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Scalp burn treatment in Hurghada

The safety and health of the scalp are important for healthy hair growth, Get now the best Scalp .burn treatment in Hurghada

The safety and health of the scalp are the most important factors that help in the growth of healthy hair, but when exposed to burns in the scalp, this greatly affects hair growth, but now you can treat scalp burns in Hurghada. There is the best plastic surgeon specialized in treating scalp burns in Hurghada at Nadara Center for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetic Surgery. Nadara Center also includes the best elite of plastic surgeons and dermatologists specialized in treating scalp burns of various degrees, as well as regrowing hair follicles in the affected areas.

In addition to the latest global technologies and modern devices that help in treating scalp burns safely to obtain guaranteed and satisfactory results. Learn with us about the best ways to treat scalp burns in Hurghada with the best doctor for treating scalp burns and hair regrowth.

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What are scalp burns?

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Scalp burn treatment in Hurghada
Scalp burn treatment in Hurghada

Scalp burns are exposure of the scalp to thermal or chemical factors that lead to damage to the scalp tissue. The extent of damage to the layers of the skin and hair follicles varies depending on the degree of the burn and the extent to which it reaches the deep layers of the skin. Which affects the growth of the hair follicles In the area affected by scalp burns. These burns occur as a result of several reasons such as exposure to intense sunlight or chemicals or incorrect use of hair styling tools. Therefore, methods of treating scalp burns in Hurghada appeared at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetic Surgery with the best doctor for treating scalp burns in Hurghada and the Red Sea.

Types of scalp burns

The degree of scalp burn must be determined so that the cosmetic and scalp burns treatment doctor can determine the appropriate treatment path at Nadara Center, the best scalp burns treatment center in Hurghada. Types of scalp burns include the following:

First degree burns: It affects only the outer layer of the skin, causing redness and mild pain.

Second degree burns: It affects both the outer and inner layers of the skin, and may lead to blisters and more severe pain.

Third degree burns: It causes severe damage to all layers of the skin, and may lead to deep tissue damage, requiring immediate medical attention.

Causes of scalp burns

There are many causes of scalp burns, including several factors as follows:

1- Excessive exposure to sunlight

Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight without protection can cause sunburn on the scalp, especially if the head area is highly exposed due to thinning hair or partial hair loss.

2- Using thermal tools to style hair.

Using appliances such as hair straighteners, hair dryers, and curling irons can cause scalp burns if they are used at high temperatures or if they come into direct contact with the scalp.

3- Chemicals used in hair dyeing and straightening

Some hair dyes and straightening products contain strong chemicals that can cause irritation and burns to the scalp if not used properly or if product instructions are not followed. Hair lightening or bleaching products can also cause burns due to the high concentration of chemicals. But you can treat scalp burns after straightening at Nadara Clinic.

4- Chemotherapy or radiation

Some types of chemotherapy or radiation therapy can cause burns or irritation to the scalp due to side effects of these treatments.

5- Exposure to caustic materials

The scalp may be exposed to burns when it comes into contact with burning or irritating chemicals such as harsh detergents or inappropriate skin and hair care products.

6- Home accidents

Scalp burns may occur from spilling hot liquids such as boiling water, hot oil, or tea on the head.

7- Some medical treatments

Some skin treatments such as chemical peels can cause burns if not done properly and when using products or treatments that are not suitable for a sensitive scalp.

Symptoms of scalp burns

Symptoms of scalp burns include:

  • Redness or swelling of the skin.
  • Pain or itching in the scalp.
  • Hair loss in the affected area.
  • The appearance of blisters or open wounds.
  • Feeling of excessive heat in the scalp.
  • Scarring of the scalp after recovery indicates a third-degree burn.
  • Hair follicles are damaged, hair falls out and does not grow for up to a year.

Does hair grow after scalp burn?

This is one of the questions that the doctor determines after evaluating the condition of the burned scalp, as it varies from one person to another depending on the degree of burn and damage to the hair follicles. In severe cases of burns, when the hair follicles are damaged as a result of severe burns to the scalp, hair can never grow. While in cases of mild burns, hair follicles can grow, but it may take up to about three months. But you can treat hair follicle damage by transplanting hair at Nadara Center, whether it is burns to the scalp, eyebrows above the eyes, or the chin and mustache area as well.

