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Herpes virus treatment in Hurghada

Herpes virus is a common skin disease. It may cause serious complications. Get rid of it with the best herpes virus treatment in Hurghada.

Herpes virus is a widely spread skin disease that may appear in the form of simple or severe symptoms or no symptoms. It is transmitted through infection and may cause serious complications. Therefore, you can now treat herpes virus in Hurghada. Nadara Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetic Center provides you with the best doctors for treating herpes in Hurghada. There is the best dermatologist who specializes in treating all skin diseases with great skill and experience. In addition, the Nadahara Center is the best skin center in Hurghada and includes the latest modern international technologies. We will tell you everything you want to know about herpes virus treatment in Hurghada at Nadara Clinic.

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What is HSV herpes virus?

HSV is a common skin disease that affects the mucous membranes of the skin surface as well as the genitals. It is considered an annoying disease that most often causes severe symptoms such as pimples or skin ulcers and a feeling of itching and discomfort. In addition, this virus may be inactive and not show symptoms. Herpes may affect children as well as newborns, in addition to the presence of herpes in men or in women.

The virus enters the body from the covering membranes and skin, causing initial infections and then multiplying and destroying the cells that line the surface of the skin. And then it moves to Lymphocytes It destroys it, spreads to the blood, and damages internal organs. Eventually, it infects the nerve cells and remains there forever, but symptoms may appear again on the skin with age or weakened immunity. It affects all people of all ages. However, as soon as symptoms appear, you must consult the best dermatologist in Hurghada at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology.

Types of HSV herpes virus

When the condition is diagnosed at Nadara Center, the best skin center in Hurghada, the doctor will determine the type of skin herpes virus so that it can be treated with the appropriate treatment. Herpes is divided into two types:

  •  HSV-1 herpes virus: It is called the herpes simplex virus. It infects the mucous membranes, gives the patient a fever, and blisters spread in certain areas such as the mouth and around the mouth, as well as the buttocks.
  • HSV-2 herpes virus: This type infects the reproductive organs as well as the anal area, thighs, and buttocks and is called “genital herpes.”
  • Herpes zoster: Also called varicella zoster, it affects an area of the body and appears in the form of lines on one side of the torso.

Locations of HSV infection

All types of cutaneous herpes, oral herpes, genital herpes, and shingles affect specific areas of the body as follows:

  • Mucous membranes: mouth, pharynx, and gums.
  • Eyes: the area around the eyes, the iris, and foci in the mouth.
  • Skin: nose, hands, and lips.
  • Nervous system: peripheral nerves, spinal cord, and inflammation of the cerebral membranes.
  • The reproductive organs, the urinary system, and the anus.
  • Urinary, reproductive and anal system organs.
  • Inflammation of internal organs in the body such as the kidneys, liver, and lungs.

Methods of infection herpes

It is necessary to know how the virus is transmitted from one patient to another in order to prevent it. Both types of herpes virus are transmitted, whether genital herpes or oral herpes. The most important ways of infection with the herpes virus are:

  • Skin contact.
  • Sexual relations.
  • By air.
  • Kissing.
  • Use the same tools as the patient.
  • Sharing personal items.
  • Oral sex.
  • During birth from mother to newborn (neonatal herpes).

Factors that trigger herpes infection

But there are factors that stimulate the appearance of herpes, which are as follows:

  • Having a fever or illness.
  • Exposure to sunlight for long periods.
  • Stress.
  • hormonal changes;
  • Stress.

Symptoms of herpes

As we mentioned before, herpes may appear with mild, moderate, or severe symptoms, or it may not show symptoms either. However, you should consult the best dermatologist at Nadara Center in Hurghada as soon as the following symptoms appear:

Symptoms of oral herpes HSV 1

  • Flu-like symptoms.
  • Enlarged lymph nodes.
  • Enlarged tonsils and sore throat.
  • difficulty swallowing
  • Enlargement of the spleen or liver.
  • High body temperature for 2 to 10 days.
  • The presence of pimples (around the mouth, on the gums and sides of the nose)
  • The presence of a rash or ulcers on the arms and buttocks in advanced cases.
  • Rash on the arms, trunk and buttocks
  • The presence of skin ulcers.
  • Itchy sensation.
  • Tingling feeling.
  • headache.
  • High temperatures.
  • Other diseases such as encephalitis and herpetic meningitis.

Symptoms of genital herpes HSV 2

  • Pain while urinating.
  • The appearance of vaginal discharge.
  • The appearance of blisters on the genitals.
  • Feeling of itching in the genital areas (it appears in women in the labia area and in men in the scrotum area)
  • Fever.
  • Swollen lymph nodes in the genital area.

