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Back fat liposuction in Hurghada

Get rid of fats of the back with back fat liposuction in Hurghada in Nadara with the best back liposuction doctors.

Back fat is considered one of the most difficult fats to get rid of by losing weight, so surgical and non-surgical back liposuction techniques have appeared in Hurghada at Nadara Clinic. Back fat, whether it is in the upper or lower part of the back, causes an undesirable and noticeable appearance. It also causes health problems such as difficulty moving and lack of activity. Many advanced techniques have emerged where you can get back fat removed without surgery with the best back liposuction doctors in Hurghada. Or you can perform back liposuction using surgical methods with the best plastic surgeon in Hurghada at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology. Learn about the latest techniques for men’s back liposuction as well as women’s back liposuction in Hurghada with the best plastic surgeons at Nadara Clinic.

What is the back liposuction procedure?

Back liposuction is considered one of the surgical and non-surgical cosmetic procedures, as thanks to the great technological development, many methods have emerged. The liposuction process aims to get rid of excess fat in the upper back area in particular, as well as the chest level area. As well as fat on the sides and folds, which accumulates annoyingly and affects movement and activity. The location of fat in the back varies in men, as well as in women, in different places due to changes Body fat percentage. Therefore, back liposuction in Hurghada aims to get rid of fat and grease in several ways, including surgical and non-surgical. But you must choose the best doctor for back liposuction in Hurghada at Nadara Clinic in Hurghada.

Places of fat concentration in the back

Back fat is concentrated in certain places in the back, which are as follows:

  1. Upper body fat: which is concentrated in the upper back area, such as shoulder fat and the area parallel to the chest but in the back. It is also sometimes called the “hump”.
  2. Mid-back fat: It is folds in the back that appear near the buttocks at the waist and are very noticeable.
  3. Lower back fat: It is fat located at the top of the buttocks under the pants.

Causes of fat accumulation in the back

Excess fat accumulates in many areas of the body, and one of these areas is the back. The most important causes of fat accumulation in the back are the following:

  1. Genetics: Hereditary factors affect the distribution of fat in the body.
  2. Lack of exercise is the main reason for the accumulation of excess fat.
  3. Wrong habits such as wrong sitting.
  4. Lack of physical activity, laziness, and sitting for long periods.
  5. Wearing a tight bra that does not fit the chest size.
  6. Eat healthy foods rich in fats, as well as sugars and high calories.

Candidates for back fat liposuction in Hurghada

Liposuction is considered one of the most common cosmetic procedures, but you must consult a doctor to find out if you are a candidate for liposuction in Hurghada. The most important candidates for back liposuction in Egypt in Hurghada are:

  1. People whose body mass does not exceed normal weight by more than 40%.
  2. They must not suffer from any chronic diseases such as heart and vein diseases.
  3. Healthy people who follow a healthy lifestyle.
  4. Those who have folds in the back area due to the intense accumulation of excess fat.
  5. People who enjoy a healthy lifestyle in general, as they follow a proper diet, in addition to the importance of avoiding habits that are harmful to health, such as smoking, drinking alcohol, and others.

How do you find the best back fat liposuction doctor in Hurghada?

You can perform back liposuction in a hospital, clinic, or medical center equipped with the latest safe and approved devices and technologies. Back liposuction is considered one of the delicate operations that requires choosing the best back liposuction doctor in Hurghada. The operation requires skill, precision and experience, so Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology Center includes the best back fat liposuction doctor in Hurghada. There are the best back liposuction doctors who have the highest degrees of experience and scientific and practical competence.

Nadara Center also includes the latest surgical and non-surgical liposuction techniques. Therefore, you will get the best back liposuction results using the latest advanced international technologies. In addition to the possibility of suctioning abdominal fat and performing body sculpting and toning operations

You can be sure of the competence of the doctors and the level of service at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology in Hurghada and the Red Sea. Where you can visit Nadara Center website as well as Nadara page on social media. Where you can see reviews of back liposuction doctors in Hurghada and read the opinions of previous patients who received back liposuction service with the best plastic surgeon in Hurghada.