How to find the best scalp burn doctor in Hurghada?

Are you looking for the best doctor for treating scalp burns in Hurghada? Treating scalp burns is a delicate treatment that requires a skilled and experienced doctor to obtain satisfactory results safely. You can treat scalp burns in Hurghada in a hospital, clinic or medical center equipped with the latest modern medical devices.

You can find the best cosmetic doctor and scalp burn treatment at Nadara Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetic Center in Hurghada and the Red Sea. Nadara Center includes the best dermatologist and the best cosmetic doctor specialized in treating scalp burns in Hurghada. The director of Nadara Center, the best scalp veins treatment center in Hurghada, is Dr. Amani Al-Tawabti, a consultant dermatologist and venereologist. Therefore, you will be guaranteed the best scalp burn treatment service using the latest technologies with the most skilled doctors for treating scalp burns and regrowing hair in affected areas, as well as treating hair problems such as weakness and split ends.

Search for Nadara Clinic website and learn about the best services of Nadara Center for Treatment and Cosmetic Surgery with a group of the best dermatologists and cosmetic surgeons in Egypt. You can benefit from many services such as laser hair removal, acne treatment, dermatitis treatment, psoriasis treatment, or fish eye surgery, and body sculpting and body contouring surgeries. You can also find reviews from previous patients of the scalp burn treatment doctor, as well as see photos of scalp burn treatment before and after. Book your appointment now with a group of the most skilled dermatologists and cosmetic surgeons specialized in treating scalp burns in Hurghada. The address of Nadara Clinic, the best scalp burn treatment clinic in Hurghada, is Al-Nasr Main Street, in front of Al-Kahf Street, above the Engineers Syndicate, Hurghada, Red Sea.

First consultation with a scalp burn treatment doctor in Hurghada

In the first consultation for treating scalp burns, the doctor takes several basic steps to assess the condition and determine the appropriate treatment. These steps aim to understand the extent of the damage to the scalp and determine the best method of treatment. Here is what the doctor usually does in the first consultation:

1- Knowing the patient’s medical history before treating the burned scalp.

The doctor will begin by gathering information about the patient's medical history, including any chronic health conditions, such as diabetes or skin diseases.

2- Evaluation of scalp burns

The doctor carefully examines the scalp to determine the extent of the burns. The assessment is based on several factors:

  • The doctor will ask you about the details of the burn, when it happened, what the source of the burn was (sun, heat, chemicals), and whether the patient has received any previous treatments or first aid.
  • Determine the degree of a burn: first degree (superficial), second degree (deeper with blisters), or third degree (damage to all layers of the skin).
  • Evaluate whether the burn covers a small part of the scalp or a large area.
  • If the burn is old, the doctor will check for scarring and its effect on the hair follicles.
  • If the burns have caused hair loss, the doctor will examine the hair follicles in the affected area to see if they are still healthy and can regrow.

3- Develop a treatment plan

Based on the assessment, the doctor develops a personalized treatment plan appropriate for each patient's condition.

4- Discussion about hair transplantation (in case of permanent damage)

If the burns have caused permanent damage to the follicles, the doctor will consider the possibility of hair transplantation in the future. He will discuss the available options such as the Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) technique or the Strip Technique (FUT). The doctor can determine the appropriate time for hair transplantation surgery, which depends on the healing and stability of the skin after the burns.

Scalp burn treatment doctor instructions before treatment

The doctor provides instructions on how to avoid aggravating burns, and how to prepare before treating scalp burns at Nadara Center in Hurghada. These instructions include the following:

  • Avoid direct exposure to sunlight.
  • Use sunscreens on your scalp as prescribed by your doctor.
  • Avoid using heat styling tools or harsh chemicals until completely healed.
  • Do not use hair care products that irritate the skin unless advised by a dermatologist or cosmetologist.

