dermatitis, which are often white or yellow and have a greasy appearance. Both of them cause itching, but psoriasis also causes pain where it affects the scalp or body, while seborrheic dermatitis does not cause pain. Therefore, in both cases, you must choose an experienced and competent dermatologist who specializes in treating common skin diseases such as psoriasis or eczema of all types.

Ways to prevent seborrheic dermatitis

You can prevent skin infections and eczema, especially seborrheic dermatitis or seborrheic eczema, by following the instructions of the best doctors for treating seborrheic dermatitis in Hurghada at Nadara Clinic for Beauty, Laser and Cosmetic Medicine in Hurghada and the Red Sea. Instructions for preventing seborrheic dermatitis of the hair or seborrheic dermatitis of the body include the following:

  • If dandruff appears on the scalp, be sure to use an anti-dandruff shampoo, but if it increases, you must consult the best doctors who treat skin diseases and hair problems so that complications do not occur.
  • Make sure to use shampoos or skin care products that are not strong, and stay away from harsh chemicals.
  • Make sure to stay away from moisturizers or shampoos that contain oils.
  • Stay away from factors that stimulate the appearance of seborrheic dermatitis, such as heat, direct sunlight, or humidity.
  • Try to reduce stress and psychological pressure.
  • Keep your skin clean and your scalp clean as well.
  • Make sure to exercise and exercise regularly.
  • You should sleep at regular hours.
  • Eat healthy food away from fats, sugars and unhealthy foods.
  • Drink Mayada in appropriate quantities.
  • Use a moisturizing cream suitable for the skin.
  • Make sure to shower with warm water, not too hot.
  • Avoid using products that cause you allergies, such as perfumes, soaps, detergents, or types of clothing such as wool.

In the end, if you suffer from seborrheic dermatitis of the hair or seborrheic dermatitis of the body, you can now get rid of it permanently with the best doctors for treating eczema of all types. The doctors at Nadara Clinic, the best skin clinic in Hurghada, specialize in treating all skin diseases such as alopecia, psoriasis, vitiligo, and other annoying skin diseases. Nadara Center also provides the best dermatology center in Hurghada with the latest treatments and therapeutic and cosmetic techniques. Book your appointment now with the best seborrheic dermatitis treatment doctor in Hurghada at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology.


  1. How can I book seborrheic dermatitis treatment in Hurghada?

    You can contact us or send WhatsApp Book the soonest time with the best seborrheic dermatitis treatment doctors at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology in Hurghada and the Red Sea.

  2. How to get rid of seborrheic dermatitis?

    The method of treating seborrheic dermatitis varies from one patient to another depending on each case, its age, and the doctor’s diagnosis, but it is often treated with steroidal or anti-inflammatory creams or shampoos.

  3. Is seborrheic dermatitis a chronic disease?

    Yes, seborrheic dermatitis is a chronic skin disease that appears in the form of yellow, greasy crusts, often on the scalp or other areas of the body where sebaceous glands are concentrated, such as the face, chest, or body folds.

  4. What are the symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis?

    Symptoms of seborrheic eczema or seborrheic dermatitis include the appearance of red, scaly patches on the scalp or where the sebaceous glands are located on the body or face. The scales are white or yellow with a feeling of itching.

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