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Foot cracks and prevention methods

Cracked feet are a common problem that occurs when the delicate skin on the bottom and heels of the feet becomes very dry.

Cracked feet are a common problem that occurs when the delicate skin on the bottom and heels of the feet becomes very dry.

The skin can split open and leave painful cracks in your heels. These cracks may not only make walking painful, but can also lead to serious infections.

These skin infections are known as cellulitis.

Dermatologists at Nadara Skin, Aesthetic and Laser Center in Hurghada offer the perfect treatment for cracked feet.

Let's learn in this article the causes of these cracks, how to treat them, and ways to prevent them.

Causes of cracked feet

Cracks in the feet generally occur due to insufficient moisture, are sometimes painful, and may lead to bleeding.

The reasons for its occurrence include:

  • Extreme cold weather.
  • Dry skin or not drinking enough water.
  • Not moisturizing the feet.
  • Use very hot water while showering.
  • Use a lotion that contains harsh chemicals.
  • Scrub dry feet.
  • Wear open-heeled shoes.
  • Standing for long periods of time, especially on hard floors.
  • Some genetic factors.
  • Deficiency of vitamins, minerals, and zinc.
  • Circulation problems.

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Risk factors for cracked feet

Cracks can occur as a result of infection with some diseases and include the following:

  •  diabetes 

Diabetics suffer from cracking because damage to the nerves of the feet due to uncontrolled sugar can cause dry skin.

  • obesity

Obesity increases your chance of getting cracked feet due to the extra weight on the heel, which causes it to stretch more.

  • Eczema (atopic dermatitis)

 It is a skin disorder in which spots, itching, cracks, and roughness occur.

  • Hypothyroidism

The thyroid gland does not produce enough T3 and T4 hormones.

  • Sjogren's syndrome

It is a chronic condition that prevents the body from producing adequate moisture, and is caused by the abnormal response of the immune system.

  •  Fungal infections such as: athlete's foot

Called tinea pedis, it is a skin infection that usually begins between the toes as a result of increased sweating.

  • flat feet

In which the arches between the feet are not visible (which form during childhood), if these arches do not develop, flat feet appear and affect walking.

  • Heel spurs, or bony spurs under the heel
  • Plantar dermatitis (plantar fasciitis)

It is an inflammation that causes pain under the heel as a result of excessive pressure on the foot that causes damage or tearing of the ligaments.

  • palmar medullary keratosis

It is a group of skin diseases characterized by thickening of the skin, especially on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet.

  • pregnancy

Cracked feet during pregnancy are caused by the extra weight that the heels bear, hormonal changes, as well as changes in gait.

  • Kidney disease or diuretics

In advanced cases, kidney disease causes dryness of the skin, which leads to more cracks.

  • venous dermatitis

It is an inflammation of the skin on the lower legs caused by the accumulation of fluid.

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Methods of prevention

Dermatologists at Nadhara Skin, Cosmetic and Laser Center in Hurghada advise people with cracked feet to follow some tips to prevent their occurrence, including the following:

  • Drink plenty of water (8 glasses per day).
  • Avoid showering with excessively hot water.
  • Put your feet in warm water for 20 minutes.
  • Use a loofah to remove thick skin from the feet. 
  • Moisturize the feet with a good moisturizer and use an appropriate lotion.
  • Check your feet every day if you are suffering diabeticThis may help you find problems before they become serious. Start by looking for the following:
  • swollen feet
  • The presence of pimples.
  • The appearance of spots on the skin.
  • Trimming the nails, then clipping them straight, will help prevent ingrown toenails.
  • Protect the feet from extreme temperatures, by wearing shoes on the beach and on hot pavements.
  • Use sunscreen to protect exposed areas of the feet.
  • Wear socks in winter to keep feet warm and dry.
  • Losing weight helps relieve pressure on the feet.
  • Eat healthy foods that contain essential fatty acids that contribute to moisturizing the feet.

You can buy moisturizing products that contain:

  • Hyaluronic acid.
  • Lactic acid.
  • Jojoba oil.
  • petroleum jelly.
  • Shea Butter.

Read also: Vaseline and skin tan.

Foot cracks treatment

If the cracks do not improve after about a week, talk to a dermatologist at the Freshness Center for Dermatology, Aesthetics and Laser in Hurghada.

Treatment methods include:

  • Connectivity

This includes using medical dressings around the heel to prevent the skin from moving.

  • debridement

The dermatologist cuts the thickened skin off the heels with sterile medical instruments.

Do not attempt to do this yourself as you can cut a lot of the skin, which could lead to infection.

  • pharmaceutical

Your doctor will prescribe prescription creams for some creams that are high in active ingredients such as urea or salicylic acid.

  • shoe insert

The insoles (silicone heel) in your shoes may provide better support by redistributing weight across the heel.

This can prevent the fat pad from lateral stretching and cracking of the feet.

  • leather glue

The dermatologist uses a glue designed for use on the skin to hold the edges of the heel incisions together.

In conclusion, cracks in the feet are not a serious problem that can be treated with simple methods, but you can consult with dermatologists at the Freshness Center for Dermatology, Cosmetic and Laser in Hurghada to determine the appropriate treatment for your case.

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