Scalp burn treatment methods in Hurghada

The treatment method varies according to the condition of hair follicle damage, as we mentioned before. Therefore, we will explain to you the treatment method for each case according to the degree of burn4 and the extent of hair follicle damage as follows:

First: Treatment of mild scalp burns

Minor scalp burns should not be neglected, such as treating hair burns after straightening, as the scalp and hair follicles then need special care as follows:

  • Gently rinse scalp with cool water to relieve heat and soothe skin.
  • Use aloe vera gel to soothe burns and reduce inflammation thanks to aloe vera's anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Take pain relievers such as ibuprofen to relieve pain and inflammation.
  • Use a moisturizing cream that contains ingredients such as panthenol or vitamin E to moisturize the scalp and speed up healing, along with aloe vera gel.
  • Make sure to cover your head with a hat or scarf to avoid direct exposure to sunlight.
  • Avoid using strong shampoos or chemical products that may irritate the scalp.
  • Use a gentle shampoo and conditioner to keep your scalp and hair moisturized and prevent dry skin.
  • If the pain persists or worsens, consult a doctor for appropriate treatment.

Second: Treatment of severe scalp burns in Hurghada

Severe scalp burns require a plastic surgeon or dermatologist who specializes in treating severe scalp burns. Therefore, we will tell you about the stages of treating severe scalp burns in Hurghada at Nadara Center for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetic Surgery as follows:

Stage 1: Immediate medical intervention

Severe scalp wounds require immediate medical intervention to treat the emergency burn quickly and reduce the resulting consequences as follows:

  • The scalp is gently cleaned to remove dead skin and bacteria, and this may require special medical care and a meticulous and experienced doctor.
  • Your doctor will prescribe anti-inflammatory medications or antibiotics to prevent infection.
  • The plastic surgeon at Nadara Center in Hurghada covers the affected areas with sterile bandages to protect the wound and prevent contamination or scalp inflammation and leaves it for a certain period of time.
  • Your doctor will prescribe specialized creams containing ingredients such as silver sulfadiazine to speed healing and prevent infection.
  • In case of scarring, the doctor may use laser to treat the effects of burns. Treating the effects of scalp burns with laser is one of the best ways to treat the effects of wounds and burns.
  • In very severe cases, it may be necessary to remove the affected skin and perform a skin graft, using healthy tissue from the body. This procedure is performed under general anesthesia and then the damaged skin is removed and skin from another area is grafted to the affected area.
  • Follow-up with the plastic surgeon is ongoing to ensure complete recovery.

Stage 2: Hair transplantation after scalp burns

In case the burns cause permanent damage to the hair follicles, hair transplantation can be resorted to after the skin heals and recovers completely. Nadara Clinic, the best hair transplant clinic in Egypt, provides the latest hair transplantation techniques, and the doctor will determine the best hair transplantation method after scalp burns that suits your condition as follows:

First: Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) hair transplantation technique  

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) hair transplantation technique after burns is one of the most effective solutions for hair restoration in damaged areas. This technique relies on extracting hair follicles individually from a healthy donor area, such as the back of the head, and then carefully implanting them into the scalp affected by burns. Since this procedure does not require removing a strip of skin, it leaves very small and unnoticeable scars, making it ideal for people with minor or moderate burns. The FUE hair transplantation technique after scalp burns in Hurghada is characterized by high precision and allows hair to grow naturally without affecting the appearance of the scalp, while minimizing the recovery period.

Second: Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT)

Follicular unit transplant (FUT) is a traditional hair restoration technique that is commonly used for hair loss caused by severe or extensive burns. This technique involves removing a small strip of scalp from a healthy donor area, usually the back of the head, and then dividing the strip into small units, each containing hair follicles. These follicles are then transplanted to the affected areas.

The FUT technique is characterized by the fact that it allows the transplantation of a large number of follicles in one session, which makes it suitable for hair restoration in large areas. Although this technique may leave a small linear scar in the donor area, it is often invisible, especially with long hair, and gives permanent and effective results. Therefore, Nadara Center for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetic Surgery provides the best hair transplant doctors after scalp burns in Hurghada.