The first consultation with a back fat liposuction doctor in Hurghada

Liposuction is a delicate process that requires the precision and skill of the best back liposuction doctors in Hurghada. The latest technologies are available in Aida Nadara Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetic Services in Hurghada and the Red Sea. The most important things that will happen with you in the first consultation are the following:

  1. The plastic surgeon will ask you about your medical history and any treatments or medications you take.
  2. The doctor examines the condition of the back and the places where fat accumulates in the back to determine the appropriate back liposuction technique for the case.
  3. You can tell the back liposuction doctor in Hurghada about your goal for the procedure and exactly what you want.

Doctor's instructions before back liposuction in Hurghada

You must follow the instructions of the back liposuction doctor in Hurghada and make preparations before performing the procedure, whether it is non-surgical back liposuction. Or surgical liposuction with the best plastic surgeon in Hurghada. The most important preparations before back liposuction in Hurghada are:

  • Conducting some tests, such as blood analysis (complete blood count) and allergy testing against the materials used in the procedure.
  • Stop taking steroid anti-inflammatory drugs and painkillers such as aspirin and ibuprofen. So that there is no blood thinning during the liposuction procedure in Hurghada.
  • Avoid taking antidepressants or thyroid medications, as well as antibiotics.
  • Stop taking food supplements, vitamins or nutritional supplements.
  • If you are a smoker, it is recommended to quit smoking because it slows down the recovery process.
  • Adhere to the instructions of the back liposuction doctor in Hurghada, such as fasting for 8 hours before the procedure.

Back liposuction techniques in Hurghada

As a result of technological development in the world, many safe and effective modern scientific techniques have emerged in getting rid of excess back fat. Therefore, you must choose a cosmetic doctor with experience and scientific and practical competence, because the liposuction process requires precision and skill. The doctor chooses the appropriate back liposuction technique for the patient according to each case. Back liposuction was and still is one of the most common cosmetic procedures, and surgical liposuction techniques initially appeared in Hurghada.

Recently, non-surgical back liposuction techniques have appeared in Hurghada, which have shown great effectiveness, especially as they eliminate the risks of back liposuction surgery in Hurghada. Learn with us about back liposuction techniques in Hurghada at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology.

First: Non-surgical back fat liposuction techniques in Hurghada

At Nadara Center, you will be able to get rid of excess back fat using non-surgical techniques, whether it is men’s back fat or women’s back fat. Nadara Center is distinguished by the presence of many non-surgical back liposuction techniques that eliminate the need for surgical operations and their risks. It also has permanent results and fewer side effects than surgical back liposuction. Therefore, the back liposuction doctor in Hurghada will choose the appropriate technique for your condition at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology in Hurghada and the Red Sea.

1-Laser back fat liposuction in Hurghada  

Lasers are used in many treatments used in the field of medicine, especially cosmetic medicine and dermatology. It is characterized by its ease of use and eliminates the need for plastic surgery and its risks of bleeding, stitches and anesthesia. Therefore, it is used in laser back liposuction in Hurghada with the best plastic surgeon in Hurghada at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology. The idea of laser liposuction in Hurghada is based on the use of laser beams that penetrate the layers of the skin until they reach the fatty layer and work to dissolve the annoying fat and fatty folds in the upper back area as well as the upper pelvic area.

Steps for laser back fat liposuction in Hurghada
  • The plastic surgeon determines the locations for liposuction in the back.
  • The areas targeted for back liposuction are cleaned and sterilized.
  • The targeted area is anesthetized with local anesthesia and the patient waits a few minutes for the anesthetic to take effect.
  • The plastic surgeon makes a very small incision in the areas to be liposuctioned.
  • The back liposuction doctor in Hurghada uses a laser device that shines laser beams with specific wavelengths on the fat, breaking it down and turning it into a liquid.
  • The plastic surgeon inserts another tube through the incision to pull the liquid fat out of the body.
  • The doctor closes the surgical incision using cosmetic stitches.
  • The doctor places a bandage on the incision area and it is changed and cleaned.
  • The doctor schedules the next follow-up to monitor the results.

