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3D body sculpting

3D body sculpting is one of the best services offered by the Freshness Center for Dermatology, Cosmetic and Laser in Hurghada. They help give you the body you want without the need for plastic surgery.

3D body sculpting is one of the best services offered by the Freshness Center for Dermatology, Cosmetic and Laser in Hurghada.

If you are trying to stick to a healthy diet and exercise every day, these are your first steps towards being healthy and achieving the body of your dreams.

But sometimes diet and exercise aren't enough to achieve the look you want, as many people have fatty deposits on different parts of their body.

If this applies to you, don't lose hope, the plastic surgeons at Freshness Skin, Aesthetic and Laser Center in Hurghada can help you improve your appearance.

 This technique gives you the body you want without the need for plastic surgery.

What is 3D body sculpting?

It is known as a non-surgical treatment that destroys fat cells, and there are treatments that use heat or cold to achieve this.

3D body sculpting uses penetrating heat transmitted using ultrasound, or radiofrequency (monopolar) therapy.

 It has been proven that this system works to destroy fat by transferring heat to the fatty tissue in the areas of the body that you want to treat.

The pulses of radiofrequency energy provide deep heating of the fat cells, causing them to break down.

The body continues to break down fat cells in the area - even after the treatment ends - for up to 3 months after the procedure.

Works lymphatic system In the body, in turn, it gets rid of dead fat cells, and it can also get rid of toxins and other unwanted substances.

You will notice the difference over time as the treated area is thinner and more sculpted than before.

Benefits of 3D body sculpting

It aims to reshape any area of the body, in order to:

  • Get rid of excess skin.
  • Get rid of excess fat.
  • Helps treat specific areas of the body.
  • It tightens sagging skin and improves the appearance of the treated area.
  • Sculpts and evens skin tone.
  • It stimulates cell activity and blood circulation.
  • Reduces cellulite.
  • Reduces the production of stubborn and stubborn fats.
  • Stimulates the formation of new collagen.
  • It also moisturizes and softens treated skin.

You can also read : Nose reconstruction.

Advantages of 3D body sculpting

The plastic surgeons at Nadara Skin, Cosmetic and Laser Center in Hurghada are working to provide the best results for their patients to benefit from this procedure as:

  • It is a non-surgical procedure, so you don't have to worry about needles, incisions, stitches, and a lot of other things needed for cosmetic surgeries.
  • 3D body sculpting does not require anesthesia.
  • The treatment does not require a recovery period.
  • You can perform it on many different areas of the body, including the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, upper arms, and under the chin.
  • Body fat can be reduced by 24% in just one session.
  • It helps tighten the skin tissues during the procedure, so you do not need another procedure to tighten the skin.

Am I a good candidate for a 3D body sculpting procedure?

If you are a healthy adult, but you want to have a perfect body free of any fat, you can have this procedure.

But there are some people who are not eligible, including the following:

  • Those who have tumors in the target area.
  • pregnant women.
  • those who have Pacemakers or an internal defibrillator.
  • Those who have metal implants in the places to be treated (medical plates or slides due to fractures).

If you are pregnant or have a benign tumor in the treatment area and have given birth to your baby or have your tumor removed.

You can consider 3D body sculpting at Tandra Dermatology, Cosmetic and Laser Center in Hurghada.

You can also read : Micro-fat injection.

How can I prepare for 3D body sculpting sessions?

Because this treatment is non-invasive, there's not much you need to do to prepare.

You can have a light, healthy meal before you come to your appointment, and any cosmetics or jewelry can be removed from the treatment area.

Doctors of plastic surgery at the Freshness Center for Dermatology, Cosmetic and Laser in Hurghada carefully examine the patient to ensure the patient's general health.

If necessary, the case is subject to some medical examinations, and then sessions begin immediately after ensuring the safety of your health.

How many sessions do I need?

Some patients feel the results after the first session of fat burning, as it is possible to target several areas in one session.

So results can be easily achieved and noticed, but some choose to have another session for final adjustments or to treat additional areas.

The second session can be done about 8 weeks after the first session.

You can also read : Plasma body sculpting.

What to expect while receiving the session?

3D body sculpting is like massaging with something hot, it is fast and effective, this technique may raise the temperature of the skin but it is still comfortable and does not feel any discomfort.

Don't worry, we have the best experts and plastic surgeons at Freshness Center for Dermatology, Aesthetics and Laser, you will feel comfortable and enjoy during the session.

How long does it take to see results?

Most people start seeing results after about 6 weeks, it may take up to three months after the last session to achieve the final results.

If your lymphatic system is not working at its maximum efficiency, the results will not be quick.

And if you are not currently fighting an infection, and you have taken some simple steps to increase the efficiency of your immunity, 

It will take your body only about one month, to get rid of all the fat cells that have been destroyed.

Are the results of 3D body sculpting permanent?

Permanent results can be obtained after the 3D body sculpting sessions are over.

The human body may stop producing new fat cells in adulthood, so any fat cells that can then be destroyed are permanently gone and cannot be replaced.

This stimulates fewer fat cells in the target area, but you should make an effort to keep the calories in your food so that you don't gain weight again.

Are there any damages to the 3D body sculpting process?

3D body sculpting sessions are completely safe and do not cause any harm or side effects in the body, compared to some other procedures.

However, some mild effects that are easily treatable as any cosmetic procedure can occur and include the following:

  • Infection occurs.
  • Skin burn injury.
  • The presence of blood pools under the skin.
  • Changing and varying the level of sensation in the skin.
  • Bruising, but it is temporary and goes away quickly.

Do not worry, all these potential side effects do not occur in the Freshness Center for Dermatology, Cosmetic and Laser, as the center contains the best sterile devices that do not cause any kind of infection.

Also, plastic surgeons are at the highest level and can control the devices used so as not to increase the temperature and cause burns to the skin.

Our doctors are always keen to bring the patient to the highest level of service and satisfactory results at the lowest costs.

Do not hesitate to book an appointment in our center and get a slim, attractive, tight body that does not suffer from any sagging.

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