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Steroid injections for scars in Hurghada

Scars appear as a result of the body's response to active wound healing, get rid of it with steroid injections for scars in Hurghada.

Scars appear as a result of the body's response to active wound healing, but they cause a mark that disfigures the appearance of the skin, especially if they are on the face or neck. Therefore, the most effective treatment for them has emerged, which is steroid injections for scars in Hurghada. Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology provides you with many methods of treating scars depending on their type and the reason for their occurrence.

Nadara Center also includes the best dermatologists with the highest accredited certificates and qualifications, as well as practical experience. Steroid injections for scars depend on the doctor’s assessment of the patient’s condition and the condition of the scars, as keloid and hypertrophic scars are famously treated with steroids. Learn with us about how to inject steroids for scars in Hurghada at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology, how to prepare for it, as well as the side effects of steroids.

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What is Steroids Injection?

Steroids Injection, corticosteroid injections, or cortisone injections are anti-inflammatory medications. Steroids are similar in structure to the hormones produced by the adrenal gland, so they contribute greatly to preventing inflammation and treating joint stiffness and pain. The most common steroid injections are triamcinolone, hydrocortisone, and methylprednisolone. Steroids are mainly used to effectively and safely treat scars that disfigure the appearance of the skin.

It is used for keloid scars, such as hypertrophic, prominent, round, thick, and smooth scars, or burn scars and acne scars. It also reduces pain, inflammation, and itching resulting from burns. In addition to the use of steroids to treat joint pain, inflammation, and inflammatory bowel disease. The primary goal of steroid injections is to end infections, so doctors use it to treat most infections. However, steroid injections must be used by doctors specialized in this so that complications do not occur, as they are used in certain proportions.

Mechanism of steroids in treating scars

The mechanism of action of steroid injections for scars is based on breaking the bonds between collagen, which stops the growth of scars and breaks up the thick layers of hypertrophic scars or keloid scars. It also works to inhibit the body's inflammatory reaction and stop blood flow to the scar area. The corticosteroid solution is applied directly to the scars, whether they are hypertrophic scars or keloid scars, which makes their effect faster in reducing inflammation and reducing swelling and redness, as well as pain. Only then massage the injection site, which speeds up the process of breaking up the resulting scar tissue. In addition, in some cases of surgery, steroid injections are given so that hypertrophic scars or keloids do not form if the patient has a history of them.

How do scars form?

In order to know the nature of the action of steroid injections for scars, you must know how the scar is formed and what it consists of. A scar occurs as a result of damage to the skin, such as a wound, disease, injury, surgery, or infection. Where a reaction occurs from the body that requires treatment of this wound and rapid healing, but this is done in an unregulated manner by collagen, which leads to the formation of scar tissue. Scars vary according to how they occur, their depth in the layers of the skin, as well as the nature of each patient’s body. Some scars may be accompanied by pain, redness, and swelling. They may also be light or prominent, and their color may vary.

Types of scars

Scars are classified by doctors according to their shape, depth, and color, as well as the reason they occur and their location on the body. Types of scars include:

1- Hypertrophy scars

 Hypertrophic scars, or hypertrophic scars, occur as a result of overgrowth Connective tissue Which speeds up wound healing, leading to an excess of scar tissue. Therefore, hypertrophic scars appear rough and prominent from the surface of the body and are red in color. These attacks appear especially in the back and shoulder, as well as behind the ear. In the first six months to a year, it appears in a red form that gets worse, but after that it improves a little. The most important factors for its occurrence are the use of surgical sutures to close wounds, as well as poor blood flow to the wound area and smoking. In addition, some people with diabetes or a vascular disorder are more likely to develop hypertrophic scars than others. But hypertrophic scars can be treated with steroid injections.

2- Keloid Scars

One of the most common types of scars. Puppy scars occur as a result of the genetic factor, as the scar exceeds the boundaries of the wound as a result of the overgrowth of connective tissue as a result of the body’s reaction. They can appear in all parts of the body, but the most common areas for keloid scars are the front of the chest, shoulders, back, and the pinna. But there is no need to worry, as keloid scars can be treated with steroid injections.