2- Back liposuction with VASER in Hurghada (Lipo-VASER)

VASER liposuction is considered one of the latest methods of removing fat from many places in the body. Therefore, it is used in the procedure of back liposuction in Hurghada with the best doctors for back liposuction in Hurghada at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology in the Red Sea. It is an abbreviation for “Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance,” which means amplifying the vibrations of sound waves to the point of resonance.

The mechanism of action of the VASER liposuction technique in Hurghada depends on the use of sound waves to break up fat in the back and folds, as it generates thermal energy. These waves break up the bonds between fat cells in the area of their accumulation in the back. This technique is effective, fast-acting, safe, and eliminates the need for surgical back liposuction. Its cost is also lower than the cost of liposuction surgeries.

Steps for back liposuction with VASER in Hurghada
  • The doctor determines the locations of excess fat accumulation in the back.
  • The plastic surgeon sterilizes and cleans the target area.
  • The plastic surgery doctor makes a very precise incision so as not to leave scars.
  • A small tube is inserted through the incision and a Vaser device is used that emits sound waves, which work to break down back fat.
  • Liposuction is done through a needle and the liquefied fat is removed from the body.
  • Finally, the back liposuction doctor in Al-Gharqa sets a date to follow up on the results of the liposuction procedure

3- J-Plasma liposuction in Hurghada

J-Plasma liposuction is considered one of the most important back liposuction techniques and relies on the use of cold plasma to liquefy the fat. The bonds between fat cells are broken, which helps in getting rid of excess fat and with impressive results.

Steps of J-Plasma technique for liposuction in Hurghada
  • The liposuction doctor cleans the target area and sterilizes it with a medical solution.
  • The doctor anesthetizes the targeted area with local anesthesia, and if the area is large, he uses general anesthesia according to each case.
  • A very precise surgical incision is made, the J-plasma device is inserted, and cold plasma is delivered through the incision to liquefy and dissolve the fat.
  • The doctor uses fine needles to suction the liquefied fat.
  • Finally, the plastic surgeon determines the date for follow-up on the results of J-Plasma liposuction.

Second: Surgical back fat liposuction in Hurghada

The surgical back liposuction technique is considered one of the effective techniques in plastic surgery, but you must choose the best back liposuction surgery doctor in Hurghada. Liposuction surgery is also considered one of the first ways to get rid of back fat permanently. But it is considered a delicate surgery and requires a surgeon with great skill and precision to perform back liposuction surgery in Hurghada. The back liposuction technique in Hurghada is still widely used, as it is characterized by its guaranteed results that depend on the skill and experience of the plastic surgeon.

Steps for surgical back liposuction
  • The liposuction surgery doctor in Hurghada determines the target areas in the back with a pen.
  • The back liposuction surgery doctor cleans the targeted area.
  • The doctor performs general or local anesthesia according to each case and the doctor evaluates it.
  • The plastic surgeon makes a small surgical incision in the areas from which the fat is to be removed.
  • The doctor uses a special suction needle to suction back fat, which is connected to a transparent, vacuum tube.
  • The plastic surgeon performs liposuction, and no more than 2 to 5 liters of fat must be suctioned out for the sake of the patient’s safety.
  • The doctor performs back liposuction surgery by placing a bandage on the wound area and changing it constantly.
  • The patient can return home, but only after the doctor ensures that the patient is safe.
  • Finally, the liposuction surgery doctor in Hurghada determines the date for follow-up on the results of back liposuction surgery in Hurghada.

Side effects after back fat liposuction in Hurghada

You will feel some side effects after performing back liposuction in Hurghada, as the body is affected by the liposuction. But these effects will be temporary side effects and you must follow the instructions of the fat injection doctor in Hurghada at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology. Side effects will go away within 5 days. Side effects include:

  • The appearance of bruises in the back liposuction area.
  • Swelling of the target area.
  • Minor pain, but it will go away with the use of painkillers prescribed by your plastic surgeon.

