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Diode laser in Hurghada

Excess hair is a troubling problem for many women and men, Get rid of it with diode laser in Hurghada.

Excess hair is a troubling problem for many women, but with the advent of laser hair removal devices, it has become easier and one of the best laser hair removal devices is the diode laser in Hurghada at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology. It is considered the best hair removal device with longer wavelengths than other laser devices, which makes it target the depths of the hair follicles, especially the melanin pigment in them, then destroys them and weakens their growth. It is characterized by the fact that it does not affect the dermis layer and is used safely for light and dark skin.

Its side effects are temporary and disappear quickly, so laser hair removal doctors at Nadara Center, the best of the ten hair removal centers in Hurghada, use it. As you continue the sessions, you will get amazing permanent hair removal results using a diode laser hair removal and beauty device with the best laser hair removal doctors in Hurghada. Learn with us about the best diode laser hair removal device in Hurghada at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology.

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The German diode laser device is one of the latest laser technologies used in hair removal and is also known as the diode laser. It relies on the use of wavelengths of 800-810 nanometers, such as the alexandrite laser. It works to penetrate the hair follicles to a great depth in the hair follicle or Hair follicle (follicle) in all areas of the body. It also protects the skin from radiation, as it targets melanin in the hair follicle and not in the dermis, so it is considered safe for skin of all colors. The diode laser is designed for light to medium skin tone.

It also works very efficiently with thick black hair. In addition, the results of diode laser hair removal are amazing, as there is a significant reduction in the percentage of hair up to 70% after about eighteen months of regular sessions. It is considered the ideal choice for large areas such as the back or bikini area, and the side effects are also minor and temporary. But you must choose the best doctors for laser hair removal to get the best satisfactory results.

The mechanism of operation of the diode laser device in Hurghada at Nadara Center depends on the production of a light beam from small diodes with wavelengths of 800-810 nanometers. Laser beams with these high wavelengths target the depth of the hair follicles, where they reach the melanin, which absorbs the laser beams. As a result, the thermal energy in laser beams destroys melanin cells in the roots of hair follicles.

The idea of a diode laser for hair removal is based on selective photothermolysis, which means that dark areas absorb more light energy than light ones. The idea is based on the melanin pigment in dark hair cells. Which helps in destroying hair follicles from the roots and weakening their growth again. The diode laser also destroys the cells responsible for hair follicle regrowth without harming the surrounding tissue. The laser device operates at a rate of 10 pulses per second.

There are many characteristics and advantages that distinguish the diode laser device in Hurghada at Nadara Clinic, which make its benefits greater than other laser devices:

  • The diode laser contains a highly efficient cooling system that prevents the patient from feeling pain.
  • The ability to control the frequency and adjust it in a range ranging from 1 to 10 Hz, which helps in removing hair quickly and permanently.
  • The ability to adjust the diode laser device according to skin color, hair color and density.
  • An effective device for continuous use for up to 24 hours without stopping, which ensures its effectiveness.

The diode laser device in Hurghada is the best hair removal device as it has many features as follows:

  • It is safe for all areas of the body, so it is used to remove hair from the hands, remove hair from the legs, remove hair from the arms, remove hair from the abdomen, and remove hair from the back. In addition to removing armpit hair (underarm), as well as removing bikini and bikini line hair, and removing facial hair except for the area around the eyes and lips.
  • Suitable for all skin colors and textures, as it works efficiently with dark or tanned skin as well as light skin. Which makes it the best laser hair removal device for both dark and light skin, unlike other laser devices that use the alexandrite laser for light skin and the N-D-Yag laser for dark skin.
  • Suitable for all types of thick or dark hair. The darker the hair, the more efficient the diode laser hair removal process at Nadara Clinic is the best hair removal clinic in Hurghada.
  • Suitable for men's and women's skin.
  • It works to weaken the growth of hair follicles again by destroying the cells responsible for regrowth.
  • Fast results after the first session, you will notice the difference.
  • It replaces other traditional hair removal methods.
  • Stimulates collagen production to renew skin cells and give them freshness and vitality.
  • A quick and easy procedure, as facial hair removal takes only 10 minutes, and larger areas may take up to half an hour.
  • Effective with stubborn or thick hair.
  • It targets a large number of hair follicles each time.
  • Fewer sessions compared to other hair removal devices.
  • It does not cause any damage to the skin as its wavelength targets the depths of the root of the hair follicles only without harming the surrounding tissue.
  • There is no significant pain due to the use of an effective cooling system.