Third: Artificial hair transplantation after scalp burns (Biofiber)

Biofiber hair transplantation is a technique that aims to restore the appearance of natural hair after scalp burns using synthetic fibers that resemble hair. This technique is particularly used for people who have suffered hair loss due to severe burns or other medical conditions, where natural hair follicles may be unavailable or unusable. The process involves implanting synthetic fibers directly into the scalp, giving a thick and natural appearance. This technique is a quick and effective solution, as immediate results can be achieved without the need for a long recovery period. Although it does not restore natural hair growth, it provides an attractive appearance for people seeking to regain their confidence in their appearance after hair loss. Book your appointment now with the best doctor for synthetic hair transplantation after scalp burns in Hurghada.

Fourth: Sapphire FUE hair transplantation technique after burns

Sapphire hair transplantation is one of the latest methods used to restore hair, and it relies on the use of natural hairs that are implanted in the scalp to enhance density and improve the overall appearance. This technique is characterized by the use of hairs manufactured from high-quality materials, which allows for very natural results that resemble real hair. These hairs are implanted using a special device that helps to insert them accurately into the scalp, which reduces potential damage to surrounding tissues. Sapphire hair transplantation is an ideal option for people who suffer from hair loss due to burns or genetic factors, as it provides fast and effective results with a short recovery period. It is also easy to care for after transplantation, making it a popular choice for those wishing to improve the appearance of their hair.

Fifth: Regenira technique for hair transplantation after scalp burns in Hurghada

Regenira is a modern hair transplant technique that relies on stimulating follicle growth using microscopic cells taken from the person’s own body. The process is done by extracting a small sample of skin, then treating it and re-injecting it into the scalp to enhance natural hair regeneration in a safe and effective way without surgery. It is also used to treat scalp burns in Hurghada at Nadara Center.

 Side effects after scalp burn treatment

You will feel some temporary side effects that will disappear with following the instructions of the hair transplant doctor after burns in Hurghada. These side effects include the following:

  • Swelling of the target area and the donor area.
  • Mild pain in the donor and target area.
  • Itching in the targeted area.
  • Dandruff may appear in the targeted area, but it will disappear as the follicles grow.
Dermatologist's instructions after treating head burns

The doctor will tell you the instructions to follow after the scalp burn treatment in Hurghada as well as hair transplantation after burns at Nadara Clinic, the best hair transplantation clinic after burns in Hurghada and the Red Sea. The instructions include the following:

  • Avoid exposing the targeted area to sunlight. You can wear a hat, making sure not to touch the roots. Also, avoid exposing it to extreme cold.
  • You should not wash your hair after the transplantation process unless your doctor specifies a time that suits your condition.
  • Do not try to pull hair follicles out of their places.
  • Avoid touching the roots even when itching.
  • Hair follicles should not be pressed or slept on.
  • Avoid very hot places.
  • Avoid strenuous effort that causes sweating and avoid physical activity.

Finally, if you are looking for the best scalp burn treatment in Hurghada, then you can consult the best dermatologists or plastic surgeons who specialize in treating scalp burns in Hurghada. There are the latest technologies for treating burns as well as treating the effects of burns such as scars or damaged hair follicles. Book your appointment now with a group of the most skilled plastic surgeons who provide scalp burn treatment services in Hurghada and the Red Sea at Nadara Center for Dermatology, Laser and Plastic Surgery.


  1. How can I book an appointment for scalp burn treatment in Hurghada?

    You can contact us or send WhatsApp Book your appointment as soon as possible with the best cosmetic and dermatological doctors specialized in treating scalp burns and hair transplantation at Nadara Center for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetic Surgery in Hurghada.

  2. How do I treat a scalp burn?

    Treatment varies depending on the degree of the burn. If the burns are mild, antibiotics and creams prescribed by your doctor can be used. While in the case of severe burns, the affected scalp area where the hair follicles have been damaged must be treated, and then hair is transplanted using the latest techniques at Nadara Center in Hurghada.

  3. What causes scalp burning?

    There are many reasons that expose the scalp to burns, such as sunburn, hair styling tools such as irons or hair straighteners, as well as chemicals in dyes or bleaching.

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