Instructions after fat liposuction in Hurghada

You must follow the instructions of the plastic surgeon for back liposuction in Hurghada at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology in order to achieve the best back liposuction results. The back liposuction doctor’s instructions include:

  1. You can stay in the cosmetic clinic depending on your condition until the doctor is satisfied that the condition is stable.
  2. Wearing compression clothing or a natural corset will speed up the skin regeneration process.
  3. Take the medications, painkillers, and antibiotics that the back liposuction doctor in Hurghada prescribed for you.
  4. Make sure to drink an appropriate amount of fluids.
  5. Stay away from strenuous physical exertion and sports.
  6. Avoid hot water and hot baths, as well as saunas and steam baths.
  7. Avoid taking medications unless you consult a surgeon.
  8. Avoid exposure to heat such as a hot bath or sauna.
  9. Eat healthy food that avoids saturated fats.

Results of back liposuction in Hurghada

Back liposuction using different techniques is considered a guaranteed process, but it must be accompanied by choosing the best back fat surgery doctor in Hurghada. You must also follow the instructions of the surgeon in order to achieve the best results. It may be accompanied by abdominal liposuction. The results of back liposuction appear only two months after the surgery. This depends on the accompanying men's liposuction procedures as well as women's liposuction. While the results of back liposuction with laser, VASER, and G-Plasma appear within 6 months of the procedure.

Are the results of back liposuction permanent?

Yes, the results of back liposuction with laser, as well as back liposuction with VASER, as well as G-Plasma, or back liposuction with surgery, have a permanent result. But you must be careful to follow the doctor's instructions and eat healthy food.

Symptoms that you should visit a doctor as soon as they occur

If you neglect to choose a plastic surgeon with experience, competence, and scientific and practical skills, some potential risks or complications may occur. Therefore, an experienced doctor must be consulted as soon as it occurs. These risks include:

  1. Bleeding from the surgical incision.
  2. Unbearable pain.
  3. Feeling nauseous and vomiting.
  4. Fatigue and general weakness.
  5. high body temperature;
  6. Shortness of breath.
  7. Discharge and suppuration from the wound area.

People who are not candidates for back liposuction

Liposuction should not be performed in some medical cases, so as not to cause complications during the surgery, such as:

  • Pregnant and lactating women.
  • People with some chronic diseases such as diabetes and blood flow restriction disease.
  • Patients with weak immune diseases.
  • Patients with the weakened immune systems
  • People with diabetes.
  • Those suffering from coronary artery pain.

Liposuction prices in Hurghada

The prices for back fat lifposuction in Hurghada vary according to several factors, but they often start from 18,000 Egyptian pounds. The cost of back liposuction in Hurghada depends on several factors, the most important of which are:

  1. The size of the areas where fat accumulates in the back.
  2. The technique used in back liposuction in Hurghada.
  3. Experience, competence and certificates of a plastic surgeon.
  4. Previous patient evaluations of the clinic and its equipment.

In the end, back liposuction in Hurghada is considered one of the most common operations because of the annoying appearance that back fat causes. You can also perform liposuction of the abdomen, thighs, and buttocks in Hurghada, as well as body sculpting and body shaping. But now you can get rid of excess fat and get a slim, fit body with the best back liposuction doctor in Hurghada at Nadara Clinic for Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology.


  1. How can I book an appointment for back liposuction in Hurghada?

    You can contact us or send WhatsApp and Book your appointment As soon as possible with the best plastic surgery doctor in Hurghada at Nadara Clinic Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetology.

  2. What is the difference between VASER and J- Plasma?

    The technology used in each varies. VASER technology relies on amplifying frequency waves. While J-Plasma relies on cold plasma to melt back fat.

  3. How long does back liposuction take?

    The time of the back liposuction procedure varies depending on the technique used, the area of the targeted area, and the amount of fat in it. However, in the case of laser, VASER, or J-Plasma liposuction, it may take less than an hour, while surgical back liposuction takes about two hours.

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