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urinary incontinence laser treatment in Hurghada

Urinary incontinence affects daily activities and social life, get rid of it with urinary incontinence laser treatment in Hurghada.

The problem of urinary incontinence is one of the conditions that affects social life and the normal practice of daily activities, which affects the patient’s psychological state and self-confidence, but many effective treatments have emerged for it, especially urinary incontinence laser treatment in Hurghada. Urinary incontinence affects men and women, but the incidence of urinary incontinence among women increases more as a result of childbirth and hormonal changes. Women need treatment for urinary incontinence after childbirth, as well as treatment for urinary incontinence for the elderly.

Therefore, Nadara Clinic provides you with the best treatment for urinary incontinence, which is laser. It is used to treat all conditions, especially urinary incontinence in women. There is more than one type of laser to treat urinary incontinence in Hurghada, which is characterized by fast and safe results. As usual, the laser amazes us with its fast and effective use in treating many diseases in complete safety without the need for surgery to treat urinary incontinence and the latest incisions and stitches. In this article, we will tell you all the information about treating urinary incontinence with laser at the Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetic in Hurghada and the Red Sea.

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What is urinary incontinence?

Contents show

Incontinence is decreased bladder control resulting in urine leakage or bedwetting in adults. This may occur as a result of several factors, as well as causes that contribute to lack of urinary control, as well as lack of bladder control. Where urine leaks as a result of any activity or effort, such as laughing, sneezing, or carrying heavy objects. The kidneys work to rid the body of water and wastes and turn them into urine, which is then sent to the bladder through the ureters. Then finally comes your turn because the bladder is governed by muscles that contract and relax to expel these fluids through Urethra. If it relaxes, it expels fluids, so your urinary incontinence occurs as a result of the sphincter muscles not keeping pressure on the urethra.

 Urinary incontinence occurs without prior warning or awareness of the patient, which puts him in very embarrassing situations and affects his life and self-confidence. Although it may affect men and women, women are more affected by urinary incontinence. But there is no need to worry, as you can now treat urinary incontinence laser treatment in Hurghada with the best doctors at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetic in Hurghada and the Red Sea.

Symptoms of urinary incontinence

In order to determine whether you suffer from urinary incontinence or not, we will tell you about the symptoms of urinary incontinence, which include the bladder secreting small amounts of urine without warning. This occurs during normal daily activities such as bending over, coughing, or sneezing. It also occurs when exerting great effort, such as carrying something heavy or playing sports.

Causes of urinary incontinence

Urinary incontinence occurs as a result of several factors, such as:

  • An unbalanced diet.
  • Smoking.
  • Lack of collagen in connective tissue.
  • Drinking alcohol.
  • As a result of childbirth and pressure on the bladder muscles.
  • Getting older.
  • obesity;
  • Genetics.
  • Low estrogen levels after menopause in women.
  • Prostate enlargement and prostatectomy cause urinary incontinence in men.

Different types of urinary incontinence

In order to urinary incontinence laser treatment in Hurghada, you must know the type of urinary incontinence, especially for women. It includes four types:

  1. Stress urinary incontinence: occurs when exerting effort or physical activity, such as sports, lifting a weight, or when coughing or sneezing.
  2. Urgency incontinence: It is caused by a strong and intense desire to urinate.
  3. Mixed urinary incontinence: This type occurs as a result of the two previous types, which are stress urinary incontinence and urge urinary incontinence together.
  4. Functional urinary incontinence: It is the result of a physical disability.
  5. Transient urinary incontinence: This is a temporary condition that quickly disappears.

How does laser incontinence treatment work?

Laser technology for treating urinary incontinence for women in Hurghada relies on stimulating the production of collagen, which is the protein that makes up the connective structures and tissues that support the pelvic floor. Childbirth leads to the destruction of collagen, and its production also decreases in cases of aging or interruption of blood circulation. There are also other factors that reduce the presence of collagen in the pelvic floor. In addition, the percentage of collagen in the fascia in the pubic area is lower in the case of stress urinary incontinence.

 Therefore, the photothermal energy of laser beams improves the collagen structure of the pelvic floor. High temperature shrinks the damaged collagen fibers and produces new, more elastic fibers. In addition to the formation of blood vessels that nourish the area and increase fibroblast cells. Ultimately, increased collagen protein strengthens the pelvic floor and strengthens the fibers and connective tissues to support the muscles. Which eliminates urinary incontinence with laser in Hurghada with the best venereologist in Hurghada at the Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetic in the Red Sea.

