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Laser vaginal tightening

Laser vaginal tightening is a painless and effective procedure that uses laser technology to restore the vaginal wall at the Freshness, Laser and Aesthetic Center in Hurghada.

Laser vaginal tightening; Among the many changes that occur to your body during pregnancy and childbirth, changes in the shape, size, and looseness of the vagina are among the most serious. At the Freshness Center for Dermatology, Laser and Aesthetics in Hurghada, the surgical team can narrow the vaginal canal; Then, you get your youth back.

What is laser vaginal tightening?

Laser vaginal tightening in Hurghada
Laser vaginal tightening in Hurghada

Laser vaginal narrowing is a treatment intended for women who have experienced a loss of elasticity of vaginal tissues as a result of childbirth, trauma, or congenital diseases, which have led to urinary incontinence and loss of sexual satisfaction.

Decreased elasticity of the vaginal walls is a frequent problem, causing both physical and psychological problems. Most women with reduced vaginal walls avoid talking about the problem publicly, or seeking help, in an effort to live with the discomfort they've experienced.

Thanks to modern laser technologies, this problem can be solved quickly, safely and painlessly using a non-surgical procedure that includes a laser. The laser beam targets the vaginal wall, stimulating the production of collagen and elastin, which are responsible for the cohesion of the vaginal walls, and increase the sensitivity of the receptors.

After the operation, the quality of intimate life improves; Because the woman no longer feels pain during intercourse, the vagina narrows, and the symptoms of stress incontinence disappear.

Reasons for laser vaginal tightening

Changes in the vaginal wall can occur due to a number of factors, resulting in dryness or pain during intercourse. Some women experience vaginal dryness after menopause, or find that the vagina becomes less elastic with age or after childbirth. This loss of elasticity may also lead to recurrent vaginal infections.

For women with vaginal dryness, estrogen is usually offered as a treatment option. This is not always effective, as well as not suitable for women with breast or ovarian cancer. In these cases, laser vaginal rejuvenation may be the preferred option.

Contraindications to laser vaginal tightening

Contraindications to laser vaginal narrowing may include any of the following:

  • Active infection of the vagina or urinary tract.
  • Undiagnosed vaginal or cervical lesions.
  • Active urogenital cancer.
  • Pregnancy, including 3 months after conception.
  • Pelvic organ prolapse.
  • Women who have had mesh prolapse surgery.

Types of laser used to narrow the vagina

There are currently three main categories of energy used for this purpose, and they are:

  • radio frequency

Radiofrequency penetrates deeper into tissues; Hence, they are used for vaginal sagging. The frequency is lower with a relatively longer wavelength, which allows for deep tissue heating.

  • laser

The CO laser is a fractional laser operating at a wavelength of 10,600 nm. This relatively short wavelength allows penetration of superficial tissues.

  • erbium laser

Operating at 2940nm, this technology is used alone or in combination with a diode operating at 1470nm (called a hybrid fractional laser). The mechanism of action is similar to that of carbon dioxide, in which the formation of new collagen is stimulated, and the controlled heat injury also leads to angiogenesis.

What happens during a vaginal tightening session?

Laser vaginal rejuvenation usually involves two cycles of treatments 4-6 weeks apart, although some people will need more appointments.

The doctor at a freshness center in Hurghada gently inserts a small applicator into the vagina. Then the penis is slowly pulled back; Then, the laser beam makes small holes in the lining of the vagina. These holes stimulate new blood flow and tissue growth in the vagina.

You will not feel pain during the procedure, and the whole process usually takes about 10 minutes. You do not need to do anything to prepare for this technique.

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Post-laser vaginal rejuvenation care

There can be some risks associated with laser vaginal narrowing. Some common side effects may include:

  • Urinary tract infections.
  • the pain.
  • bleeding;
  • Tissue remodeling and damage.
  • Sensation changed.
  • dyspareunia;

However, these side effects are rarely reported, and in most cases, patients are very happy with the results of laser vaginal tightening. Your doctor or nurse will advise you not to have sex, or to use a tampon for 4-5 days after the procedure to allow the vaginal wall to settle.

You will notice improvement immediately, as well as continued improvement over the next few months. The results will last for approximately 18 months to two years.

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Alternatives to laser vaginal tightening

Laser therapy is a type of vaginal rejuvenation, sometimes combined with:

  • labiaplasty; A more common procedure involves reducing the length of the labia minora.
  • Clitoral hood reduction, which often accompanies labiaplasty.
  • Labiaplasty, a procedure that reduces the size of labia the two big ones.

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If you are planning to perform Laser vaginal tighteningNadara Skin, Laser and Cosmetic Center in Hurghada will take care of your needs, we have an impeccable record of happy and satisfied clients with the results of various cosmetic procedures.

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