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Microneedling sessions for the skin and its benefits

If you are concerned about the skin problems you are facing such as acne or dark spots on your face, then skin microneedling sessions are the best solution for you.

This amazing technology rejuvenates the skin and is a safe and effective method that does not cause any harm.

If you are concerned about the skin problems you are facing such as acne or dark spots on your face, then skin microneedling sessions are the best solution for you.

This amazing technology rejuvenates the skin and is a safe and effective method that does not cause any harm.

The dermatologists at the Freshness Center for Dermatology, Cosmetology and Laser in Hurghada offer this treatment with better results and effective results.

You can follow this article to learn more about these sessions, their benefits, and do they have side effects on the skin or not?

What is the microneedling technique?

It is defined as a cosmetic procedure that involves pricking the skin with small, sterile needles.

These small cuts stimulate the body to produce more collagen and elastin, which heals the skin.

This helps you look younger, also called collagen induction therapy.

Benefits of microneedling sessions for the skin

Microneedling may help treat some skin problems, including:

  • Acne.
  • Dark spots on the skin due to hyperpigmentation.
  • Expand skin pores.
  • Decreased skin elasticity.
  • Stretch marks.
  • Sun damage.
  • Fine lines and wrinkles.
  • signs of aging
  • Uneven skin tone.
  • Uneven skin texture (sagging skin).

Advantages of microneedling sessions for the skin

  • Less expensive than other cosmetic treatments.
  • It may work best for people with darker skin, as it doesn't involve heating the way laser treatments do.
  • You don't need a recovery period, so you can go back to your normal life and go back to work right after the session.

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Ideal people for the procedure

You may be an ideal candidate for skin microneedling sessions if:

  • You are in good health, and do not suffer from blood or Autoimmune.
  • If you have some skin problems that have not responded to home remedies or other types of cosmetic procedures such as peeling.
  • This may also be a last step before considering plastic surgery to combat the signs of aging.

People who are not eligible for microneedling sessions for the skin

Sessions are generally safe and effective, but are not recommended in the following cases:

  • People who have been exposed to radiation.
  • People with a skin disease such as psoriasis or eczema.
  •  Those with a history of scarring or poor wound healing.
  • People with active infections or open wounds.
  • This procedure is not safe for pregnant women.

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Instructions before the procedure 

No special preparations are needed, but there are some precautions that should be taken.

Tell your dermatologist if you are taking blood-thinning medications as they can increase bleeding after the procedure.

If you are more prone to cold sores, you need to be treated with antibiotics to prevent an outbreak.

Care should be taken if you have sensitive skin, especially when applying serums and moisturizers. 

The doctor uses a local anesthetic to reduce the chances of pain, so you should be present only about an hour before the procedure.

Steps for microneedling sessions for the skin

The skin naturally loses collagen due to age or certain skin diseases. By encouraging the skin to form new tissue, the steps are as follows:

  • The dermatologist at Nadara Skin, Cosmetic and Laser Center in Hurghada puts the local anesthetic on the face about an hour before the start of the session.
  • It works by moving a tool in the form of a pen, or a tool with small needles, on the face called the dermaroller after cleaning the skin well.
  • These needles cause a little bleeding, then he puts a moisturizing cream or vitamin C on the skin.
  • These steps help stimulate collagen to help the skin smooth and eliminate wrinkles.

This new skin tissue is more uniform in color and texture.

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Instructions after lips lightening laser sessions

You can follow some special instructions after microneedling sessions for the skin, as follows:

  • It is preferable not to shower for 24 hours after the end of the sessions, and not to be exposed to hot water.
  • Avoid exposure to harmful ultraviolet rays.
  • Use some moisturizing creams prescribed by the doctor to keep the skin hydrated as it may become dry.
  • Do not use exfoliating creams on the skin as the skin becomes more sensitive.
  • Avoid using cosmetic products and soaps as they may irritate the skin.
  • You can apply cold compresses to reduce redness or swelling.
  • Do not rub or peel the skin as this may affect the results or cause damage to the skin.

Disadvantages of microneedling sessions for the skin

Micro-pricks, like all cosmetic procedures, are not without risks.

The most common side effect is slight skin irritation immediately after the procedure.

There may be some other side effects, including:

  • Not a quick fix

It takes time to notice the difference, as the body heals itself, due to the patient's health condition.

Most people may need some treatments before they notice a change.

  • pain and redness

You may feel some slight pain after the procedure and your skin may turn red for a few days.

  • peeling

Your skin may feel tight and peel a little during the healing process.

  • bruising and bleeding

There is usually no bleeding during micropricks, but deep-needle treatments may cause bleeding or bruising of the skin.

  • Possible scarring

Sessions can cause scarring for people with dermatitis.

  • infection

The holes can cause germs to enter, which can spread the infection.

But if you're healthy, you're less likely to get an infection.

The dermatologist at Nadara Skin, Cosmetic and Laser Center in Hurghada is keen to always sterilize the devices and keep them clean, so there is absolutely no chance of infection occurring.

All of these side effects are normal and go away in a very short time.

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The results of microneedling sessions for the skin

The procedure usually takes 10 to 20 minutes, depending on the size of the area.

Most people need 4-6 treatments to get full results.

Results may be visible immediately and skin appears plump and radiant for up to two weeks after treatment.

It can take 6 to 8 weeks for the best results to appear.

The increased effects of collagen are more visible after 8 weeks of treatment.

Your dermatologist, cosmetologist and laser specialist in Hurghada will determine the number of sessions you need.

Most of the time, you'll need more than one session because everyone's needs are different.

It may require two sessions per year, but in case of burns or stretch marks, you need 5 sessions.

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Frequently asked questions about microneedling sessions for the skin

Are microneedling sessions painful?

These sessions do not cause any pain as local anesthesia is used before the start of the sessions, and they are completely safe and do not cause any risks or damage to the skin.

What is the cost of microneedling sessions?

Session prices vary from place to place, and from one doctor to another.

But if you decide to get rid of your skin problems, and maintain its freshness in a freshness center in Hurghada, you will get the right prices.

In conclusion, microneedling sessions for the skin are effective and make your skin plump, rosy, as well as free from any defects or pigmentation.

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