The German diode laser device is one of the best laser hair removal devices for the face, arms, and legs, as well as the bikini area, sensitive areas, and the underarm. It is also safe for all areas of the body and all skin types, whether hair removal for men or hair removal for women. The most important examples of hair removal using the German diode laser device include:

  • Persons over 18 years of age.
  • People who have excessive thick and thick hair.
  • Who do not suffer from any skin diseases.
  • People who do not have chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart and blood diseases, or tumors.
  • Men or women who want to remove body hair, such as facial hair removal, hand hair removal, arm hair removal, leg hair removal, sensitive area hair removal, as well as armpit hair removal.

The number of diode laser hair removal sessions varies according to several factors, the most important of which are skin color, thick or thick hair type, as well as the target location for hair removal. In addition, skin color plays a major role in the number of laser hair removal sessions. Dark hair with light skin takes fewer sessions than dark skin. But the number of diode laser hair removal sessions in Hurghada often ranges from 6 to 10 sessions. The dermatologist who specializes in laser hair removal determines the number of sessions, so you must choose an experienced and competent hair removal doctor. Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology includes the best laser hair removal center in Hurghada and the best diode laser hair removal doctors.

Laser hair removal is the ideal solution for hair removal, but you must choose the best laser hair removal doctors with experience and competence who specialize in using laser devices. Daewoo Laser in Hurghada is also the best device for removing hair from all parts of the body and is suitable for all skin colors and all hair types. It uses a diode laser for hair removal for women as well as for men, which makes it highly efficient and suitable for a wide range of cases.

Therefore, Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology provides you with the best hair removal doctors who specialize in using a diode laser device. As they have accredited certificates, qualifications, experience and high efficiency in diode laser hair removal in Hurghada at Nadara Clinic, the best hair removal clinic in Hurghada. The center also includes a plastic surgeon as well as a plastic surgeon if you would like any treatment, cosmetic sessions, skin care or hair care. The director of Nadara Center is Dr. Amani Al-Tawabti, the best dermatologist in Hurghada, a consultant in dermatology and venereology.

Search for Nadara Clinic website and you will get various information about the laser hair removal devices at Nadara Center. You can also see reviews of previous cases who underwent diode laser hair removal sessions. In addition to Nadara’s pages on social media, where you can see comments and opinions of previous cases about the competence of the hair removal doctor at Nadara Center. You can also visit Nadara Clinic, the address is the main Al-Nasr Street, in front of Al-Kahf Street, above the Engineers Syndicate, Hurghada, Red Sea.

Diode laser hair removal diode laser is the best hair removal laser in Hurghada at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology. It has many advantages that make it the best hair removal device, as it is used for light skin and dark skin with high efficiency. It is also used in large areas of hair removal on the body, such as removing back hair, removing abdominal hair, or removing hair from sensitive areas.  

It is also used efficiently for small areas such as facial hair removal, armpit hair removal, arm hair removal or leg hair removal. It is easy and quick to use, and its results are quick and guaranteed. Therefore, it is recommended by the best hair removal doctor in Hurghada at Nadara Clinic. Learn with us everything you want to know about diode laser in Hurghada before and after a laser hair removal session and the results of hair removal with a diode laser.

The first visit to the hair removal doctor is the best step towards permanent laser hair removal in Hurghada. Based on this visit, the doctor determines the type of laser used, the number of sessions needed, and how to adjust the diode laser device according to the skin type, color, and texture. The following will occur in the first session:

  1. The doctor will ask you about your medical and genetic history.
  2. You should tell the dermatologist who specializes in hair removal using a diode laser device in Hurghada if you are taking any treatments, medications, or blood thinners.
  3. The hair removal doctor at Nadara Clinic will examine the skin condition to determine the hair type, skin color, and number of diode laser sessions.
  4. Your doctor may perform a hair removal test with a diode laser device to determine the appropriate skin temperature.
  5. You can ask the doctor any questions that confuse you.
  6. The doctor will tell you the expected results.

In order to achieve the best hair removal results and to ensure that complications do not occur during or after the session, you must follow the instructions of the best hair removal laser doctors in Hurghada at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology. The most important of these instructions are the following:

  • Avoid exposure to sunlight for long periods to avoid burns or pigmentation.
  • You should not do a tanning or skin tanning session before a diode laser hair removal session.
  • You should not take blood-thinning medications, such as those that contain aspirin, ibuprofen, or anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Make sure to drink sufficient amounts of water to avoid dry skin.
  • Stop taking vitamins or food supplements.
  • Avoid applying creams or cosmetics to the skin about two weeks before diode laser hair removal sessions.
  • Do not remove hair by any means about a month before the session so as not to disturb the hair follicles.
  • The doctor will tell you that it is necessary to shave the hair with a razor about 3 hours before the session to get the best results.
  1. The target area for hair removal is cleaned well.
  2. The doctor will apply a local anesthetic cream so that the patient does not feel any heat or pain.
  3. The doctor determines the area where he will start.
  4. The doctor will wear safety glasses and will also give you glasses to protect your eyes from the laser rays.
  5. The dermatologist uses laser beams and directs them to the targeted areas of excess hair to remove hair at Nadara Clinic, the best hair removal clinics in Hurghada.
  6. After completing the targeted area, the doctor will apply an antibiotic cream and tell you to apply it for two days, then apply another cream to soothe the skin.
  7. Finally, the doctor sets a date for the next session to follow up on the results and conduct another session.