Treatment of skin herpes in Hurghada

The World Health Organization stated that the percentage of people infected with herpes virus exceeds 60%, and that there are many infected people who do not show symptoms as well. There is no radical cure for herpes, but there are treatments that help relieve the symptoms so that you do not feel uncomfortable. Therefore, the most important steps in starting treatment is to choose a herpes virus treatment doctor in Hurghada with experience and practical competence in treating herpes. Therefore, you can choose Nadara Clinic, the best skin clinic in Hurghada and the Red Sea. Learn with us about the procedures for treating oral herpes in Hurghada, whether it is herpes in children or herpes in men. As well as the treatment of genital herpes in Hurghada at Nadara Clinic, which helps reduce symptoms and also helps stop the development of viruses.

The first consultation with a herpes virus treatment doctor in Hurghada

  • The herpes treatment doctor will ask you about your medical history and if you have any other skin or immune diseases.
  • You should tell your dermatologist if you are taking any medications or treatments.
  • The doctor examines the area affected by herpes.
  • The doctor may take a biopsy of the area affected by herpes and send it to the laboratory to examine it and confirm that it is herpes and not another skin disease. So he can determine how to treat herpes in children, herpes in men, or herpes in women.
  • In some cases where it is not confirmed that she is infected with the herpes virus, the doctor will conduct some tests, a blood test, and a biochemical test.
  • The doctor may also order a bean test to see how damaged the internal parts are.
  • In the case of advanced cases, it must be ensured that it does not reach the central nervous system, and the cerebrospinal fluid must be tested.
  • But the herpes virus treatment doctor in Hurghada at Nadara Center will tell you that there is no cure for herpes, but medications will help with the symptoms to live with herpes. It also helps prevent the development of herpes and the emergence of its serious complications in severe cases.

Doctor's instructions before treating herpes virus in Hurghada

The dermatologist at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology will tell you the symptoms that must be followed before starting treatment and the use of medications and their maintenance to prevent an increase in herpes complications. The instructions of the doctor for treating herpes virus in Hurghada and the Red Sea at the Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology include the following:

  • Stay away from sunlight to avoid serious complications.
  • Avoid applying cosmetics or skin care products.
  • You should stop eating spicy or highly acidic foods.
  • Make sure to wear loose-fitting cotton clothes.
  • Drink cold drinks to relieve symptoms.
  • Take the painkillers that the doctor prescribed for you at the Nadara Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetic Clinic in Hurghada.
  • In the case of genital herpes, you can sit in a warm water bath for 15 to 20 minutes.
  • stop smoking.
  • Drink appropriate amounts of water

Methods of treating herpes virus in Hurghada

After diagnosing the herpes virus, the doctor will determine the type of herpes so that he can choose the appropriate treatment for each type. The treatment at Nadara Clinic will be as follows:

The dermatologist at the best dermatology center in Hurghada, Nadara, will prescribe antiviral medications such as famciclovir, as well as antibiotic medications. This treatment will also help prevent complications resulting from viruses, germs, and microbes. Treatment for herpes simplex includes:

  • The doctor cleans the area affected by herpes with soap.
  • Apply analgesic creams such as benzocaine or lidocaine.
  • Use of an antiviral such as famciclovir.
  • Treatment of moderate or severe herpes
  • After the doctor diagnoses herpes, he must be treated in the hospital to monitor the condition of the vital organs. If complications of herpes are discovered, he must be referred to the specialist doctor. He may be referred to a neurologist, urologist, ophthalmologist, dentist or obstetrician-gynecologist according to each case.

Complications of neglecting herpes virus treatment in Hurghada

If you neglect to treat the herpes virus or use the medications prescribed by the doctor, it may multiply and lead to disastrous results for the body’s systems. In some cases, symptoms may disappear, but periodic examination must be performed to ensure that no complications occur. Complications include:

  • Brain swelling.
  • Inflammation of the bloodstream.
  • Damage to internal organs such as the liver or kidneys.
  • Eye injury may begin with blurred vision, then become ulcers and may lead to blindness.
  • Patients most at risk of complications are newborns, or those with chronic diseases such as cancer patients and immunodeficiency.

Dermatologists' advice on preventing herpes infection

Be sure to follow the doctor’s instructions, whether it is herpes for children or herpes for men or women. The advice includes the following:

  • Avoid kissing others with unhealed wounds or sores.
  • Refrain from handling other people's personal items, such as shaving tools, cosmetics, and lip balm.
  • Avoid oral sex.
  • Wash your hands well, especially when dealing with children, to prevent infection with viruses.
  • Use a cotton ball to apply the medicine to the affected areas.

In the end, herpes is a rapidly spreading disease, and its symptoms and severity may vary from person to person. But whatever the symptoms, you can reduce the symptoms and prevent the development of herpes at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology in Hurghada and the Red Sea.


  1. How can I book an appointment for herpes virus treatment in Hurghada?

    You can contact us or send WhatsApp And book as soon as possible with the best herpes virus treatment doctor in Hurghada at the Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology.

  2. Where does the oral herpes virus come from?

    The virus comes from skin contact with a sick person or sharing personal items such as towels, toothbrushes, clothes and eating utensils as well.

  3. How long does it take to recover from herpes?

    Herpes is not cured, but treatment helps reduce the severity of symptoms and prevent complications, and you will reach this result within 2 to 6 weeks.

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