3- Pigmentation scars

Pigmented scars result from contamination of the wound or exposure to the sun in the early stages of healing, as the improper healing process leads to an inflammatory reaction. This makes pigmentation scars appear darker than the surrounding area of the skin. It is more common in people with dark skin. This type of scar can be treated with laser at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetic Clinic in Hurghada and the Red Sea.

4- Shrinking scars

All scars can shrink, but the name contracture scars are given to scars that occur next to the joints, the contracture of which makes it difficult to move the joint. This type of scar is treated with surgery.

How to find the best dermatologist for steroid injections for scars?

Steroid injections, corticosteroid injections, or cortisone injections are considered one of the most accurate treatments that require an experienced and skilled dermatologist. It requires accuracy in determining the concentration of the steroid needle, as well as assessing the patient’s health condition, as well as examining the scars to determine their type and how to remove the scars. Therefore, you can get steroid injections for scars at the Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology in Hurghada and the Red Sea.

There is the best dermatologist with high experience and competence in treating scars in Hurghada using the latest methods and techniques according to the condition of the scar and the patient. In addition, Nadara Center includes the latest international technologies, including modern laser devices, as well as skin care devices and the treatment of keloid scars, hypertrophic scars, and burn scars. Scars can be treated with laser or surgery, and sometimes with creams, according to the doctor’s diagnosis.

In addition to the possibility of treating the effects of wounds, burns, acne scars, etc., there are the best dermatology doctors. You can verify for yourself the competence and skill of the doctors. Search for the Nadhara website as well as social networking sites. You can read reviews of previous patients as well as previous cases of Steroid Injection for Scars in Hurghada. In addition to the opinions of former patients at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology and their evaluation of the level of service at the center. You can also see pictures of the results of steroid injections for scars before and after. You can also visit Nadara Center, the address is the main Al-Nasr Street in Hurghada, in front of Al-Kahf Street, above the Engineers Syndicate, fourth floor.

Treating scars with steroid injections in Hurghada

Steroids, corticosteroid injections or cortisone injections are some of the best treatments used effectively in treating keloid and hypertrophic scars. However, you must consult the best dermatologist in Egypt in Hurghada in order to diagnose the condition well and find out whether the condition of the patient and the scars allows steroid injections for the scars or not. Since there are side effects of steroid injections, the doctor must take into account the patient’s health condition and the nature of his body. At Nadara Clinic, you will find the latest advanced technologies and devices, as well as the best integrated medical team, including a dermatologist and a plastic surgeon, to get rid of scars. Therefore, we guarantee you amazing results after steroid injections for scars in Hurghada at Nadara Clinic. We will tell you the most important steps you will go through to undergo corticosteroid injections for scars in Hurghada.

The first consultation with a steroid injection doctor for scars in Hurghada

You can perform steroid injections for scars in Hurghada in a clinic, hospital or medical center equipped with the latest equipment. But you must be careful to choose a place with a good reputation and high patient ratings. In addition to the necessity of choosing the best dermatologist with accredited certificates, experience and a good reputation. Therefore, you can choose Nadara Center for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetic, and among the most important steps that will be taken with the dermatologist in Hurghada at Nadara Clinic are the following:

  1. The doctor will ask you about your medical history and if you suffer from diseases or take medications.
  2. The dermatologist examines the condition of the scars to determine their type and appropriate treatment method.
  3. The dermatologist will ask you about how the scar occurred and what caused the wound that led to its formation.
  4. You must inform the doctor of your goal of treatment and your expectations after steroid injections for scars in Hurghada at Nadara Clinic.
  5. The doctor may conduct some tests for you to ensure that there are no contraindications to undergoing cortisone injections.
  6. Conduct an allergy test so that the body does not have an allergic reaction.
  7. You can ask the doctor all the questions that come to your mind without embarrassment, as the doctors at Nadara Clinic are good listeners.
  8. The dermatologist at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology in Hurghada will tell you about the side effects after performing steroid injections for scars.