While treating urinary incontinence in men with laser occurs using medications, surgical intervention, or by placing an artificial valve, especially in the case of urge incontinence. Urinary incontinence in men occurs as a result of an enlarged prostate. While in women, stress incontinence is more common.

Types of vaginal laser in treating urinary incontinence in women

The type of vaginal laser to treat urinary incontinence varies according to each case and the doctor’s diagnosis. There are two main types:

  1. Fractional CO2 Laser or Fractionated Carbon Laser (Microablative Fractional CO2 Laser or CO2-laser)
  2. Erbium YAG laser (Non-ablative Photothermal Erbium: YAG-laser or Er:YAG-laser).

Advantages of treating urinary incontinence with laser

Laser for urinary incontinence in Hurghada has many advantages that you will benefit from, such as:

  • There is no need to make an incision, wound or stitches like surgical procedures and their risks.
  • Safe and effective treatment.
  • Painless process.
  • Fast recovery after treatment, as you will not need a long recovery period. You can also return to your normal activity after laser treatment.
  • The speed of laser treatment takes only a few minutes and the treatment session is completed.
  • Results appear immediately after treatment.

Candidates for urinary incontinence laser treatment in Hurghada

You should consult a doctor with experience and competence in treating urinary incontinence with laser, as laser treatment is considered safe and effective, especially for those with diseases that prevent them from undergoing surgery to treat urinary incontinence. The most important of these people are the elderly or those who suffer from chronic diseases that prevent surgical intervention, such as diabetes or high blood pressure, as well as cardiovascular diseases.

Benefits of laser in treating urinary incontinence in Hurghada

  • Renewal of vaginal cells and tissues.
  • Tightening of the vaginal mucus.
  • Increase the secretion of collagen, which supports muscles and tissues.
  • Strengthening the pelvic floor muscles.
  • Strengthening the bladder muscles.
  • Improving the appearance of the vagina.
  • Laser vaginal tightening.

Laser urinary incontinence treatment procedures in Hurghada

You can perform urinary incontinence treatment with laser in Hurghada in a hospital, clinic or medical center equipped with the latest laser devices. Nadara Clinic provides the best laser doctors with experience and competence in using laser devices. You must choose a doctor who has scientific certificates in how to use vaginal laser to treat various diseases. Book now at the Nadara Clinic with an integrated medical team, headed by Dr. Amani Al-Tawabti, consultant dermatologist and venereologist. But the treatment of urinary incontinence depends on its type and degree, so we will take you on a journey to learn the steps for performing urinary incontinence laser treatment in Hurghada until you reach satisfactory results.

Diagnosis of a doctor treating urinary incontinence with laser in Hurghada

As we mentioned, you must choose a doctor with experience and certifications in using the latest laser devices accurately and efficiently. Therefore, Nadara Clinic has the latest laser devices for treating urinary incontinence in Hurghada. However, urinary incontinence is diagnosed with the best laser doctors as follows:

  • The urinary incontinence treatment doctor in Hurghada will ask you about your medical history and any diseases you suffer from or medications you take.
  • The doctor will examine the condition and give you a physical examination, and he may ask you to cough to determine the degree of incontinence, as there is mild incontinence, moderate incontinence, and severe incontinence.
  • The doctor may take a urine sample for the laboratory to ensure that there are no other problems or infections.
  • The doctor will tell you to record the amount of water you drink, the times you urinate, the frequency of urination, and the number of times you incontinent.
  • A catheter or ultrasound imaging is also used to perform a test to determine the amount of urine remaining in the bladder after emptying urine. If an amount of urine remains in the bladder, it may be a problem with the muscles or nerves or a urinary tract obstruction.
  • The doctor urinary incontinence laser treatment in Hurghada may tell you about the necessity of performing some tests and tests, such as a blood test or blood sugar levels, as well as such as hepatitis B and C. He may also request a cervical smear.

Preparations before a laser session to treat urinary incontinence in Hurghada

  • Stop smoking or drinking alcohol.
  • Avoid hair removal about two weeks before the session.
  • Avoid taking vitamins or herbal supplements.
  • Drink appropriate amounts of water to maintain the internal hydration of the skin.
  • Clean the area and avoid applying care products to the bikini area.
  • Avoid taking blood thinners before treatment.
  • Avoid sexual intercourse for 48 hours before the laser session to avoid skin irritation.

