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HIFU face lift

nadara clinic for Dermatology, Cosmetology and Laser offers the best solutions to eliminate skin sagging, and fight lines and wrinkles through HIFU face lifting technology.

Nadara nadara clinic for Dermatology, Cosmetology and Laser in Hurghada The best solutions to eliminate skin sagging, and fight lines and wrinkles through HIFU face lifting technology.

4.8 out of 5 stars (based on 713 reviews)

What is HIFU face lifting technique?

HIFU face lift before and after
HIFU face lift before and after

This technique is known as a cosmetic skin tightening treatment, using focused ultrasound energy.  

It stimulates production collagen (An important protein needed by the body) which results in firmer and fresher skin.

This procedure is part of anti-aging treatments and does not require surgery.

How does the HIFU face-lift device work?

Cheek lift with HIFU
Cheek lift with HIFU

This device uses energy to generate heat at a deep level in the skin, and this heat damages the targeted skin cells.

This causes the body to try to repair these cells, and to do so the body produces collagen to help re-grow the cells.

The doctor begins in nadara clinic for Dermatology, Cosmetology and Laser in Hurghada In cleaning the selected area of the face using a specific gel (special gel).

 He then uses a hand-held device that sends ultrasound waves in small batches, each session usually lasting 30-90 minutes.

The benefits of the HIFU face-lifting device?

Defining and sculpting the jaw with HIFU in one session
Defining and sculpting the jaw with HIFU in one session

The American Board of Plastic Surgery notes that non-surgical ultrasound treatments such as the HIFU face lift can:

  • Tightening the skin on the neck.
  • Reducing the appearance of wrinkles around the jaws, cheeks, and mouth.
  • Lifting drooping eyelids or eyebrows.
  • Smoothing and tightening the chest skin, as it improves lines and wrinkles in the upper chest and neck line.
  • Smoothing the skin by treating existing wrinkles.
  • Reduce cellulite.
  • It reaches deep layers in the skin, so the results are better than other methods of face lifting.
  • Hides the lines around the eyes and the area above the chin.
  • Reducing aging, increasing production elastin in the skin.
  • Oncology, specialists use it for longer sessions that can take up to 3 hours in the MRI scanner.

The type of sound waves this procedure uses is different from the ultrasounds that doctors use for medical imaging.

Doctors use in nadara clinic for Dermatology, Cosmetology and Laser in Hurghada HIFU is a device with high-energy sound waves to target specific areas of the body.

Instructions before the session

 HIFU facial treatments do not require any preparation, unlike other cosmetic procedures.

Doctors use a local anesthetic before the procedure to help prevent any discomfort or pain the patient may feel.

Over-the-counter pain relievers such as acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Advil) may also help.

Instructions after the session

When the session is over, there is no recovery time, which means that people can continue with their daily activities right after treatment.

Expected results

HIFU face lift
HIFU face lift

The results show a significant improvement in the skin, especially the skin of the cheeks, after about 12 weeks.

While the improvement was in the appearance of the face and neck after about 90 days.

People may need between 1 to 6 sessions to get the results they want to achieve.

Immediately after treatment, you may experience mild redness, but do not worry, it will gradually subside over the next few hours.

Good skin care helps maintain these results for up to more than a year.

Hifu facelift results in Hurghada
Hifu facelift results in Hurghada

Is HIFU suitable for everyone?

This technique works best for people over the age of 30 who have mild to moderate cutaneous laxity.

People with photodamaged skin or a high degree of loose skin may need several sessions before seeing the result.

It may not be effective in elderly people who are very aging or have very lax skin.

HIFU is also not recommended for people with infections in the areas targeted for tightening, as well as those with severe acne vulgaris.

Pregnant and breastfeeding women can only use this technique after consulting a doctor.

 It is also advised not to use it in cases who are taking anticoagulant drugs, and who suffer from hemorrhagic diseases.

Read also: Deep skin cleansing.

HIFU facial treatment side effects

This procedure is considered safe if it is performed by professional and qualified physicians, as in nadara clinic for dermatology, cosmetology and laser in Hurghada.

Mild swelling may occur and a slight tingling sensation in the treated area may persist for a few weeks.

 In rare cases, you may experience temporary numbness or bruising, but these side effects usually go away after a few days.

Is the HIFU face-lift device effective?

Tightening, freshening and improving facial lines with HIFU
Tightening, freshening and improving facial lines with HIFU

Yes, this device is very effective in treating many skin problems, as it does not leave scars or cracks and is less expensive than other face-lift treatment methods.

How effective the results are depends on the type of device used and the number of waves the doctor applies to the skin.

It also varies with skin type and condition.

Read also: Thread lift.

 What is the cost of HIFU for the face?

The cost varies from one doctor to another and also according to the number of sessions required and the targeted areas of tightening.

But we excel in nadara clinic for Dermatology, Cosmetology and Laser in Hurghada Always offering the best prices and the best deals.

General tips to keep your skin healthy and fresh

  • Always make sure to eat healthy meals to keep your skin fresh and healthy.
  • Do not expose to direct sunlight, and use protective creams.
  • Drink enough water (at least 2 liters per day).
  • Some simple exercises can help you maintain your skin.

Finally, if you are looking for a quick and painless treatment, the HIFU face lift is an excellent choice for amazing results.

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