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Thigh adhesion treatment in Hurghada

Thigh adhesion may lead to complications such as inflammation or bow legs, get rid of it with the best thigh adhesion treatment in Hurghada.

Thigh adhesion is one of the most common problems facing overweight people, especially when fat accumulates in the buttocks area, and may lead to complications such as inflammation or bow legs. However, you can now get thigh adhesion treatment in Hurghada. Nadara Center provides you with the best cosmetic doctors specialized in treating thigh adhesion in Hurghada. Nadara Center for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetic Surgery also includes the latest advanced and safe international technologies, whether surgical or non-surgical. Learn with us now about the methods of thigh adhesion treatment in Hurghada with the best cosmetic doctor in Hurghada and the Red Sea.

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What is the treatment for thigh adhesion?

Thigh adhesion greatly affects the appearance and is the increase in weight in the thigh area and the accumulation of fat in it, which makes the thighs stick together. Thigh adhesion has several other negative consequences that affect a person's life, such as inflammation, darkening of the area, and difficulty walking or practicing some activities. Therefore, the need for medical intervention has emerged, as well as several safe medical cosmetic methods. There are several methods for treating thigh adhesion in order to eliminate the risks that may result from it. Nadara Center for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetic Surgery provides the best plastic surgeon to perform thigh liposuction with surgery or liposuction without surgery in order to get rid of the problem of thigh adhesion.

Causes of thigh adhesion

There are many factors that lead to the problem of thigh adhesion and constant friction. These causes include the following:

  • Hereditary genes.
  • Eating unhealthy food rich in carbohydrates, fats or starches.
  • Not exercising.
  • Lack of movement and lack of physical activity.
  • overweight.
  • Thigh adhesion shape
  • The appearance of thigh adhesions in men is very similar to that of thigh adhesions in women. The appearance of thigh adhesions in men includes the following:
  • Knees touching to the point of sticking together.
  • Feet apart while standing.
  • Difficulty bringing the feet closer together.
  • difficulty walking
  • Sagging buttocks and noticeable accumulation of fat in them.

Complications of thigh adhesion

Neglecting to treat the problem of thigh adhesion may lead to several complications, such as:

  • difficulty walking
  • Thigh friction.
  • Infections occur.
  • Redness of the area between the thighs, then darkening over time.
  • Knee cartilage deformityknee sprain).
  • Bowed feet.
  • Flat feet due to increased pressure on them.

Candidates for Liposuction for Thigh Adhesion Treatment

You should consult the best plastic surgeon who specializes in treating thigh adhesion, as there are cases that are candidates for liposuction, including the following:

  • Men and women are equal where they appear.
  • who have good health.
  • Those whose femoral fusion affects the skeletal structure.
  • Patients who do not suffer from chronic diseases, cardiovascular diseases or diabetes.
  • The patient should not be morbidly obese.

How to find the best doctor for thigh adhesion treatment in Hurghada?

Are you looking for the best doctor for thigh adhesion treatment in Hurghada? Treating leg adhesion requires medical intervention, but you must choose a hospital, clinic or medical center equipped with the latest liposuction techniques. In addition to the importance of choosing a plastic surgeon specialized in liposuction in Hurghada and experienced and skilled in treating leg adhesion with liposuction. Therefore, Nadara Clinic provides you with the best plastic surgeon in Hurghada specialized in thigh liposuction to treat thigh adhesion. Nadara Center is also managed by Dr. Amani Al-Tawabti, a consultant dermatologist and venereologist, where there is a distinguished elite at the highest level of efficiency.

Search for Nadara Clinic website and learn about previous patients' opinions about the leg adhesion treatment service and the efficiency of the plastic surgeon. You can also search for Nadara Center's pages on social media where you can see previous patients' opinions as well as see photos of thigh adhesion treatment before and after. You can also learn about Nadara Center's various cosmetic and therapeutic services such as nail loss treatment and tummy tuck. Book your appointment online now with the best doctors for thigh adhesion treatment in Hurghada at Nadara Center for Dermatology, Laser and Plastic Surgery. The address is Al-Nasr Main Street in front of Al-Kahf Street above the Engineers Syndicate, Hurghada, Red Sea.

Thigh adhesion treatment

Do you suffer from thigh adhesion? Thigh adhesion causes severe embarrassment and many skin problems in the thigh area due to thigh friction, as well as inflammation, knee curvature, and others. The treatment of thigh adhesion for women is similar to the treatment of thigh adhesion in children and thigh adhesion in men. Therefore, you can now consult the best plastic surgeon specialized in liposuction in Hurghada. We will now tell you everything you want to know about thigh adhesion treatment in Hurghada at Nadara Center for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetic Surgery.