After a hair removal session with a diode laser, you will feel some temporary side effects that will disappear within a short period by following the instructions of the dermatologist at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology. Side effects include:

  • Redness of the target area.
  • Mild swelling.
  • Mild pain after the anesthesia wears off.
  • Mild skin irritation.
  • Temporary pigmentation.

You must follow the instructions of the dermatologist and plastic surgeon to obtain the best results and avoid skin irritation and permanent pigmentation or infection. The instructions of the best laser hair removal doctors at Nadara Clinic Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology include the following:

  • The target area should not be exposed to sunlight.
  • You should not undergo any skin peeling sessions or undergo any cosmetic injections.
  • You should not apply cosmetics or skin care products and creams after the session.
  • You must apply the creams that the dermatologist prescribes for you at Nadada Center in Hurghada.
  • Avoid heat, sweating and saunas.
  • Swimming pools should not be used.
  • You should not take blood thinners or anti-inflammatories.

The results will appear after the first diode laser session in Hurghada at Nadara Clinic the best hair removal center in Hurghada, and the growth rate of the follicles will decrease again. Gradually, you will achieve permanent results, as the percentage of hair will decrease after 18 sessions to about 70%. However, the sessions must be continued, as the interval between them will be a month after the first session, and then the interval will gradually increase. However, you must follow up with a hair removal doctor with experience and competence in using a diode device, such as Nadara Clinic for hair removal in Hurghada and the Red Sea.

You should choose a dermatologist with experience in laser hair removal, as there are some conditions that prohibit laser hair removal, such as:

  • Pregnant and lactating women.
  • who are under 17 years of age.
  • In case of infectious skin diseases.
  • Those who suffer from chronic diseases such as diabetes.
  • Vascular disease and heart disease.
  • Those who have skin burns or have tanned or tanned the skin.
  • People who have tattoos in the targeted area.
  • Those who suffer from some diseases such as tumors or epilepsy.
  • If you are taking heart pacemaker medications or blood thinners.

If you are looking for the best skin hair removal center in Hurghada, Red Sea Governorate, then Nadara Center is the best hair removal center in Hurghada. Nadara Center is distinguished by the presence of all types of laser hair removal devices suitable for light skin as well as for dark skin. There are also devices suitable for curly hair, fine hair, and thick hair. One of the most important devices in Nadara Center is a diode laser device for hair removal, which is distinguished from other types of hair removal devices in that it is suitable for all skin types, dark or light skin. It also suits thick or fine hair, which makes it the best laser hair removal device in Hurghada.

The cost of diode laser sessions in Hurghada varies depending on several factors, but you can find the best offers for laser hair removal at the Nadara Center, the best hair removal center in Hurghada and the Red Sea. Factors affecting the price of diode lasers in Hurghada include the following:

  1. The area of the target area.
  2. Skin type.
  3. hair type.
  4. Number of laser sessions required for hair removal.
  5. The competence, certificates and experience of the hair removal doctor.
  6. Hospital, clinic or medical center equipment and sterilization for hair removal.

In the end, you can now remove hair permanently with Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology, where there are the latest hair removal laser devices such as the diode laser, the best hair removal device in Hurghada. There are also other types of hair removal devices, such as the Cynosure Elite Plus device, the Alexandrite laser device, the Decca device, the Candela laser device, and the Quanta Duetto device. Therefore, you must choose the best dermatologist to choose the best device suitable for your skin tone and hair type. The diode laser is distinguished from other hair removal devices in that it is suitable for all cases of dark skin or light skin. Book your appointment now with the best diode laser hair removal device in Hurghada with the best hair removal doctor in Nadara Center in Hurghada.

  1. How can I book an appointment for a diode laser session in Hurghada?

    You can contact us or send WhatsApp Book your appointment with the best laser hair removal doctors with diode laser at Nadara Center in Hurghada.

  2. Is a diode laser device good?

    Yes, the diode laser device is the best hair removal laser device in Hurghada at Nadara Center, as it works efficiently at a high wavelength to target the root of the hair follicle and destroy it. It also does not affect the surrounding skin and has quick results and reduces the regrowth of hair follicles again.

  3. What is a diode laser?

    The diode laser works to target the hair follicles from the roots, where each follicle is located in a sac called a “hair follicle.” The diode laser works to destroy it and the cells responsible for the regrowth of the hair follicles, which slows hair growth and leads to permanent results with the continuation of the sessions.

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