Laser urinary incontinence treatment sessions in Hurghada

Laser is considered the ideal solution in cases of treating urinary incontinence for women in Hurghada, as it does not take time and gives quick results as well as without pain. Also, no incisions are made, which means there are no risks such as surgery to treat urinary incontinence.

First: Treatment of urinary incontinence with fractionated carbon laser (fractional CO2 laser)

Fractional CO2 laser is one of the best types of laser that is characterized by its effectiveness in treating many health and disease problems. Nadara Clinic provides the best laser doctor to treat urinary incontinence in women in Hurghada. The doctors at Nadara Center have certificates of proficiency in using the fractionated carbon laser device to treat urinary incontinence. Fractionated carbon laser is also considered an effective treatment used in treating urinary incontinence in adults in Hurghada.

In addition, it does not require anesthesia and only takes 10 minutes using the laser device. The number of sessions varies according to each case and its response to treatment, but it often requires a monthly session for three months. Vaginal laser can be used to treat many other problems in the vaginal area, such as lightening pigmentation and vaginal narrowing. The results also appear effectively and quickly with the best doctors forurinary incontinence laser treatment in Hurghada.

Second: Treating urinary incontinence in women with the Erbium Yag laser

Erbium Yag laser is a non-surgical procedure without pain, so the doctor may not use anesthesia or use local anesthesia for the patient’s comfort. The erbium YAG laser works to treat urinary incontinence in adults in Hurghada by stimulating tissues and fibroblasts to increase the production of collagen, which works to build muscle tissue and vaginal tissue. This helps lift the bladder, eliminate urinary incontinence, and strengthen the pelvic floor muscles to support the bladder. In addition, the vaginal laser device works to improve the appearance of the vagina, tighten sagging vagina, and lighten pigmentation. Therefore, many laser treatments can be combined to achieve other amazing results during urinary incontinence laser treatment in Hurghada.

Therefore, the muscles support the bladder in controlling urine, but the necessary number of sessions of the erbium YAG laser in Hurghada must be completed. The number of sessions varies from person to person depending on the body's response and the degree of urinary incontinence. The urinary incontinence treatment doctor in Hurghada at the Nadhara Center determines the number of sessions. The laser for treating urinary incontinence for women in Hurghada also helps to tighten the vaginal mucosa.

Side effects after laser treatment for urinary incontinence in Hurghada

You will feel some side effects after laser sessions to treat urinary incontinence in Hurghada, whether using the fractional CO2 laser or the erbium YAG laser. But you must follow the instructions of the urinary incontinence doctor in Hurghada so that complications do not occur. Side effects include:

  1. A feeling of warmth or slight heat in the treated area.
  2. Increased vaginal secretions.
  3. Occurrence of transient urgency urinary incontinence, which will end quickly.

Instructions for laser treatment of urinary incontinence in Hurghada

In order to avoid complications or harm caused by vaginal laser, you must follow the instructions of the doctor of urinary incontinence laser treatment in Hurghada. The doctor's most important instructions after treatment are the following:

  • Avoid returning to smoking after treatment.
  • Avoid sexual intercourse for 48 hours after a laser session to treat urinary incontinence in Hurghada.
  • Do not apply creams, lotions, or any products to the area except those prescribed by the urinary incontinence doctor after treatment.
  • Stay away from stress factors on the area.
  • Avoid strenuous exercise or lifting heavy weights.
  • Avoid hot water on the area.
  • Take medications or use creams that the doctor prescribes for you at Nadara Laser Clinic in Hurghada.
  • Avoid hair removal within a week after a laser session to treat urinary incontinence in adults.

Number of laser sessions to treat urinary incontinence in Hurghada

The number of laser incontinence treatment sessions in Hurghada varies depending on several factors, the most important of which are the type and degree of incontinence you have and the age of the patient. The number of laser sessions also depends on the response of the cells and tissues of the vagina as well as the pelvic floor. A patient with urinary incontinence often needs 2 to 3 sessions, separated by a month or three weeks, depending on the doctor’s assessment of the results.