Instructions before steroid injections for scars in Hurghada

You must follow the instructions of the dermatologist in Hurghada so that complications do not occur and to obtain amazing results, which is treating scars. Among the most important instructions of steroid injection doctors for scars in Hurghada are the following:

  • You should avoid exposing the scar area to sunlight.
  • Stop smoking about two weeks before starting treatment.
  • You should not apply products or creams to the skin at least a week before the session.
  • Avoid applying cosmetics to the scar area if it is on the neck or face a week before the session.
  • If you are taking anticoagulants, stop them immediately so as not to cause blood thinning during the procedure.
  • Stop taking vitamins and nutritional supplements before starting scar treatment in Hurghada.

Steps for steroid injections for scars

  1. The dermatologist cleans and sterilizes the scar area.
  2. The doctor may use local anesthesia to reduce the patient's feeling of any pain during the needle prick.
  3. The dermatologist uses a fine needle containing a corticosteroid solution and injects it directly into the scar.
  4. A steroid injection session may only take about 15 minutes.
  5. Finally, the doctor sets the date for the next session to follow up on the results and inject another needle according to the doctor’s assessment of the condition of the scars. However, the necessary number of injections must be completed to achieve satisfactory results in removing scars.

Side effects after steroid injections for scars in Hurghada

Of course, you will feel some temporary side effects after undergoing steroid injections for scars in Hurghada at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology. But by following the dermatologist’s instructions, these side effects will disappear quickly. Temporary side effects include:

  • Wrinkled skin.
  • The appearance of pigmentation and change in the color of the scar.
  • Vasodilatation.
  • Temporary bruising.
  • Minor pain in the scar area.
  • skin thinning;
  • Skin redness.
  • For patients with diabetes and high blood pressure, blood sugar and blood pressure may rise slightly for a few days and then return to what they were before the steroid injection for scars in Hurghada.

Results of steroid injections for scars in Hurghada

The results of the steroid injection will show scars after the side effects disappear within days of the injection, then the scars will begin to flatten and gradually disappear. The final results will appear within a period ranging from three to six months. The duration of scar removal varies depending on the condition, age, and area of each scar.

Number of steroid injection sessions for scars

A number of steroid scar treatment sessions must be performed until satisfactory results are achieved and the scars are removed in Hurghada. The number of steroid injection sessions for scars varies from one person to another depending on the condition, area and type of the scar. The dermatologist evaluates the condition of the scars and then determines the number of steroid injection sessions for the scars in Hurghada. Injections can often be performed every 4 to 6 weeks until the scars disappear completely.

Instructions after steroid injections for scars in Hurghada

You must follow the instructions of the dermatologist at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetic Clinic so as not to cause serious complications. And also until you reach the maximum level of satisfaction with the result. Among the most important instructions of the dermatologist at Nadara Clinic are the following:

  • stop smoking.
  • Avoid exposing scars to sunlight.
  • Do not apply products, creams or cosmetics to the skin.
  • Follow the doctor’s prescriptions for auxiliary creams or other medications.
  • You should not make any hard effort.
  • Stay away from hot water such as a sauna.

Side effects: Contact your doctor immediately

In some cases, some side effects and debilitating effects may occur as a result of neglecting to choose an experienced, competent dermatologist with accredited certificates. Therefore, you must inform your doctor as soon as the following symptoms occur, such as:

  • The temperature rises significantly.
  • Severe, unbearable pain.
  • Bloody secretions or pus coming out of the scars.
  • Increased scar size and swelling.
  • The scar becomes dark red.

Contraindications to steroid injections for scars in Hurghada

Steroid injection is a delicate procedure and you should consult the best dermatologists at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetic in Hurghada. There are some cases that should not be subjected to steroid injections, as follows:

  • Those suffering from skin, bacterial or viral infections, as well as eye inflammation.
  • If you received a steroid injection during the past weeks, you must wait for 6 weeks and then undergo a steroid injection for scars in Hurghada.
  • If you receive 3 steroid injections in the same area within 12 months, you should not repeat the injection in the same area again.
  • Having an allergic reaction.
  • If you have recently received vaccinations, you should inform your doctor.
  • Women who are pregnant, breastfeeding, or planning to give birth.