First consultation with a plastic surgeon in Hurghada

The first consultation is one of the most important steps in thigh adhesion treatment in Hurghada, as the doctor determines the appropriate treatment method for each case. We will tell you what will happen in the first consultation with the plastic surgeon as follows:

  • Your plastic surgeon will ask you about your medical history and if you are taking any medications.
  • You should tell the doctor about your goal of thigh adhesion treatment in Hurghada.
  • The plastic surgeon at Nadara Center in Hurghada examines the condition of the thighs and determines the appropriate method for liposuction.
  • The doctor will ask you to do some tests and analyses, such as blood clotting diseases and a complete blood count, to ensure that you do not suffer from any diseases that affect the course of the thigh adhesion treatment process in Hurghada.
  • The doctor may take before and after photos to ensure that the desired results are achieved.
  • Your doctor will tell you what results to expect after thigh liposuction.

Doctor's instructions before treating thigh adhesion

To get satisfactory results, you must follow the instructions of the plastic surgeon at Nadara Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetic Center. The plastic surgeon’s instructions include the following:

  • Blood thinning medications such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and anti-inflammatory drugs should not be taken.
  • Refrain from smoking before and after the procedure.
  • No creams or skin care products should be applied.
  • Avoid removing hair from the thigh area to avoid skin irritation.
  • If the surgeon has decided to use general anesthesia, you must fast for 8-10 hours before the liposuction procedure.

Methods of thigh adhesion treatment in Hurghada

With the great medical progress, several methods have emerged to treat thigh adhesion in Hurghada, and the doctor determines the method of performing thigh liposuction. The methods of thigh adhesion treatment in Hurghada include the following:

First: Non-surgical thigh liposuction to treat thigh adhesion

There are several methods for liposuction without surgery, the most important of which is fat fragmentation and breaking down, such as laser liposuction or Vaser liposuction. Now you can treat thigh adhesion without surgery in Hurghada at Nadara Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetic Clinic. The non-surgical treatment of thigh adhesion in Hurghada is also characterized by its simple side effects and eliminates the risks of surgery, general anesthesia, and others. We will now tell you the most important techniques for thigh liposuction without surgery as follows:

1- Laser liposuction to treat thigh adhesion

Laser is one of the latest technologies that has greatly advanced the field of cosmetic medicine, as it is used to treat many diseases and also eliminates the need for cosmetic surgeries. Therefore, it is used in liposuction in the thigh area, where laser rays are inserted with a specific wavelength, which penetrates the skin and reaches the fat and works to break the bonds between fat cells. This helps in breaking down fat with laser in the buttocks or thighs area.

2- Treating thigh adhesion by liposuction with Vaser

Vaser thigh liposuction technique depends on using ultrasonic waves and directing them at the thighs, where they penetrate the skin and work to break down the fat and turn it into a liquid. Vaser is used in body sculpting and body shaping, as well as skin tightening effectively and with guaranteed results, but the number of sessions required must be completed to achieve satisfactory results.

Second: Treating thigh adhesion with surgery

In some advanced cases, the previous treatments may not be successful in treating thigh adhesion through liposuction without surgery, so the doctor resorts to thigh liposuction surgery in Hurghada. The steps of thigh adhesion surgery include the following:

  • The doctor cleans the thigh area.
  • The targeted thigh area is anesthetized with general or local anesthesia, depending on the patient’s condition and the doctor’s discretion.
  • The plastic surgeon at Nadara Center in Hurghada makes surgical incisions in the thigh area.
  • The doctor inserts a cannula through these incisions with saline solution, and then the doctor suctions this fat out of the body through a tube.
  • The plastic surgeon removes the tube and closes the incision with cosmetic stitches.

Instructions after thigh adhesion treatment in Hurghada

  • You must rest completely on the first day after thigh liposuction and start moving gradually after the second day.
  • Your doctor will tell you to wear a medical corset for several weeks, with follow-up with a plastic surgeon.
  • The doctor removes the surgical stitches within a period ranging from one week to ten days.
  • Avoid carrying heavy objects.
  • Avoid strenuous exercise or exercise.

Thigh liposuction results in Hurghada

The period of time for the results to appear will vary depending on the liposuction technique used as well as the number of sessions, as the number of sessions must be completed as determined by the doctor. However, the results will appear within months only, and you will get tight buttocks as a result of skin tightening and treatment of sagging skin after liposuction. It also helps in treating white lines and treating thigh chafing.

Tips to maintain the results of thigh adhesion treatment in Hurghada

The instructions of the thigh plastic surgeon must be followed to maintain the results of the operation. These instructions include the following:

  • Follow a healthy diet.
  • Practice thigh adhesion exercises and you can use thigh adhesion preventer.

Finally, if you suffer from thigh adhesion, you do not need to worry anymore. You can consult the best plastic surgeon at Nadara Dermatology and Laser Center in Hurghada. Book your appointment now online with the most skilled doctors for treating thigh adhesion in Hurghada at Nadara Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetic Center.


  1. How can I book an appointment for thigh adhesion treatment in Hurghada?

    You can contact us or send WhatsApp Book your appointment as soon as possible with the best thigh liposuction doctor in Hurghada at Nadara Center in Hurghada.

  2. Is there a treatment for thigh adhesion?

    Yes, you can have thigh fat suctioned surgically or thigh fat fragmented with laser or Vaser.

  3. What does thigh adhesion look like?

    Thigh adhesion appears in the form of adhesion of the knees while standing with the feet apart and the person is unable to bring them together and faces difficulty in walking and movement.

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