 Results of laser urinary incontinence treatment in Hurghada

The results of the laser sessions for treating urinary incontinence in Hurghada will appear within 3 weeks of the first session. By completing the number of vaginal laser sessions used to treat urinary incontinence in women, you will reach the final results after two or three months, depending on each case. So book now with the most brilliant doctor who provides urinary incontinence surgery service in Hurghada at the Nadara laser Clinic.

Tips for preventing urinary incontinence in adults

  1. Bladder training to delay urination.
  2. Hold urine for 10 minutes when you feel an urgent need to urinate.
  3. When urinating, the bladder is emptied, then wait for a few minutes, then emptied again to ensure it is completely emptied to avoid urinary incontinence.
  4. Gradually lengthen the time between times you go to urinate until it reaches once every two or three and a half hours.
  5. Bladder training is on a schedule, so if you don't feel like urinating, go every two or four hours.
  6. Drink fluids in moderate amounts.
  7. Avoid drinking alcohol and caffeine.
  8. Follow a healthy diet.
  9. In case of obesity, you must lose weight.
  10. Quit Smoking.

Protecting the skin from irritation due to urinary incontinence

Wet skin causes infections and bacterial growth, so people with urinary incontinence suffer from infections, but you can follow the following tips to reduce the chances of their occurrence by:

  • Use a cloth to clean the area.
  • You should let the skin dry first before wearing clothes.
  • Avoid washing the area frequently.
  • Do not remove hair using traditional methods that are stressful for the skin.
  • Use a suitable lotion, but consult a urinary incontinence doctor.

 Urinary incontinence treatment doctors in Hurghada

Urinary incontinence is a problem that worries many adults, and it may affect women at a young age more than it affects men. Therefore, you must choose a laser doctor with experience, competence, and scientific certificates in using laser devices to treat urinary incontinence in Hurghada. Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology in Hurghada and the Red Sea offers you the best doctors specialized in using laser.

The best laser clinic in Hurghada

You can search for Nadara Clinic website on the Internet or on social media sites, and you will find many therapeutic and cosmetic services, as well as plastic surgery. In addition, you can see patients’ reviews and their level of satisfaction with the urinary incontinence doctor in Hurghada, as well as with the Nadara laser Clinic. Or you can visit Nadara Clinic, the address is Al-Nasr Main Street, in front of Al-Kahf Street, above the Engineers Syndicate, fourth floor. Where you can consult Dr. Amani Al-Tawabti, a dermatology and venereology consultant, to start treating urinary incontinence with laser at Nadara laser Clinic in Hurghada.

In the end, if you suffer from urinary incontinence and experience embarrassing situations and leak urine before reaching the bathroom most of the time, the best doctors for laser urinary incontinence in Hurghada will help you. It is always preferable to have early intervention in treating urinary incontinence in adults in Hurghada. Therefore, a venereologist should be consulted immediately to find out the cause of urinary incontinence and its treatment. Delay in treating urinary incontinence may lead to resorting to urinary incontinence surgery. Therefore, it is preferable to consult a laser doctor who specializes in treating the problem of urinary incontinence in Hurghada. what are you waiting for! Contact us now at Nadara Clinic to get rid of urinary incontinence and enjoy life without worry.


  1. How can I book an appointment for urinary incontinence laser treatment?

    You can contact us or send WhatsApp And book as soon as possible with the best doctor for treating urinary incontinence with laser at the Nadara laser Clinic in Hurghada and the Red Sea.

  2. Is there a definitive treatment for urinary incontinence?

    Yes, there is a definitive treatment for urinary incontinence, and the doctor determines the appropriate treatment for you after evaluating your condition and type of incontinence, the age of the patient, and the causes of incontinence. Where you can treat urinary incontinence with laser in Hurghada at Nadara Clinic, in addition to following a different routine in your life, such as losing weight, exercising, eating healthy food, and performing bladder control exercises.

  3. How long does urinary incontinence treatment take?

    The treatment takes from two to three months, depending on each case, to achieve final results in eliminating urinary incontinence. Results also appear immediately after the first session.

  4. Is urinary incontinence a mental illness?

    Stress urinary incontinence is not related to psychological stress, as it occurs as a result of weight gain, genetics, or stressful activities that put pressure on the bladder, such as coughing, sneezing, or laughing. Likewise, when lifting heavy objects, this occurs with the loss of collagen that supports the muscles and tissues that support the bladder.

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