The price of a steroid injection session for scars in Hurghada

The cost of a steroid injection session for scars in Hurghada depends on several factors. But you can treat scars with steroids in Hurghada at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology with the best offers for cortisone injections for scars. The cost of steroid injections starts from 800 pounds, but this is determined according to each case. The most important factors that affect the duration of steroid injections for scars in Hurghada are the following:

  • Scar type.
  • The depth of scars and the area of the scar on the skin surface.
  • The age of the scar.
  • The experience and reputation of a dermatologist who specializes in steroid injections for scars.
  • Location of the dermatology clinic, dermatology center, or dermatology hospital.
  • The dermatology center or clinic is equipped with the latest devices and technologies.
  • Evaluations of previous cases by the doctor, the clinic or the hospital.

The best dermatology center in Hurghada

If you are looking for the best place to get steroid injections to remove scars, you should choose a reputable skin center with the latest equipment. Nadara Center provides the best methods of treating skin diseases and skin, hair and nail problems. There is the best dermatologist, as well as the best plastic surgeon and the best plastic surgeon in Hurghada. Therefore, this integrated team contributes to the patient getting the best treatment that suits his condition. This team is headed by Dr. Amani Al-Tawabti, consultant dermatologist.

Nadaara Center is considered the best steroid injection center for scars in Egypt, as well as the best dermatology center in Hurghada. There are dermatologists who have scientific and practical experience in performing cortisone injections to break up scar tissue. In addition, Nadara Center has the latest advanced and safe international technologies approved by the Food and Drug Administration. You can treat scars in Hurghada at Nadara in many ways, depending on the condition of the scar, its type, and its location on the body.

You can also treat the effects of burns and wounds, as well as facial scars in Hurghada and acne scars. Scars can be treated with laser, scars can be treated with surgery, as well as scars removed with chemical peeling sessions and cold peeling sessions. The dermatologist determines the treatment that suits each case with great skill and precision to achieve the best results. You will enjoy amazing results with the best scar treatment at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology in Hurghada and the Red Sea.

Scar prevention

You can prevent the formation of scars so that you do not have to treat them later, as treating scars takes time because they are damage to the skin. Among the most important tips of dermatologists at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology for preventing scars are as follows:

  1. The wound site should not be exposed to ultraviolet sunlight, especially during the wound healing period, so as not to cause pigmentation and an inflammatory reaction.
  2. Wear tight bandages to help speed up the healing of the wound.
  3. Massage the scar after the wound has healed and healed. Massage helps break the parallel connective tissue bonds.
  4. Keep the scar area clean and dry to avoid infection.
  5. Avoid applying creams or skin care products as well as cosmetics to the scarred area.

In conclusion, steroids are effective and safe treatments that are used for many purposes, as they help in treating joint stiffness and inflammation. It is not limited to treating scars with steroids in Hurghada, but doctors use it to treat many other problems. However, steroid injections are considered an effective treatment for permanently removing keloid and hypertrophic scars, especially facial scars. However, the number of sessions must be completed as prescribed by the dermatologist at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology to obtain amazing results.


  1. How can I book an appointment for steroid injections for scars in Hurghada?

    You can contact us or send WhatsApp Book your appointment at the earliest available appointment with the best dermatologists, laser and cosmetic doctors at Nadara Center in Hurghada and the Red Sea.

  2. What are the benefits of steroids?

    Steroids suppress inflammation and reduce blood flow to the scarred area, which helps break down collagen bonds and breaks up the scar tissue. The result after performing the injection more than once is the removal of scars and getting rid of them.

  3. What is the best treatment for scars?

    Corticosteroid or cortisone injections are considered one of the most important methods of plant treatment in Hurghada, as they work to inhibit inflammation and break collagen bonds in scar tissue. But this depends on the type of scar, as steroids treat keloid scars and hypertrophic scars, while pigmented scars and acne scars are treated with laser, contractile scars are treated with surgery, and so on. This depends on the dermatologist's evaluation.

  4. How do I remove the effects of new wounds quickly?

    You can remove the scars after a two-week recovery period by performing steroid injections for the scars at the Nadara Center.

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